PAGE FOUR Tuesday, September I t, 1M Î ASHLAND D À i t t TTDDÍGB. * too early to pass judgm ent on w hat I In this decision. And there is a big land will be tillable on the basis of ^ot money involved in the land Local and Personal Stories of the Rogue River Valley Cherries elevation. Much of tne finest fruits values- aS weI1 as county Propert* in general. Those cherry crops make of this region are now grown on ele­ 298-tt W atch Y eo’s w indow . one very im portant suggestion about Street and Tow n Average $800 Per Acre Revenue vations up to 200u feet and more. what can actually be accomplished. This fact of siicvessful farm ing on aies Leave for 'F tisco— ---- ' — ■ ■ , ■Sai« the highlands may, and surely will, Mrs. J. Z. Wing left last evening ---------- P ortland— Lower prices on high­ raise the available tillable land of on a business trip to San Franelsco. By O. H. BARNHILL way construction and lower prices Royal Annes averaged at least 100 accomplished w ithout auy irrigation ______ Have you seen G. F. B illings's! the country from about 108,000 on bonds shown by recent bids. pounds per tree ten years of age, or other than the m oisture th a t the On H unting Trip— million dollar picture? It is en- acres to probably twice th a t area, 7000 pounds per acre of 70 trees, and black soil of the orchards retains, J. Z. Wing and Edw ard Ryan are • closed in a large fram e and hangs and the agricultural receipts accord­ the receipts to the growers were Doubtless th a t ground holds such The native Britons offered up h u ­ on a hunting trip in the McCloud« in the prim ary departm ent of the) ingly. It may and probably will add $11.75 per tree net, or $822.50 per m oisture far better than the lighter man sacrifices. country. I Methodist Sunday school, where the 1 several million dollars to the reve­ — ----- !-------- - - ....................... ... ■ - acre of seventy trees, and $8225 soils of the valley floor, ------- i youthful minds absorb from the pic- nues of this community each year. i from ten acres. Bings averaged That same orchard produces some ANJOU, BOSC AND COMICE PEARS tu re sentim ents of kindness and It is plainly to the interests of a l l ( about 25 per cent less. This was of the finest Bose pears grown in Will be ready to pick the 1 5 tb .! brotherly love, much as people did , the people to learn by actual exper- The body of R. M. E&lick, aged w ithout irrigation a t levels of the county, and they make such Will begin packing the 19th for sh ip -, jn Irving’s story of the Great Stone i ience all about the capacity for suc- 70 years, a prospector, was fo u n d ; 1600 to more than 1900 feet above grade a t an elevation of 2100 feet. m ent— A shland Fruit and Produce p ace This picture represents a lit­ j cessful farm ing of the high root- w ill m ake special m onthly rates ¡the sea. High grade Newtown and Delicious Association, 1-4 tle newsboy com forting another, who I Sunday in *his cabin on Sardine hills, with and without irrigation, to perm anent g u ests. AU room s creek, two miles from M esslnger’s ^* ® apples come from the W esterlund j has been unable of ad his -' I SaWmi11, by W1Ulam P ayQe- a s t o c k - p have hot anti cold w ater and Civic Club luncheon at Hotel Ash- »tock oV pap ers^th to e la dispose tte r "being Here is a report made ex- » orchard at heights ranging from 1750 i and th a t as soon as possible. There are literally millions of dol-. steam heat. land Tuesday, September 20. at 12 hv . hn , ’ _ ‘»an. Death had been due to a pressly for this article by J. A. to 1825 feet by actual survey topo-l lars of yearly crop returns at stake .vised by the form er to sell a more buU ' Medford: < t> It is assumed by many people of Main street. 10-6* B. A. Finch, preacher, painter and R oyal A nnes » 't h e valley th a t such land should not by the coroner, who was called to ‘®* i parsnip prom oter, has worked a veri- ♦< Average of poorest » ¡b e counted in the tillable area, on U lm er People W ill H ave Fal.— tabla transform ation on the long- I investigate. | It is believed Eddick had b e e n , trees, lbs. per tree 87 » ¡ t h e theory th a t some of it will be That the farm ers and housewives neglected property at the corner of dtead about a week. His body, w ith j'^ Average of best trees, » ! difficult to irrigate. of the W imer district are wide w im er street and Alta avenue. The ,bs- Per tree . . . 