/ Thursday, September IS, IMF W BU ESV PULT TOP»)». PAGE FOTO MICKIE, THE PRINTER’S DEVIL syy \ j j 3 i i C i He Meets Up with a Chicago Booster o u g iiio c N E A M , BOX' C H IC A G O , 'tH E VJOUOÊfc C v fs , VS 1 $tA K B HlCHlGAU AMEHUB AFTER P A R K , V4VTH Ï W B U ^ B O 'f, C H IC A G O VS S O M Ê 'tOVJM .eW ? HAÄONIC CALENDA» V W BET VT MAKES that u r r v t TOVJM NOÜ COME F « O M LOOK - J & Special communication of Ashland lo d je No. 23. A. F. & A. M„ Friday evening. September 16, work in the third degree. & e cu o e £ P X S lftK *. Ç . S Y o e t ft o u VS A P A R U ' GOOD PIACE I Y H E O H U * R E A L S P O T O M 'ÍH E M A P ' B IG G E R , J / Ö R A W P E R , PASTER, y wealthier h T H R O W AWAN \Y S ÇOOHYLÊSS AUTOMOBU-&S. HOH' 1 SüESS NOU M6MER f SEEM KWUU STREET ITS MSR1AP LIGHTS, VTS FASH«»! P A R A P E op vjeavth a m p B E A U T * ' WHERE OM GOO'S your ham m er AM P BOV A U A O LI t M BACK HOIAE OM SÄtUROAV klvGWT \ GREEM FOOTSTOOL VS A S ig h t u U£ TH A T ? Held to Granu Jury— Vord Chamberlain, one ef the men i accused of being im plicated in t b s . theft of property from the arm ory of separate company’ A, was held to the grand jury Monday afternoon by | Justice Taylor in bond of $1000. George Shaffer and W illiam Brown, two others im plicated, were turned over to juvenile court, as their par­ ents claim they are only eighteen Cliff Payne makes benches. years of age. The case of Carl Gregg comes up in court Wednesday. Cap- A rrivals a t Hotel Ashland— tain Canaday recovered more stol­ H. B. Symes, San Francisco; G. E. en property Monday which was con­ Kibby, W. F. Sergeant, C. W. F u ller­ cealed under the approach to the ton, S. J. Grimes, Portland, Mr. and rear part of the Korinek building, Mrs. C. D. B artlett, Berkeley, Calif.; consisting of belts, blankets, trous- z M. Agee, P ortland; J. Lindquist, ers and leggings to the value of'L ew iston, Ida.; G. Rossenstein, Chi- $50.— Medford Mail Tribune. Cago, 111.; E. J. McNaughton, Leo ---------- Jannings, Los Angeles, Calif.; H. N. Watch Yeo’s window. 299-tf Norton, P ortland; J. A. Thomasen, < ---------- Dusmuir. Calif.; Geo. E. Patten, Eu- Civic Club luncheon a t Hotel Ash- gene ; Mrs. .1. H. Roth and party, land Tuesday. September 20, at 12 Cottonwood, Calif.; G. F. Hoag and o’clock. Tickets, 60c, at Mrs. family. Seattle, W ash.; B. D. West- Sugg’s millinery parlor, 39 Bast fall, Portland. » 10-6* _______ Main street. For pleating see Orres. 303tf ! American Legion IÇolum By DONALD SPENCER : through some of his talk. Ray is Ashland post No. 14. American the life of th e party though. T h . Legion, had a regular session a g a in ; Legion couldn t f u n d on w ou last Tuesday night. They have es him. But Ray haB nothing what- tablished a regular club room to - ; ever to do witb tb a t az UD gether with the G. A. R., in the A r-' attei a ^- » » « mory. It is planned to red eco rate; ' Ashland post has two m ighty good the room and make it a really com­ fortable meeting room for all vet­ en tertain ers th a t we are mighty nroud of, and! they are John O. Rigg erans. and Rev. W. L. Evans, who put th e | The m eeting was alive and full of Legion up to lu ll glory w ith the G interest for all concerned. Many A. R. and W. R. C. a t th e ir reunion. committees reported th eir activities : and have shown work well done. j They have th e lasting appreciation Ah! The P lot T hickens! Henry Pace leans heavily to en­ j of the post for th eir splendid spirit A warm shotgun reception aw aits ^ r * ALuttie Shaw R eturns ! with which they responded to our the man who several tim es at night Dr- M attie Shaw and son, Marvin, tertainm ent and an y th in g th a t is : for th e best interests of the Legion ; cad 101 be*p recently has entered a West Tenth i bave returned to Ashland from Port- * * » street kitchen, the door of which , land> and are now occupying the in general, so he heads a co m m ittee5 The more we see of our lyceuin had been left open until th e men family home a t 108 Pioneer avenue, which will arran g e for a whaling) i course the b e tte r we like it. Our folks arrived home, and turned on ‘ where Dr. Shaw will again open an big get-together m eeting of all ex- com m ittee has