Thursday. September 18, 1921 THE ASHLAND DAELT TIDINGS LOCAL AND PERSONAL Domestic JJcience Departm ent Chas. S. W ilson— P ain tin g, pa par­ hanging, tinting. S atisfaction guar­ anteed. P. O. Box 244. 8-1 m * Conducted b y M r s /falle De Graf* Domestic Science D irector S p e rry F lo u r Co. flo w ers,” attended by ring bearers and flow er girls. Miss Ruth York opened the hope chest and drew out q u an tities of books on Endeavor' work. So lively was the response that • the budget o f $125 asked for was covered by pledges to the am ount o f $145. L ively gam es and songs and re­ freshm ents provided by Medford so­ cieties. kept the party until a late hour. Sunday afternoon brought out a good attendan ce to listen to an in-i L ad les’ A rt Club M eets — The L ad ies’ Art club, form erly the L ad ies’ A uxiliary club, held its first m eetin g of the season Monday even ­ ing, Septem ber 12, at which tim e th e follow in g officers were elected: P resid en t, Mrs. Selm a Gray; vice president, Mrs. Anna B riggs; secre­ tary, Mrs. Marian E. Thornton; spirational address by Rev. E. P. There are so m any light, nourish-1 teaspoon salt; paprika, treasurer. Mrs. E lizabeth Bush. Mrs. Law rence on “Stew ardship.” Rev. W ill Myer and Mrs. W. H. McNair ing dishes m ade w ith m ilk as a b a s e ’ Mix in gred ien ts in order nam ed Mr. W illard played tw o selection s are the appointed house com m ittee which are especially w elcom e at th is and pour into a greased baking-dish. on his fam ous broom stick fiddle, and tim e of year. Many o f th ese dishes Bake in a slow oven until firm . If for the com ing year. the M isses H illis san g a duet. m ade of m ilk, in com bination with cook ed too fast or too long the m ix ­ At the evenin g consecration ser­ Som ething new in Yeo’s window. other nourishin g foods, m ay entirely ture w ill curdle. vice, led by Paul Brown, five En- 299-tf replace th e hearty m eat dish. The C hocolate Corn Starch Pudding deavorers consecrated th em selves to carefu l h ou sew ife does not consider Two cups m ilk; th ree-fou rth s <|up life service for Christ. m ilk an extravagance, and supplies j sugar; one-h alf cup ground choco Nicdocl V isitors— a su ffic ie n t quan tity to be able to late; four tablespoons corn starch ; t Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Bailey and-M r. prepare custards, puddings, sauces J one teaspoon vanilla; one-h alf tea-' and Mrs. Field R ise, of Mcdoel, Cali­ cream soups, etc. spoon cinnam on. forn ia. are visitin g Mrs. Franke W est, The foo.d value of m ilk is in n o ; Heat milk in double boiler. Mix Beach avenue, after a m otoring way destroyed by ordinary cooking, sugar, «11 cm r s* stv*rt a starch, + a«w»lv cinnam on ___ corn and i trip that included C rescent City, and the d ishes m ade with m ilk as chocolate. Pour hot m ilk over m ix­ C alif., and Grants Pass. the m ain ingred ient are both nour­ ture, return to double boiler and T rousers at $3.50. A few lett at ish ing and appetizing, and are a l­ cook, stirrin g con stan tly, until thick, W hole then cook about fifteen m in u te s .; The Rev. J. T. Anderson, who dis­ Orres T ailor Shop. 303 tf m ost lim itless in variety. m ilk contains all the food principles Add vanilla and pour into a wet appeared a month ago, and was — protein, fat, carbohydrates, w ater m old and set aside to ch ill. Serve