Saturday. September 17, 1011 THE ASHLAND DAILY TIDING« r With Sells-Floto Circus at Medford, Sat., Sept. 24th I B U S IN E S S Ashland News in Paragraphs Local and Personal FACHS T E R M A N D P R O F E S S IO N A L One.cenui ------ Side Lights— PHYSICIANS. ATTORNEYS. >■■1. L o c a te d at B e r k e le y — The G. T. Salsbury family, who formerly liven in Ashland, on Grant street, write to Ashland friends, stating that they are comfortably lo­ cated in Berkeley, Calif. They send kindest regards to all inquiring friends. H ilt ASHLAND HEALTH A T O kllM — Dr, DRS. SA\WYER A CRANDALL • E. B. Angell, Chiropractic. Elec­ OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS trical Treatments, Mineral and Pioneer Building. Vlt-o-Net Baths. First National Phone 260-R. Res. 274-J or 367-J Bank Bulldlug. Phone 48. FOR SALE. V is it o r — BEFAT? Canvas Shoes Jars with Lids Return from Drain, Or.— Mrs. Andrew Redifer has returned to Ashland after several weeks of visiting with relatives in Drain. Anyone interested in millinery and dressmaking classes must be present at the public library Tues­ day, September 20, at 2:30 p. m. Places in these classes canot be re­ Chas. S. Wilson— Painting, paper­ served by phone. Applicants desir­ ing to join must be present and be hanging, tinting. Satisfaction guar­ prepared to pay tuition fees. Par­ anteed. P. O. Box 244. 8-lm* ent-Teachers Association. 13-3 The section of the state motor ve­ hicle law limiting the concentrated weight on each axle of a truck, reads as follows: “No vehicle shall move over the highways of this state having a con­ centrated weight bearing on the sur­ face of the highway at contact with the wheels of any one axle thereof in excess of the following schedule, to-wit: “ (a) On any vehicle having a to­ tal tire width of less than thirty (30) inches, the concentrated weight bear­ ing on the surface of the highway at contact witlB the tread of the two wheels of any one axle of such ve­ hicle shall not exceed the product of the sum of the tire widths of the two wheels of such axle multiplied R eturn from K lam ath Fall« — Visitor at M ed fo rd - Mrs. L. Hilty has returned! rom Klamath Falls, where she has been , Mrs. Luretta Hedrick “ earic“ was a Med- renewing the acquaintance of her 1°? V’S1^ " Wedne8(*ay- husband, who has been over there ™S “ mX th8' a,V n' Mrs- A1U Wei°burger has returned decided it Mr. Hilty will return here from Portiand after a few d , for the winter, or if the family will j with relatiTes there move there to reside permanently. _____ Move to Boulevard— Good food, cooked right, served The Wilmot family, recent arrivals at reasonable prices. Hotel Ashland from Eugene, have moved from A1I- Grill. 297tf da street to the Boulevard. TR A N SFER AND EX PR E SS. FOR SALE— Heating stove and long- r. L. POWELL— GENERAL TRANS bedded Banner buggy. 399 Beach P E R — Good te a m and m o to r St. 12-tf trucks. Good service at a reason able price. Phone 83. FOR SALE— Two horse Bain wagon, also huss body. 1165 East Main. FOR PROMPT and careful service 12-3* with Auto-Trucks or Horse Drays, call Whittle Transfer Co., Phone FO R S A L E — D ro p h ead sewing ma­ 117. Office 89 Oak street, Near c h in e , good co n d itio n , l l 0. Doug- Hotel Austin. las, 253 F o u rth St. Phone 63-R. 12-3* TAXI. By PRESS DEPARTMENT Otto Floto shows, the greatest two ed that the west share with them (Sells Floto Circus) car troupe that ever claimed to have Sells-Floto has become a national« Only papers in cities played by twenty. institution. It will remain so. tri TroU8ers at »3.60. A few left at Sells-Floto circus during the lapt They tacked Otto’s two cars onto Three years ago, newspapers frankly Watch Yeo’s window orres Tailor Shop. 303tf