Thursday. Septcnibei IS, lOlìt THE ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS PAGE TWO Ladd and Tilton bank vs. R. D. 1. e. No. 61, twp. 37 S., R. 2 W., 810. LADIES Hines et al. Order dismissing judg­ S.. F. G. Maness to H. E. Badger et ux, w. d. to lot in Gibson tract, Tai- j ment, cost bill. Established 1876 Have your suit or coat tailor- Emil Britt et ux vs. Perry Gib-' ent, $250. Published Every Evening Except made. Come in aud see the Sunday ! Corsa M. Kidd et ux to Maye B. son. Summons. latest woolens and the new T H E A SH LA N D P R IN T IN G CD. Carl Fichter vs. Estep and Corbin Weils, w. d. to part d. I.- c. No. 52, models. Our prices are lower OFFICIAL CITY AND '0OVNTY et al. Foreclosure of chattel ll^n. j twp. 37 S., R. 2 W., $9000. than ready-mades. Medford, PAPER Earl Moore (ex.) vs. Austin L. Earl O. Hays et ux to G. W. Daley, j Giants Pass and Roseburg la­ To satify the demands of those TELEPHONE 39 who want white eggs— or rather eggs Taylor et ux. Foreclosure of mort-i w. d. to part d. 1. c. No. 38, twp. dies are wearing our suits and 16. What was your occupation at EDITOR S NOTH The Tidings is iubecription P rice D elivered in City gage. j 35 S., R. 1 W„ 81700. coats— why not you? Ine month .................................. I -05 in receipt of complete data relative time of enlistment, induction or with a white shell— the -United States S ta te vs. Anthony Reaison. Or-‘ Barbara E. Priest, John H. P ire s t, Three months .............................. 1-95 to the Oregon bonus act from the commission? ........................................... Department of Agriculture has been der on sentence. ORRES — TAILORS husband and wife, to Ethel G. Davis Six months .................................. 3.75 able, through one of Its experts in 17. Name and address of employ- State vs. James L Burke. Order w. d. to lot 7 of River Dale tracts One year ...................................... 7A0 World War Veterans State Aid com­ er at time of enlistment, induction the Bureau of Animal Industry, to on sentence. mission. Owing to the lengthy na- Mail And Rural Route*. of Jackson county, Oregon, 810. One month .................................. 3 ■**& ture of the articles they must by or commission ....................................... breed a new fowl, which combines Real Estate Transfers 18. If you were a student at time the heavy meaty qualities of the Ply­ - « - w be 10 Minnie M. Byerly to E. E. Miner, i mouth Rock with the white eggs of One year ....................................... 6.50 which will be found every day in of enlistment. Induction or commis­ deed to N% of SE%, S% of N B fc ,| the Tidings until a complete ex- sion, omit numbers 16 and 17, and the white leghorn. A D V E R T iSlN G RATES: The white leghorns are a light NW % of NE%, sec. 35, twp 36 S.J give here the name and location of plauation is made. D isplay A dvertising fowl and are not popular with the R. 3 W. the educational institution you were Single insertion, each inch........... 30c TO BUSINESS WOMEN farmers, who want good laying stock Maude M. Creeks et vir to Harry (Continued from yesterday) attending ................................................ YEARLY CONTRACTS Display Advertising 19. Name and address of your with plenty of meat on them. The S. Harrison et ux, w. A to lot 2, I t is a s e s se n tia l for b u sin e ss wom en One time a w eek..................... 2 7 ^ c APPLICATION FOR CASH BONUS nearest blood relative ....................... call for white eggs is an important block 20, Chitwood tract, Ashland, N- to m an a g e th e ir fin a n c es w ell as Two times a w eek.....................26c for b u sin ess m en. M any s a la rie d 20. If you were married at time factor in poultry raising. Several 83000. OR LOAN Every other day......................... 20c w om en in Ja ck so n c o u n ty h av e firs t John L. Miller et ux to Elizabeth. of enlistment, induction or commis­ of the best markets of the country, Local Readers. .............................. ..1 9 2 . . N a tio n a l sav in g a c co u n ts, a n d a lso Each line, each tim e.....................10c , To the Wolrd War Veterans’ State sion, give name and address of wife notably New York City demand €ggs A. Smith, w. d. to SE*4 of SW% of, c h e ck in g a c c o u n ts fo r th e ir m o n th ly To run every other day for od * bills. or husband at that t i m e ..................... with a white shell and are willing NW U of sec. 14, twp. 30 S.,' R. l | 7c 1 Aid Commission, Salem, Oregon. month, each line, each tirfi* 21. Have you received any mon­ to pay a premium for them. The E.. 8100. To m u every issue for oe . month in accordance with the provisions W e o ffe r w om en d e p o sito rs who James Leslie et ux to O. C. Boggs, or more, each line, each t i m e . . . . 