a a SHLAND climate without the aid * * of Medicine, corea nine caaee oat of ten of Asthma. This is a proven fact. A shland D aily T idings International News Wire Service ■ > ' * VOLUME 3 (Socoessor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Voi. 43) • ___________ FO UN DER TH E AND PR ESID E N T AKHKAXD IBOX O F > a wall of rock and coal. W O RK Si ‘ ?• have D IE S AT IO O’CLOCK LAST Ì been . ASHLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER-16, 1921 Miners Taken From Tomb, Dig For 2 More SCRANTON, Penn., Sept. 16. — Two miners entom ber for ♦ tw enty-four hours in the Coal ;<• Brook mine a t Carbondale, were rescued alive today. Two other m iners are still entombed behind > |M j AHIA Cerma caaodt lu r tife * " three months in the rich otoae at, Ashland. The pure domestic water helps. « - _ „ __ '•> ♦ » o rU » « ™ U ,S ♦ unable to reach <$> them NIGHT— HEART TROUBLE. Former Pupil Of Local Teacher to Head Music Class Î L WELL ATTENDED H a z JÇik a IO Washout Causes ArbucKle to F ace Murder DT» Ä Trial; Will Continue Case * ’! ❖ I <$>{ Two ♦ V B EL L E PL A IN , la ., Sept. 16. •' -—Two men were killed and two •> others seriously in ju red early s' today when a fast Chicago- Northwestern passenger train r was partially derailed near • here. Firem an Johnston and a • man believed to have been a •- tram p, were killed. • The wreck was caused by a track washout due to heavy • rains. <$> <§» i <$> ♦ s> MILL CO-OPERATE WITH EX- >> FORCEMENT AGENCIES AND > <•> THE PRESS— QUERIES ATTI­ $ TUDE OF COURTS. George W. Dodson, 47, well known Ashland resident « and president and WASHINGTON, D. C., Sept. 16.— founder of the Ashland Iron Works, Disgusted over the spread of the li- died suddenly at 10 o'clock last night In a room filled with scales, meas- j i quor traffic throughout the country at liis home, 431 North Main street, LOS ANGELES, Calif., Sept. 16.— . and the law’s u tte r failure through uring appai-atus and literatu re ex-j as the resull of heart failure. The More than forty quarts of high the tederal dry machine to cope with attending phyaician s f K f e m a t hi3 l . I " ““ *1* " » « “ - form er Med- plaining the proper care of babies. ; proof and very expensive liquor was 1 it, National Prohibition Commission­ A shland’s “youngest” attended the I death was cauaed by enlargem ent ol “° W“ "i “ * consumed by F a tty Arbuckle and er Haynes has today ordered a probe throughout the Rogue River valley, “ baby conference” clinic held a t thej the heart due to an attack of in­ his guests at the San Francisco party .MEDFORD. Or., Sept. 16.— The to be made of state enforcem ent o r­ and one time pupil of Madame Tracy M ethodist church W ednesday after- j fluenza of more than two years ago. which resulted in the death of V ir­ sixth and last man to be rounded ganizations in an an e effort to nx fix the n o n to the \o u u g , of this city, has been en­ noon, attended by a coterie of local Although Mr. Dodson was known to ginia Rappe, according to an admis -I up in connection with the looting o f ' b ame for tbfl prese,,t demorallza gaged by the Morgan schools of Se­ physicians and county nurses. The • have been in poor health for some sion made here by Fred Flshback £ I 1 El O f 1 11 *1 1» I V* « 11 /"a 3 • . i tion in the organization regarding the q u arterm aster’s > departm ent . at! attle, W ash., as head of the music clinic was the second to be held in i who waR present at the tragic af- ! the time, his death comes as a distinct arm ory of separate company A enforcement of the dry laws. departm ent of one of th eir schools, Ashland during the past year a n £ I wouldn’t throw up my hands fair. shock to his many friends in this Commissioner Haynes has ordered of rifles and other m ilitary equip- according to word received hqre. was well attended by local m others. city. and quit, ju st because a few fel­ every director to go to the bottom Miss H ampton is a well known con­ One hundred per cent babyhood was meut was William McClain of Med« lows whose names I wouldn’t Mr. DotAsou had been complaining of the dry law handicaps and report KAN FRANCISCO, Calif., Sept. 16. mention, had tried to sting me, — Roscoe Arbuckle m ust face a ford, who was located u-t Sisson, Cal-i in detail upon the a ttitu d e of the o i illness for the past few days al­ cert pianist and teacher of the Lesch tlie slogan of the clinic conference. ifornia. and