Satnrday, September I f . i M f THE ASHLAND DAILÏ TIDINGS PAGE TW O people are cordially invited to a tte n d ' senior, and hereafter have two good these meetings. societies instead of only one. Special services a t 7:30 for the Evening worship at 7:30, with evening. A musical tre a t R»r th e , sermon by the paster, "Get the H abit.” Come to ehurch. lovers of music in song and orchestra. The Woods orchestra, as well as our M ethodist Episcopal Church own, will play, about twelve pieoee Cor. N. Main and Laurel Streets In all Including four violins. 9:45, Sunday school, Dr. G. W. Our church extendh a hearty C hristian welcome to all who will j Gregg, superintendent. 11 a. m. Morning worship, ser­ worship with us W alter L. Evans, Pastor. mon subject, "The Victory th a t Over- com eth.” F irst Congregational Church 6:15 p. m. 'E p w o rth League. Boulevard and Main Street I. C. Wilson, president. Phone 239-R. 7:30 evening service, sermon by Sunday school, with classes for a l l ' th(j pastor grades and ages. ' The funeral of G. W. Dodson will Morning service 1 1 a . m., subject, jjgjj a[ 2:30 o’clock Sunday af- “ C haracter Training in Public ternoon Schools." | Charles A. Edwards, pastor. Junior Christian Eudeavor, 3 p .m . - ■ , —— - Evening service 7:30 p. m., sub-: ject "The School of C hrist.” A welcome and greeting aw aits you at all these services. W. Judsou Oldfield, Minister. Ashland •a«ägs»- Tidings Eatabllahed 1M 6 Published Every EVkalng. Except bUad?^ X T IN G CO. THE ASHLAND ■ ■ - •** OFFICIAL CITY AND TJ o UNTY PAPER TELEPHONE 39 tabscription Price Delivered to City Jne m onth .................................. I •* * Three m onths .............................. *•*» Six months .................................. 3.76 One y e a r ....................................... ••B0 Mail u«»d R ural Route«. One month .................................. I -65 Three months .............................. 1.96 Sis m onths .................................. 3.6« 6.50 One year .................................. ADVKRTiSING RATES: Dlwphc Advertising Single insertion, each in c h ............3«< YEARLY CONTRACTS Utopia; Advertising One time a w eek.................... 27 %c t wo tim e s a w e e k ...................... 25c I « c a l R eaders. Each line, each tim e .................... 10c To run every other day for one m on'h, each line, each tim» . . . 7c To tun every issue for o t . mouth or more, each line, each tim e. . . . 5c Classified Column. One cent the word each time. To run every issue for one month or more, tec the word each time. Legal R ate: Trinity Episcopal Church Vicar the Rev. P. K. Hammond, Holy communion at 8 a. m. Sunday school at 9:45. Morning service and sermon a t 11. G irls’ Friendly society meets Wed­ nesday afternoon. Strangers and visitors cordially welcomed. F irs t T im e, p er 8 p oint line . . . . IOc Each subsequent time, per 8 point l i n e .................................................. ' c Card of Thanks, $1.00. obituaries, 2% cents the line. J-ruterual Orders and Societies. Advertising for fraternal orders cr societies charging a regular initi­ ation fee and dues, no discount. Re­ ligious and benevolent' orders will be charged the regular rate for all ad vertising when an admission or other charge is made. W hat C on stitutes A d v ertisin g ’. Wo make all quOtartWns on JOB WORK from the franklin price list . Same prices—-R«aeonahle Price- NOW A PROVEN FACT Apply Early Before Hie Fall Rains A Car on Hand Now a t the ASHLAND FRUIT ASSOCIATION S E R V IC E Every other d a y ........................ 20c In order to allay a m isunderstand­ ing among some as to w hat consti­ tutes news and w hat advertising, we print this very simple rule which is used by newspapers to differin-j atlate between them : "ALL future events, where an admission charge is made or a collection Is taken IS ADVERTISING.” This applies to organizations and societies of every kind as well as to individuals. AU reports of such activities after they have occurred is news. All coming soelal or organisation meeting« of soeisttw where np iaapey contribution is solicited, InHwtpn charged, o? collection when le NBW6. INCREASES CROP YIELDS CLEVELAND, O., Sept. 17.— It w ill be the old, old story of youth versus age when Johnny Kilbane, featherw eight champion of the world, defends his title in the ring at Dunn Field here this afternoon. John­ ny Kilbane, who has made a fortune in the ring, is thirty-tw o— not dte- crepit old age, as men in other lines judge it, but for the ring an old, old man, and one who gives evident« of the fact th a t his best fight has probably been fought. Opposing him, and fighting fo r the glory and the opportunity for big money th a t a championship brings, is Danny Frush, of Baltim ore, a youth of twenty-two, who has been climbing the heights of pugilistic fame in spectacular fashion, and who was so anxious to make this match th a t he agreed to fight for $2500— little more than train in g e xpenses— while his wary and experienced opponent receives $65000— win, lose or draw. Entered at th« Ashland, pregofl, The b attle will be fought twelve POBtefflee as Second Class Mall rounds to a decision. F ru sh m ust iw tt*r- ---------- make 128 pounds ringside, which is four pounds above the weight made ♦ by K ilbane when he w rested the title ♦ Slow pass our days in child­ from Abe Attell nine years ago. ♦ < $ > Sports WTiters and sports au th o ri­ hood— every dhy ♦ Seems like a century; rap­ « ties generally say Johnny K ilbane is going back. His fight of a* few idly they glide ♦ In manhood; and in life s m onths ago with Sammy Jac decline they fly.