worked it over pretty the electric switch which, un k now n, office. Dr. H. M. Shaw and son, service men and th eir relatives to carefully and announce th e first to him. turns the lights on all over ‘ Victor, will arrive later from the be held at the Armory September 27. event to be th e La Salle q u a rte t for I t’s to be a regular old-fashioned Shaw ranch in Coos county. the house. In addition, if caftght, party style, the kind th a t we never October 1. These* en tertain ers are penitentiary sentence aw aits him. very well know n to many people. Somebody has been advertising get tired of. They will select a la­ We feel p articu larly glad to have The house is now guarded nightly. th at I ’m out of business, but ft is dies’ com m ittee from the Auxiliary them because they are all ex-ser­ Medford Mail Tribune. not true. I ’m still on tb e job. De and other relatives, to co-operate vice men w ith us, and they are some l2 - 2 * i witb them in the final preparations Orres elea us a ad remodels clothes. W itt Taxi. in order th a t it m ight be the moBt reg u lar en tertain ers. * • * 3 08tt • complete success. The a ffair is for Rem em ber th e bonus m eeting, and JACKSON VILLS SCHOOL ROW ; i all ex-service men and th e ir rela­ Good food, cooked right, served STUDENTS OUT ON STR IK E tives. so don’t overlook any bets, but then th e Old-fashioned P arty, fel­ at reasonable prices. Hotel Ashland lows. A fter th a t we will have some plan to be there. Grill. 297tf more good stuff. (Continued from Page I) The state aid is of param ount in­ Disposal of Tim ber Slashing»— 2 9 0 PIO N E E R S OF called with an order for Prof. Stultz terest for all ex-service men, so it Methods of co-operation for the to vacate* The la tte r advised, ac­ SOUTH OREGON HOLD disposal of slashings in Oregon tim ­ cording to reports, for the director necessarily brought out a lot of dis­ ANNUAL MEETING ber. will be diBcnssed a t a confer­ to throw his order in the waste bas­ cussion. A rrangem ents were made for a bonus m eeting to be held a t (Continued from Page 1) ence participated in by the state ket. the Armory for Thursday night, board of forestry, logging operators Stultz has a contract calling for here from Jacksonville. The in te r­ and tim ber land owners, in P o rt­ $2200 per year, but is said to be when the com m ittee will be ready to ior is equipped w ith a large stone land, September 17, at the office of willing to accept $2000. Prof. Hos­ handle any kind of questions th a t fireplace. A long iron latticed cage George H. Cecil, district forester in m er’s contract calls for $1575 a year. will be asked, and fill out all the a p ­ th a t may be securely locked wilt plications possible. Don Dickerson the postoffice building. The state Jacksonville Is divided into two and his crew of chefs w ill hand out fu rn ish ,sto rag e room for historic ex­ board hopes to enlist the assistance factions over the dispute and the hibitions to be placed in the build- and co-operation of logging opera­ fuss is the sole topic of conversation a bit of eats on th e side lines while the scrim m age is in progress. If ing by tbe Pioneer8’ Tbe buildlng tors and other owners of slashings in th e county seat. you seek ¡uforffiattofi on bonus or b,lilt on city for which a in complying with the requirem ents loan lines, be theie. long term lea8e bbfi been given’ a of the state law. L etters are being We are moat agreeably surprised gift from Mr’ B utler to th e a8SOCia* sent out to all operators and also to EQUALIZATION BOARD tion w ithout ham pering provisions. owners of adjoining tim ber lands, RECEIVES COMPLAINTS at the num ber of fellows who are taking out loans. They don’t w ant asking them to attend tb e meeting;. DRAFT EVADERS The board of equalization met at the bonus. The loan really means FILL FEDERAL Jacksonville Monday morning in something to them ,and to A shland| Rogue R iver V lsltoro PRISON CELLS John McClaren and J. H. Priest, regular annual session, and no busi- in general. Many of them like t h e ( (C ontinued from Page 1) of Rogue River, were Ashland visit- ness was transacted except to file idea th a t they have $3000 credit i pleas of taxpayers for a reduction iq with the state th a t they can draw tion of arm y officers g ath ered a t the ors on Tuesday. their taxes ranging from $425 to on any tim e in years to come, while officers’ club here. C aution Is E xercised Automobile iusuranc« -Yeo, of $1500. Most of those registering the bonus only lasts— over night. The necessity for carefulness in course. 