i«as*ww* SHLAND climate without the aid of Medicine, cures nine cases out of ten of Asthma. This is a proven fact. A *« V r’ A shland D aily T idings rv ALARIA Germa cannot survive three months in the rich osons at Ashland. The pure domestic water helps. International News Wire Service VOLUME 3 11 ASHLAND, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1921 (S u ccessor to th e Sem i-W eekly T id in gs, V oi. 43) FREEDOM OF ARBUCKLE ON BAIL PROSPECT Austrian Soldiers Balk at Fighting ¡ Hungary Troops ' <$> ---------- |<» BERLIN, Sept. 14.— An Aus- • trian battalion stationed at -S> Bruck, A ustria, routined today • ♦ a fte r refusing to m arch against <$> H ungarian troops sent to oc- cupy a strip of lan d ceded to TWENTY-TWO CARS SIGNED UP <$> H ungard by the peace treaty, <®> according to a Vienna dispatch. FOR TR IP— PROSPECTIVE DEL­ A mem ber of the soldiers’ •$> committee sent to confer w ith EGATES AND CAR OWNERS <§> the b attalio n ’s officers,y knocked SHOULD CALL CHAM BER OF <•> down the captain during the discussion. COMMERCE. <8> <§> <•> <•> <*» MINERS RENEW WAR; INDIANA COAL FIELDS H a z IÇ ik i > UNE BOSS IS EJECTED BY 300 MAYALTERTHE To Dig 20 Feet BIG SANDY, Mont. • — The entire population of Big Sandy is working frantically to rescue the two year old daugh- te r of Nels Nielson, who fell • into the hole where drillers were working on an oil well. ? The child is apparently unhurt, •> but stuck in a small opening, •> twenty feet down and is held ?> prisoner face downward. Oil <*> is expected to fill the hole any •• moment. It may be necessary to dig down the entire tw enty ♦ feet before the child can be ♦ rescued. ’ <•> '?• S' §>- f V. .«■ <$, ♦ • r> . i <$> GRAND .11 ItN HELD IN SESSION <»l UNTIL DEMISION IS MADE— IS ! I INDICTED H H t MANSLAUGH­ y• | ! TER— ALTERED CHARGE. SAN FRANCISCO, Calif.. Sept 14 — The freedom of Roscoe (F atty ) Tomorrow will be “ Ashland Day’’ at the Josephine county fair being! Arbuckle on ball loomed up today Owing to the late closing hour of held a t G rants Pass this week, a c - . TERRE HAUTE, Ind., Sept. 14.— I ■ following his indictm ent by tlie the Cham ber of Commerce luncheon cording to plans made at the Cham- Disorders among the m iners In tbe( ■ grand jury late last night on a held yesterday a t the Hotel Ajiff- ber of Commerce forum luncheon Jacksonville coal fields broke out: (charge of m anslaughter. Despite, land, the Tidings was unable to pub- i yesterday at the Hotel Ashland, and again today according to word re­ i the fact th at he is still charged with ' lish in Tuesday’s issue, th e full re­ completed today. Twenty-two auto ceived here. The fighting is a re ­ p ort on the sum m er norm al school i m urder and t h a t District Attorney owners up to noon today had sig­ newal of the distrubances which It will be interesting to all ex- made by G. A. Briscoe, superintend­ nified their willingness to place th e ir ; ‘ Brady has insisted he will go stirred the southw estern Indiana service men to know th a t the appli­ ent of the city school. cars at the disposal of the commit­ mine fields a tew weeks agh and re- Funeral services for William B. through with the charge. It Is gen­ cation blanks for soldiers’ state The report follows: tee appointed yesterday for the p u r­ suited today in th e chasing of Jam es! Grubb, 77 who died Monday after- erally accepted here as a fact that bonus have been received by the ad­ By G. A. BRISCOE j It is usually the fellow who Getherman, mine boss, from his j noon at 2:30 o’clock at the home of the fat comedian will face trial on a pose of transporting the Ashland ju ta n t of the local post of the In all there were enrolled in the delegation to G rants Pass. Mem-j tries to “pu t th e other fellow out home by 300 men. (his daughter. Mrs. Grace Spannaus, j less serious charge, that of man- American Legion and are ready for norm al school 81 different students. bers of the committee in charge of of business” who goes broke, R eece V erne, a m iner was also 247 Seventh street, were held th is ! slaughter, in connection with the distribution. It is urged by the Thirty-seven of these were from arrangem ents are V. O. N. Smith, while th e m an who attends to e je c te d from his hom e. afternoon at 2:30 o’clock at the death of Virginia Rappe, beautiful W orld W ar V eterans’ State Aid com­ Jackson county; of these 20 were chairm an, L. F. Ferguson and H. T. his own business, asks fair prices, Presbyterian church. Burial was film actress of Los Angeles, who mission th a t these blanks be filled from Ashland. 3 from Medford, and Elmore. gives good service, keeps his INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Sept. 14.