5c i o i tjje Oregon Loan and Bon)s law eys from the state of Oregon under new fowl, which is called the Lamona w ish to in v est th e ir fu n d s to as- Classified Column. (chapter 201. General Laws of Ore- the Soldiers’, Sailors’ and Marines in honor of Henry M. Lamona, who q. c. d. to W% of lot 12 aud 13, v a n ta g e th e sam e c o n s u lta n t service One cent the word each time. th a t w e give m en. To run every issue for one month o r ! gon, 1921) I hereby make applica- Educational Financial Aid a ct? . . . . has spent nine years in breeding it, block 1, Gray’s addition to Medford, more, %c the word each time. tion for the benefits thereof as here£ If so, give name of institutions combines the two desirable quali­ 81. Anna Erb Swartzentruber et vir Legal R*te: i inafter indicated, and in support of through which received, and amounts ties— white eggs and plenty of meat The following steps were taken in to E. R. Hosier, w. d. to lote 1, 2, 3, K Sh subsequent tim T p e* » point ^uch application. I make the follow- received through each ....................... 22. If any moneys have been re­ breeding the Lamona: Mr. Lamona Southern Home tract,) in s ^ . 10, ........................................................ Cc ing statement of facts: funded to the state of Oregon, give began with a silver-grey Dorking twp. 39 S., R. 1 E., 81. Card of Thanks, 81.00. 1. Name of applicant .................. Ashland» Oregon Obituaries, 2 f t cents the line. Martha Ellen Holmes to Grace M. 2. Army or navy serial number. . . d ites and amounts of such remit­ hen and a white Plymouth Rock Fraternal Orders and Societies. “O ldest 3. (a) Place of enlistm ent............ tances to the state treasurer.............. rooster. Their chickens were bred Robertson, q. c. d. to land in sec. 5, Advertising for fraternal orders N ational twp. 39 S., R. 1 E., 81. 23 Have you applied for or re­ to a single comb white leghorn. (b) If in draft, place of regis­ or societies charging a regular initi­ Bank in A careful selection of the chickens T. R. Badger et ux to Grace M. ation fee and dues, np discount. Re­ tration .................................................... ceived any bonus, gratuity or com­ Jackson Count<” ligious and benevolent orders will be 4. if you registered for the draft, pensation whatsoever from any state so bred was made and the process Robertson, S. W. D. land in sec 5, charged the regular rate for all ad vertising when an admission or other or enlisted in another state, give rea­ or country for service in the war be­ of inter-breeding begun until a type twp 39 S., R. 1 E., 810. ,'Trase Hiatt to R. H. Toft, w. d. tween the United States and the Ger­ which seemed ideal, was reached. sons for so doing .............................. charge is made. ....... . - h s j ; Other points sought in the Lamona E% of NEa, SW1 of NE %and NW man empire and its a llies? ............ 5. If you became a resident of What Constitutes Advertising! In order to allay a misunderstand Oregon after registration but before If so, give name of state or country were yellow skin, yellow legs, red % of SE»4, sec. 8, twp. 33 S., R. 2, These re- W.. 810. ing among some as to what consti- j enlistment, induction or commission and amount ............................................! comb and four-toed feet. GO TO THE tutes news and what advertising, j lve data of such change of re8l. Anlo Powell et ux to C. M. Ed- i 24. Did you receive any bonus, quirements lengthened the process. we print this very simple rule w hicn, wards, w. d. to 5 acres in sec. 16, gratuity, extra compensation) or ad­ which took nine years. is used by newspapers to dlfferin -i,,auce ........................................................ twp. 38 S., R. 1 W., 81200. atlate between them: “ALL future; 6. Present actual residence of ap'- ditional pay, over and above the reg­ Sarah J. Belcher et ux to S. A .! ular rate of pay of your rank or rat­ e v e n ts. w h ere an admission charge pjicant .................................................. ; Richardson et al., w. d. to lot in is made or a collection is taken „ Actual residence of applicant at ing for set rice in the spruce produc­ for IS ADVERTISING.” This applies to Central Point. organizations and societies of every ^ e of enlistment, induction or com- tion division, or otneT Branch of tfie First Baptist church of Ashland) YOUR MEAT — ' mission ..................................................... army or navy, or from private sources kind as well as to - individuals to Emma L. Oeder, w. d. to lot on while in the military or naval ser­ All reports of such activities after 8. Name and address of father at and M arriage Licenses they have occurred is news. Granite street, Ashland, 81- time of applicant’s enlistment, in­ vice? ............. If so, state from whom All coming social or orgaaization W illiam Fox and Meda Nether- EVERYTHING ELSE THAT’S Alice G. Richardson to H. E. Bad­ meetings of societies where no money duction or commission ..................... received and amount received 8 ----- ger et ux, w. d. to lot in Gibsorf 8 . . . . 