fo u n d recently in W est Clarksburg, Eugene Visitor— Mrs. A. C. Dixson and daughter, and m inerals. W. Va., w ith M iss H azel Boardm an, with a custard or a fru it sauce. o f E ugene, are v isitin g Mrs. Dlx- To scald m ilk, put in a double j Tapioca Cream a pipe organ ist, has been dism issed boiler, and when bubbles appear on | One h alf cup pearl tapioca; two as pastor o f the B ap tist church of son 's brother, Fred W. Herrin. top o f th e m ilk it is scalded. eggs; th ree-fou rth s cup su gar; one- M arshfield, and his w ife, form erly B usiness training pays, One term Milk toast seem s a sim ple disb fourth teaspoon sa lt; on e and one- Miss Nona P ace, o f Talent, who Was w ith us and one year at a good sa l­ and is, if th e bread is treated to half cups scalded m ilk; one teaspoon v isitin g relatives w hen he staged his ary in a business o ffice m akes the ju st the right am ount o f crispness. "disaopearance,” is still in M arsh­ van illa. Best tw o-year coarse. W inter term Cut th e bread about h alf a n inch field w a itin g for him to return. Soak tapioca in cold w ater to cover begins Sept. 15. Medford Business thick and toast on each sid e until The M arshfield papers quote Mrs. for about one hour. Drain and cook C ollege, M edford, Ore. l - U crisp, but not brittle. Each 3iice in one cup of b oilin g w ater in a Anderson as sayin g. “I ’M take the should be dipped for only an in- double boiler until transparent and1' proper action when, the tim e co m es.” ! V isits F ather He j stan t in to hot salted water. Do not clear, stirrin g frequently. Add m ilk j She would not state w hether this Dr. and Mrs. Lance Briscoe, of allow toast to becom e soft. P lace would be an action for divorce or S eattle, W ash., are visitin g Dr. B ris­ slices on a hot platter and pour a and sugar. Separate eggs, beat the i Volks, th en pour hot m ixture slow ly prosecution for failu re to support c o e ’s parents. Prof, and Mrs. G. A. th in w h ite sauce over them . The over them . R eturn to boiler and B riscoe. Dr. Briscoe was a guest sauce should be prepared before the cook until cream y. P our over the Lim e P la n t Closed— a t a recent Chamber o f Com m erce toast is m ade a n d may be kept hot The sta te lim e' plant at Gold HiU I stiffly beaten w hites, add flavoring luncheon. in a double boiler. A llow one cup and chill. has closed , d u e to th e lack o f orders 1 »XM UbUe., £ ¡ £ 3 P .U .- ; ° a8L from farm ers fo r lim eston e. The Custard Sauce aerud’s tn vtvl Egff tOa 1 is m ade by addInK one One cup o f m ilk; two egg yolks; storage capacity o f the plant for the ___ J chopped hard-cooked egg to each finished product is 500 tons, and the j one-fourth cup sugar; one teaspoon cup o f w h ite sauce. plant w ill not resum e until th is is R eturn from W a s h in g to n - vanilla. H ot m ilk may be poured over exhausted and the fall orders fro n t! Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Cavin have Scald m ilk in double boiler; beat j jrisp slices o f buttered toast and returned from an exten d ed visit at yolks slig h tly , add sugar. Pour th e the farm ers are received in su fficien t j served at once. E llen sb urg. W ash. scalded m ilk over eg g m ixture, then q u an tities to perm it a steady run. Any cream soup m ay be m ade by -- I return to double boiler an d cook, t F all w oolens and fash ions are now adding from one to tw o cups of stirrin g con stan tly until m ixture w ill in at Orres tallhr shop. Save $5 to strained cooked vegetab les to four coat a spoon. Flavor and chill. $15 by ordering your su it now. 3 0 3 tf cups of thin w hite sauce, w ell sea­ soned. The vegetables should be put O uting Trip — through a puree strainer or coarse Irving F in ley, G eorge Eubanks, sieve. J. W. Bruner and G. P. B illin gs re­ Thin White sauce; One tablespoon Jeath only a m atter o f short tim e turned yesterday evenin g from o f butter or su b stitu te, one table­ 3on*t w ait until pains and acbet S cotts valley, w here they had been spoon flour, one cup m ilk. jscoxne incurable diseases. Avoic on a two days ou tin g trip. Medium w hite sauce; Two table­ minful consequences b y takinf spoons butter, two tablespoons of S u its M ade to Order— flour, one cup m ilk. C leaning and repairing on short Thick w hite sauce: Four table­ M EDFORD, Or., SCept. 15.— One of notice. K. N elson, Hotel Ashland spoons butter, four tablespoons of th e m ost d ifficu lt task s ever experi­ enced by a com m ittee o f ju d ges w as B ,d * 302tf flour, one cup m ilk. C A P S Ü I F .S M ethod; Melt butter, add flour th e ju d gin g of th e pears at th e Pear R eturns from Crescent (fity__ It w as a and stir until sm ooth; cook until Show M onday evening. Bill Paul, locally know n as an ex­ foamy. Add cold m ilk and stir con­ five-hour job and in m any in s ta n c e s ; Pha world’s standard remedy for Iddney iver, bladder and uric acid troubles—th< a lted fisherm an, returned yesterday stan tly until m ixture thickens. Add th e m agn ifyin g glass was used to de­ National Remedy of Holland since 1696 from a cam ping trip o f several days season in gs last. term ine th eir decisions. The ju d g-i hieranteed. Three sices, all druggist« in C alifornia, as far south of Cres­ M acaroni and Cheese in g w as done by Prof. F. C. R e im e r ,! a o k fo r »Ua u u GaU Medal on every bn cent City. Two cups cook ed m acaroni; one C. C. Lemmon and R. G. B ardw ell, enp m edium w hite sauce; three ta­ and in order th at th e grow ers m ay A ll wool su its at $25. You can’t blespoons buttered crum bs; three- understand how they reached their beat them . See them at Orres T all­ fou rth s cup grated cheese. conclu sions, and that exh ibitors next e r Shop. 303 tf M acaroni should be in one-inch year may better understand th e se­ lengths. G rease a baking dish; put lection of pears, they have arranged R eturn from C alifornia— in a layer of m acaroni, a layer of to be at th e Pear Show from 7 30 Mat. at 2 Evg. at Miss M arjorie Edson, of G azelle. sauce, a layer of cheese, then m aca­ until 9 o ’clock next Saturday even ­ S treet P arade at C alif., has returned to Ashland to roni, etc., until dish is filleh . Cover ing and w ill confer with th ose who 11 A. M. tak e up her work as a senior in the top w ith buttered orum bs and bake are interested in grow ing perfect high school. in a m oderate oven until brown. pears. R ice or sp agh etti m ay be prepared A basis upon w hich ju d gin g was H. It. Adam s, the Plum ber, sells in th e sam e' m anner. dtone w as uniform ity, form , size and plum blug fixtures and supplies Blanc Mange color. Each entry w as num bered P hon e 166-J, shop at 248 F ifth S', One a n d o n e-h alf cups m ilk; and none of the grow