Wednesday, September 14, IM I THE ASHLAND DAILY TUHNOfl band, leaving him nothing but tender memories and more eggs. In time she amasses a kind of disconnected harem of husbands. The husbands have all the tender qualities the wife lacks. They hatch the eg?? guard the chicks, and “tooth­ er” them. PAGI Visit« Mother— ‘ Leave for Prater Lake —- G. K. Wllshlre, sheep man from Leslie Herr, Mingus Aiken ati<( eastern Oregon, is spending a few Albert Guthrie will return tomor* Local and Personal days visit with his mother, Mrs. row after a two days trip at Crater One cent the . h time. Mary Wllshire ,8? Granite street. Lake. — ------------------Side Lights — w w aai - PHYSICIANS. ATTORNEYS. Charter No. «7 R esen e District No. 12 Return from Lake O’ Wood»— Ladies unaccompanied by gentle- ^ m ^ T at* HWGG s T Ä tlG G Ä ^ A tto rn ey .-^ REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF limited to eye, ear, nose and Law, Pioneer Block, Riceit Ashland. “Johnule” Ruger returned with mHn and extra ladies, 10c at the Law, Pioneer “The Well of Montezuma." throat. Office hours, 10 to 12 and Prof. Vining and Ralph Vining last Bungalow dance Wednesday might, Among the many natural curiosities 2 to 5. Swedenburg Bldg., Ash­ L- A. ROBERTS— Attorney-a t-Luw. week from Lake O’ Woods. . The war tax must be paid. 2t of Arizona, one that is not often vis­ At Ashland, land, Ore. 73-tf «»• state of Oregon, at the close of business Septem- Rooms 6 and 6, Citizens’ Bank Bldg, ited by tourists, is the singular bowl- '?.!■--- j —Lm._ DR. J. J. EM5EENS—— Physician and Fall woolens and fashions are now J’ P’ Dod®e Returns— shuped depression in Yavapai county, RESOURCES CHIROPRACTORS. Surgeon. Practice limited to Loans and discounts, Including rediscounts In at Orres tailor shop. Save $5 to p - Dodge, local furnitrue dteal- called ‘ The Well of Montezuma.” It eye, ear, nose and throat. Glasses shown in Item 31, if any................................ $3-75,620.63 $15 by ordering your suit now. 3 0 3 tf: er’ returned yesterday from Port- is nearly circular, and between 500 2. Overdrafts secured aud unsecured supplied. Oculist and aurist for DR. GEO. J. 1UNZ — Chiropractor. and G O O feet in diameter at the brim. 575.69 Suite 8. Examination Free. No S. P. R. R. Offices, M. F. and H. ______ j land, where he has been for the past 3. U. S. government securities owned, Including It lies in the midst of a nearly-level 25. the Plaza. Office Phone 103. Bldg., Medford, Ore. Phone 667. those shown in items 31 and 36, if any Return from ('rater Lake— two we®^9 attending to business area. Residence Phone 401. 22.507.19 The sides are vertical to a Other bonds, warrants and securities. Includ­ Misses Georgia Coffee and Lois matters. depth of 30 or 40 feet. Below that DR. FRANK M. .MOXON— Physician ASHLAND RRALTHATORlLM__l»r ing foreign government, state, municipal, ft LJ * Rhodes. J. Floyd Place and Glenn! I they merge into a sloping shape, which and Surgeon. Hours 1 to I* 5 p. _ m. corporation, etc., including those shown E. B. Angell, Chiropractic, Elec­ Rhodes, brother of Miss Rhodes, re- Retttrw* fron* Prospect— extends down to a circular pool of Office 425 E Main St., opp. Pub- in items 31 and 36, if anv......................... 135,971.16 trical Treatments. Mineral and lie Library. Clam Clark has returned fromj water- alleged by popular tradition, turned yesterdav after a three days CIam 272-tf Banking house, $16,000.00; furniture and fix­ Vlt-o-Net Baths. First National tures, $5,500.00 ............................................. Prospect, where he was _ working ____ I “ are 80 “ an-v other not yerV <»e*P trip to Crater __ Lake and Lake O’ IProspect- 21,500.00 Bank Building. Phone 48 DRS. SA\WYKK & CRANDALL Amounts due from banks, bankers and trust Wo'od? j £ summer month,. ~ - companies not designated as approved re­ OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS TAXI. the vicinity of Crater Lake as e x -j1® 0 sch001 here. ally been dejjcrlbe 83.745.83 good terms at 6 per cent, or will Other assets, If any .................. call kittle Transfer Co., Phone 2,949.60 Mr. and Mrs. Ralph T. Vining left than a good-sized brook—runs past the trade for Ashland property. Sea Nearly everything a Congo native 117. Office 89 Oak street. Near j outskirts of the town of Reddltch, Eng- yesterday by auto for Oakland, C. B. Lamkim 8-1 mo TOTAL Hotel Austin. does is done at the dictation of super­ $642,770.10 ' land, on it? way to join Shakespeare’s Calif. They expect to return in the stition. LIABILITIES Witch doctors and their . Avon near Bidford, a few miles above FOR RENT, near future. FOR SALE— Cozy convenient four- $ 50,000.00 strange and somewhat horrible "medi­ ! Stratford-on-Avon. Along the bed of : 17. Capital stock paid in ......................................... room cottage, with roomy base­ 18. Surplus fund ......................................................... 10.000.00 cine” are in demand for all sorts of FDR RENT— Three rooms, down ment and outbuildings. Good size (a) Undivided p r o f it s ......... . ’ . ...................... . $ rnrtfin, rain». ____ i ,he Arrow y>u ’an find smooth peb 19. 13,829.22 Suite Made to canon? things. Their charms are bjes of a peculiarly hard crystalline stairs, hot and cold water, bath lot w ith plenty of frtut. Nio« lo (b) Less currant expensed interest and taxes ____ Cleaning and repairing on ______ short' **wor^ed tor everything from curing i nature: they are known locally a« and toilet, one block to church and cation with fine view Desirable paid ....................................... ............................. 9,640.96 K. Nelson. Hotel Ashland i 8lckness t0 bringing bad fortune upon “emery stones,” and were invaluable 20. Dividends unipaid ......................... ........................ 1 4.288.26 school. 231 Mechanic St. 10-2* notice. for small family who want mod ■ 20.00 an enemy- There may be a demand for polishing needles not only when 21. Amounts due to banks, bankers .and trust erate priced home. Apply to ov n- Bldg. FOR RENT— F u rn is h e d h o u sek eep - i ° “ 1 that a curse be removed from a whole ar on premises. 706 Penn. Ave. eompanies not approved or designated a » simple handprocesses were in vogue, ing rooms, In q u ire 316 H arg a- i town, or perhaps a corse is to be laid Corner Harrison. 4-1 mo reserve agents for this bank............— Rojtue River 246.68 but also for a considerable time later, dine. 10-3 upon a single enemy. DEMAND DEPOSITS, other than banks, sub­ J. H. Priest, of Rogue River, was j One of the least unpleasant and j The makers gave a few pence to chil- ject to reserve: FO R R E N T — F u rn is h e d a n d u n f u rn ­ !• OR SALE— Seven room modern , dren for picking a dozen or two out an Ashland visitor yesterday. house, with or without furniture, 24. Deposits due the State of Oregon, and de­ most innocent of charms is that which of the shallows of the brook. Thns ished room s. In q u ire 102 Oak fruit and shade trees, lawn, chick­ posits due county or cities and other pub­ street. 8-2 is “worked” to invoke good luck in Reddltch could polish its needles more en yard. Bargain for quick sale. lic funds ........................................................... 23,078.04 All wool suits at $26. You can’t hunting. It has a certain picturesque cheaply than those towns which had 131 North Main, phone 290-Y. LOST. 26. Individual deposits subject to check .............. V 246,572.41 beat them. See them at Orres Tail­ quality that Is engaging. to pay carriage for emery stones, and 26. Demand certificates of deposit outstanding 2 9 9 -lu o 7,048.60 The Lower Congo Is not a sports- upon this tiny detail hinges the de- t 27. Cashier’s checks of this bank outstanding pay- LOST— On East Main between Elks’ . or Shop. 303tf club and Morton St., purse con; H OR SALE-—House and acre man s paradise, says a writer. Game j velopment of an important British in- able °® demand 75.00 raining two keys and some coins is not always to be easily found. ground in fruit trees: close in. 28. Certified checks outstanding I>. A. R. to Meet ■ dustry —Christian Science Monitor. Î 3,251.50 Finder may keep purse and coin, ’ Inquire 606 Allison. 