— Bryant. seemed to bear out this statem en ♦ for while Johnny toyed with his o ♦ «><*«> ponent and won easily, all acre a fte r the bout was over th a t the sc Disabled world war veterans have was a m ade-to-order "set-up” fo been fed on roseate promises. But th e champ. Critics, however, poin many of them are languishing for to his fights with Benny Valger, who more substantial and more nourish­ is said to have outpointed him a ing food than unfulfilled pledges. Newark last year; and Franki Brown and Andy Chaney are bo Uncle Sam, in his income tax ex­ given credit for outhitting him. b emptions, is easy on the fa th e r of the m argin in each instance was children. But where th e good un­ close, and th ere were many who cle Is generous, th e landlord is not. m aintained th a t he won. In F rush, K ilbane meets a tall, rangy lad w ith two good hands and a good head and with enough speed to enable him to move fast both of­ fensively and defensively. He has gone through the featherw eight divi­ sion like a cyclone and has victories to his credit over such lads as Andy Chaney, Kil Julian, A rtie Root, Freddie Jacks, A rtie ,rd, Tommy Noble, Presbyterian Church Corner Helman and N. -Main Subject for the morning sermon, “ Rag-time Religion.” Subject for the evening, ‘The Un­ ion of Christ with the Believer and its R esults.” Sunday school at 9:45 o’clock. Morning services a t 11 o’clock. Ju n io r C hristian Endeavor, 5 p. m. C hristian Endeavor, 6:30 p. m. Evening services a t 7:30 o’clock. Prayer meeting, W ednesday even­ who knows his job and does ot well. He is not given credit for th e ing at 7:30 o’clock. C. F. Koehler, Pastor. speed for which his older opponent was at one tim e noted. Johnny is a m arvel of grace and springiness in Christian Church the ring, but F ru sh is a different Corner Second and B Streets kind of a fighter. He goes straig h t Bible school a t 10 a. m. On the at his m an and stays w ith him , de­ 25th we are to observe Rally day. pending upon his legs only to carry Our aim is 250 present. W atch for him back out of im m ediate danger num erous and unique advertisem ents when the opposing attack waxes hot of Rally day. He always seems to be m oving to­ Morning worship at 11. Sermon ( wards his man. He fights in the topic, "T alents”— an old subject but i Leonard style. a new sermon. Come and hear it. The referee and two judges will At 6 30 o’clock we will have a big > - render a decision if th e bout goes Endeavor meeting. Let every one the lim it. from twelve years up to an indefinite^ The F ru sh bout today m arks Kil- age, come. We are going to divide^ bane’s retu rn to the ring a fte r a long the society into interm ediate and period of com parative idleness. The^ show is being prom oted by Tommy McGinty and Sammy Detusch. K ilbane was induced to meet Frush a fte r a long parley with v ar­ ious prom oters. McGinty finally landed the m atch by outw itting the opposition, and D unn Field today will ouse one of th e Largest fight crowds [i the history o f boxing in Cleve- id, if the advance sale is an indi- ion of in terest in th e bout, rush will m ake 126 pounds for champion, w ho will en ter the at catchw einhts. The bout will the eighty-sixth Kilbane has ght in defense of his crown since nning it from Abe Attell nine :ars ago. So there you are! TH IS IS TH E PLACE TO COME FO R School Supplies At the Churches School Books Make out jv u r list and tak« ad­ vantage of this opportunity to buy standard supplies at the low­ est prices— School Tablets ................ 5 to 1®« Crayolas ....................... 