ers’ nam es ap- 2 8 7 -tf th ree-fou rth s cup sugar: four tabic .............. Peared on sam e, so that the ju dges R etu rn from G rants Pass__ spoons cornstarch; one-fourth tea did not know to whom the pears be- Miss Mildred Culy, who has spent spoon salt; one teaspoon v a n illa : i ' onRed' th e sum m er at G rants Pass, with two eg g w h ites, beaten stiff. I. A. Perry, Bear Creek. Del R io 1 her sister, is back for her k^t year H ollywood o r ch a rd s/ Scald m ilk, m ix sugar, salt and Mo. oc and COO • 12 HERP& in high school. Miss Elizabeth I.en- cornstarch thoroughly, then add the show d the greatest care in the se-' 1L E PH A K T Ô nox, class of 21, is taking post- hot m ilk, stirrin g constan tly until lection of the specim ens entered. graduate work in the teacher train-j m ixture thickens. Cook over hot A N D TME C R E A T E 3T ' ing departm ent ot the high school, w ater for tw en ty m inutes. W hen Start W ith M ilk—and you can Make Many Seasonable, Delicious Dishes Doyou know you can roll One cent ’.ila. » MEDFORD Sat. Sep BARGAINS IN Real Estate .d «ota 1 R:« Rthh,«. V / i Canvas Shoes Suitable tor Hunting and Fishing W e carry several w ith Rubber, butilici- sole«. kinds. Made ContpoeKlon or FOR SALE— One teed set. 8 pieces 1 dining table. 4 dining chairs rugs. Universal range, gray ena inel, piano. victroln and records 7 W hite Leghorn chickens fiv< m onths old. 65" Boulevard. 10-: For partly A PPLES— 50 lb R asm ussen,, (ÎRAVENBTHIN 8-9* delivered. Phone 9-F -l a . «rtber. Hu > .V t . « . V l» r n * sl« t. A'l- *ar< J i t - r n » b-T F R F n iA M O M » j i i U N s n u •*. r . t o SOLD BY DRUGGISTS SW EET CIDER— 40t- gal. delivered Phone 9 -F -l 1. WANT LD. W A N T E D —To hear from ow ner c good ranch for sal«. State cas price, fu ll particulars. D. F. Busl M inneapolis, Minn. 260-21 W ANTED— About five acres wit im provem ents, sm all bouse pr ferred, close to town. Stal am ount. Frank A nderson. 1 0 i ASHLAND D lvisadero St., San Fruncisci I V IK K I KDAN AUTOCAR OO, E ffective March 2 9 , 1920. D ally (E xcept LV Sunday) ------------- B o m T ailoring offers LV. MEDFORD • y o u good style, depend­ 7:15 a. m. 8 :00 a. m. able w oolen s, painstak­ 8 :46 a. m. 9:30 a. m. in g n eed le w ork and 10:15 a. m. u n u su al value; it is guar- 12-00 no “ d anteed to please y o u — ri-lop’S’. m o n ey back if it doesn’t. s-oU'S.’ Paper Sanitas Diekerson & Son Pioneer Building. 1 . B I B ___ e/Z n y i., >5. Paints We willingly give prices and figure amounts needed. DR. FRANK M. MOXON— Physician ASHLAND HKA1.TMAT0R1U.M__ Dr. and Surgeon H ours 1 to 5 p. m E. B. A ngell, Chiropractic, E lec­ O ffice 425 E Main St., opp. Pub- trical Treatm ents, Mineral and lie Library. 27 2-ti V lt-o-N et Baths. F irst N ational Baak Building. Phone 48 DRS. SA\WYER * CRANDALL -— i - TAXI. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS Phone 260-R . We w ant you to have the bast paper for “ B U LL .” So now you can receive with eaoh package a boek of 2 4 leaves of 1THA4« — the very finest cigarette paper in the world. We in v ite you to look over our stock of and other Decorative Material. ATTORNEYS. lim lted to eye, ear, nose and Law, P ioneer Block, A ahlaad throat. O ffice hours, 10 to 12 a n d ;—-——........ ................................................. 