Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, September 14, 1921, Page 4, Image 4

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    A C T fT jn m
Local and Personal
Wednesday, September 14, 10Ä1
daily tiding «.
But He’s a Smart Kid in His Own Home Town!
By Charles Sughroe
® W o t o n N c w w a x r Union
Stated convocation oi Siskiyou i
chapter, R A. M„ Thursday even­
ing, September 15. Also Royal Arch
Special communication of Ashland
lodge No. 23, A. F. & A. M., Friday
evening, September 16, work In the
third degree.
To Spend
W inter H
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Simmons are
new arrivals at the auto camp
grounds from a ranch uorth of Med­
ford. Mr. and Mrs. Simmons will
locate here for the winter months.
W atch Yeo’s window.
tion? There is no reason why it ■ AUTO THAT ACTUALLY JUMPS “give it away,” but for the electric
lights in the roof and the switches for
M. J. Lore will leave this evening should not be internationalized, as
Jack Peebler and wife and two
turning on Die “dripping well.” The
children have returned from a hunt-; for a San Francisco hospital where the expressed purpose of America Car's Peculiar Feature Based on the w ater is derived from the Biwa canal,
has been internationalization.
Principle That Actuate« the
ing trip up at the Green Spring he may undergo an operation.
which flows just outside. A minor
Knee of the Athlete.
curiosity is a stone lantern with a
mountain. Their shooting prowess
high peaked top formed by a tiger
brought them a good sized deer, o f
A «ood and dandy Estley organ at the same tim e of th e conference,
The jumping stunts of automobiles standing on its head; these now
which the children were as proud as ior sale cheap. Suitable for coun-! Iudeed, they should be settled first,
in the movies are the result of trick
the parents, saying "W e killed a ‘ try school houses or m ountain since it is the American governm ent phbtogruphs. There has been produced meaningless ishidoro are seen every­
where, tiut hardly ever is any such
l l ’4 that has called the conference.”
deer." Jack wired to San Antonio, i bomes- At Pell’s Corner.
in France a light car that does many liberty taken with the conventional
Dr. M atusnami is quoted in the of these spectacular performances, not
Texas, about a mill he owned in the
which is not one of the only pictoriaily, but actually, says
region of the flood district, and this
Mr. and Mrs. F. H. W alker, daugh- leading Japanese newspapers, so his Popular Mechanics Magazine. It la a
is the answ er he received: “ Your
The playpus found in Tasmania,
dam is here by the mill-site, b u t | te r- Jan ie- aild Mrs- W alker’s sister. views should not be taken too ser­ .small, light car with a speed of 25 has a tail like a beaver and webbed
miles an hour. The particular feature
your mill isn’t here by a dam -site." -Mrs- Grace Dreys- sPent Sunday with iously.
th at enables the car to negotiate all feet and bill like a duck.
Mr. and Mrs. J.
’ " K. ” McClaren,
----- pn
with Impunity is the manner j ----
ANJOU, BOHC AND COMICE PKARB their ranch near Rogue River.
o f connecting the car. t o . the rear j
STOLEN— From 143 Garfield, four •wheels. It has been compared with
Will be ready to pick th® 1 6 th .:
months o ld Airdale pup. Reward the action of the human knee. A
Will begin packing the 19th for ship-i CONTINUANCE OF
if returned at once.
11-2 jum per bends his legs at the knees,
m ent— A shland F ru it and Produce 1
straightens them out rapidly to get the
NRGED BV BR ISCO E 'FO R SALE OF TRADE Late mod­ effect of a spring. The rear wheels
el six cylinder car, good as new. do the same thing. On striking an
Will take small car or real estate. obstacle the wheels rise independently
To A ttend O. A . C.—
(Continued from Page 1)
This is some car. Call noon or of the rest of the car, which remains
Jack Brady and Ted Ge Baer left
evenings after 6. 120 Second St.
yesterday for Corvallis, where they the doctors, the confectioners, the
11-3 horizontal. Under test, when driven
against an obstacle 40 inches high,
will enter the Oregon A gricultural j taxis,-drug stores, school supply in­
an approach sloping at 45 de­
college as sophomores. They will be stitutions; in fact, I should say th a tj^ O R RENT— Two room furnished
the car was lifted to a height
apartm ent for light housekeeping
room mates, share all the Joy pack- there were iew lines of activity in
$15 per month.