brought back to this etixky school of piano instruction. A fter exam ination of A shland’s if I rgally loved everybody else though his condition was not thought j juries in the federal and state charge of murder. When he was led city by Sheriff Terrill. Miss Hampton is well known in youngest generation a proper course in town, because, if I did, some­ into the court room this morning, to be serious. W ednesday afternoon courts. this city and Medford and has a suc­ of care and (Wet was outlined to the In Justice Taylor’s court yesterday body m ight say: “ He said he thp m urder case was called by Dis­ he was on the streets and driving Steps will be taken at once to co- oteps woull, but didn’t ” ; or “T alk’s trict Attorney Brady who announced morning the prelim inary hearing of his car. Following the day’s auto cessful record as a music teacher. m others by the atten d in g nurses and McClain was held at which he e n -! ” perate w,th the v«rtous law en­ She only recently completed a two doctors. Mrs. Fred S. Engle, ch air­ cheap, but it takes money to buy drive he told Mrs. Dodson th a t he tered a plea of not guilty He was forcftmpn‘ »«end®». and the press, that the state was ready to proceed whiskey.” I ’d ju st swallow mv • with the prosecution of the charge. bound over to the grand jury on a W“ h fU” Comment ,,pon an> change believed he would not drive the ma­ year course with Madame Tracy- man of the local com m ittee, was in Young, a personal pupil of Lescbet- charge of the m eeting. Miss Marie Adam’s apple and make good. chine after that day because of his Arbuckle had waited cheerfully charge of larceny, under $1000 bail. I ' U ,hP<’ izky of international reputation, who Falldine, county nurse, supervised health. HAZ KIK. He claims that progress is being I for twenty minutes before going in- Carl Gregg, one of the six, also Early yestedatf evening the a t­ has .appeared with the large orches­ the clinic. Miss Jan e Allen, director I to court in the expectation th a t the made in the disposition of seized had his prelim inary hearing today, tending physician left Mr. Dodson tras of Europe and th e United States. of the bureau of nursing and child liquors. state would drop the m urder charge and was held to the grand jury on with the expectation th a t the latter Miss Hampton coached with M adim e hygiene of the sta te board of h e a lth ,! and permit his release on bail, pend­ $1000 bail. This afternoon George would! rest well during the night. Tracy in advanced technique, in ter­ attended the conference. ing his trial on a charge of man­ Shaffer and William Brown, others pretation and the norm al course of ___— D. . C.. Sept. , 16.- w. WASHINGTON, The attending physicians were: Following the doctor’s visit, Mr. Dod­ slaughter in connection with the implicated, had their hearing in th e j^ h e internal revenue bureau has or the Lescetizky scnool. Madame Drs. Lance, Briscoe, Jarvjp, Johnson, son went to bed. passing away sh o rt­ death of Virginia Rappe, who died juvenile court at Jacksonville. dered a more liberal allowance of Tracy-Young states th a t Miss Hamp MacCracken, Swedenburg and Woods ly afterw ard while sleeping. following a ¡booze party in the ton showed rem arkable musical Besides Misses Falldine and Poole, Ham Lewis and Vord Chamber- •sacram ental wines for use by relig- Mr. Dodson founded the Ashland rooms of Arbuckle at the St. F ran­ lain had already been held to the *ous organizations in their rites, it ability during her course. the following local women assisted: iron W orks sixteen years ago. Be­ cis hotel hiere. grand jury in the same court In W8S Ifta>ned today. Mesdames C. F. Tilton, Bond, and fore th a t tim e he was an employe of The W. C. T. U, county conven- The announcem ent of the prose- bonds of $1000 each. Most of the —-------------------------- - W. M. Denton, and Miss Van Scdyoc. the Southern Pacific company here. tion met in Medford yesterday, a t ; p,,tor £el1 like a bo,£ £rom a clear young men have confessed. The conference was held w ithout QUAIL SEASON TO ~ The deceased man was noted for his v v sky to the defendant and his attor- a charge. A second conference will th e Methodist church with a large neyS ra re mechanical ability, having filled OPEN OCTOBER I ó be held at the library next month. large governm ent contracts at the delegation of Ashland women pres-i A rbuckle’s