two years will print this yarn, friend- the famous Sells trains and ex- referred to it as the “coming show .” i ly readers. It takes a city editor claimed: “Here’s a circus of the It came. It has arrived. L e a v e fo r Io w a — Librarian R eturns— and a copy desk that have seen • west, by the west andl for the west.” And Sells-Floto is coming to you. M rs. M u rray M urphy a n d d a u g h ­ Miss Blanche Hicks, librarian, re­ “Poodles” Hanneford, the riding | They held onto this policy for ten It comes with exactly the program it ter, Mary Louise, left Tuesday for turned Thursday evening from Penn­ Hannefords, and the Sells-Floto per years, but the show got too big for presented at Chicago, and this will Grand Rapids, la., where they will sylvania and other eastern states, formance, since the big western cir- ’em. It had to take in the conti-' be true to the last stand of Novem- visit Mrs. Murphy’s parents. They where she had been visiting inenas friends ... . „ . t . uccu viHiung will remain at Grand Rapids for th e jand relatlves durIng tfae pagt fpw cus started its annual spring open- nent to progress, to get its breath.' ber in Dixie. With over 1200 peo- ings in the Chicago Coliseum, to Then came the Chicago openings, • pie, with the greatest arenic pro­ next six weeks. . months. stand for this frankness on the part and performances that made circus; gram ever seen in America, with its Civic Club luncheon at Hotel Ash­ of the show’s press department. history. And what a circus! With l famous horses increased by numbers A good and dandy Estley organ Of course, here and there will be i the renowned acts on its three ring-j to 700, with 400 performers of note land Tuesday, September 20, at 12 for sale cheap. Suitable for coun­ o’clock. Tickets, 60c, at Mrs. try school houses or mountain a chap who will risk it, knowing, a s 1 two stage roster— headed by the j and sixty ballet girls on the big Sugg’s millinery parlor 39 East homes. At Pell’s Corner. 11-4 all city editors know, that the sec- ft raous Poodles Hanneford and the show pay rolls, with one hundred 10-6* Main street. ond largest show on earth has long Hanneford family of riders— the and - - fifty - . . . actors and . animal . . animal since gotten over amateurish exag features of the program literally comics, with fifty-five clowns of na­ Sam s V alley V isitors— At latke O’ Woods— luted audiences to their feet. En­ tion wide reputation— with ail these Mr. and Mrs. Wiliam Eddington geration. The G. W. Glasgow family are and daughter, Miss Mary, of Sams But it goes back— does this yarn cores were common— and encore.-, attractions, as well as the handsom­ spending a few weeks vacation at Valley, were Ashland visitors Thurs­ — to the time that Sells-Floto, com­ were hitherto unheard of in the cir­ est parade that ever covered twenty- Lake O’ Woods before the end of day. While here they consulted a ing to Medford for matinee and ev­ cus business. two city blocks, Sells-Floto Circus, camping days this year. local doctor. An.d this is the show that was “second largest show on earth with ening show on Saturday, September But the east a performance second to none,” 24, was founded by combination of built for the west. Orres cleans and remodels clothes. the old ind the north and the south demand- comes to you. Your fall suit is here. 303« nd’s. [by five hundred (5 0 0 ). “ J o h n s o n P r a ir ie ” V isitor— C entral P oin t V isitor— “ (b) On any vehicle having a to- E. C. Bartlett was an Ashland, County Commissioner Victor Bur- 1 tire width of thirty inches and business visitor from Johnson j se„ and family from near Central ore than thirty inches the concen- I ÇAN'ÎÎEOUfiC YOUR WEldÑT ’* POUND A< Prairie” yesterday. WITH MV