Inquire 129 of 57 inches and landed at a distance
ages from home together, and are Ashland that did not in one way or! G ranite
11-tf of 20 feet, all four wheels striking the
—— ---------------------------------------- - ground simultaneously.
members of the same fraternity. another, get just a little of the
On landing,
Apply Early Before the Fall Rains
Among others who are attending the money that these people brought in- ! WANTED FEMALE H ELP— Refined the spring in the wheel connection
educated woman interested in cushions the concussion of the wheel
0 . A. C. are Burton Wynne, Jam es to our community.
A Car on Hand Now at the
welfare work, to work with the ground, again resembling the
In concluding the financial part
Porter. Darrel Minkler and Isaac
among m others along sex hygiene action of a Jumper’s knee, which
of this presentation, 1 care to give
and religious lines. Salary, $90 bends under him as he alights.
per month. Give phone and ad­
as my honest opinion th at as a re­
dress. Box 829 Tidings.
Civic Club luncheon a t Hotel Ash­ su lt of the norm al school for a pe-
A Japanese Garden.
land Tuesday, September 20, a t 12 rlod of six weeks, more clear money WANTED__Alert young man or
The typically Japanese garden of
Tickets, 60c, a t Mrs. was left in the community than the
woman to handle a new attractive Mr. Inabata, a Kyoto millionaire, near
book lor Christm as presents for iNauzelji temple is described by a
Sugg's millinery parlor. 39 E ast Chamber of Commerce put out to se­
children. Big commission; guar- correspondent. It is a good example
10-6* cure this session of the normal.
Main street.
anted salary of $21 weekly. Give of the Japanese talent for concealing
Professionally, the school may be
phone and address. Box 82 T id ­
a rt; it contains a twin waterfall not
Leave for C orvallis—
considered as quite a success. The
»5 OAK ST.
only artificial but even said to be
The Kellar family left for Cor­ organization was completely perfect­
Now Open for B usiness
vallis today, where Mrs. K ellar will ed the first day, th e instructors were LOST— Fountain peu. Reward. 215 exact miniature of some famous Jap- i
11-4* auese fa ll; but which looks as If It
G. ENGLISH, ,*ro|>.
keep house for her son and daugh­ all well prepared and fitted into
had like Topsy, "just growed;” also a
ter, Robert and Ivern, who are a t­ th eir duties in quite an acceptable WOOD LOT FOR SALE— 200 acres large artificial cave with walls of
2 miles west of Ashland, 4000 tx m ^ l^ c o n c re t^ whlclt. woyld liafflix
tending Oregon A gricultural college. way.
It was a common expression dur- i cords wood on it, mostly fir.
The Kellars will be gone the entire
Shack, good burn, springs. Price
school year, having rented their ing the session of the school t h a t : only
$12.50 per acre. W orth th a t!
home on Allison street to the Cor­ the members attending the Ashland
for pasture. Terms. W. D. Hodg- j
norm al school had never before been t son, owner, Gooding, Idaho. ll- 4 w j
nelius family.
In a more satisfactory summer
For pleating see Orres.
3 0 3 tf school. 1 am going to quote ju st a
TRAINED NURSE w ants nursing of
few words from a teacher of a long
any kind, $25 per week. 435 B
Baby D aughter Arrives —
and satisfactory experience: “ In the
Word has been received here of first place I wonder if you know
the birth of a daughter to Mr. and ju st w hat a great success your first W ANTED— Factory rep resen tativ e!
for one of the most popular six ■
Mrs. Fred ('reason, a t Dunsmuir.
session of the norm al school was,
cylinder autom obiles will be in ■
Mrs. Creason was formerly Miss and secondly, if you know just, how
Ashland in a few days to p la ce ;
Galdys Gdod, of Ashland.
much real help one of your mem- i agency for this locality. The right
k in d of man need not have much
money to take advantage of this i
Good food, cooked right, served bers got from it? Your experience
opportunity, but m ust have good I
at reasonable prices. Hotel Ashland evidently has taught you ju st how
references, unquestioned honesty,!