299-tf com plaints were from Eagle Point, If our national governm ent could C entral Point, Ashland and rural realize ju st what th e ex-service men checking the w ar d ep artm en t’s list A good and dandy Estley organ points. No corporation has as yet are doing with the bonuses which of d ra ft dodgers explains the num ­ they receive from the various states, erous delays in th e prosecution of for sale cheap. Suitable for coun­ sought a reduction. they would not hesitate a m om ent to certain cases, according to barracks try school houses or m ountain TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. pass th a t adjusted compensation officers. homes. At Peil’s Corner. 11-4 “ A lthough we exercise extrem e WANTED— Woman to do h ou se-ib^b keeping, Leaves for F a lla - Inquire 356 Laurel The boys are NOT squanderers, street. 12-2* but are home builders, and sound William Allen, A shland postal employe, left th is m orning for K lam ­ WANTED TO BUY— 6 tons baled citizens, who want to take up the ath Falls, where he will spend the grain hay; also 4 milk goats. Ad­ threads where they were broken, and dress G ust Angeris, Deter, Ore­ pull ahead. week-end visiting friends. gon. 12-3* It will be interesting to watch the 26 — BOUNDS — 26 Your fall suit is here, P aulser- SALESMAN W A N T E D ~ results of the Oregon state aid mea- ud’s. 307tf SALESMAN to cover local te rrito ry 1 sure a t th e NAT., MEDFORD selling dealers. G uaranteed sal­ * « * ary of $100 week for right man. On H unting T r i p - It ju st tickles the members of The R ichards Co., 200 Fifth Ave., A rthur T routfether, proprietor of New York, N. Y. 12-6* Ashland post some to learn of Ger­ the Plaza confectionary, and F rank BATTLING FEICK ald G unter’s wedding with (used to Barnthouse, left yesterday for Klam- FOR SALE— Two horse Bain wagon, Medford also buss body. 1165 East Main. was) Miss Hazel Powell. You bet­ ath Falls and Lakeview, w here they cha they did it W ednesday afternoon 12-3* will hunt for the next week or ten KI d I j AKOINT and then beat it out of tow n in th eir days. Edward B utler has assumed FOR SALE— Drophead sewing m a­ Ashland chine, good condition, $10. Doug­ little Ford bug. They a re coming charge of the confectionary 9tore las, 253 Fourth St. Phone 63-R. ¡back, though, and have purchased a 10 Rounds during Mr. T routfether’s absence. 12-3* I dandy little bungalow near the JACK BURNS Cull apples for sale, eating and FOR SALE— $50 violin for $12. C hautauqua building. W e’ll venture Grants Paas Phone 294-R or call 196 Nutley. a guess w hat Gerald will do w ith cooking apples. Ashland F ru it & 12-2* his chance a t the state aid m easure. Produce Association. 10-6. JESSINGRAM FOR SALE— Ford touring car in T h at’s substantial progress, and not Medford squandering. good condition, $175. 247 Third * * « St. 12-6* 6 Rounds Ashland post has been greatly itf PLACE ORDERS NOW if you want BILLY HUPP best grade 4 foot black oak a t $11 need of good orators and spellbind­ Medford per cord delivered, and red fir at ers, but we were very pleasantly $9 cord. We have 12 inch and 16 suprised when Chet Smith budded inch m anzanita, laurel, oak, fir kh T olark and pine at very reasonable prices. out into a most enthusiastic dis­ Central Point Split cedar fence posts? Yes, course at the last meeting. He could 6 Rounds from 12% cents to 75 cents each not even wait for his tu rn to come, delivered. Orders taken for 4 but pulled the other fellows down so JOE BLACKBURN foot yellow pine, also 2 foot wood. th at his tu rn would come sooner. Adams & Adams, 240 Third St. Medford INCREASES CROP YIELDS Phone 460. , 12-2 I t’s good stuff, Chet, we want you — —— —---- ---------- r---------------! to come again. NOW A PROVEN FACT FOR SALE— Heating stove and long- . * • ♦ KID WILLIAMS bedded Banner buggv. 