Local and Personal The Rubber Stamp Phrase Didn’t Fit the Picture By Charles Sughroe • Worn H iu m « UW m MICK1E, THE PRINTER’S DEVIL Heavy crtmizial There will be a heavy orim inal! business a t the October term of th e circuit court. So far there are th ir­ ty cases to come up a t th a t term . The grand jury convenes the th ird i Monday in October, and court con/ venes a short tim e later. There aWe eighteen or nineteen prisoners now confined in the county jail, the cases of a nultiber of whom will be before the coming g ran d jury session. Friday, Bept*mber 16, IMI ASELtAXD D A IL Y TEDING8. PAGE FO UR — GOL DERM H IS HVDE > VJtVL H E UEFFER C U T O U T HkS KAOMK.EH FOOU S H H E S S ? • IN S T E A D O F VJRW U’ A LOT 0 LETTERS \F ’ h E ÇXO PESTER COAAES H E P R E T T N SQOH TO TVA' FOLKS B A C K H O M E , l ÔÊST B O U G H T A OO1EM A S S O R TE D POST C A R O S , W RO TE ,''U K SH NOÜ W E R E OLO EZ.RT A LO T-v BAOK, \ BREAK LIT T L E H E £ K \ *'» W IS H MBSSlR», NA, GOTTA, HA kiO \ T TO OLE M ie W -ie FER, DOlXT TH1WGS SMOOTH’ HERE OW TW' B A C K O F E A € H O U Ê , A U O WOW 1 KALI SPEMO T H ’ EVEkllM’ l J -----------------------------__________________________________ W E L L , BM G O L L N , A, C A R O FP.OAA M \0 K .\E IM e H lC A G O ^ T W E R R S ^ A G O O D ©OS. EVEM AT TW AAOMlES' PORTM S U £ K A tVEM SGKiT OKIE TO -, V H E W R IT E S ,* » W IS H S O U W ERE H E R E '" W M O E R • - U llin _ h _______ .• — —i H E R E S VJHAT TO O W E R E HERE H E W R IT E S , W HATS OM T H E O TH E R Si oh * LOOK W H A T S E H O S M E '. A P IC T U R E OF EZLRN G O O F O S ' C hristian W orkers Picnic— The Christian W orkers bands of Talent and Ashland are planning to c iA A P t^ ' hold a service at the school house on Green Springs m ountain w h e re . Miss Ena Davis is teaching, on Sun­ •*» 'S day afternoon, September 18. Since furnished lots of excitem ent in their Paul Mars 111*— this is a ra th e r long trip, the young work out for the spectators Paul Mars, of the Overland shoe people have decided to have a picnic Jess Ingram took on Tom Sharkey , shop, is ill at the home of his p ar­ dinner. The party will m eet im ­ for four rounds, and Chet Brown ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Mars, 51 mediately after church at 12:30 at for five roundb. S U C C E S S O R TO C. H. VAUPEL Third street. the city library. All young people Billy Huff has a slight cold but are invited to make this trip and aU Anyone interested in millinery will be iu the ring when the bell’ tend the meeting. Anyone who d id ' and dressm aking classes m ust be BERLIN, Sept. 15.— A revolution rings. not attend the business m eeting last present at the public library Tues­ Kid Sargent, who will meet Bat­ ; ary organization with national rami- Monday evening should see Miss This is a real money saving offering of the new things day, September 20, at 2:30 p. m. tling Frick in the main event for four i ¡¡cations involving m ilitary interests, Pauline Plum m er who is chairm an Places in these classes canot be re­ for Fall. Realizing that you have wanted them, hut may m onarchists and anti-Sem ites, who rounds, is in fine shape, and this of the "E ats com m ittee." and learn served by phone. Applicants desir- bout should give the fans plenty of were pledged to “rem ove” the ob- what they are to bring.— Committee have hesitated about coming for them, fearing that the u_ For the convenience of those mo- i ing to join m ust be present and be p . . . , tor vehicle owners ol Jackaon coun- jM tonable rep u b lican , and work I excitement, for both boys are good price might not suit your pocket hook so early in the mixers and hard hitters. The College club will meet with i PrePare(l to pay tuition fees ty who are desirous of operating i against the republican governm ent, j Ashland will turn out to see their 13-3 ent-Teachers Association. Mrs. Newman September 17 at 518 has been discovered by the police, season, we gathered together and are offering them to their motor vehicles during the per­ pride in action. South Oakdale street, Medford, Or. you at prices which—in effect—make buying a saving. iod of application to the secretary it was revealed today. Leaves for O. A. C.