THE ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS ------ 1------------------------------------------------------ Monday, September 19, 1921 Vlait at M e d fo r d - Mandate. lots 18 and 19, block R, Railroad ad- Ashland News in Paragraphs Mr. and Mrs. Fltzwater were bus­ Gertrude A. Bennett vs. C. L Ben-i dltion to Ashland, 110. nett. Divorce. iness visitors in Medford Saturday. Thomas L. Johnson to Jackson county, NW >4 of NW *4, sec. 18, Local and Personal Move to Fresno, Calif. — Probate Court twp. 28 S.,’ r . 4 W., $1. ‘ Lad’* Mann and family have re- Estate Katherine McNabb. R«- W. C. Earhart to Frank Doraldn, ------------------ — Side Lights ----- ---------- moved to Fresno. Calif., wbare they ¡port, petition, order, part block 12, Imperial addition to Estate Geraldine Theias. Inven- Medford, $250. .. Visiting Professor Leaves— Automobile insurance -Yeo, of expect to reside permanently. --------- - i tory and appraisement. 299-tf Peter Peterson et ux to Rev. C. M. Prof. Peter Spencqr and fam ily, course, Talent Visitor— , Estate Mary S. Clendenen. Inven-i King et ux., part lot 9, block 3, Cot­ returned today to Eugene where the) ---------- L. E. Snook, of Talent, was an j tory and appraisement. tage addition to Medford, $10. professor is principal of the prac- Return to Medford— . , j C. Clark, who „v. has been Ashland business visitor yesterday, Estate Alice Martin. Order. tice school connected with .v the uni- Mrs. J. verslty. making her home in Ashland for th e ' AbboU C. B. L A M K I N Real E sta te T iu u siers ---------- past several weeks, returned to Med-| LeJtb Abbott formerly city edi­ F. E. Hayes et ux to Frank Ball, i Mrs. Clark ex­ tor of the Tidings, has returned from All wool suits at $25. You can’t ford yesterday. BARGAINS IN See them at Orres Tall- pressed herself as in love with Ash- j Pendieton> where he was employed lot 35, Highland addition to Med­ heat them ford, $10. R e a l Estate 303tf land, and expects to return later. > ag telegraph editor of the Pendleton or Shop. George Bethel et ai to Addie Hal- Tribune, and is visiting his parents, Cull apples for sale, eating and ¡ Mr_ and Mrg> Arthur Ai)boUi m Pa « I^ock 10, Beatty’s addition R eturns to E ugene— City and Ranch Properties to MetHford, $100. cooking apples. Ashland Fruit & Miss Mary Poley has returned to da street. House« to » e n t. Jackson county to W. E. Ross, S 10-6 Eugene for her junior year at the Produce Association. 4: of lots 1 and 2, block 5, Gold University of Oregon. — —— M akes F ast C alifornia Trip— Hill, $1. E dison M arshall R eturns— Bert p Greer, editor of the Ti