294-1 mo* Therefore, when a hunter whose prow­ Total of demand deposits, other than bank Mount Ashland chapter, D. A. R., ess Is admired and envied is about to but please return keys. K Nel-j deposits, subject to reserve, items 24, 25, FOR BALE. son (Tailor). 65 E. Maiu St. 10-tf Hopeful Outlook. will hold the first meeting for the die a curious thing happens. Just 26, 27 and 28 ......................... ........................ $280,026.55 ‘Well, ’ said the judge, “what’s your year 1921-22 at the home of Mrs. J. before he expires a few thread« are TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS, subject to FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING — P. Dodge, 590 Boulevard, on Friday, drawn from his loin cloth. These argument this time? Aren’t you ever reserve and payable on demand and sub­ Mattresses made over; packinr C. B. L A M K I N ject to notice: < < threads are tied about the arms of a going to get over the habit of beat- ! and crating. Douglas. 253 Fourth September 16, at 2:30 o’clock. 29 Time certificats of deposit outst anting 87,949.81 St. Phone 63-R. 10-6* young man. This young man then has ing your w ife?’ 201.281.46 ‘Yes, judge, I'm beginning to have ' 30. Savings deposit, payable subject to notice. a specific duty in life and certain very BARGAINS IN H. R. Adams, the Plumber, sells Total of time and savings deposits payable on ¡FOR SALE— Straw, $3.50 a load, j hopes. She don’t look as though she 1 plumbing fixtures and supplies definite obligations. Real Estate ! delivered. Call at C. D. Owen, demand and subject to notice, items 29 could pull through many more of He superintends the burial of the Phone 166-J, 9hop at 248 Fifth Si. and 30 ................................................................$289,231.21 519 Mountain Ave. 10-2* ! 'em.” mighty hunter. Then, whenever the 287-tf 31. Notes, bills and acceptances rediscounted in­ hunters of his neighborhood are about FOR SALE— One reed set, 8 pieces, cluding bonds or other securities sold un­ O ty and Ranch Proporti«*» to set out the young man goes with S ea ttle V isitors— der repurchase agreements with contingent 1 dining table. 4 dining chairs, H ouses to R ent. 2,500.00 rugs. Universal range, gray ena­ liabilities ........................................................... ’ Walker M. Thorn and Robert M them to the mighty hunter’s grave. 1.205.64 mel, piano, vlctrola and records, 33. Reserved for taxes, interest or depreciation . ' Lindsey, of Seattle. Wash., are vis­ He kneels with his face toward the hunters and his back to the grave. The 7 White Leghorn chickens five itors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. hunters approach on hands and knees CITIZENS’ BANK BUILDING $642,770.10 TOTAL ................................................................ months old. 657 Boulevard. 10-3 O. H. Johnson. Mr. Thorne is a son until dose, then they dance about the STATE OF OREGON, ' GRAVEN8TBIN APPLES— 50 lb. of Mrs. Johnson. County of Jackson— as. young man and the grave to the rub-a- box. 75c delivered. Phone 9-F -li I, V. O. N. Smith, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly dub of a “charmed’’ drum. Palm wine swear that the above statement is (rue to the best of my knowledge a|id Ladies, bring a beau with you to is poured over the grave, while each FOR SALE— Two dozen year old belief. V. O. N. SMITH, Cash er. W e sell White Leghorn hens. 6. A. C. the Bungalow dance Wednesday ev­ hunter drinks to the departed. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 13th day of Sept., 1921. ¡ A toasted, r f stock. 1401 Boulevard 10-2* A bit of the mud formed of the wine ening. His ticket covers the war CORRECT— Attest: PEARL WILSHIRE, Notary Public. and the earth on the grave Is rubbed tax for both himself and lady. If SYLVESTER PATTERSON, My commission expires Mar. 26, 1923. SWEET CIDER— -40c gal. delivered. coaise. T o seal C. B. LAMKIN, Phone 9 -F -ll. you como alone you must pay 10c on the forehead, the arms and the in­ W. M. POLEY, Directors. war tax. g« steps of each hunter. This Is sup­ m th e CHOCOLATE posed to give the hunters keenness, FOR EXCHANGE. W t a e g a n g ^ M — B aa— M g!