M O T O R O IL f
297tf little even experienced teacher know
and lots of push. Russell H. Law-
and you seem to hit the nail every
son .Auto Co., 354 East Broadway,
time. I certainly do thank you, for
Leave for Corvallis—
Portland, Ore.
il- 3
Mr. BechtelB, who has been clerk­ I came back to ray work with a fre9 h -'
FOR SALE— Beautiful town hotel,
ing in the W hite House grocery, ness th at I haven’t felt recently.”
50 rooms, sample room, barber
Produced u n d e r
At th e end of the school I think
left today for Corvallis where he
shop, little store, big laundry, go
< the new HEX EON
will attend the Oregon A gricultural it is safe to say th a t there was but i in with the hotel, th ree stories,
the best hotel in town.
college. Mrs. Bechtel will leave for one sentim ent expressed; th a t the
$16,000 for quick sale. W rite or
normal in Ashland m ight be con­
Corvallis the first of next week.
J. O. Tichenor, Box 333,
tinued next year, ant, if it was, each
Myrtle Point, Ore.
Cliff Payne makes benches.
student declared his intention of a t­
tending again and boosting all the
Locia Girl
year for a norm al school a t Ashland
Miss Mildred Brunk was m arried
During the session of the school, ’
to Adolph Greenbaum a t Salem. Aug­ and a fte r it closed, a num ber of let-1
ust 27. The bride is an Ashland ters was received from the president,
girl, her father having a t one time and a fte r his death, from the re g is-' 26 —
been postm aster here. The groom tra r and th e president of the board
Three-im acg* o f Ml engine trembles are caused by
is a graduate of Yale college, and of regents, expressing th eir satisfac-J a t th e NAT., MEDFORD
motor o ils breaking down and thinning o u t under
is now a junior p artn er of Green t i o ^ in the results of the normal
engine heat w hich ranges from 100 to 3000 degree:
baum ’s departm ent store in Salem. school in Ashland.
F ahrenheit The constant aim o f l u b r i c a t i n g
They will make their home in Salem.
It probably is not too much to
has bean to increase the stability o f m otor
say when one gives voice to the
oils under these asnere temperatures.
GRAVENSTBIN A P PL E S, 50 lb. feeling th a t the norm al school was
This aim was realized by the developm ent o f the
box, 75c delivered.
P h on e 10-F-3 entirely
satisfactory from every
H exeon Process used exclusively in making
or 9 - F - l l .
point or angle in which we care to
Cycoi Motor O il. The H exeon Process is an out­
look a t it.
standing scientific achievement. It goes right to
Orres cleans and remodels clothes.
It is the hope of the board of re­
the root o f lubricating o il troubles. It gives Cycoi
803« gents th at a school of not only six
greater stability by removing destructive “sulpho”
weeks, but of twelve weeks, may be
To A ttend IT. ,,f o . _ _
compounds. O ils containing “sulpho” compounds
Grants Pass
break down and-thin out rapidly under engine heat.
Miss Wilma C hattin has left to a t­ continued a t Ashland in the summer
tend the University of Oregon a t Eu­
A Q uestion o f Si te s
To ’F risco H ospital—
The O.K. Barber Shop
New Scientific
Process Gives Cycoi
Greater Service Value
Friday Evy., Sept 16
gene this year, where she will take
up physical education.
two years at W illam ette university
at Salem m ajoring in journalism .
Miss May Poley will also attend the
(Continued from Page 1)
University of Oregon agfin this
why the Mexican question should be
Automobile insurance— Y eo, of withheld. Japan is not the only
299-tf country suffering from the disturbed
situation in Mexico.