ÇAF E, SU R E, IN EX PJE-Ns Point, stopped over for a picnic din­ ,rated weight bearing on the sur­ S DAY 1V E O a UA f t S S 1M f tr H OV ■?,’ R fc SULTa, ja ce of the highway at contact with ' GUAWAÑT.MD ÛR IAONEY BEFUNOtD. Fall woolens and fashions are now ner in the park, on their wav home *B3TE TOtpMvTOR >RtE,‘íRF and Oakland, Calif., Klam Road pass is used from 7:30 a. m. . ... ath Falls. Falls G. B. L A M K I N to 5:30 p. m. have been visiting Mrs. .... Mitchell’s Wolf creek-Grave creek 5 miles— son Automobile ins&rance— Yeo. of Paved. BARGAINS IN All wool suits at $25. .You can’t course. Grave creek-Grants Pass, 10 miles 299-tf Real Estate beat them. See them at Orres Tail­ —Good macadam. or Shop. 303tf V isit Son H ere— Grants Pass -thru Medford, Ash­ | Mr. and Mrs. J. g. Angwin, of land to California line, 65 miles— City and Ran.-h •’roponi«-» Oakland, Calif., are visiting their Paved. Los Angeles Visitoi Houses tu Rent. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Conkey, and son, J. E. Angwin. 93 Bush street.) Medtord-Orater Lake Highway Mr. and Mrs. Carter Jucobs, all of an employe of the Southern Pacific i Two routes are being used, one CITIZENS’ RANK BUILDING via Central Point, Bjfbee bridge,' Los Angeles, Calif., and former resi­ company. dents near Siskiyou, passed through Trail and McLeod to Prospect, the Ashland yesterday by auto en route Sister other via Eagle Point. Reese creek Mrs. E. Huschke has received word school house, Derby to McLeod and to Portland. While here they made a short visit with Benjamin Howe, of the recent death of her sister in Prospect. Traffic is advised to use Houston, Tex. Mr. and Mrs. Hus- the via Trail. o f the Plaza market. We carry several kind«. Made chke had expected to visit the sister K. E. Hodgmau, w it h R ubber. G o m p u sltio u or H. R. Adams, the Plumber, sells within the next few weeks Div. Engineer] Sizes One Gallon to Twenty plumbing fixtures and supplies le a t h e r s o le s . Phone 16C-J, shop at 24 8 Fifth Si Eggs Are Cheap Now. The Natatorium will be open Sat­ STATE LAW REGARDING 287-tf urday and Sunday. 13.2 W aterglass Your W inter LIMIT ON TRUCK LOAD Nine Acre Ranch— J. Whytock sold his nine acre ranch on Belleview lane this week to J. E. Wild, a new arrival from Fruita, Colo. The deal was made through the C. B. Lamkin realty agency. This sale marks the second ranch purchase made by Mr. Wild in this vicinity during the past few weeks. - OR. J. J. EMMENS— Physician and CHIROPRACTORS. Surgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Glasses • DR. GEO. J. RINZ — Chiropractor. supplied. Oculist and aurlst for Suite 8. Examination Free. No. S. P. R. R. Offices, M. f \ and H. 25, the Plaza. Office Phone 102. Bldg., Medford, Ore. Phone 667. Residence Phone 401. Mrs. Fay Potter, who lives on a ranch near Hitl ,Calif., has been visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Keller, during the last few days be­ fore their departure for Corvallis, where Miss Irene Keller will attend the Oregon Agricultural college. Visiting Parents— Harry Morgan, of Corvallis, is Confined by Illness— Mrs. E. Huschke, who has been visiting his parents. Mr. and Mrs. confined to her home for the past J. M. Morgan, on Mountain avenue. week by illness, is recovering from Albert Taxi. Phone 183. 307-lm her sickness and is able to be out again. 1 DR. ERNEST A. WOOD*—Practice BRIGGS & BRIGGS— Attorney a-at- limited to eye, ear, nose and Law, Pioneer Block, Ashland, • - ..... throat. Office hours, 10 to 12 and j ----- 2 to 6. Swedenburg Bldg., Ash­ L. A. ROBERTS— Attorney-at-Law. land, Ore. 73-tf Rooms 6 and 6, Citizens’ Bank Cull apples for sale, eating and I Painting House— cooking apples. Ashland Fruit A Bert Turner is improvii^g the ap­ Produce Association. 