— a— e— M M soreness of aim and swiftness in the VANILLA Charter No.5747. Reserve District No. 12. Return to Oakland— FOR EXCHANGE— My equity $380«' chase. STRAWBERRY strictly modern stucco 5 room Paul R. Winter and Charles E At last the charui is completed. The MAPLE NUT RÄPORT OF CONDITION OF THR bungalow with sleeping porches, Bourn, son and son-in-law of Mrs hunters sing a song In praise of the in Dinuba, Calif., town of 5000. O. Winter, left Saturday for Oak­ mighty departed. Then off they go, ' center of raisin belt. For partly they will have success in the *At Ashland, in the State of Oregon, at the close of business on Septem­ Improved farm. D. Rasmussen, land, Calif. The party are travel­ assured field. ber 6, t t t t . Cutler, Calif. 8-9* ing by auto. Mrs. Bourn will re­ RESOURCES main for an extended visit with her WANTED. a. Loans and discounts, including re-dis- HER DOMESTIC LIFE FICKLE mother. eountB, except those shown in B and C $627,660.60 WANTED— A good milk cow. State Total loans ................................................... 627,550.60 627,550.60 price, etc. Address C A rare Tid­ Female Tinamou Recognize« No Ob­ Overdrafts, unsecured, .................................. 194.06 Albert Taxi. Phone 183. 307-lm ings. ligation of Loyalty to Either U. S. Govenuneet .«wcuritieu owned: Her Mate or Offspring. a Deposited to secure circulation (U. S. WANTED-—Partner in first class A u to Tires Stolen— bonds par value) ................................. 100,000.00 dressmaking business. Deslrahl« One extra tire and tires from the h All ether United States government se­ Feminine freedom goes a long way location. 102 Oak St. 9-2 curities ........................................................ 85,562 25 two front wheels of a car owned by In the case of spiders (where the 185,562.25 Other bonds, stocks, securities, ptc......... WANTED— About five acres wltu 204,284.41 William Sams were stolen Monday bride devours the bridegroom), but In Oregon's Higher Institution of Banking house, $14,500.00; furniture and improvements, small house pre­ night while the machine was parked spite of her hasty temper the female fixtures, $4,500.o0 ................................ ferred, close to tows. State 19,000.00 In front of the Roy Hosier home on spider Is a devoted mother. amount. Frank Anderson. 108b Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve Bank 52,969 29 The banner of “women’s freedom" Third street. The tire-stripped auto Divlsadero St., San Franciaco. 16. Gash in- vault and amount due from la carried much farther by the tin- Calif. 305-lin e' national banks ..................................... Eight Schools; Seventy Departments 106,065.96 was found a block from the Hosier . . X - . r - L M B J W S IB M 'IW I ' l f a amou, a South American bird. Amount due from state banks, bankers home, police state. FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. 19. 1921 She is a fickle wile and a coflrmed and trust companies in the United „ Ä For inlorm m on w rite to the R eciitrar child deserter. Two female tlnamous States (other than included in items Chas. S. Wilson— Painting, paper­ will fight for the claw of a blushing Oregon Agricultural College 8, 9 and 10) ......................................... 5,718.83 c o k v X l l is hanging. tinting. Satisfaction guar­ male bird, who accepts the winner Checks on other banks in the same city or town as reporting bank (other than anteed. P. O. Box 244. 8-1 ni* without any voice In the matter. Item 12) .................................................. 4,239.16 As soon as she has laid a nesiful of Total of items 9. 10, 11, 12 and 13. .