246 » Here we have proof th a t it will aw ake and believe in advertising | ailiount of vegetables which have a ghastly wound behind the left ear * “Once Upon A Time” ? Average of all trees — was found lying on the floor, make big crops of cherries w ithout their community is evidenced by the been produced in tbIs back yard is lbs. per tree . . . 100 » irrigation, and probably of grapes; fact th a t on next Monday, Septem- a iino8t beyond belief. One hundred partly covered by an overcoat. The At 70 trese per acre, revolver lay in his partly clutched and other products. It is entirely her 19. farm products and canned dollars wortb of spinacbi radl8heg We have as large depositors in this acre in lbs............... 7000 » goods will be assembled at the and ,ettuce atone were aold Tbese hand. The last date m arked off the 4* bank, men and women who “once TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. <» giange hall at Wimer, from which crops were succeeded by early peas, calendar hanging on the wall was i> Sales from each tree upon a tim e” opened their accounts at $11.75 to grow er $ 11.75 » BOR SALE— Straw, $3.50 a loan, selection of the best will be m a d e , and th e la tte r in turn gave >ay to September 7. An inquest will be ♦ with one lone dollar. held. ? > Each acre of 70 trees delivered. Call at C. D. Owen, by the county agent and home d e m -! string beans— three crops in one sea- 519 M ountain Ave. 10-2* A search of papers found in the ♦ at same r a t e ........... 822.50 » onstration agent to be forwarded to 8On from the same ,and Like the fairy tales, their thrift and 1 cabin showed th a t Eddick h ad a * Ten acres at same ra te 8225.00 » , WANTED— A good milk the state fair at Salem.— Medford industry are rapidly bringing them Mr. Finch’s triple-cropping m eth­ | price et(, Addregs c A cow. State sister. Mrs. R. W eir, living in M id / » » » ♦ » « > » <^ » Mail Tribune. to the stage of financial independence care Tid- ods rem ind one of the ag ricu ltu ral ings. igan, who has been notified of the where they "live happily ever a fte r.” « I operations being carried on in Clack­ See our bargains in used cars tragedy. O ther papers showed th a t B1»g cherries averaged about 25 am as county by Randel R. Howard, Prices reduced. Overland Marcy the dead man had $200 to his cred- i Pe r cent less than the Royal Andes, FOR RENT— Furnished large first who wrote the Jackson county book­ floor front room, gas for cook­ Co. io - l it in the Bank of Gold Hill. L etters hut, like the Royal Annes, were fine ing; also large second floor room let. Fred Lockley calls H ow ard’s w ritten to him indicated th a t in his ' ,n Quality. These cherries sold in with sleeping porch attached. For pleatiug see Orres. 303tf ten acres a “ four story farm .” Straw ­ life he had mined in the far corner^ sm all quantities for shipm ent to Phone 411-R Or 153 G ranite St. 1 ! berries occupy the ground floor, of the e arth — Alaska, A ustralia and K lam ath Falls and local points at FOR SALE- -Piano. Ashland, Oregon prunes the second, chickens the Hotel Aalihind A rrivals— Inquire 74 South America. about 15 cents per pound. Third St. 9-2* ! third, and Randal has the fourth! A. Rollroy, H. W. McGlenn, A. B. Eddick was last seen about a week i ’<>r large shipm ents and sale^ Dorsey, Portland; John F. W ild e,: stor-v >» his head- Last spring the ago. He was evidently in good J»ade through the grow ers’ assocla- FOR SALE— One reed set, 8 pieces, Chicago; Ray L. A ntrum , G. Rj w riter worked with Mr. Howard In 1 dining table, 4 dining chairs, health. No note was left offering tion, they netted the producers 11.75 vugs. Universal range, gray ena­ Hunt. Roseburg; Mr. and Mrs. F. C obtaining members for the farm bu- an explanation of the apparent sui­ cents a pound. It .will be seen th a t mel. piano, victrola and records, i Fltzpatrick, Roseburg; Mr. and Mrs. j reau »» Clackamas and W ashington cide. the average ra te of yield was high, 7 W hite Leghorn chickens five Fred Reynolds, Seattle; J. A. Thom- ’ counties. 1 months old. 657 Boulevard. 10-3 and the tree retu rn s of $11.75 each But to retu rn to Mr. Finch, who is as. Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Connelly, G. a t lowest calculations for Royal An­ GRAVENSTEIN APPLES— 50 lb. prom oting the crook­ BURCH DENIES HE F. Dunne, A. Schwab, W. W. Pot­ patiently nes. dox , 75c delivered. Phoue 9 -F -ll. | ter, Dunsmuir, Calif.; E. Emmons, necked squash and bull-nosed pep-? MADB CONFESSION OP The acre value was $822.50, an d R. B. Dorsey, Portland; C. L. Las- per. He has the enthusiastic h e lp ' KENNEDY MURDER from a ten acre orchard th e money FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING — T K TMCATFit BEAUTin. M attresses made over; packing sell, Denver. Colo.; Mr. and Mrs. L. of two lively youngsters, who would receipts would be $8225 from a and crating. Douglas, 25 3 Fourth | A. McPherson, Turlock, C ailf.; C. make the finest kind of members fo r' LOS ANGELES, Calif., Sept. 13.— m oderate average, and m ight g o ______________ S t Phone 63-R. 10-6* K irk and family, K lam ath Falls. a garden club. Who will form such “ I t’s an infernal lie from beginning more than twice th a t am ount. A j FOR RENT— Furnished housekeep- a club? to end,” said A rth u r Burch in his 160 acre field of K ansas w heat, a t ' in g ro o m . Inquire 316 Hargadine. Good food, cooked right, served "Most of my garden work is done cell in jail here today, referring to 14 bushels per acre and $2.20 per 10-3! at reasonable prices. Hotel Ashland before and a fte r putting in full time a statem ent made by Chandler bushel, would retu rn to the farm er FOR SALE— Two dozen year old Grill. 2&7tf at my tra d e ,” explained Mr. Finch, Sprague, a rep o rter for the Los An­ $4928. Ten acres of Rogue river White Leghorn hens. O. A. C. thoughtfully thum ping a honey-dew geles Examiner, th a t Burch had con­ stock. 1401 Boulevard. 10-2’ valley cherries could beat 160 acres Don’t forget th a t we offer good melon with one hand and mashing a fessed to the murdfer of J. Belton of Kansas wheat by $3297. values in used cars— Dodge, Max SWEET CIDER— 40c gal. delivered. potato bug with the other. ‘Yes, I Kennedy. A lso D one W ith ou t Irrigation Phone 9 -F -ll. well. Overland, Chalmers and Fords. get pretty tired sometimes, but it is “ There isn’t a word of tru th in i And another very im portant point I Overland Marcy Co. 10-1 —Starring— LOST— On E ast Main between E lks’ b etter for me th a n to lie abed un­ it,” said Burch in reference to is at least partly settled by the suc­ club and Morton St., purse con; til tim e to go to work and then loaf Sprague’s copyrighted article in cess of these cherries. They are e v l-' taining two keys and some coins. W ednesday A fternoon d u b — around a fte r supper. W orking in which Sprague claimed th a t Burch dentiy one crop th a t will work with Finder may keep purse and coin, The W ednesday Afternoon* club the pure a ir and sweating the lead confessed he slew Kennedy with the I excellent results at high elevations but please return keys. K Nel­ picnic supper will be at th e home son (T ailo r), 65 E. Main St. 10-tf out of one’s system is good for a knowledge of Mrs. Obenchaln, whq The lowest, land on the W esterlund • —and— of Dr. and Mrs. W ebster W ednesday painter. I am very careful about is jointly charged with Burch 0 orchard where these cherries grew. FOR RENT— Three rooms, down evening at 5 o’clock, so th a t those getting paint on my hands, which K ennedy’s m urder. Mrs. Obenchaln stairs, hot and cold water, bath was 1600 feet above sea level, and who desire to do so, may return, to is where most of such poison is ab­ later denied Burch’s purported state ­ and toilet, one block to church and the highest m ore than 1900 feet in A shland for the prayer m eeting at sorbed.” school. 2 31 ^Mechanic St. 10-2* ment, in so far as she was con­ elevation, or 532 feet above the level 7.30. All those planning to go, and • « • cerned. It is a poM-ei-rul di-iunati« story of i at the Medford station of the Southf the cars to take them , should be at Tom Hudson, the expert mechan­ um gled liv es that carries th e spec­ ern Pacific railroad. And It was the Presbyterian church not later ic, who knows more interesting tator to tropic isle s and by its beau­ than 2:30 p. m.