attorneys demanded a The following m others and babies local foundry during the world war. ent. Those elected as delegates by continuance of the case for ten days, The state game commission at its were present: The body was taken to the Stock the Ashland W. C. T. U. were Mes- - Attorney Brady objected but agreed meeting in Portland this week cut Mrs. O. R. K ulth and Robert, one undertaking parlors. F uneral se r­ ¡off fifteen days of the open season year, Mrs. G. E. Dunn, Helen, m ost dames Davis, Josephine Chample, J. to a five days delay. Judge Lazarus vices will be held at the Methodist V. W right and Luella Stearns. granted a continuance of the case on mountain or plumed and Cali­ two years; Mrs. O. A. McCoy, P au l­ church Sunday afternoon at 2:30 Those who were delegates by vir-i until next Thursday. fornia quail in Jackson and Jose­ ine, nearly one year; Mrs. B. P e te r­ o’clock under the auspices of the tue of office follow: Mrs. Grace —--------------------------- phine couties. the form er season of son, Robert, nine m onth; Mrs. H at­ Odd Fellows lodge. Mr. Dodson was Holmes, Mrs. Stella Leavitt, Mrs. October 1 to 31 being changed to Oc­ LONDON, Sept. 16.— Fierce fight­ tie Crawley of Talent, Claudia, th ree also a member of the Woodmen of Jillson, Mrs. Bertha Gassaway, .Mrs. tober 15 to 31. The commission also ing on the W hite sea coast between Though his wife, formerly Miss m onths, Mrs. F. Crouch. Isabelle, K irkpatrick, Mrs. W illiam Cochran, the Russian naval and land forces the World,. Burial will be made at ordered closed to fishing Lake creek one year; Mrs. Minnie Coleman, M ountain View cemetery. Nona Pace of Talent, and the majoi Mrs. C. W. Fraley. Mrs. E. W hite. for 800 yards below the point where is reported in progress and 200 are Kenneth Dale, five m onth; Mrs. J . GT°7,e „Y; D° dS° n 'LaS..bOrn. June P°rtio » o£ the population of M arsh­ Mrs. Brower, Mrs. Wolcott, Mrs. B. It enters into Diamond lake in Doug- dead according to an unconfirmed -S. Callahan, Jerry , one year and An Ashlan**! invasion of G rants las county. 10, 1874, a t La Trobe, Calif. He had L. Powell and .Miss Benedict. Helsingfors dispatch to the Daily field were down to greet him Mon­ two m onths: Mrs. L. B. Skeen. Lynn, no children. Besides his wife he is The convention assembled at News The dispatch did not give Pass was the outstanding feature of A full legal notice of the change survived by three brothers and eight day afternoon, the Rev. .1. E. A nder­ eight weeks; Mrs. G. H. W enner, 10:30 and continued all day. The ¡details. in the quail season is published else­ the opening day of the Southern e sisters. They are: AJ E. Dodson, son, the disappearing Baptist preach­ with Geraldine, two years, and Ger­ Medford ladies served lunch at the ------------- - where in this paper Oregon industrial exposition being Colorado county, Calif.; J. A. Dod­ er of Coos couiity, failed to show tie, six m onths; Mrs. J. J. Hawks, noon hour. , NEW YORK, Sept. 16.— Babe held at G rants Pass this week. Abouti son, Carson City. Nev.; R. L. Dod­ up per promise from C larksburg, W. Scotti A rthur, two m onths; Mrs. R rl Ruth set a new world’s record yes­ E. Jarvis, Roy Gilbert, over eight: son, La Trobe. Calif.; Mrs. Mabel W orld scarcity of lax will force terday when he drove out his fifty- twenty-five cars came up Sixth Va., where he was caught. As soon Sprague. Oakland, Calif.; Mrs. W il­ street about noon displaying ban­ (C ontinued on P a g e 4) Oregon crop to a high price fifth homer of the season. as Rev. Anderson was apprehended liam Euer, La Trobe, Calif.; Mrs. J ners. L ater the delegation was ban- T. P orter. Ione. C.1IL; M r, It N ! " M i» H o .1 B o .r t. (Hieted at the Josephine hotel, num ­ n « v pi.POFv n r> l - nian, a young and handsome pipe or- Day. Placerville. Calif.; Mrs.. E. W. gah i.t, he telegrapher th a t he 'would- erous speeches being made by Ash­ Younger, P ortland: Mrs. J. L. Coch­ come back and explain.” land men and officers of the Grants rane. Toile, Calif.; and Mrs. Q. Bry­ According to the Marshfield News an, Oakland. Calif. Pass Chamber of Commerce. By WM. BRIGGS citizens of the town laid bets that ♦ i TD REPEAT CLINIC Last Man Co. A. Robbery Medford IS Sound Ovof riO - Local W. C. T. U. Members Attend Medford Meeting REV. ANDERSON FAILS 10 APPEAR AT Famous Violinist W ill Play Here Soon at Armory R ev Anderson