$116,023.95 G arage Burglar — eggs, off she ones and fights another w ill do your plow ing riftdH h o w Checks on bank located outside of city A heavy blanket was stolen from female for a ¡/other husband. In your hard, sticky rtdi. or town of reporting bank aad other the M. C. Lininger automobile Mon Theq she • eserts her second I iu - j - I cash i t e m s .................................................. 298.88 R u-gain in used sow iag o w e t k e ; day night by a burglar who forced Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer a lso a new carload o f W hite new- and due from U. S. Treasurer........... $5.000 . (M l his entrance to the Lininger garage, TOTA1........................................................... ? ing m achines .just in, at $1,210.883.44 296 Helman street. Chief Hatcher LIABILITIES. admits that the robbery is a sure 17. Capital stock paid in ................... . t 100,000.00 Fe/7's Corner sign of a hard winter. 18. Surplus fund ............................................... 30,000 00 mt tmcxter ssAtmnjt 19. Undivided profits ..........................................$ 22,616.29 (e) Lees current expenses, interest and Something new in Yeo*s window. LAST CHANCE TO SEE taxes paid ................................................ 5,137,02 17,478.27 299-tf 20. Circulating notes outstanding 98,495.00 Demand deposit» (other than bank d *- A L eave for C alifornia— pafdts) «object to Reserve (depoaitn pay. N able within 30 d a y s): Mrs. Emma Coffee. Miss Lois 26 Individual deposits subject to check. . . D 479,687.95 Rhodes and J. Floyd Place, left this 27. Certificates of deposit due in less than morning by auto for Oakland, Calif., 30 days (other than for money borrowed ) j 24.730.80 by way of Crescent City. Mrs. Cof­ — in — 28. State, county, or other municipal depoe- * fee will leave Oakland by train for its secured by pledge of asset of this b a n k ........................................................... 23.244.58 Southern California, where she will Total of demand deposits (other than make an extended visit during the bank deposits) subject to Reserve , winter months. Items 26, 27. 28, 29, 30. and 2 3 .. 527,663.38 lim e «tepoedts subject to ReHerve (paya b 1 e Trousers at $3.50. A few lett at after 30 days, or subject to 30 days or more notice, and postal savin gs): Orres Tailor Shop. 303tf 32. Certificates of deposit (other than f o r money borrowed) ................ ................ 74,700,33 R eturn from Sum m er Izik e— 34. Other time deposits .................................... — Highly Dramatic — 362,071.12 Mrs. Carolton and sons, “Bo” anti 36. Postal savings d e p o s its ................ 475.39 — Intensely Interesting — Total of time deposits subject Oo reserve, Roy Carolton, have returned from items 32, 33. 34, and 3 5 ..................... 437 246 84 the Carolton ranch in eastern Ore­ W e carry several kind«. M ade TOTAL .................................. $1,210.883.44 gon, near Summer lake, accompanied w ith Rubber, Compotiitlon or THURSDAY ONLY by Al^ffrt Guthrie and Leslie Herr State of Oregon, County of Jackson—««. leath er solee. ■weai’ cas,h ier th® »bove-named bank, do solemnly Business training pays. One term hA nt h ®t*tement is tree to the beat of my knowledge and with ns and one year at a good sal* ttnh-A-ikAri . J* W. MoCSOY. Cashier. ary in a business office makes the Subscribed and «worn to beforeme this 13th day of September, 1921. —Starring— (Seal) Beet two-year course. Winter term -• . . . G, H. BILLINGS, Notary Public. Correct— Attest DAVID POWELL begins Sept. 15. Medford Business THOS. H. SIMPSON, Real ffttate and B M Insurance College, Medford, Ore. 1-13 »stub. lr tS O. WINTER. W. H. MeNAIR, Directors. Ashland News in Paragraph B U S IN E S S A N D P R O F E S S IO N A L i n i i Citizens Bank oi Ashland Si t i / 1 11 V « a n b o V « Yes Brick Ice Cream F IR S T N A T IO N A L B A N K Ashland Creamery TECHNOLOGY The Beider Tractor and P.&0. Disc Plow Go Tonight SE E N A OW ENS E. L IN C O L N The Woman God Changed Canvas Shoes Do you want T o leave A SH L A N D ? Suitable for Hunting and Fishing Want to trade Your property For a farm In Waahiogton? “A p p e a r a n c e s ” Billings Agency i 2“