— made a t the Mountain View ceme­ died here last week following a p ar­ out under the supervision of a com­ 14 from other points in Jackson An autom obile parade displaying mouth shut, and hustles, pros­ j Twenty w arran ts for the arrest of tery. the Dodge undertaking parlors ty alleged to have been given a t Ar­ m ittee from the American Legion, county. Ten came from Douglas prom inent Ashland banners will pers. “ P u ttin g the other fel­ ring leaders in the Jacksonville coal having charge of the funeral arrange­ buckle’s rooms at the St. Francis form at the Plaza at 9 o’clock to­ or a t least have some m em ber of county, 13 from K lam ath county, ments. low out of business” is a game fields were issued today. hotel. such committee review the applica­ 11 from Josephine county, 1 from morrow morning. A rrangem ents are th a t can work both ways. j Mr. Grubb has been ill for some The grand jury considered the being made for an entertainm ent tion before sending it in. W ith this ! j^ujtnomab 1 from Vancouver, 1 All I w ant in this world is a KLAMATH FALLS time, having moved here a few dkys case at length last night and voted end in view, a committee has be^n from Lane, 1 from Curry. 2 from com m ittee as part of the delegation. INVITES ASHLAND chance to paddle along and do the ago from Yreka, Calif., in the hope to adjourn. When apprised of their The committee is anxious that appointed and will be in session at W heeler county, 2 from Superior, best I can, always rem em bering TO FORUM LUNCH th a t a change might improve his contem plated adjournm ent, O’Con­ Ashland residents tu rn out in force the arm ory Thursday evening of this W isconsin, 1 from St. Paul, Minn., th a t othdr people in business health. ner, assistant district attorney, Members of the Ashland Chamber for the G rants Pass trip, regardless week where any one desiring may 1 from Berkeley, Calif. have babies to feed, educate and William B. Grubb was born at ruBhed before them and demanded To analyze these figures in an- of Commerce have been invited to 'Morning Sun, Louisa county, Iowa, action one way or another. The of w hether or not they are members come for applications and for advice clothe, as well as I, and th a t and assistance in filling them o u t., other way, we get th e following re- attend a K lam ath Falls forum lunch­ March 13. 1844. He moved to Ore­ jury returned to th e ir deliberations of the Chamber of Commerce. All there is room fo r all of us, or the The question of deciding betw eenj suits: parties willing to furnish a car the Good Lord never would have eon September 22 a t the la tte r city. gon in 1852 mid was m arried to and voted for a m anslaughter charge E ntire enrollm ent, 81; from A sh­ allowed) some of us to be here; The luncheon is given for Medford Francis Ellen Spencer February 6, by a vote of thirteen to two. The should inform the Chamber of Com­ the loan and th e cash bonus is one| business men as return e n tertain ­ 1868. merce of the fact. E fforts will be th a t requires considerable thought land, 20, leaving 61 who came from Surviving him are five maximum penalty th at Arbuckle it’s so hard to take proper care by each individual person, and should other communities. Some of them ment following the visit of Klamath daughters, Mrs. Mary Gardener, Mrs. could pay if convicted on the charge made to furnish transportation for of ourselves. HAZ KIK. Falls members of the Chamber of Jennie H um , Mrs. Edith Anderson, would be ten years in prison. prospective delegates if they will 111Ot be * cided b>' a sn»P Judgment. of course came from Talent and Commerce a t Medford shortly be­ Mrs. Alice McCormack, and Mrs. telephone or call at the Cham ber of j Those who have intentions of ap- i Medford. The indictm ent will be returned P art of these people did not live SENATE VOTES TO REPEAL fore their entertainm ent at an Ash­ Grace Spannaus. and four son, Thom­ Thursday of this week. Then, it is Commerce. No charges of any kind (plying for the loan should give th e. m attei careful consideration, and j jn Ashland, but made the trip to and TRANSPORTATION TAX land forum luncheon. The invita­ as, Carl, Jesse and A rthur Grubb. will be macfe for the trip. believed. District Attorney P.mdy i the same applies to those contem- ! from Ashland each day. Being lib­ Because of the fact th a t G rants BY JANUARY I, 1»28 tion was extended in a le tte r re­ Mr. Grubb spent most of his life will be forced to consent to the dis­ ceived today by J. H. Fuller, from in southern Oregon and northern Cal­ missal of the m urder charge. Pass has in the past sent large dele­ ' plating the cash bonus, as circum ­ eral tow. rd these daily journeys, stances governing these two features there would be in the end a t least , gations to Ashland during celebra­ WASHINGTON, D. C., Sept. 14.