1 VOLUME 3 * " three months In the rieh ozone at Ashland. The pure domestic water helps. (Successor to~the S^ l-W eekly' T ¡ d ü ¿ , Voi. 43) ASHLAND, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1921 No. 12 WOMEN ARE KILLED IN BELFAST RIOTS ilDAFT n /A n rD Q FILL FEDERAL STEAJA STREAM EV AD ER S FROM OF ALL DRAFT PARTS OF THR COUNTRY EX PEC TED SOON AT LEAVENW ORTH. Car Goes Over Bridge Calvert; Motorcycle $ Miss Hazel Smith, clerk at McGee’s, and Harvey Cliff, ❖ ❖ mechanic at the Ford gar- <•» ❖ age, were slightly bruised ❖ ■> when the light car in which <$> ❖ they were driving went over <•> ❖ an eight-foot culvert on the south side of the overhead ❖ ❖ bridge on the Pacific high- *' way at 8 o’clock yesterday & & evening. ❖ The accident is said to ❖ ❖ have been caused when J. R. -?• Ewards, 42 Third street, ❖ driving a motorcycle with a & side car, attem pted to pass *' the Cliff car ju st before <$■ ❖ crossing the bridge. Cliff states th a t in attem pting to ❖ ❖ avoid an oncoming car, Ed- ❖ wards turned short with his <$> <$ motorcycle, cutting in ahead <•> of the car and locking hubs ❖ ❖ with the Cliff machine. The ❖ top of the Cliff car was bad- ❖ ❖ ly damaged. ® x .% % ® BAIL OF $5,000 IS SET FOR “Fatty” ARBUCKLE “ x “ =— ‘ Friderger Home Is Stormed By Backing Truck j > ----------- ' ❖ “ A m an’s home is his cas- Ike Friderger, m anager I ❖ of the grocery departm ent of ❖ ' .. E nder’s store, adm its the quota- tion as alleged, but avers it ❖ was applicable in the days be- ❖ 1 fore motor trucks, speed we- , ’’ gons and joy rides. Mr. Frid- ❖ ¡TWO MEN , SHOT IN IIELFAK erger explains th a t the front ❖ ST RE El'S— MACHINE GUNS AR • of his home, 29 Second street, ! ❖ was damaged to the extent of USED J n MOB— ULSTER R| approxim ately $200 at 10 ♦ | <- o’clock yesterday evening, when FUSED REPRESENTATION.' I ❖ a “speed wagon’’ truck is said <3> ’ ❖ to have been backed into his * BELFAST, Sept. 16.— Two woint ' - yard by a party of “joy riders.” were shot in the streets here todj The truck, occupants and driver i> • have disappeared. q when a violent outbreak of rlotli SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., Sept. 15. Mr. Friderger states th at the ♦' occurred. Revolvers were fired at — The indictm ent charging “ F a tty ” car was evidently unable to stones and brickbats thrown. Tl Arbuckle with m anslaughter in con climb the hill ju st above his ❖ police were powerless to disperse tl nection with the death of V irginia1 ■' home and in backing down the mobs. Soldiers with machine gui were summoned and soon brougl Rappe assumed its full legal force; ’ d r‘v®r was unable to control the crowd under control. today when the grand jury which t h ff niachine- A front room ❖ v . . •. . I '■> suffered most from the mishan „ it made a formal return t o - a although the who|e , ro„ , a * DUBLIN, Sept. 15.-—Accusati th at the British governm ent is see the superior court. , a. vhdble dent. Police are search ❖ ing “to rend the ancient nation Bail was fixed at $5000 cash or ing for the “joy riders.” Ireland,” and partition its territoi ' • * ...................................... $10,000 realty bond. A was made by Eamonn De Valera Judge Lauderbeck will set a date his latest note to Prem ier Llo. lor the trial when the case reaches George, the contents of which we his division. D istrict Attorney • made known this afternoon, despl Brady made no comment after t h e , the fact th a t the prem ier refust return of the indictm ent, regarding to accept it. w hether he will proceed with the m anslaughter indictm ent rath er j LONDON. Sept. IS.— U lster i Xhan the m urder charge. He prob- j ionists have requested represeni ably will not show his hand until Miss H azel Rowell a n d G erald E. tion at the proposed Irish peace c< tomorrow when Arbuckle is to a p -' ¡G u n te r, well know n A sh lan d young ference a t Inverness. Scotland, I pear in police court to face the m ur­ were refused bv Lloyd George, der ciia rge. people and graduates of the local j was learned . *.<-u todfcy. luWy. The rno re fu s a l w refusal high school, w ere m a rrie d y e s te rd a y | based on th e c o n te n tio n th a t the • tie .” 