F riday, Septem ber 16. i'dDl TH E ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS Ashland News in Paragraphs (Early Carrier of Maila Certainly Not In the Business for Purpose of Making Money. Local and Personal -------------------------Side Lights— *' HIS WAGES ONE CENT A YEAR - Maurice Proctor, a man of wealth. D inner Party E n tertain m en t-— Good food, cooked righ t, s e r v e d iwas 80 anxious for his coach to bear Mr. and Mrs. I. C. W illiam s, of j at reasonable prices. H otel A s h la n d ; distinguishing “D. S. Mail” sigu of the postal service that he made ab­ T alent, gave a farew ell dinner party j Grill. 297 tf solutely certain, when a service line recently in honor of Mrs. E. R. A d-, ----------- was established between Mineral Point um sou and her two daugh ters, the '*a>' S ettle School Kow — um sou «nu uCI two u s u s u w n i, ------------ , (where he lived) and Dodgeville, la., M isses M arjorie and Mary. M isses Colonel H. H. Sargent, o f J a c k s o n -,he would the lucky allotted the --------- — i r n lle , attended to busin ess m atters t honor. H elen Adam son and L u cille Hold- There were 20 competitors and each ridge w ill attend th e Oregon A gri­ in the c it r W ednesday a ftern oon . A m ove is on foot to have C ol. Sargent turned sick with disgust when they cu ltu ral co llege at Corvallis. _______ j act as m ediator in the se ttle m e n t o f heard of the bid of the wealthier man, F all w oolens and fash ion s are now the Jack son ville sch ool row .— Med- ^ ys *“ volume of the Strand in at Orres tailor shop. Save $5 to ford Mail Tribune. Magazine. It was the custom then to ouup. ask prospectlve employees to bid for $ l a uy ordering j our suit now. 3O3tfj the Job, as contractors bid now. Proc- Som ebody has been ad vertisin g tOr bid 1 cent. Which Is to say, he vol- I that I’m ou t of bu sin ess, but ft Is unteered to do the job for a remunera- H unters R eturn— A fter bagging a deer in th e vicin­ not true. I’m still on th e job. De * G°n ° f 1 cent a year in wages. Every day, rain or shine, he twice 12-2* ity of L ittle Rock. M essrs. Tyler, W itt Taxi. carried the mail between the two cities, Dell W illiam s and C. G. P eebler re­ proud of the “D. S. Mail” on the side turned W ednesday after a hunting ^ e a ' e H ospital— trip. j C- T. M orris, who w ith his w ife of his coach. At the eud of the year his enthusiasm had not worn off, so he _______ I and daughter, was inju red In an au- renewed his contract, agreeing to do to accid en t south of the city on th e the work at the same rate for four N u its Made to Order— C leaning and repairing on short! P acific highw ay Saturday e v e n in g , more years—in all, for 4 cents. The left a local hospital yesterd ay. M iss government considered him financially notice. K. N elson, Hotel Ashland Ju le M orris is still confined to th e responsible for this amount, and gave Bldg. 302tf sick room. Airs. M orris was a b le t o him the job. The 4 cents were paid to leave the hospital two days after him in four annual installments. Farm Bureau Member Buys Cow— His pay for the first year came in the accident. The C aliofm ia tour-' A fine cow has been purchased the form of a postal warrant signed 1st, J. Cooper, who collided w ith the by the secretary of the treasury and from the J. R. MacCracken ranch M orris car, left his m achine a t a made out to the order of the carrier, by Judy, m em ber of th e execu tive local garage as a present to Mr. Mor­ ¿Maurice Proctor. It was in payment board of the farm bureau, with the for his services, and the amount was ris to cover cost of dam ages. Intention of startin g a tw elve head f. c e n t N eedless to say, It w as con­ herd. The Poyer and Carl Vouder A good and dandy E stley organ sidered as a great curiosity, so the H elien ranches have joined the cov^ carrier sold it at once for $36 for sale cheap. Suitable fo r coun­ te stin g association. try school houses or m ou n tain hom es. At P e il’s Corner. l l - l BUNGALOWS BUILT BY BIROS A ll wool su its at $25. You can’t beat them . See them at Orres T ail­ E pw orth L eague Team s to M ix— 4 Ar* Not Used a* Neats, but Seemingly or Shop. 3 0 3 tf The Epw orth L eaguers o f the } On,y C®n«truct®<* " » Matter Im proves H o r n e - W ilm er P oley is treating his resi­ dence, on Gresham and A llison str e e ts, with a new coat of paint and Is rem oving the old accum ulation of d u st and paint. Mr. P oley intendb to do a very artistic as well as ser­ viceab le piece of work. H. R. Adam s, the Plum ber, sells plum bing fixtu res and supplies P h on e 16G-J, shop at 248 F ifth St 2 87-tf E n tertain at E lk s’ Club-— Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Vaupel en ter­ tained Mrs. H. O. Frobach of Med ford, as their dinner guest at the E lk s’ club yesterday. A lbert Taxi. Phon e 183. 3 0 7 -lm R etu rn s front Portland — C harles R. Day has returned from a w ek-end trip to P ortland, and w ill ta k e a baggage run from Ashland to« San Francisco for th e Southern P a­ cific com pany. Chas. S. W ilson— P ainting, paper­ h anging. tinting. Satisfaction guar­ anteed . P. O. Box 244. 8 -lm * M ethodist E piscopal church are do- ‘ Oec®rat'on- ing h e a v y p r a c tic e work for a com -i Arbor-like bungalows are built by ng as e ball and volley ball con- , Australian bower birds. These bunga- test w ith the G rants P ass E p w orth low s are decorated by the birds with L eague w hich has ch a llen g ed th e lo- ’ dowers and other bright objects, cal ball tossers. The girls -will clash i Sometimes one bird w ill move a in th e volley ball gam e, and th e b o y s , flower placed P°sitlon by * fellow, nlan to m i» ¡n ♦ »,<. i , * „ The result is a free fight, for none of t t the birds will tolerate interference or I criticism. There are several different kinds o f A our fa ll su it is here. P au lser- bungalows, and each is built by a va- u d ’s. 'ti i 3 0 7 tf | riety of the bower bird. These struc­ tures have nothing whatever to do M edford V isito r— ' j w ith the birds’ nests. There is a gar­ Mrs. C, B. A bbott, o f M edford, i den in front of the bungalow, and w as in A shland y e ste r d a y v isitin g great attention is paid to keeping this Some of the birds prefer friends. Mrs. A b b ott, accom pan ied I fresh. shells as a garden decoration; others by her d au gh ter. M iss L u cille Ab­ u se gaily-colored beetles and other in­ bott, who left Med fardi yesterd ay , sects, while one bird lays out a lawn for th e U n iversity o f C a liforn ia at of moss, which It decorates with all B erkeley, as far as A sh lan d kinds of odds and ends. As soon as any part of the garden becomes faded, Cull, apples for, sale-, eatin g and ih e moss, leaves, or flowers are car­ cooking a p p le t Ashlaind Fruit & ried to a rubbish heap behind the bun­ Produce A ssociation. 10-6 ga loft. Dancing displays are given on the lawns, especially at courting time, A ntelope V alley V isita r — ’ | when the males adopt all kinds of A ndrew G rissom , rancher front w „„ I dueer attitudes and sing songs to at A ntelope V alley, w as an A «bland tract the attention of the opposite visitor yesterd ay on b u siness. sex. C liff Payne m akes benches. Cultured Slovakian People. The inn nt Turciansky Sv. Marvin Scout Hike Rond Report— ; in northern central Slovakia is a real 'W ill A rrive w ith B ride— 1 he tollow fn g report on the» Boy.’ social center. Here the inhabitants Mr. and Mrs. C. A. P auly, of the Scout bud get for th e eneain¡ im ent\ <»f this cultural center of Slovakia as­ E ast Side m arket, are rejoislng in ut L ake O’ Wootfe th is s u m i w has seml’le for song and gossip. In spite th e fact that th eir son, Jack, is re­ been m ade by Rev. C. F. K octhler. of tlie antiquity of their get-np, the tu rnin g to them with his bride to scoutm aster: peasants of the region are among the locate here perm anently. W hen they most cultured people in Europe; their R eceived from, scouts, intrested ’ little town is a center of the printing w rote ask in g him if he w ould lik e p arties and m iscellan eou s industry and boasts a m ost inter­ h is old place in the m arket again, sou rces . ... .................