— the Klam ath Falls Chamber of Com­ ifornia, and was well known by many tions held here, local business men may m ake a m aterial difference in fifty people who made th eir homes j The senate finance com m ittee has merce. SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., Sept. I I. here, having lived here and visited ! in Ashland. Plans for the proposed Scenic are heartily in sym pathy with the the final decision. here frequently. For the last few — D istrict A ttorney Brady won a M. W .GRUBB. i Board and room averaged them rejected a provision of the house tax Circle highway to include C rater project and are making every effort years he made his home with his dram atic fight today to prevent two • bill for th e repeal of all transporta- at least $36 per month, which gives j tion taxes Jan u ary 1, 1922. In- Lake, Lake O’ Woods, Klam ath daughter, Mrs. Mary Gardener, at of his s ta r witnesses in the prosecii to put the affair over in a big way. JESS INGRAM AND a total of $2700 for board and room' It was originally planned to attend tion of Roscoe Arbuckle from te s ti­ : stead, the committee voted to retain Falls, M edford and Ashland, will be Yreka, Calif. JACK BURNS TO CLASH This was money th a t had to stay in ' 50 per cent of all passenger and taken up at the meeting. the fair Friday of this week, hu t it fying at the coroner's inquest over BOXING BOUT, MEDFORD Ashland, possibly not with the peo­ freight transportation taxes, and to was changed to Thursday because The luncheon will not conflict •IAPS HAVE NEW IDEA the death of Miss Virginia Rappe. ple supporting the Cham ber of Com­ repeal all transportation taxes by with a future entertainm ent express­ G rants Pass fair authorities had! ______ Following his strong plea, th e ju rv FOR DISARMAMENT previously named Friday, as Medford: Two duys fflOre and tfae big bQx. merce. but in the end a large part January- 1, 1923. ly for Ashland, it was stated, when , CONFERENCE ISSUES after fifteen m inute's deliberation, of this money finds its way back to day without the knowledge of t h e . jng sbow the local Chamber of Commerce may ruled that Alice Blake and Zeeh local committee. Jess Ingram boy U a t gavp those who directly support ike j Provost need not testify. Brad.v GENEVA, Sept. 14.— John Bassett have their own speakers. By DUKE N. PARRY The following car owners have! CampbeH and Qeorge EagJea aH Chamber of Commerce. Ashland m erchants have been in­ > contended th a t their evidence would Moore, New York, an authority on (I- N. S. Staff Correspondent) In addition to these necessary liv­ international law and consultant for vited to attend a m eeting of the agreed to furnish one car each for the tighting they w anted, „ work. TOKIO, Sept. 10.— Comes sugges­ show the state's hand unnecessarily. ing expenses, I personally know of the American state departm ent, was m erchants’ bureau of the Klam ath I he delegation tomorrow: ing hard every night at the Nat ... in tion num ber one hundred and twen# The girls are said to have, given V. O. N. Smith, H. T. Elmore, J Medford, for his go with Jack Burns Quite a nUmber ° f students who Pu r’ elected one of the twelve judges for Falls Chamber of Commerce to be ty-three as to the prelim inary m^ps- damaging testimony against “ F a tty ” C. Ferguson, J. W. McCoy, C. B of G rants Pass. Ingram took on chase* shoes’ clothing’ Patronized the international court of justice and held on the evening of September ures to the W ashington Pacific and last night before the grand jury Lam kin, D. Perozzi. J. H. McGee, E Billy H uff for th ree rounds, Tom 21. * arb itratio n here today. disarm am ent conference. It is from which indicted the film comedian (Continued on Page Four) J. Raine, A. N. Beaver, Thos. H .j gharkey for tbree roundg and Joe Tokio and springs from the fertile on a charge of m anslaughter. Simpson. E. T. Staples, H. G. End Blackburn for tw o rounds, and If) Arbuckle appeared to be more brain of Jap an ’s representative a t ers, Jr.. J. H. Fuller, T. J. Coffman, he fights like he works out, the The Hague peace conference, him nervous today than at any time dur- E. J. Kaiser. L. J. Orres, C. J. fans will sure see lots of action when self famed in his own land as an a u -J ing the previous appearances at the Pierce. Mrs. F. Hanna, H. P. Holmes, these two boys meet. thority on international law. Dr. Ni- f ,nduest- J. H. W heeler, Susie Allen, V. V. Billy Huff says there will be i ichirio Matsunami. Dr. M atsunami’s i Mills. ¡opinion, be it said in Jap an ’s de- PARIS, Sept. 14. Six soldiers of nothing to it when he meets Kid fense, is not taken seriously h e re .!1’16 American arm y of occupation in Clark of Central Point. Clark has SCHOOLS REOPENING But it represents. nevertheless,! Germi,n-V were kiHed todfty when a ( boxed in Medford before, and the I something th at the people of Japan 5 « ru c k by an ex- fans ®fe all for him. This bout alone W ith the reopening of the schools| should be a main event 1 read, and may explain to A m ericans1',ress train a P™ * dispatch states, comes renewal of public interest in The ten round eTent between why the lower classes of Japan, are', the work th a t is being done by the | Rattling Frick of Medford and Kid ¡often guilty of open antagonism t o ' »^N