would! not return, and all are \e ry anxious to see him again. , A reqpption committee was appoint- {ed to greet the prodigal, hut the home paper surm ises he “eith er lost i bis homing instinct, or his way en j ro u te.” The Coos County "admits th a t the m inister is quite an orator, The tjiree-day camps conducted for but doubts his ability to ‘explain his vanishm ent.” the boys of the county by the Y. M. Mrs. Anderson is still in M arsh­ C. A. this sum m er have proved a fine success. Sixty-one boys and field, but intends to retu rn to Talent ad u lt leaders from six different com­ shortly after her husband's arrival. Summer Camps County Y.M.C.A. M ake Big Success m unities of the county have availed NEW YORK, Sept. 16.— Babr* themselves of the camping privil­ Ruth added another hom er to his eges thus offered. ’ The camps have been so handled j 1 ? , 7 ^ ’( k rGCOrd tOday’ m akin* th re e-d a v n n t m « r . v . one this year, th a at t th the e three-day outings have been 1 the WASHINGTON. D. C., Sept. 16.— no expense. The transportation has The abolition of surtaxes on incomes been provided, and tne boys have from $5000 to $6000 inclusive was draw n on the home lard er for pro­ visions. Hiking, cooking, swimming, decided upon by the senate finance The committee climbing, baseball, volley ball. committee today. quoits, bible study, cam pfire s tu n ts ,! al8° adopted a one per cent redtj^- .. .. too I tion in surtaxes from $6000 to etc., have made the time all $20,000. short. One of the features of the camps ; has been the fine spirit of co-opera- . ASHINGTON, D. C„ Sept. 16.— tion and ready response to d isci-, An<,ther o£fering of federal farm Pline. Cleanliness, so far as con-1 '° an b° ndS bearlnS 5 cent in­ sistent with camp life, a liberal use terest is t0 be made by th e federal of soap and w ater at stated times laDd banks about October L Secre- ------------------------ ... ________ tary of the Treasury Mellon an- (Contlnued on Page F ou r) | nounced today. O. S. Blanchard, president of com­ Skovgaard, the noted Danish vio- mercial organization of the neigh- _ linist, is to be a t the Armory Sep- boring city; W. E. Newcombe, man m an-jtem ber 29. This is one of the big- ager of the W estern Union and fo r-,g est features in th e musical history mer president of the Ashland C ham -; of Ashland. her oi Commerce, and Wilford Alien? A fter much consideration it was secretary of the G rants Pass irriga- decided by the committee from the tion district, made speeches of wel-1 F irst company, in charge of the af- conie. I hese were responded to b y ! fair, th a t only a nominal charge b»; Henry Enders Jr. anri Mayor C. B. I made for the perform ance, the plan Lamkin of this city. J, H. F u lle r.! being th a t by m atin g a nominal secretary of the Chamber of Com- ■ charge a very large crow d would at- merce, issued a general invitation tend, and th a t the F irst company for the people of Josephine county ¡would profit more by the volume of to attend the annual Ashland w inter • attendance, rath er than by the price, fair which is to be held here the The F irst company has labored first week in December. ' long and hard for the welfare of the 1 M ben the Ashland people visited organization, and need the support the fair grounds they found th a t the of every true and loyal Ashlander. , sister county could put on a show It is, at best, a very wearisome task that does justice to all the booster for every member to give an even- argum ents th a t have ever been made, ing a week to m ilitary drill and eu- The proverbial huge pumpkins, lus- deavor, and certainly those people cions fruits, vegetables, flowers, of the city who are not so giving women s needle work, cattle, sw in e.: th eir time, should help support them chickens and many other e x h ib its! to the limit. were placed for inspection there. Churches an d schools have been i asked to announce the coming of ST. PAUL, Minn., Sept. 16.— j this wonderful musician, in order Three masked bandits held up a ' th a t Ashland may be there with a poker game in progress last night trem endous audience. The Armory at a dow’n town hotel, and shot and is capable of seating 2000 people, killed one of the players and serious­ I and the boys want every seat taken. ly wounded the hotel proprietor. The Seats for this splendid event are bandits escaped with $300, now on sale at Rose Brothers.