— There will be 26 rounds of boxing The persons behind the organiza- Raymond Badger left this morn of state for registration and the re- Glance over the listings, select what you need, then L eaves for Drain— tion is said by the police to have and every sport fan should be there. ing for Corvallis, where he will at- ceipt of perm anent license plates, C. Tickets are now on sale a t United William Hedrick, of B street, has been responsible for the assassina- come in. tend the Oregon State A gricultural E. Terrill, sheriff, has been desig- Reserve your seats left for Drain where he will visit his tion of M athias Erzberger. Many Cigar Store. nated by the secretary of state to college. old home and son, Ray Hedrick and arrests have been made, especially early for this show. The first pre­ ---------- issue tem porary license plates to su c h , . Flannel Gowns, $1.25 ’ Flannel Gowns, $1.39 family, while in Douglas county. Bavaria, which is said to be a lim inary starts at 8:30 promptly. R eturns to Dunsmuir— persons only, who shall make and|j Made of fancy outing flannel Made of good quality outing flannel in color and white, sizes of good weight slipover style, Mrs. W alter Jam es has returned to file their applications for perm anent) *5 hotbed of royalist agitation. Some I Musical Evening— of th e prisoners were form er sol- size 16 and 17. 16 and 17. Last e vening Miss Berna H aight ‘ D unsm uir- Calif - after spending the . licenses through the sh eriff’s office . diers who participated in the Von sum m er mouths in Ashland at the) for forwarding to the secretary of delighted a num ber or friends a t the Kapp revolution in March, 1920. Outing Flannel, 25c yd. Rose apartm ents on East Main state. Outing Flannel, 15c yd. K irkpatrick home on L eonard street O thers are form er naval officers. 27 in. wide extra heavy quality 2? in. wide good weight, comes street. Therefore any person desiring suchj by playing a num ber of selections on will make good gown or pa­ in white and fancy pattern. tem porary license shall fill out the) the piano with rare skill and expres­ E ntertained at M edford— jam as. white and colors. regular form of application blankj sion. Those preL^pt were Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. John H. Fuller and lor perm anent license, a n d deposit BOXING SHOW AT MEDFORD Blankets, $3.25 pair Mrs. Hoag, Dorothy and K atherine; Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Reed were r e ­ Wool Blankets, $9.48 pair NAT TONIGHT BEST Plaid blankets, wool finish, Mr. and Mrs. Forbes and Jack; Mrs. cently en tertain ed at a Medford din­ with the sheriff the license fee and C6.\80 guaranteed all pure wool BILLED FOR SEASON come in pink, blue, tan, and Hamaker. Mr. Elmore, Mr. and ner party given by Mr. and Mrs. L. application, together with a deposit j in new block plaids, pink, blue, grey, with cotton m arket ad­ tan and grey. Mrs. K irkpatrick, and O. H. B arn­ P. Ames of th a t city. Miss Ames will of $1 and such person shall receive vancing, blankets will be high­ INCREASES CROP YIELDS The all sta r boxing show th a t will er. hill. The la tte r to leave to­ attend the University of Minnesota a set of tem porary license cards be staged by M anager Dixon tonight) which shall be valid for ten days. morrow m orning for Corvalliar'stop- this year. NOW A PROVEN FACT Wool Plaids, $2.25 yd. And upon retu rn in g the tem porary at the Medford Nat looks like one ping en route at Medford and G rants 54 in. wide in new patterns for Wool Serge, $2.98 yd. license cards the person shall be en­ of the best cards th a t has been billed j Apply Early Before the Fall Rains Pass. 54 in. wide fine quality Eng­ fall wear, black and white, tan CHANCELLOR WIRTH CHARGES for some time. All of the boys titled to the $1 deposit. lish serge in navy bine only and brown, blue and black. A Car on Hand Now at the BAVARIA GIVES ASSISTANCE worked out a t th e train in g camp j for m aking suits and dresses. It is unlawful for any person to The N atatorium will be open Sat­ AND HAVEN TO PLOTTERS operate a m otor vehicle - upon the last night for th e ir w ork-out, and urday and Sunday. 