THE ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS PAGE TWO Friday, September 16, lW i .............. were gathered from one tree and'N ye et al. Orcter dismissing, sold for 86.25, which is a t the ra te I H. L. Van D erm ark vs. Ed Jones, of 8625 per acre. Of course, it is i Reply. Established 1876 not possible to do as well with a Patton & Robinson, Inc., vs. C. R. Published Every Evening Except Sunday large grove as with a single tree. | Natwlck et al. For money, THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. bu t th e above yields show1 w hat can J. W. P eart vs. C. R. Natwick et OFFICIAL C IT Y A N D T’ o CNTY he accomplished under favorable < al. For money. PAPER Probate Court conditione— w ithout w ater. A neigh­ TELEPHONE 39 Proof of E s ta te G eorge C. Culy. yough to the reserve, or being placed bor, Mr. A shcraft, who has had ex­ publication. EDITOR S NOTE The Tidings is subscription Price D elivered to C ity tensive experience with irrig ated o r­ 3ne month .................................. * i ’ q - in receipt of complete data relative on inactive duty .................................. charding. finds th a t cherries A, E state Jennie Eccleston. Confir­ 35. Branch of s e r v ic e ..................... to th e Oregon bonus act from the fh re e months .............................. m ation of sale. w atering. 36. Date and place of enlistm ent equally well w ithout Six m onths .................................. W orld W ar V eterans State Aid com- * • « Estate Emma Adams. Petition O tia v©ar » » ♦ • • • • • • • • • • • • • * »wv Mail a oil R ural Route*. ¡mission. Owing to the lengthy na- (if in regular navy or coast guard.) and order. Speaking of cherry orchards, the ture of the articles they m ust by E state K atie McMurtrey. Motion One mouih .................................. $ ■ fine two-acre grove on W alnut street 37. Date and place of enrollm ent. Three months necessity be run in installm ents and order. grown by J. H. Morse and which Six months . which will be fbund every day in (If in U. S. naval reserve.) .............. Is said to have paid for th e place E state Clyde Rhodes. Proof of One year . . . the Tidings until a com plete ex- ! 38. Date and place of reporting with a single crop, is being ruined publication and order. ADVERTISING RATES: I for active service ................................ planatlon is made. E state Mary E. McMillan. In­ by being used for a stock pasture Display A dvertising 39. Date and place of discharge, ventory and appraisem ent. Slagle insertion, each in ch ........... 30r and neglected in o th er ways. Leg- A t First-class Garages (Continued frcm yesterday) retirem ent, furlough to the reserve YEARLY CONTRACTS E state Eva Hockenyos. Final ac- ally, a man has a rig h t to do as he j or being placed cqi inactive duty. D isplay A dvertising and other Dealers pleases w ith his own property; mor- count ant^ order, One tim e a w eek.................... 27 t i c Q uestions 27 to 82, Inclu sive, Are ally, he has not. W ithout knowing j E state Elizabeth M. Chase. Rati- . 25c Two tim es a w eek............ 40. C haracter shown on discharge the circum stances, th e w riter would^ tication and waiver, certificate of for Army Men, M arines and Army 20c Every other d a y ................ L ocal R eaders. Nurses. not presum e to fix th e blame for ' Probate judge, confirm ation of sale. Each line, each t i m e . . . . . ......... 1®C 27. Give your rank and organiza-; Applicant will choose by indicat- this p articu lar act, but someone has Estate K atie McMurtrey. Inven- m V ^ e l ^ l i n T e a c ^ t i m ^ . ^ ^ c tion a t time of enlistm ent, or im m e-|in g in the appropriate space below tory and appraisem ent. surely fallen down on the job. To iu n every issue for on«, month diately following your first entry in- w hether he desires to accept the cash E state J. H. Thorndike, ♦ * * Proof or more, each line, each tim e. . . . 5c ; service.......................................... bonus, or to subm it an application The only example of thorough and of publication. C lassified Colum n. 2 8 Give ur rank and organtza- for a loan. If loan is chosen, a sep­ E state Bertie E. Panqey Proof continuous cultivation of an Ashland Oue cent the word each time. __ , To run every issue for one month o r ; tion at time ot discharge or separa- arate application blank will be sent. apple orchard which lias come under of publication. 41. Do you desire to be paid a more, Vic the word each time. tion from the service ......................... M arriage L icenses the w riter’s personal observation is Legal R ate: 29. Give date and place of first cash bonus of 15 per month, exclus­ John S. Ryan and Violet V. Reed. F irst Time, par 8 .P°to‘• llD® ’ n, t