10-6 pearance of his home on Sftcth street with several cans of pain tpurchased Fraleys Leave — from Dickerson & Son. Mrs. Gertrude Fraley and children Something new In Teo's window. left for California last week. Mrs. 299-tf Fraley will Join her husband, Earl Fraley, who is one of California’s YV. O. D ickerson Im proving— most successful teachers. W. O. Dickerson, 111 Bush street, who suffered a paralytic stroke re­ Cliff Payne makes benches cently, Is reported as improving with favorable chances for recovery, ac­ Dinner G uests— cording to the attending physician. J. V. Wright and family and Mrs. Josephine Champie and family were Somebody has been advertising dinner guests at the D. N. Davis that I’m out of business, but it is home on the Boulevard Sunday. not true. I’m still on the Job. De 303tfi Witt Taxi. 12-2* F o r p le a tin g see O rres. LADIES Have your suit or coat »flUor- made. Come in and see tku latest woolens and the new models. Our prices are lower than ready-mades. McffKfd, Grants Pass and Roseburg la­ dies are wearing our suits and coats— why not you? ORRES — TA£LO$S Suitable for Hunting and Fishing Supply. Provost Bros. “Once Upon A Time” We have as large depositors in this bank, men and women who “once upon a time” opened their accounts with one lone dollar. Like the fairy tales, their thrift and industry are rapidly bringing them to the stage ot financial independence where they “live happily ever after.” The Citizens Bank Ashland, Oregon FOR SALE— Ford touring ear in TAXI— Acklin’a — Rose Bros. Phone good condition, $175. 247 Third »13- 136-n St. 12-6* EXPERT PAR REPAIRING at rea FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING — sonable prices. Lithia Garage. Mattresses made over; packing and crating. Douglas. 253 Fourth GAR WASHING St. Phone 63-R. JO-6* «RAVENSTEIN APPLES— 50 lb. EXPERT CAR WASHING and polish ing. Lithia Garage, phone 114 uox, 75c delivered. Phone 9 -F -ll. SVVEET CIDER— 40c gal. delivered. ———— — — — — FOR HALE— REAL ESTATE? Phone 9 -F -ll. FOR SALE— 160 acres of land sever miles east of Ashland, 3 room SALESMAN to cover local territory house, fair barn, 2,000,000 feel selling dealers. Guaranteed sal­ of timber, three-fourths mile from ary of $100 week for right man. school, several springs, 12 acres The Richards Co., 200 Fifth Ave.. in cultivation, 50 acres fenced New York, N, Y.___________ 12-6* good terms at 6 per cent, or wil 1 trade for Ashland property. Set ^WANTED. C. B. Lamkin. 8-1 me ______ _____________________ WANTED— A few private boarder Inquire 78 Fourth St., or phon4 FOR SALE— Cozy convenient four- room cottage, with roomy base 471-J. 13-tf ment and outbuildings. Good size lot with plenty of friut. Nice lo­ WANTED TO BUY— 6 tons baled cation with fine view. Desirable grain hay: also 4 milk goats. Ad­ for small family who want mod­ dress Gust Angeris, Deter, Ore­ erate prieed home. Apply to own­ gon. 12-3* er on premises, 705 Penn. Ave WANTED—-About five acres with Corner Harrison. 4-1 mo improvements, small house p re-|—--------------- ferred, close to town. State FOR SALE- House and G acri amount. Frank Anderson. 1066, ground in fruit trees; close In Inquire 606 Allison. 294-1 mo" Divisadero St., San Francisco, Calif. 306-lmo* FOR EXCHANGE. FOR RENT. FOR EXCHANGE—-My equity $380( FOR RENT— Furnished front bed 1 strictly modern stuoco 5 roon room, gentlemen only. Phone 367-5 bungalow with sleeping porches Y or call 155 Factory. 13-tf j in Dinuba, Calif., town of 5000 center of raisin belt. For parti; FOR RENT— Very desirable suite o f , improved farm. D. Rasmussen rooms and board for couple. Also ! Cutler, Calif. 8-9* single room. Telephone 247-R. j LOST. 13-3* 1 SALESMAN WANTED FOR RENT— Two room furnished ; LOST— Fountain pen Reward. 