$ 2 0 9 .2 0 esting museum. The women of Slo­ h e w’ired im m ediately, “I’ll be there Paid for food ............................ 1 4 5 .8T vakia, although the difficulty in ob- ready for work Monday m orning.” Paid for d rayage ...................... 45.00 J linens and colored thread with In lo sin g a son they have gained a Total paid out .......................... 190.84 j lo make their embroideries is ’ t ru d au gh ter. They are to he congrat­ T>~i____ now great, still work with the same B alance ....................... 18.36 ulated. care and reverence for traditional P ail to treasu rer troop 1 . 9 1 8 craftsm anship as formerly. Indeed 9.18 ,2ie peasant woman of Detva, Slo­ Som ething new in T eo ’s window. Paid to trea su rer troop 2 . vakia. both in the work upon which 299-tt For p leating acte Orres. 3 0 3 tf •‘»he is engaged and the beautiful •doilies she wears, would seem to be C onvalescent front Illn ess— Civic Club to G ive Lunch eon- a living model for her sisters in the A m ong th e recent cases of illn ess . . . . . . The Civic Im provem ent club isj neighboring villages. It is in their are D. A. A pplegate and W alter Ev- piannjng a noon, luncheon for Sep 1 * gardens that these women work, sur- erton. They are both convalescing rounded by their children. tem ber 20. according to MSss Grace T rousers at $3.50. A few left al C ham berlain, president. T*he affair Osci, Early Occupants of Italy, will be a “dutch treat" w ith sixty Orres T ailor Shop. 303tf b ,-e Osci. or Oscaus. were an Ital­ cent -tickets for sale at t h e P om pa- ian j i»ple who appear to have been ■ Plan Bible School R ally— dour m ineral sp rin gs o ffic e or by the original occupants, at the earliest The C hristian Bible school is! Mi8S Chai"beriain. j known period, of Central Italy from ’ i Campania and the borders of La Hum planning big thi^gp for Septem ber W atch Yeo*s w indow . < 2 9 9 - tf to tj,e Adriatic. The Oscans were sub­ 25 on R ally day. They expect to have; dued by the Sabines, a people from 250 or m ore in attendance on t h a t ! P fe , T en n is B efore BreakC ast^- the Apennines on the north, of whose da> ami a i t a r r a n g i n g a s p e c ia l pro- T ennis is th e fa v o r ite e a r ly m o rn -; previous history little in known, and gram . It is said there are surprises ing appetizer for J. H. M cGee, H. T . ' who probably adopted the language in store in connection w ith R ally E lm ore, F. s. E n g le and 8 . A. Pat-1 and customs of the conquered, with day. If any one ; S’ ana that dtoes not m ean that they are ex­ C. B. L A K E I N clu sive “stu ck -u p .” or anything o f. the sort. It m eans that the Codonas have! BARGAINS IN that upon which fam ily pride and! Real listate true aristocracy m ust stand— tradi-i tlon. They have the tradition of four generations of honorable and < ify and Rauch Properties artistic achivem ent. They have kept House« to Went. their nam e bright in the annals of th e big top. They are Spanish. C IT IZ E N S’ bank building There are five in the fam ily. One" B U S IN E S S A N D P R O F E S S IO N A L One cent PHYSICIANS ‘ ATTOKNEra. OIL ERNEST A. WOODS— Practice BRIGGS A RRIOGS— A tto rn ev s-u - lim lted to eye, ear, nose and Law. P ioneer ioneer Block, fcineir A a - shland. s .?