8 •. • . Total amount received land. D eceased ?................ (Yes or no) GOOD TO EAT ceutrthutlon is solicited, iuftfrtlpn Probate C w t tract. Talent, 8250. charged, or collection taken is NEWS. 9. Name and address of mother at ------- —-------- ... I > W " ' William H. Matthew estate. Peti­ L. M. Phillips et ux to Serapta El­ Remarks, if any, covering items 21 time of applicant’s enlistment, in­ W* make ail quotations ou tion, final order, final report. len Albright, w. d. to lot 36, block duction or commission ..................... to 24, inclusive .................................. We Now Have JOB WORK William Lollar estate. Petition, 1, Tuttle’s second addition to Med­ NOTE Commutation of quarters» Deceased? ............ (Yes or no) from . PEACHES, PLUMS AND PEARS ford, 8330. 11. Date of birth of applicant. . . . heat, light, or subsistence, the $60 order. THE FRANKLIN PRICE L13T. William H. Baldwin estate. Final C. L. Kingsbury to W. T. Sheets, 10. Place of birth of applicant. . . . bonus paid at time of discharge and For Canning Same prices— Reasonable Price— report, order, vouchers. w. d. to lot in block 11, Ashlan£» pay as a candidate at an officers' 12. Length of actual residence of t * all. W . F. Sanger estate. Final afe 8300. applicant in the state of Oregon im­ training camp are not to be consid­ count, order, vouchers, proof of pub­ Jesse Encke et ux to E. M. Reuse Entered at the Ashland. Oregon, mediately before enlistment, induc­ ered as additional compensation. Postoflice as Second Class Mail tion or commission . . . . Years......... et ux, w. d. to lots 15 and 16. Min­ 25. Did you during the period of lication. H. A. STEARNS Mary Miller estate. Admitted to || | ! ■ Z er’s addition to Ashland, $2000. your service, refuse on conscientious, MouthB. M. M. Murray et ux to J. E. Wild 13. Where did you last vote be- political or other grounds, to subject probate. Ashland 61 North Main Street Lissie R. Kincaid estate. Admitted et ux, w. d. to lots 7 and 8, block 1. fore enlistment, induction or com­ yourself to military discipline, or tO| ♦ ♦ to probate. Pracht’s Alaska addition to Ashland, mission? .................................................. render unqualified service? . . . . And ’twere as vain a thing, Circuit Court $1050. 14. What is your present occp* (Yes or No.) To ask of Nature one perpet- ♦ People’s Electric Store vs. O Eric Wold et ux to Helen Bing­ 26. Was your only service in the ♦ pat ion? ......................................... •• ual spring, Rosseau. For money. ham, w. d. to lot 3, block 3, Helm’s 15. Name and adefcess of your j student army training corps as a e As to evade those sad autura- ♦ vs. addition to Medford. Bullock Mercantile Agency . . . . student? ............ (Yes or No.) employer ♦ present ♦ nal hours, ■------ ■ ■ Norman Merrill et ux. Writ of at- Eric Wold et ux to Helen Bing­ O r deem th y p a th of life ♦ seemed to be taking a band in the* tachment. Summons. ham, w. d. to lot 13, block 1, Roan­ ♦ LOCAL MOTORING PARTIES <» shall bloom, all flowers. Leva Higgins V8. Roy Higgins oke addition to Medford, 810. HAVE INTERESTING TRIP and had n under fairly good ♦ — Mrs. Norton. Summons. Edward W. Carlton to Newcomb _____ control. ♦ ♦ Sum R. H. Toft vs. M. L. Alford Carlton, w. d. to land in sec. 11, A little farther on we were held By MAY BENEDICT mons. twp. 36 S„ R. 2 W„ $100. up by pavement workers for a time, On Wednesday, September 7, we . reaching Myrtle Creek about 5 Medford vs. Ferdinand Webber. Fred E. Osborne et ux to W. C. Proof of publication. If there is anything in Ashland left Ashland with the W. A. Cooper1 o’clock p. m. Rookard et ux, w. d. to land in d. F. E. Merrick et al vs. Wm. M that sounds more encouraging than and C. B. Haney families, who have; Ourselves and the Coopers mot- gone north for an outing and visit. Holmes et al. Stipulation. the builder’s hammer, please name i ored up to the E. W. Redifer home We had no dangerous encounters en Hugh Moore vs. F. L. Orr et al. it. on South Myrtle, eight miles frksn THIS IS THE FLACK TO route, except when one of the driv- Lien filed. town, and the Coopers pitched their COME FOR Jackson County Building & Loan The dove of peace was present e rs sto p p e d to w ave a t some hand ^ nt in the jjacj. yar