399 Beach Medford Apply Early B efore th e F a ll R ains St. 12-tf We have often wondered who was 4 Rounds responsible for th a t Haz Klk stuff A Ctar op Hand Now at th e EXPERT CAR WASHING aud polish ing. Lithia Garage, phone 114 th a t we see in the Tidings, and were General Admission .. .91*00 alm ost tem pted to accuse Ray Wol­ 12-lm o Reserved S e a ts ............91*50 ASHLAND FRUIT cott, on account of some of his dis­ Ring S id e ..................... 92.00 EXPERT CAR REPAIRING at rea­ ASSOCIATION sonable prices. L ithia Garage. courses during th e m eeting. We’ll* (plus war tax) have to X-RAY in order to 12-lmo J care in checking these lists, we o ft-: aw aiting transportation to serue sen-1 ily in favor of the drastic measures m ilitary prisons taken against the slackers, accord- times make m istakes.” one officer tences in the throughout the country. Many will fag to army officers and officials said. “ Already several names of war be received at the Leavenworth bar' of the American Legion. The Amerl- heroes have crept into the lists i racj[g) ¡t wag said. can Legion has voiced itself as will- through erro rs.” Although no fficial classification ing to have the complete list of Although the “ red tape” connect- i of the offenses of the men at Fort evaders published, in spite of the ed with the prosecution of slackers Jay has been received it is believed tem porary em barrassm ent which oc- cassionally occurs through erro rs in sometimes makes the cases “ drag” several are d raft dodgers. Public sentim ent is growing stead- this particular. th eir conviction is certain. The draft evader is given no loophole to es­ cape. His record is investigated thoroughly, an d he is brought before a court m artial or into a federal court, according to circum stances un-1 dar wbicb be evaded «««-vice. Con- victed, be is sentenced usually to a term of from one to five years at hard labor at one of the disciplinary barracks or a federal penitentiary. Generally speaking, men who —m— evaded registration during the draft period, or otherwise proved them ­ selves legal slackers before induction into the army, face federal charges, An intim ate story of young married it was explained., Those registered life th at tried to wear a false mask for the d ra ft who failed to appear of prosperity. for service when summoned, must IL m otto: “Look like a million stand court m artial. dollars.” It6 standard: “ What will Numerous lists of slackers in the people say?” . Southw est have been issued from Till one day the cords of intrigu» an d deception snapped! F o rt Crook, Omaha, Neb., headquar­ The rest is a great human drama ters for the Seventh Army corps th at , struggling back to happiness, area of the United States army, and touches every love and every home. F o rt Sam Houston, San Antonio, Texas. Today only D a v id P o w e ll “A p p e a r a n c e s” Coming—Friday, 3 0 0 P rison ers a t F ort Jay Word has been received by the of­ ficer commanding the Leavenworth disciplinary barracks th a t 500 mili­ tary prisoners from the arm y of oc­ cupation in Germany and from var­ ious parts of the United States and possessions are being held at F o r t, Jay, Governors Island, New Yor]jn Saturday C h a s. R ay O le S w im m in ’ H o le Wouldn’t You Laugh ----- if you saw your next door neighbors dressed in animal » I r i n a That’s because centuries have come aud gone ainoe clothes of hide slipped into the limbo of things that are past - * •_ J> * I * BOXING Every day new styles appear—new products that save time labor and money are introduced—new comforts, new conven iences and new ideas continually are being offered for your benefit. Friday Evg„ Sept 16 The advertisements bring you the news of all this progress Read the advertisements and you will keep abreast of the styles—you’ll know every product that goes to make life more enjoyable. » And the advertisements will tell you where to get these things, how to get them and how much to pay for them. The advertisements are daily directories to wise buying. Read the advertisements. Protect yourself in buying by getting those products which have proved their worth by mak ing good under the spotlight of consistent publicity. Read the advertisements and buy the advertised products !