21! 11-4 apartment for light housekeeping, j Gresham. $15 per month. Inquire 1291 ~ — r —: ” ,— --------- “~ Granite 11-tf ^OST— On East Main between Elk: ------— 2—:-------------------------------------- 1 club and Morton St., purse con talnlng two keys and some coin: may keep purse and coin CHICHESTER S PILLS Finder but please return keys. K. Nel X u d ie a l A . k y .’ u r I> r n r s f « t f o r < U I_ c h « K < r ,r i» U n ,« n « r S $ n u i4 son (Tailor), 65 E. Main St. 10-t ....................... P il ls la l i e d so l G o ld metallic b e » « , sealed with Blue Ribbon. I ake o th e r . B u r o f i ’ r ’i ê v â i - ’ A i.ï fôr « T i ï x ' : Â ?” T E c s T U A T Í Ó N » B R A N D P 1 Ï L 8 , for S J years known as Best. Safest. AJaays R ellabk SOLD BY DRUGGISTS E V T O W ' If you want to buy or sell anything I REALTY, INSURANCE, LOANS INTER URBAN AUTOCAR OO. Effective March ÜU, 1920. or Want any kind of Notary wor Daily (Except Sunday) LV. MEDFORD LV. ASHLAND done it will be to your advantap 7:15 a. m to call on 7:16 a. m. 8 00 a.m . 8:00 a.m . 8 45 a. ni. 8:46 a.m . 9 30 a. m. 9:90 a. m. 10 15 a .m . If . there are any bargains in tow 10:16 a.m 11 00 a.m . 11:00 a.m . they have them. 12 00 Noon 18:00 Noon 12 46 p.m . 12:46 p.m. 1 30 p. m. 1:30 p. m. 2 13 P> m. 2:16 p. m. 3 00 p.m . 8:00 p.m . 3 46 p.m . 3:46 p.m . 4 30 p.m . 4:30 p.m . 5 15 p.m . 3:16 p.m . 6 00 p. m. 6:00 p. m. 7 00 p.m . 7:00 p.m . 8 45 p.m . Sat. oaiy 8:45 p.m . 9 30 p.m . 9:30 p.m w . ill do your plow ing right now 10 30 p.m . Sau only 12:16 Midst in you r hard, stick y m il. SUNDAY ONLY LV. MEDFORD LV. ASHLAND Bargain In need sew in g m achine; 9:00 a. m. 9:00 a. m. a lso a new oai-load o f W hite sew ­ 10:00 a. m. 10:00 a. m. ing m achines just fat, at 11:00 a m. 11:00 a. m. 12:00 Noon 12:00 Noon 1:00 p. m. Pe/J's Corner 1:00 p. m. 2 :00 p. m. 2:00 p. m. 3 :00 p. m. 3:00 p. m. 4:00 p. m. 4:00 p. m. 5:00 p. m. 5:00 p. m. WHERE’S THE FTRE? 6:30 p. m. 6:30 p. m. 9:30 p. m. 9:30 p. m. Some times that fire whistle Ashland Waiting —East Sido Phar- gets into the habit of blowing off macy. when there Is no fire, but you JA CK SONYILLE-MEDFORD know it when it is blowing for a DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY fire alarm; the big question then LV. MEDFORD LV. J’S’NV’LK is “Where is the fire?” The 7:40 a. m. 7:20 a. m. truck is on the go— where?. It 9:90 a. m. 8:20 a. m. may be n small blaze or it may 10:30 a. m 10:00 a. m. already be past control— BUT 12:00 Noon 11:30 a. m. there is a fire! That’s what the 1:30 p. m. 1:00 p. m. fire whistle tells you and your 3:00 p. m. 2:00 p. m. heart jumps faster. 4:30 p. m. 3:45 p. ni. Many times that call may he 5:30 p. m. 5:00 p. m. answered and NOT be for your 9:30 p. m. 7:00 p. m. home or your business. But once 7:30 pm . Sat. only 8 .:0 0 p . m. — Just that vital once— may prove 10:30 p.m . 8at. only 9:50 p.m . the disaster of your life. Sup­ WE RUN ON SUNDAY8. pose it comes today, tomorrow— MEDFORD-ROSEBURG who can tell when? Are you fully Daily and Sunday protected? Why take the chances? LV. MEDFORD LV. ROSEBURG 11:00 a. m. 1 00 p. m. What has happened can happen. If it should happen to you, would MEDFORD-GRANTS PASS It hurt? A few dollars invested Dally arid Sunday LV. MEDFORD LV. OTP’S PASS In a good fire policy today mav 8:00 a. m. 10:00 a. m. save you a thousand tonight. 11:00 a. in. 1:00 p. m. 1:00 p. m. 4:00 p. m. 4:30 p. in. 6:15 p. m. lin g Room— The Real Estate and Real Insuraarc Bonbennlere. PhiMb x60. Office and Waiting Room: No. 6 Phene ail EBthh. 1MB 4EI East Main S. Front St.. Nash Hotel Building, BEAVER REALTY CO. H ie Beider Tractor and P.&0. Disc P low timings Agency 12-1 mo