« u “' Law, P throat. O ffice hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to 6. Sw ed en b u ig Bldg., Ash- L. A. ROBERTS— Attorney-at-L aw . land. Ore. 73-tf Roomà 5 and 6, C itizens’ Bauk 3>dg. DR> J, J. EMMENS— Physician and chiropractors . Surgeon. Practice lim ited to eye, ear, nose and throat. G lasses supplied. O culist and aurlst tor DR. GEO. J. RJNZ — Chiropractor Suite 8. Exam ination F ree. No, S. P. R. R. O ffices, M. £*. and H. 26, the Plaza. Office Phone 10:: Bldg., Aledford, Ore. Phone 567. R esidence Phoue 401. DR. FRANK M. MOXON— Physician ASHLAND HEALTHATORIL'M— Dr. and Surgeon. Hours 1 to 5 p. m. E. B. A ngell, Chiropractic, Eloc- O ffice 425 E. Main St., opp. Pub- trlcal T reatm ents. Mineral and lie Library. 272-tf y it-o -N e t Baths. F irst N ational Baak Building, Phone 48. DRS. SA\WYER A CRANDALL OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS TAXI. Pioneer B uilding. TAXI— A ck lin ’s Rose Bros. Phone Phone 260-R . Res. 274-J or 367-J 213. 136-tf TR A N SFER AND EX PR E SS. CAB WASHING F‘ v v £ ° W^ LT GENERAL TR A N S- ‘E X PER T CAR WASHING and polish ! eara and m oto’’" Lithia Garage, phone 114. trucks. Good service at a reason- 1 2 -lm o i able price. Phone 83. EX PER T CAR REPAIRING at rea­ FOR PROMPT and careful service sonable prices. Lithia Garage. with A uto-Trucks or Horse Drays, 12-lmt> call W hittle Transfer Co., Phone Plaza Market 117. O ffice 89 Oak street. Near H otel Austin. FOR SALE— ISO acres of land seven m iles east of Ashland. 3 room house, fair barn. 2.000.00(1 feet of tim ber, three-fou rths m ile from school, several springs, 12 acres in cultivation. 50 acre« fenced, good term s a t 6 per cent, or will trade for Ashland property. See i C. B. Lamklu. 8 -lm o AGENT. Regular 85c Brooms for 50c each while they last I W ANTED — Factory representative for one of the m ost popular six cylinder autom ob iles w ill be iu Ashland in a tew days to place agency for th is locality. The right k in d of man need not have much m oney to take advantage of th is opportunity, but m ust have good FOR SALE-— Cozy convenient four- references, unquestioned honesty, room cottage, with roomy base­ and lots of push. R ussell H. Law- m ent and outbuildings. Good size son A uto Co., 354 East Broadway. Jot w ith plenty of friut. Nice lo ­ Portland, Ore. x 1-3 cation w ith fine view . Desirable for sm all fam ily who want m od­ SALESMAN WANTED erate priced hom e. Apply to ow n­ er on prem ises. 705 Penn. Ave. SALESMAN to cover local territory Corner Harrison. 4 -lm o sellin g dealers. Guaranteed sa l-, ary of $100 week for right m an.! FOR SALE— H ouse and Vfc acre ground in fruit trees; close iu. The Richards Co., 200 F ifth Ave., New York, N. Y. 12-6* i Inquire 606 A llison. 294-1 mo* Cocoa 15c per pound Why pay 50c? PLAZA MARKET H. A. STEARNS 61 North Main Street Ashland FOR SALE. H ELP W ANTED. 1 W ANTED— Woman to do keeping. Inquire 356 street. W ANTED. O ld S w im m in ’ H o le EZ?e FBATI'RING C h as. R ay “Come on in ! The w a te r’s fine !” —and so?s the fun! »trie < ¿rJir.FUL house- FOR SALE— H eating stove and long- Laurel bedded Banner buggy. 399 Beach S t, 12-tf 12-2' FOR SALE— Two horse Bain wagon, ------- also buss body. 1165 E ast Main, W ANTED TO BUY— 6 tons baled 12-3* grain hay; also 4 milk goats. Ad- ------ dress Gust A ngeris, Deter, Ore- FOR SALE— Drophead sew ing m a­ chine, good condition, $10. D oug­ gon. 12-3* I ■ i las, 253 Fourth St. Phone 63-R. 12-3* W ANTED -About five acres with im provem ents, sm all house SALE— $50 violin for $12. lerred, close to tow n, Phone 294-R or c a ll 196 N utley. am ount. Frank Anderson, 1065 12-2* D ivlsadero St., San Francisco, C a lif 3 0 5 -lm o * FOR SA LE— F old touring car in good condition, ! 175. 