2 to 5. Sw edenburg Bldg.,- Aah- A. ROBERTS— Attorney-at-Law. land, Ore. 7 3 -tf R oom s 6 and C, C itisens’ Bank «. A. PAHLSERDD Albert T a x i ' l l , 3 0 7 -I m , ' “ ‘‘' “ ’ ’ T h° ‘ » « » l y ov- _____ ___________ _____________ i m ,e r the beaten w h ites o f eggs. Add flavoring and pour into a m old that C B L A M K I N has been rinsed in cold water. Chill and serve with a custard sauce I DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Practice IHUGGs A BRIGGS-^Attorneys-at- Action Against Rev. Anderson GOLD MEDAL se. PHYSICIANS. Wife to Take Judges Decide On Winning Entries At Pear Shewing B U S IN E S S A N D P R O F E S S IO N A L 6: no 7 :00 8 :45 9 :3 0 10:30 p p. p. p. p. m. m. m. m. in. 7:16 8:00 8:46 9:80 a. m. a. m. S Callf 306-lmc a. nui STOLEN a .m . _________________________________ j «/ 00X1 12:46 p.m. 1:30 p. m. 8TOLEN— From 143 G arfield, foi m onths o lti A irdale pup. Rewar »1 returned at once. 11 2:18 p. m. 8:00 p. 3 ;4A p. 4:80 p. 6 :16 p. 6:00 p. m. m. m. m. m. The Beider Tractor and P.&0. Disc Plow 7 :00 p. m. w ill do your plow ing right now In your hard, stick y soil. 8 :46 p. m. 9:30 p. m. Sat. only 12:16 Midgt SUNDAY ONLY LV. MEDFORD LV. ASHLAND 9 :0 0 a. m 9:00 a. m ¡ 1 0 :0 0 u. m. lo .OO a. m ., 1 1 :0 0 a m. 11:00 a. m ., 1 2:00 Noon 12:00 Noon ‘ 1 :00 p. ra. 1 :00 p. m. ! Sat. c3jy Bargain in used «tewing m ariuar; also a new a irlo a d o f W hite sew ­ in g m achines juat In, al Pe/J's Corner 2 00 p. ut. I 2 :0 0 p. m. Ui i n . 3 :0 0 p. m. 3 00 p. in. 4 :0 0 p. nt. 4:00 p. in. 5 :0 0 p. nt. 6 :0 0 p. m. W H ERE'S TH E F IR E ? 6 :3 0 p. in 6 :30 p. m. 9 :3 0 p. in. 9:30 p. m Som e tim es that fire w h istle Ashland W aiting— East Side Phar­ gets into th e habit of blow ing off macy. when there is no fire, but you JACKSONVILLE-MEDFORD know it when it is blow ing for u DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY fire alarm : the big q u estio n -th en LV. MEDF’ORD LV. r S ’NV’LE is “ W here is th e fir e ? ” The 7 :4 0 a. m. 7:20 a. x l ' truck is on the go— w here*. It 8:20 a. mJ may be a sm all blaze or it may 9 :9 0 a. ni. 1 0:00 a. m. i already be past control— BUT 1 0:30 a. m. 12:00 Noon 1 1:30 a. m. there is a fire! T h at’s w hat the 1 :3 0 p. in. 1 :00 p. in. ; fire w h istle tells you and your 3 :0 0 p. m. 2 :0 0 p. ni. I heart jum ps faster. 4 :3 0 p. m. 3:45 p. m. ■ : Many tim es that call may be 5 :0 0 p. in. 5 :3 0 p. m. answered and NOT be for your 9 :3 0 p. m. 7:00 p. in 7 :3 0 p m . Sat. only 8 :00 p. m. hom e or your business. But once Sat. ouiy ____ p. m. ; — ju st That vital once— may prove 1 0:30 ____ p. m. 9:50 th e disaster o f your life. Sup­ WE RUN ON SUNDAYS. pose it com es today, tom orrow — MEDFORD-ROSEBURti who can tell w hen? Are you fully Daily and Sunday LV. MEDFORD LV. ROSEBURG i protected? Why tak e th e chances? 11 1:00 a. m. L OO p. mJ W hat has happened cun happen. If it should happen to you, would MEDFORD-GRANTS PASS it hurt? A few d ollars invested D aily and Sunday LV. MEDFORD LV. G T ‘8 PASS in a good fire policy today may i 8 :0 0 a. m. 1 0:00 a. ra.i save yon a thou san d tonigh t. 1 1:00 a. m. 1:00 p. ra. I 1 :00 p. m. 4 :0 0 p. mJ j 4 :3 0 p. m. 6 :16 p. m .f Grants Pass W aiting R oom — The; Real fivtxte and M an Insurance Billings Agency ; Bonbonniera. Phan« 160. O ffice aud W aiting Room : ’No. Bi P h n n e a il S. Front St.. Nash H otel Building, Brthb. l i r a 4» M n ^ M a in