1 “FATTY” IN L A. By THOMAS WRIGLEY (I. N. S. Stuff C orrespondent) LEAVENWORTH, Kan.. Sept. 15. The “slackers of the world war are Two hundred and fifty strong, the soon to receive the inevitable sen­ Southern Oregon Pioneer associa- tences th at m ilitary justice de­ mands. tion gathered a t the Chautauqua Eight men, who were convicted of Pioneer hall a t 11 o’clock this d raft evasion, and who hail from all m orning for th eir annual meeting. sections of the central west, are now New arrivals from Rogue R iver val­ serving tim e at the disiplinary b ar­ ley points are arriving hourly. racks at Leavenworth. These eight Following the mem orial exercises men re the first of a long list who ) and the reading of obituaries of the are expected to be punished. I original pioneers by the association’s If I was going to s ta rt a busi­ The sentences of the men range i perm anent secretary, Mrs. Mamie ness in good faith, as a perm a­ from on to five years at hard labor. Day Nelson, of Jacksonville, new nent enterprise in a town, I would The court-m artial aw ards are be­ j officers for the ensuing year were put in a plant a n d establish a ing carried out to th e “ le tte r,” in j elected. Colonel H. H. Sargent, of payroll in th a t town. I would regard to the imprisoned slackers. Jacksonville, was elected president. not take money from the people Some are working on the prison farm ’ I and Mrs. Leona Ulrich Hanson, also in th a t town, on the assumption others are building roads,and the j oi .Jacksonville, was chosen as vice th a t my effort was a local en­ rest are laboring in the barracks president. Colonel Sargent, when terprise, and use it to build up shops. Dr. W. J. Crandall, of Crandall & he learned of his election, declined payrolls in another town. If I “ By the la tte r part of Septem ber.” Sawyer, was m arried a t noon today the honor in a speech made during did th at, however hard I m ight one officer said, “ we expect to be re­ to Dr. Gladys Anderson, of Ellens­ the basket dinner servd in the down-, rib myself to overcome it, I would ceiving a steady stream of convicted burg, Wash., at the Methodist Epis­ stairs hall. feel like a foreign institution. d raft evaders from all parts of the copal parsonage by* Rqv. Charles A. • As reason for his action he stated Besides, it looks reasonable to me United States east of the Rocky Edwards. The bride arrived this that he was not a native son of Ore­ th at “w ith Ashland payrolls is m ountains.” morning. Dr. and Mrs. Crandall gon, nor a pioneer, and believed his Ashland m ade.’’ Anyway, I Names appearing on the lists of left immediately following the cere­ election was out or order. W hat worked pretty hard one tim e to ft r* ' fPTPnPn d raft dodgers which are being issued mony for C rater Lake, where they action was taken on th e m atter by ference Won was merely a prelim ins SAN FRANCISCO. Calif., Sept. 15.- j a I fte — 0 — r rn o o n a t - 2 :3 o ’clock - a h t u the keep th e S. P. shops here when I by various arm y posts throughout the will rem ain for a week before re­ the association could not be learned “ F atty " will be home again in Los Methodist Episcopal church ov Rev m eeting and th a t later a gene country, are being carefully checked turning to Ashland and their a p a rt­ before going to press today. It was thought they were going to be Angeles S unA y night. They’ll have| C harles-A . Edwards. parley would he held at. which moved. HAZ KIK T ft /T l£l »»A Î rtr. the 4- 1_ _ m urder « charge against Flacku Miss Bernice; Irish factions would be rep: by governm ent agents who are w ork­ ment home on Glenn avenue. to dismiss ^ w“ ra s’ Ul8s ^ n i c e l the Ir urged th a t Mrs. Sargent, member of him and release him on hail.“ said * ' Wo!cott wera a t-j rented ing in conjunction with army officers — ----------------------— him and release him on bail.” said ‘ Dr. Crandall has made many Southern Oregon pioneer family, U U _ j tA T ld s in lu n F ___ to put the arm y slackers in “the city friends here since coming to Ash­ could act for her husband. P ran k Dominguez this , the Weddin*’ The new-j Mrs. of silent men.” That a steady stream, land a year ago from Los Angeles Sargent did not favor the suggestion. ❖ ASHLAND DELEGATION TO ,norning- He «aid th a t at least four-i ieft bV car for Crescent C lty ’ G rith m d Sept. 15.