— Mrs. Shinn. The O.K. Barber Shop things than any other man in seven SO UTH ERN ORE. PIO NEERS tifu l photography h old s th e a tte n ­ OF LOCAL INTEREST W ILI, M EET H ER E SEPT. 10 states, has traded a couple of P ort­ iW OAK ST. tion as by a m agic sp ell. Some People We Know, and We Will Profit by Hearing land lots for an acre of ground be­ GRANTS PA SS FIG H TER Comedy Now Open for Buslnetw Weekly (Continued from Page 1) About Them tween the Scenic Drive and Alta TRAINING AT M E D F O R D - This is a purely local event. <’. G. ENGLISH, Prop. Many fine fruit trees still editor of the Tidings. Remember- Reception j FOR SCRAP, JE SS INGRAM I uvenue Starts Today! It took place in Ashland. rem ain on this place, which was in committee, Mr. and Mrs. G. S. B u t-! Not in some faraw ay place. You are asked to investigate it. Jack Burns has arrived in Med­ tu rn owned by two musical men, ler, Mrs. A. E. Kinney, George J Asked to believe a citizen’s ford from G rants Pass, and will Gillis and Razor. The la tte r is now Dunn, and Fred W agner. Memorial word; start training at the Nat for his go preserving his fine voice in phono­ committee, Mrs. A. E. Kinney, O. A. To confirm a citizen’s state ­ with Jess Ingram . B um s has boxed graph records. Stearns, Fred W agner, Miss Lydia ment. Any article th a t is endorsed at some good boys, such as Muff Bron­ McCall, and Mrs. H. H. Sargent of home son, A rt Kelly, Young Tram betes and Music lovers sometimes wonder Jacksonville. Music com m ittee, Mrs. Is more worthy of confidence Hoke, and from his record he is sure why they nevermore have the pleas- John Parson and Mrs. G. S. BuXle* Than one you know nothing to give Jess Ingram all he is looking ure of listening to the sweet silvery Dedication committee, Mrs. G. S. about, ANNOUNCEMENT Endorsed by unknown people. for. voice of Mrs. Sylvan Provost. Her Butler and Mrs. Emil Pell. D ecora-, Fred D eardorff, m achinist, 90 Ingram says he has got to win sister died two years ago. “ Since tion committee, Mrs. J. M. W agner, • Mr. Edsel B. Ford, President of the Ford Motor Company, makes the following announcem ent: 5th St., Ashland, says: My kidneys for he has a m atch with Red Camp­ th en my friends say there are tears Miss Mabel Russell, Mrs. Donnely, weer all out of fix and I had such “ We are m aking another reduction in the prices of Ford can« and the Ford truck, effective to­ bell a t Gold Hill for next month. ' in my voice,” explains Mrs. Provost. and Miss .Rose Patterson. Dinner backaches th a t I could hardly day. The new prices average $70.00 under the form er prices, a J j are the lowest at which Ford cars bend over and it was ju st as hard The sport fans will have a glim psej “ My singing makes them feel like committee, Mrs. Sylvester Patterson and trucks have ever been sold. List prices, F. O. B. Detroit, aae now as follows • to straighten up. My kidneys and Mrs. L. Van Sant. of Billy Huff when he meets Kid crying. I wish It were not so. \ didn’t act right, either. I read of A m ount of ♦ ♦ • Clark of C entral Point in his six- Doan’s Kidney Pills and used New Price Old P rice R eduction them . They strengthened my round go. *94 Alta avenue’s principal resident, BANDIT HOLDS UP ChassiM ....................................................... 0 2 0 5 .0 0 0 3 4 5 .0 0 050.00 back and kidneys and rid me of Joe Blackburn, the boy th a t won’t Henry Cartea, will have his annual Runabout .................................................. 325 .0 0 3 7 0 .0 0 4 0 .0 0 STANDARD OIL CO. the aches and pains.” stay down, will meet Kid W illiams crysanthem um show this fall, bigger Price 60c, a t all dealers. Don’t Touring G a r ............................................. 355.00 4 1 0 .0 0 0 0 .0 0 MEDFORD STATION who put Brown away in three and b etter than ever. The gorgeous simply ask for a kidney remedy Truck ......................................................... 4 4 5.00 4 0 0 .0 0 0 0 .0 0 This bout should please all blossoms cover a stone wall as a Tbe stan d a rd Oil company suf- — get Doan’s Kidney Pills— the Coupe ................ ..... . i . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 9 0 .0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 100.00 the fans, for it is a fight from gong wonderfully beautiful floral decora-¡fered a slight pecuniary loss Friday. same th a t Mr. D eardorff had. Sedan 0 6 0 .0 0 7 0 0 .0 0 100.00 Foster-M ilburn Co., Mfrs., Buffa­ to gong. tion. night at 10 o’clock when a bandit lo, N. Y. “ This is the third price cut during the past twelve months, On September 22. 