13-2 Women ’s Underwear ASHLAND FRUIT public highways or streets of any from the way they worked out the Women’s Union Suits BERLIN, Sept. 16.— A flat c h a r t/ 75c garment ASSOCIATION city or town w ithout the perm anent fans can be sure th a t they will see Farewell Party— $1.25 th at Bavaria is giving assistance and Medium weight fleeced cotton* Mrs. Betchell Harold was enter supplying a haven to men who are or tem porary license plates above Pl©n ty of action. vests and pants, come in sizes Medium weight fleeced’ cotton Joe Blackburn and Tom Sharkey to 44. tained at a farewell party given yes­ plotting against the downfall of the mentioned. union suits, alk styles and sizes. ■a;*.» ■ i W ' l - W , : ■ '■ ■ -U — !■ — J ..1’! J— LL! : bljj C. E. TERRILL, Sheriff. terday afternoon a t the home of her republican governm ent was made sister, Mrs. Clarence Morris, Skid­ today by Chancellor W irth in an ad­ EXTRA SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY more street, by twenty friends. Mrs. dress before the Reichstag super­ BABY CONFERENCE Harold will leave soon for Corval­ visory committee. His speech was 25 all wool Jersey Jackets, in Navy, Red, Black and WELL ATTENDED; lis. The afternoon was passed with the bitterest tirade against the Ba­ Brown. Sizes 16 to 44. Sold regularly at $7.00- TO REPEAT CLINIC; lancy work and the playing of varians th a t has yet come from a-1 Special Price—$5.50 With games. Mesilames Frod Gassaway, member of the federal government. (Continued from Page 1) —----------------t ----------- F rank W ard and W illiam Holmes i m onths; Mrs. C. E. P ratt, John Ray- Have your Picoting a nd Hemstitching Done Here served refreshm ents. I inond, two m onths; Mrs. E lbert J. SI MMER CAMPS The Store Where Your Patronage Is Appreciated Fallow, Robert Jew ett, three m onths' M otor T hrough C alifornia— COUNTY Y. M. C. A. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilson are en­ MAKE BIG SUCt ESS Mrs. Milton H. Ellis, Mark Steph­ ens, over one year; Mrs. R. L. Kear- joying a m otor trip through Califor­ uey, Betty Marie, nine m onths; M rsJ (Continued from Page 1) nia at present. C. W. Nlms is ta k ­ ing Mr. W ilson’s place in the Ideal fam iliarity with the toothbrush, etc., E. O. Smith, Mark Quentin, tw enty 0102000153020002010253485348235323234848534853532348480101020202010202485300010000010148000002020248 grocery. have been encouraged, and if neces­ m onths; Mrs. R. W. Clapp, Olive sary, insisted ’upon, and apt results Jane, fifteen m ouths; Mrs. William NOTICE TO ODD FELLOWS discovered at inspection each day. I jeer. H arrison, three years. 000001024823215330033120110551682701533223535300480231230100480444095348232353232323483002110123502 F uneral of Brother G. W. Dodson The boys understand th a t this is a All Odd Fellows are hereby noti­ regular part of arm y discipline, Ajd SPOKANE PATROLMAN IS O u r P r ic e s A r e R ig h t fied to meet at I. O. O. F. hall a t as such, they sort of glory in the WOUNDED IN PITCHED AND USE Ashland Sunday, Septem ber 18, 1921 unwonted hardship. BATTLE WITH BANDITS at 2 o'clock p. m. for the purpose of A pleasing feature of the Rogue attending the funeral of B rother G. River camp was the swimming in SPOKANE, W ash., Sdpt. 16.— In L ittle B utte creek, while the much- a pitched b attle early this m orning W. Dodson. O p p o s ite H o t e l A s h la n d P. M. SNIDER, N. G. coveted objective point of the W ag­ between Spokane police and six oij 55555555555555555Q5 L. A. ROBERTS, Secretary. 