10 and JOc School Paints, 50c cups . . . . I O c Students Loose Leaf Books, Type Paper, Pens, Inks, Note Books, etc., in great variety Fountain Pens ......... $ 1 .5 0 to $5 Eversharp Pencils . . . .50c to $5 Wool Growers Object Diamond Lake Annexation AC TECHNOLOGY M c N a b Bros. r h ii W WBBeaBBOHUMH About the finest thing youngsters can learn is to be independent, ant? self-respecting, earning their own way as far as possible. At the F irst National we welcome savings accounts of the boys and girls, and encourage their increas­ ing them. If parents will work with us, we’ll see thia next generation growing up into thrifty, prosperous citizens. F irst N a tio n a l B a n k Ashland, Oregon “O ldest N ational Dank in Jackson Couutjr’ hw S555555^ ELSJfi . ¡»- m m 55 H o w to k eep your tractor in co n sta n t serv ice A tractor always on the job—giving full service under any condition—is what every farmer wants. He knows how such power pays. Without proper engine lubrication, this is impossible. Faulty lubrication steals power, wastes fuel and oil and is responsible for 75 per cent of all repairs. SUNOCO Motor Oil—the new scientific lubricant—guarantees right lubrication. There are special types of SUNOCO made to meet the high-speed, heavy-duty de­ mands of tractor engines. No matter what the size or make of your tractor, SUNOCO will lubricate the engine perfectly. Tell us the name and model of your tractor and w e will tell you the type of SUNOCO to use. AND a * PUBLIC FORUM ■$> puri The United States senate soon will Cote?«, now, l^NI^R-eason be considering the revision of fed­ and if possible devise ways means of keeping our surplus ca: eral taxes. And may the Lord have “ W hat ails business in Ashland at home and see our city develo mercy on the poor taxpayer! and th e Rogue River valley?” is a j and grow. President H arding is to choose question often asked in business cir­ We need rooming houses, a goo cles. In the first place business is hotel, dwellings, business rooms, fa men J for the disarm am ent confek- , ence delegation who have been in abnorm ally good through out this tories, etc., etc Plenty of good i valley when compared with many vestm ents here for a lot more cap “ Who’s W ho” for a long time. sections of this country and others. tai. Keep it here and put it to wor Congress is to have a rest. And But th ere are some serious reasons, is my advice. th a t coulct be rectified if we all ! A vitally interested eitizen of As su will the rest of the country. could see fit to pull for our home land, Oregon. A. M. BEAVER. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ town, and our home community. To<> ♦ TIDINGS FASHION HINTS ♦ much money goes out of our valley to mail order houses; th ere is no doubt on this score, and it is uni­ versally acknowledged; still it goes AND CROCHET on, and many of th e articles p ur­ chased there through mail orders, tu rn out to be no cheaper when all Sunday school w ith O. F. Carson expenses are counted than our home as su perintendent, 9:45 a. m. A m erchants can and do sell the same full a tten d an ce in all departm ent« for in Ashland. •KLAMATH FALLS, Or., Sept. 18. and classes is greatly desired. V isit­ ,Then there is another and per­ — The K lam ath County Wool Grow­ ors are cordially invited. haps fa r more serious cause for M orning w orship and sermon a t | shortage of ready money in circula­ e rs’ association has adopted resolu­ 11 o’clock, subject, “ The Three-Fold tion, which is this: Our capitalists, tions opposing the annexation of the Objective o f the C hurch.” when they have a few hundred dol­ Diamond lake area to C rater Lake The J u n io r B.Y.P.U. a t 5; and the lars to loan, are investing in foreign national park, on the ground th a t it senior a t 6 :3 0 p. m. The young securities th a t look rosy, and even would deprive stockm en of much when they do not look so rosy, with interest at a less figure than can be valuable grazing land and would cre­ had at home with good first m ort­ ate a refuge for wolves and other gage security. Even our bankers predatory anim als. Appreciation oj are advising the purchase of long­ the attitu d e taken by Bend and Rose­ tim e foreign bonds> when they real­ burg civic organizations, which are ize th a t every dollar sent out of said to oppose the annexation, is ex ­ Oregon's Higher Institution of this community to purchase long­ pressed in the local resolution, and tim e securities a t low interest, help characterized as being “ for the best the foreign countries and hinders or ’ in terests of southern and eastern The only real rival of georgette in retard s our community to a corres­ Oregon.” Eight|Schools; Seventy Departments “We im plore our senators and rep­ nloases is crepe de chine. In this ele- ponding degree. In the past decade FALL'TERM OPENS SEPT. 19, 1921 {•ut blouse it appears In a warm tan many of o ur citizens have sent th eir resentatives to look well to the eco­ For^informalfon write to the Rerwlrif ■ulor, with collar, cuffs, p«plum and savings out of th e community, never nomic interests of the state, instead Oregon College auttons hand-crocheted of silk in the of to idealization theories,” said th e t to see them a g ain ; they have gone »m e shade. Nothing more refined or ’ on fool’s arrands, and th e senders concluding paragraph. »mart has been presented for fall. TO ROYS AND GIRLS A SH L A N D A u to m o tiv e 5 h o p SUNOCO stor< MOTOR OIL Just Received a Large Shipment of ROOFING This is first quality material and the price is right. Repair the roof before the fall rains. We carry a complete line of Roof Paints. Dickerson Son Paints, Oils, Glass, Wall Paper, etc.