1920, the price • ♦ • B attling Frick is doing road work with a red bandana handkerchief ov­ of Ford touring cars was reduced from $575 to $440; June 7th t o $415, and now to $355, making every day and will be in the best of Mrs. Minta W eren, recently from er his face and a six-shooter of gen­ total reductions in this type of $220, or 38 per cent. The same proportionate reductions have been shape when he enters the ring with W right creek, has beautified the old erous proportions in his hand, step­ made in all other types. One year ago the price of the Ford Sedan was $976; today it lists at Kid Sargent for ten rounds. Bat-1 Cunningham place on Alta avenue ped into the service station on South $660.00 with the same equipment. tllng Frick has won his last two bv growing a great profusion of pur- Riverside avenue, Medford, and dte- “ We are taking advantage of every known economy in the m anufacture of our products in order fights and says this one will be t h e ; pie, pink and white asters near the manded the leather sack full of sil­ th at we may give them to the public at the lowest possible price, and by doing th at, we feel that we s*me. . street. They are all now flowering ver, which T. W. Johnston, operator are doing the one big thing th at will help this country into m oi^ prosperous times. People are in­ Kid Sargent Is w orking out a t Ash­ in all their wondrous beauty, express­ on duty, handed him w ithout hesi­ Mat. at 2 Evg. at 8 terested in prices, and are buying when prices are right. S treet Parade a t land and will be there when the bell ing in th eir peculiar petalled way tancy. 11 A. M. “The production of Ford cars and trucks for August again broke all previous high records with rings. the soul of the one who brought them the total reaching 117,696. This is the fourth consecutive mouVh in which our output has gone over Manager Dixon saye he is lucky into being. the hundred thousand m ark, the total for the four months being 463,074. which lias gone a long wa> to get such good boys, and every one * • ♦ ' PARIS, Sept. 13.— Claiming th a t in m aking possibel the present reductions. June this year, with au output of 1 1 7,247, was the prev­ should be a main event. < Southern Oregon has produced th e Moscow soviet governm ent has ious record month. He has engaged the big hall down nothing finer In th e line of litera­ no t executed the term s of the Russo- “One notew orthy feature of our sales is the increased remand for Ford trucks and cars foi stairs at the Nat for this event and tu re than the C rater Lake operetta, Polish treaty, the Polish government salesmen. This class of conjpiercial business has been gradually increasing the past sixty da vs and expects a big turnout. which was given a t the C hautauqua Is preparing to Rend a note to the we interpret it as a very good sign of improvement in general business. Friday, Septem ber 16, 8:30 sharp. in July by local talent. The produc- Russian governm ent, severing diplo­ “ No reduction has been made in the price of the Fordson Tractor, and none is contem plated ” Reserve your seats at the United I tion was given w ithout any rehearsal matic relations, and to close the Go over th ese new prices! See lmw little 1( costs to becom e the ow ner o f h Fowl car or a Ford Cigar Store. and w ithout tim e to put the words Russo-Polish frontier, according toj truck. Gan you reaUy afford to do w ithout one any lon ger? ————— ——— — , ■ and music together in finished form. a W arsaw dispatch received here to­ £OO * 12 H ERP& L et u s te ll you m ore about it, and advise you regard ing th e d elivery of th e particular type of car C ircuit Court ; so justice was not done to the corn­ day. L L tP H A K T Ô In w hich you are interested. e in a Ann Craig vs. Francis Mar- position. The music was w ritten In 5 W » -H 0 0 J M 8 J ion Craig. Divorce. : a week by Prof. Pasmore, of Berke- t h e «aswTBn- A CLASSIFIED AD is a B u si­ A. W. W alker vs. F irem an’s Fund ley, who siild th a t Mrs. John Dill. CLWK R1TOR W BARTH Insurance com pany.. D em urrer. au th o r of the words, did a y ear’s n ess G etter. It goes everyw here --------- - work in one day. Yet It was pure- and pops right out at one every P rohate Court ly a labor of love, perform ed with- tim e you pick up T he T idings. ASHLAND, ORE. W »kw V Try it and prove w hat w e say. E state Mary C. Clendenen. Proof out money and w ithout price, like of claim. the two column report of the, recent m eeting of the Civic club a n d much /F other w elfare work perform ed by th e ! self-sacrificing Dills. INE •ECTOR IS SUICIDE VICTIM Hotel Ashland The Citizens Bank Today Tomorrow Today Tomorrow The Woman GodChanged Seena Owen 3 K. K. Lincoln 2Z F O R D MEDFORD Sat. Sept CIKCIIS Harrison Brothers FORD AND FORDSON DEALERS