13-2 n er eamp was the ascent of the butte seven yeggmen who had attem pted itself. From the sum m * it of this to blow the safe of a bank in R e a r­ lordly young m ountain a fine view don, Patrolm an Allison was shot id I of the valley was had. the leg. ' A num ber of men from Ashland, The bandits were scared away from CCORDING to the luling of the Oregon Talent, Phoenix and Medford, by the bank before they had secured Dairy and Food Corn mission all dairy 26 — ROUNDS — 26 th eir assistance and use of th eir au- any loot, and started tow ards Spo­ butter sold or exposed for sale in this state toes, as well as‘ by th eir attendance kane in an automobile. They were must be wrapped in butter paper upon which at th e NAT.. MEDFORD at th e camps, added m aterially to met by four officers three miles SALEM, OREGON th eir success. is printed the words “Oregon Dairy Butter, from the city. Both sides opened Friday Evg., Sept. 16 16 (or 32) ounces full weight,” with the name fire aiit> Allison fell with the first j volley. The yeggmen were chased in­ and address of the maker. 00000101010253532348535 "THE ELHART WAY” BATTLING FRICK to the prairie where a posse of fifty DEPENDABILITY AND QUALITY Medford To enable patrons of the Tidings to easily officers are trying to surround them. BEFORE PRICE LICENSE LAWS WARNING GIVEN BY C. E. TERRILL Insurgent Plans Are Revealed By Police in Berlin E. R. IS A A C & C O . THE Q U A L IT Y STORE E q u ip Y o u r C a r SR Comply With the Law Kruggel Bros. Vulcanizing Co. BOXING Oregon Slate Fair Printed Butter Wrappers A September 26th to October 1st —vs.— KID SARGENT Ashland 10 Rounds JACK BURNS Grants Pass —vs.— JESS INGRAM Medford 6 Rounds BILLY HUPP Medford —vs.— KID CLARK Centra] Point 6 Rounds JOE BLACKBURN Medford —vs.— KID WILLIAMS Medford 4 Rounds General Admission . . . $1.00 Reserved S eats........... $1.50 Ring S id e.................... $2.00 (plus war tax) Round Trip Reduced Fares TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. Correspondence Cards HIGHLAND LINEN and EATON, CRANE & PIKE CO.’S QUALITY STATIONERY Up to $1.75 a Box Long evenings are a good time to write letters. See our windows. WANTED BOYS— Several bright, wide awake boys. Good pay. part time work, j^pply tomorrow. El- h a rt’s. 13-1 FOR RENT— Very desirable suite of rooms an d board for couple. Also single room. Telephone 247-R. 13-3* WANTED— A few private boarder» Inquire 78 F ourth St., or phoire 13-tf 471-J. FOR RENT— Furnished front bed room, gentlemen only. Phone 367- Y or call 155 Factory. 13-tf LADIE8 Have your suit or coat tailor- made. Come in and see the latest woolens and the new models. Our prices are lpwer than ready-mades. MsOBfd, G rants Pass and Roseburg la­ dies are w earing our suits aud coats— why not you? ORRES — TAILORS Apply from all agency stations in Oregon Minimum adult fare $1.00 Children of half fare age 50c / 4 4 i When going to the State Fair combine pleasure with comfort and convenience by using Southern Pacific train service TRAINS OPERATE DIRECT TO FAIR GROUNDS Trains 17-18-23-24and 28 will make regular stop and Nos. 14 and 16 will stop on flag at F air Grounds. Special trains from Portland and from Eugene to Salem and F air Grounds Tuesday to Saturday inclusive. For fu rth er particulars ask ageuts Southern Pacific Lines JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent. comply with this ruling this office has put in a supply of the standard sizes of butter paper and will print it in lots of 100 sheets and up­ ward and deliver it by parcels post at the fol­ lowing prices; 100 Sheets, t6 or 32 o u n c es..........$1.75 150 Sheets, 16 or 32 ounces ........$2.75 500 Sheets, 16 or 32 ounces $4.00 Send your orders to us by mail accompan­ ied by the price of the paper and it will l>e promptly forwarded to you by parcel post, prepaid. We use the best butter paper obtainable, and our workmanship is of the best. Let us have your order and you will not regret it. A s h la n d T id in g s A s h la n d , O r e g o n