“ The Panam a canal will be a fit
Burdick F am ily Returns—
pect for discussion at th e confer­
R. L. Burdick aud fam ily have re­
ence. America declares th a t the ca­
tu rn e d from an extended outing trip
at C rater Lake and Lake O’ Woods. nal was opened for the benefit of the
world at large, but no unbiased ob­
will say th a t the canal is be­
Your fall su it is here,
P aalser-
307tf ing operated with special re g a rd for
the welfare of th e world. Why does
Cull apples for sale, eatin g and not Japan offer to undertake the
cooking apples.
A shland F ru it A task of m aking the canal more in ter­
Produce A ssociation.
19-6 national w ith regard to adm iniatra-
6 Rounds
Centra] Point
6 Rounds
4 Rounds
General Admission .. ,$1.00
Reserved S e a t s .......... ,$1.50
Ring S i d e ...................... $2.00
(plus war tax)
A lso, because o f its greater stability, Cycoi elim i­
nates or reduces carbonization, evaporation loss of
oil, “gumming” and pitting o f valves and other
troubles arising from the use of unstable oils.
Cycol-ize today. W ash out the crank case—not
w ith kerosene—and refill w ith the correct grade
o f Cycoi as shown by the Cycoi Recommendation
S a n F r a n c is c o
E. R. IS A A C & CO.
"Opportunity Day”--Thursday
Come and Share in the Many
"Opportunities” Ottered
Unbleached Muslin, 12c yd
Aprons, $1.25 each
36 inches wide good quality
brown muslin for household
Made of Percale and gingham
K orerall aprons with belts and
tie back.
Sateen Bloomers, 59c
House Dreses, $2.89
Extra good qu ality sateen
bloomers in black, sizes 6 to
20 elastic at waist and kuee.
Made of Pedcale in dark colors
new fall garm ents with long
sleeves, trim m ed with fancy
braid, sizes 36 to 4 4.
House Dresses, $2.98
Made of Percale in dark colors
nicely trim m er, come in extra
sizes only 45-47-49.
Wool Challis, $1.25 yd.
27 in. wide all wool French
Challis light and dark patterns.
Children’s Holeproof
Stockings, 59c
Ju st received children’s hole­
proof stockings, all sizes, both
girls and boys.
Dress Satin, $1.75 yd.
36 inch wide comes in black
only good quality for dresses
and waists, sold regularly at
$2.25 a yarA
Petticoats, $1.25 each
Made of new fancy m aterials
in stripes and floral designs
sold regularly at $2.00 each.
Wool Serge, $1.98 yd.
42 inch wide in the new and
wanted colors for fall, extra
fine quality.
Dress Satin, $2.48 yd.
36 inch fine quality dress satin
sold regularly at $2.75 yard.
comes in navy, pekin, brown
and black.
Outing Flannel, 18c yd
27 in. wide, white and fancy
pattern goekl quality for gown
and underwear.
Have your Picoting and Hemstitching Done Here
The Store Where Your Patronage Is Appreciated
Comply With the Law
Printed Butter
W rappers
CCORDING to the ruling of the Oregon
Dairy and Food Commission all dairy
butter sold or exposed for sale in this state
must be wrapped in butter paper upon which
is printed the words “Oregon Dairy Butter,
16 (or 32) ounces full weight,” with the name
and address of the maker.
To enable patrous of the Tidings to easily
comply with this ruling this office has put in
a supply of the standard sizes of butter paper
and will print it in lots of 100 sheets and up­
ward and deliver it by parcels post at the fol­
lowing prices.
100 Sheets, 16 or 32 ounces..........$1.75
250 Sheets, 16 or 32 ounces
500 Sheets, 16 or 32 ounces
Send your orders to us by mail accompan­
ied by the price of the paper and it will he
promptly forwarded to you by parcel post,
We use the best butter paper obtainable,
and our workmanship is of the best. Let uh
have your order aud you will not regret it.
A s h la n d T id in g s
r i r —•
A s h la n d , O r e g o n