— Jo sep h ? of convicted slackers will be flow? where he attended a medical col­ Harry Boland re tu ri JOSEPHINE COUNTY FAIR ^ ’tnesses— a11 °f whom visited ^ here they wil1 sPeud a week’s (today Officers of the association who with De ing into the United States disciplin­ lege. The newlyweds first met while will finish their term of office to ­ ______ “ ‘ ^ A rb u c k le ’s suite a t the St. Francis honeymoon .......................................... trip. Mr. and Mrs O nn.l 5 00 V alera’s latest n te r will live a t 130 Pioneer avenue Wh,c!l PrPmier Lloyd George refui ary barracks at Leavenworth, Kan., attending college in the southern day, are M s. o. W nter, president, m , u ------- -------------An automobUe parade bear- Wi’d PHrty th at was Mrs. G u n te r is a daughter I f Mr i Unt1’ il and to Alcatraz. Calif., by the la tte r city. and Mrs R obert G arret, treasu rer. <•> ing huge banners painted ‘Ash- <•> fo" owed by the death of Miss Rap- a * . . . . . ---------— uugv uauuers paintea ’Ash and Mrs. T. T. Powell 137 Oa k ! n,° d ,ed The Sinn Fei“ cabii p art of September, was the predic afternnnn the th D i.,na »» and i containing __. Pe approxi- are ready The young couple will tak e up At 2 o o’clock clock this afternoon land." to testify K for v the de­ ¡street, and graduated from the A s h - X u . RPSSi° n di8CU8S 8‘ their practice here a fte r retu rn in g pioneers gathered at the new logj mately 150 representative busi «> - nS6 Wh t m other, other, Mrs. Mrs. A. A. B B utler utler Thomnson. Thompson, * «» in U1 b° p ‘ Mrs. FS >et. Schuy,er .,nd r< - <4 peaPe Proceedings. prom inent p e o p le ./\ran t 8treet’ and graduated from and for the use of the Pioneer asso­ <» “Ashland Day” will be observed ciation. The building was presented ❖ at th e Josephine county fair «>' b*y T " Ot *” mOti° n p,ciure fo lk s! ’*gh sch001 with the class of Members of th e delegation ❖ Do“ in^ ez stat*d - 'V As Miss ’^ e l l , Mrs. Gun’- to the association by Mr. B utler w ith ❖ fitting exercises. The acceptance ❖ equipped themselves with var- ❖ You m ark my w ords,” when these ■ , r was formerly bookkeeper at th ^ witnesses are called), the prosecu-1 F irst Nat’onal bank, speech was made by Mrs. O. W inter. ❖ ious noise-m aking instrum ents ❖ The cabin was dedicated tp Mr. But­ ❖ before leaving. The party will <$> tio n ’s case will fall to pieces,” he continued. le r’s mother. Prof. Irving E. V is­ f- retu rn this evening. ing addressed the pioneers a t the ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Dominguez adm itted th a t 75 per < j > <$. exercises. cent of the people are against A r­ buckle. “ F a tty ” him self is very The log cabin is constructed en­ Fred C. Holibaugh, the well Now th a t the num ber of visitors known Valley View rancher, who has tirely of Oregon fir tim ber hauled a t C rater Lake is decreasing the bears been assistant county agent of Jack- th at liie in th a t vicinity are becom­ son county since last January, left ing more tam e and bolder in their Sunday for St. Helens, Or., to take JACKSONVILLE, Or., Sept. 15 foraging for food in cam pers’ stores the position of county agent of Col­ An injunction prohibiting E. a n d soon will be decreasing Alex umbia county, having ju st been ap­ Stultz from acting as principal a Sparrow s chances for a pleasant pointed to th a t position by the ex­ Miss Vida Bradshaw from acting hereafter by their nightly raids on tension service of the O. A. C. This The period of w arning for all vio­ teacher of the eighth grade of t the governm ent camp m eat supply. is essentially a dairy county, and I Mr. Holibaugh is especially well lations of the state autom obile law Jacksonville school was granted These bears obtain a good living by their (faily morning and evening qualified in th a t line. is now past, and from now on the Circuit Judge F. M. Calkins Tu< W hile his promotion pleases his law will be rigidly enforced in this day morning, and their places t visits throughout the season to the 'icinity, according to an announce­ sumed by Prof. Ben W. Hosmer garbage dump of the lodge, which Is many friends, there is general re­ ment by Chief State Motor Vehicle superintendent and B. R. Finch in the woods a short distance