247 Third FOR RENT. St. ________________________________ 12-6* FOR RENT— Two room furnished i ^ I c E ORDERS NOW if you want apartm ent for ligh t housekeeping. - best grade 4 foot black oak ? at $11 $15 per m onth. Inquire 129 per cord delivered, and red fir at Granite. 11-tf $9 cord. We have 12 inch and 16 inch m anzanita, laurel, oak, fir LOST. and pine at very reasonable prices. Split cedar fence posts? Yes. LOST— Fountain pen. Reward. 215 Gresham. from 12^£ cen ts to 75 cents each 11-4* delivered. Orders taken for 4 LOST-— On E ast Main betw een Elks' foot yellow pine, also 2 foot wood. club and Alorton St., puree con^, Adam s & Adam s, 240 Third St. tain in g two keys and som e coins. Phone 460. 12-2 F inder may keep purse and coin, but please return keys. K. Nel-1 FOR SALE OF TRADE— Late mod el six cylinder car. good as new. sou (T a ilo r ), 65 E. Main St. 10-tf W ill tak e sm all car or real estate. 1 OR EXCHANGE. This is som e car. Call noon or evenings after 6. 120 Second St. FOR EXCHANGE— My equity $3800 1 1 -3 strictly modern stucco 5 room —------------------ bungalow with sleeping porches. FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING — M attresses made over; packing in Dinuba, C alif., towu of 5000, center of raisin belt. For partly and crating. D ouglas. 253 Fourth im proved farm . *D. R asm ussen, Phone 63-R. 10-6’ Cutler, Calif. 8-9* G RAVEN8TBIN A PPL E S— »0 lb. box, 75c delivered. Phone 9 - F - l l . ies Whitcomb Riley’s Old Home Poem u _ Starts Today why ; BE FAT? - I CAN B ED U C S VOdR; W C tC M T A 'P O U lio A DAY W IT H M V tS A F C ,’ S U R t . l h E X P t N - S IV E D FtU G p e s s -. METHOD t SU L?S œ M P IJB T E KITCHEN OUTFITS g u m a a n t c e d om m o n e y a c tO M e e a . J; W A I l t ' T O t i A W f M M i t NFOSMAYlON. r t lZ A R n t l M A R S M tU R O b < « tv SflA-cialist Suite Sd7-S.B»^44wky8|4s^, Q 'e . you can obtain at this store— everyth in g the m odel cook or housekeeper could desire in pots, pans and preserving k et­ tles. A little journey through our establish m ent w ill give you m any su ggestion s as to thin gs you should have. S IM P S O N ’S HARDW ARE E R V IC E TO BOYS AND GIRLS About the finest thing youngsters can learn is to be independent, and self-resp ectin g, earning th eir own way as far as possible. At the F irst N ational we welcom e savings accounts of the boys and girls, and encourage their increas­ ing them . If parents w ill work with us, w e’ll see this next generation grow ing up in to thrifty, prosperous citizens. ♦ I Canvas Shoes Suitable for Hunting and Fishing w ith Rubber, leath er soles. kiuds. Made <'em posit ion Ashland, Oregon “O ldeet N ational Bank In Jackeen C onnt?” SW EET CIDER-— 40c gal. delivered. Phone 9 - F - l l . The Beider Tractor and P.&0. Disc Plow w ill do your plow ing right now in your hand, stick y soil. W e carry several First National ] lank FOB SALE— R E A L ESTATE. or Bargain in used sew in g m achine; a lso a new carloaxl o f W hite sew- ln g m achines just in, at Pei/'s Corner WHERE'S THE FIRE? Some tim es that fire w h istle gets into the habit of blow ing o ff when there is no fire, but you know it when it is blow ing for a fire alarm ; th e big question then is “ W here is th e fir e ? ” The truck is on the go— w here?, it may be a sm all blaze or it may already be past control— BUT there is a fire! T h at’s what the fire w h istle tells you and your heart jum ps faster. Many tim es th at call may be answ ered and NOT be for your hom e or your business. But once — ju st that vital once-— may prove the disaster o f your life. Sup­ pose it com es today, tom orrow — who can te ll w hen? A re you fu lly protected? W hy tak e th e chances? W hat has happened can happen. If it should happen to yon, would it hurt? A few d ollars invested In a good fire policy today mav save you a th ou san d tonight. Billings Agency ( A S H IA N O R eal E sta te apd R eal Insurance Bstab. 1883 P hon e a i l «1 R am Main