from gret that Jackson county loses his Mrs. H olibaug^ Inspector Rafferty and Deputy State eighth grade teacher. Most of tl the government camp. There every efficient services. school and eighth grai Inspectors McMahon and Griffiths,» high evening can be seen about half a will not join him for some tim e yet. pupils walked out with the oust» who are working with him here this1 His successor as assistan t agent of dozen big bears eating, and many teachers. The injunction was fill week. tourists have enjoyed the novel sight* Jackson county has not yet been ap­ by Directors Flem ing and Smith , Special efforts will be made to en­ throughout the season. Attaches of pointed, but County Agent Cate ex­ force the law against overloaded the school, through th eir attorne the hotel and national park force pects th at no delay will ensue in Evan Reames. trucks and stipulating m irrors on have become especially acquainted the appointm ent and th at th e new action will follow tl trucks, an d with regard to lights on L J F ? u ! 7 rth n er e r legal ’T6®1 aCtion W,H io11 and attached to two huge bears, man will be along in a few days. all .n t ° f tbe ‘«junction, all m m otor otor cars. cars. The The insDectors inspectors e call “ Jiggs” and “ Maggie,” who have ANOTHER JACKSONVILLE Prof. Stultz and Miss Bradshaw attention- to the fact th at no patent been at the lake for several years. ask to have the order vacated), MINE BONDED AND LEASED lens is recognized by the Oregon law Maggie has become so tam e th a t of­ direct and that the lights of all cars m ust was " ^ also alS° said 3aid th a t the dire< ten she lets women attaches of the The Long Pine mine consisting of bedim m ed on approaching other cars WOU,d lake steI)s to have the tri lodge h an d her eatables at the dump. six claims three miles southw est of •outside of the city, and h e ad lig h ts! | ° fficer brinp the “strik ers’ t All the bears dine in harmony at Jacksonville and formerly owned by m ust be dimmed in the city. i ° BCllooL No date has yet been this location until Jiggs, who is fhq Mr. Haff, of Gold Hill, has been They also announce th a t Sheriff I f° F the bearing- largest and fiercest, shows up. He bonded an d leased by Clark & Chil- i Terrill now has on hand a supply Of ThH ’° W' whicb bas heeu raf gives a lew snarls and grunts, and ders for «a sum of $10.000. The ----- . p n the county seat for two we, state tem porary license tags, and makes a few passes, ordering all the mine, which is situated on Poor that each new car owner who has centers about which of two pri other bears away, especially Mag­ Man's creek, has several thousand not yet obtained his perm anent li- lmis shall be in charge, and wh gie, and they lose no time in going feet of tunnel work which was done ! cense must get one of th 9se tags of e two teachers shall be in cha until Jiggs has eaten his fill and , ---- -- re- Prior to the recent tran sfer and the I from the sheriff and wear it on hl« of the eighth elghth grade. gra*e - Each Kach side sit L lit' B ' ret,' r ” aUre irora ‘l>eSe tunnels has averased car until the regular license comes , argum ent stoutly m aintains 1» left. However, as guests a re n o . $30 per ton, with some of it much -------------- ----------------- - ' other side is not legal. so many a t the lodge now. and the! higher. M an, of th e high grade, PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 15.__Til-! school opened Monday with P garbage is consequently lighter, th e [ specimens which were displayed in den was sent into the sem ifinal round and Miss Bradshaw in cha hungry bears are not so shy of hu- the olden days by " J e r r . the Nog of the National tennis • singles tour- and DJoU Hosmer and B. R. FI m a n . and stick c.oser to the tood ge, K ing.- takon f £ m ¡ £ i ney today when he beat Gordon I occuPying P’acea in the backgrot DaunM Long Pine. Lowe of Loudon in three stra ig h t, In tbe n,ornl®S D irector Flera sets. ’ —--------------------— --------- --- --------- (C o n tin u e d on P a g e 4) Doctor Crandall And Washington Girl Marry Here Newlyweds To Crescent City For Honeymoon Trip .. a C. LAKE GUESTS Fred Holibaugh Takes Position As GO; BEARS TAKE Columbus Co. Agent PLACE FOR FEED STATE AUTO » ; t PAST; OUT BN STEIN