Il Tuesday, September 18, 1081 THE A8HLANV ~ ÉAOfe tttfUCb Visit at Belleview— leaving for Crescent City. The gen-: Mesdames E. J. Roberts and Lulu tlemen will make the trip to the LADIES Van Wegen were Sunday guests of j coast and up through Coose and Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Gall, of B elle-1 Curry counties inspecting both the Have your suit or coat tailor- Local and Personal view district. ' J Crescent City and Roosevelt high- made. Come in and see the ---------- ways. It is thought th a t with the latest woolens and the new Side Lights- ......... — H. R. Adams, the Plum ber, sells i completion of the paving of the Pa- models. Our prices are lower Medford, plumbing fixtures and supplies | clfic highway next summer, the than ready-mades. P all woolens and fashions are now r R eturns from Roseburg— in at Or res tailor shop. Save J 5 to Mrs. V. H. Perry has re tu rn e d t<^ Phone 166-J, shop at 248 Fifth St j Roosevelt highway along the coast G rants Pass and Roseburg la­ 9 ® 7 F i* $15 by ordering your auit now. 303tf her home, 166 N orth Main street, ______ 1 will come in for its share of the a t­ dies are wearing our suits and coats— why not you? ---------- after a m onth’s visit at Roseburg. tention of the highway commission, ! R e t u r n fr o m L o n g B e a c h — ORRES — TAILORS V is it R e la t iv e s H e r e — | ------------ as well as other feeder roads to the Grandma Lyman has returned Ladies unaccompanied by gentle- Taylor Payne, of Nome, Alaska, main highways.— G rants P ass C o u r-1 home after a several weeks visit with who has been visiting his sitter, Mrs. men and extra ladies, 10c a t the 1er. ‘ her daughter and grandchildren at M. J. Shook 369 H argadine street, Bungalow dance W ednesday night. Long Beach, Calif. spent Sunday visiting relatives in The war tax m ust be paid. 2t ______ _ and near Ashland. Mr. Payne is a 1 Ladies, bring a beau with you to ■ form er resident, having lived here S tarts Gold Hill Meat M arket— ! the-B uagalow dance Wedneeday ev- for several years prior to going to Mart Real, a form er employe o f| enlng His ticket covers the war Alaska, where he engaged in m in -‘ the Southern Pacific company here, tax for both himself and lady. If ing and later took charge of the .took charge of his newly purchased you come alone you m ust pay 10c prison a t Nome. While here he vis- m eat m arket at Gold Hill yesterda^. war tax. 2t ited Mrs. C. T. Payne, 508 North He has employed B utler Helman, an Main Street, Mr. andt Mrs. Sylvester Ashland man, as a m eat cutetr. Medford Visitor— Patterson, George Orford and C. T. Oeorge Gates, of Medford, was a ! Payne, on East Main street. Thej ORAVBNSTEIN APPLES, 50 lb. business visitor in Ashland yester- party visited the Trigonia oil wellA box, 75c delivered. Phone lO - P - 8 '^ y Mr. Payne left yesterday for Sacra- or 9 -F -H . ______ mento. Calif., where he will spend ---------- Albert Taxi. Phone 183. 307-lm a short tim e before retu rn in g to ** L. Lodge Clerk Visits— ---------- Ashland. Austin A. Chisholm , form erly ' R eturns from ’Frisco— ---------- m anager of the Hotel Austin,, and Mrs. L .S chw ein and Roslyn Wise. Big dance at the Bungalow Wed- now chief clerk at C rater L ake. 171 Church street, have returned nesday night. Dancing, the couple, lodge, was in the city yesterday vis- from San Francisco, Calif., where 77c, war tax 8c, total 85c. Extra iting friends. they have been visiting for the past ---------- five weeks. ladies and ladles unaccompanied by — T h e ju s t r i g h t f la v o r a n d Orres cleans and remodels clothes. ______ gentlem en. 10c. 303« Chas. S. W ilson— Painting, paper- s tre n g th o f hanging. tinting. Satisfaction guar­ W ill L e a v e fo r P o r t la n d — a . . n , S e a t t le V is ito r — anteed. P. O. Box 244. 8 -lm ’ Mrs. A. R. Mason and daughter, t „ . . Cora, and son. Oeorge, . h o h i » » ! . D r . Lance Brlsc° e a " d a™ ---------- been visiting nt the home o t Mr.*' f ? , ' “ r * 8l“>r' ’ I “', Tu * “ « « • Sc"">> ■ — w h o e n jo y a c u p o f g o o d coffee. H. J. Van Fossen, 407 North Mal» h1’ f’ ther: Boul<” *r<1 Tlle « « » *• J “ “ “ niece, Miss street, will leave for Corvallis, r t f . , **‘ » lucrative prac- Lourdes Raina, of Portland, arrived day morning, where Miss Mason and “ “ S e l“ le- “ '1 * * * “ ' in Ashland Saturday. They expect George will attend O A C Mrs SU68t ° f Ashlandl after several years to rem ain during the w inter. Miss 1 Lourdes will en ter school here for Mason and Mrs. Van Fossen are alg-i a^sence- the year. i ters. The Mason k m ily came to j y our faI1 guit is here. Paulser- Ashland about a month ago from Ud>8. 307tf; Something new in Yeo-s window. Tennessee. 299-tf They are planning to make th eir L e a v e n fo r P o r t l a n d - home in Corvallis. A CONNECTING LINK Mrs. C. V. Beeler left Sunday H ig h w a y M en R e p o r t — m orning for Portland, where she Roy Cline, assistant state high- S u it s M a d e to O r d e r - wHl make an extended visit with way englneer: s . H. Probert, office w » E explained one service render­ Cleaning and repairing on short relatives a n d friends. ed by the F irst National to business engineer, an d K. E. Hodgman, divl- notice. K. Nelson, Hotel Ashland men. There is another equally im ­ i sion engineer, of Medford, were in Bld* 302tf portant advice on m atters of busi­ Exquisitely tailored suits a t Paul- the city thls m ornlng p rep araU ry ness m anagem ent, and investment. serud’s. 3 07tf i h . S u n d a y S c h o o l C la s s P ic n ic __ It is fine to feel th at there is The SunAiy school class of Miss O k la h o m a M an V is it s — somebody to call upon when you are Jessie Thatcher, of the Methodist H. Taylor, a stockm an aud owner puzzled as to the best course— some Episcopal church, were recent en ter­ of a large packing concern of Okla­ one in touch with trade conditions tainers in Lithia park with a picnic homa City, stopped off on his way who will give an unbiased opinion. dinner given in honor of Misses Cora to Chehalis, -Wash., for a few days Mason and Crystal W ard. Miss visit with th e Pauly family on the Sizes One Gallon to Twenty W ard will leave this week for Nam­ Boulevard, who are old time friends. Eggs Are Cheap Now. pa, Ida., and Miss Mason will a t­ tend O. A. C. Mrs. L. Deer and Cliff Payne makes benches. Waterglass Your Winter Ashland, Oregon Miss Frances P ra tt were guests of Supply. “ Oid«Mt the class. R e tu r n s fr o m S a n F r a n c is c o — National Miss Margery G illette returned Bank la All wool suits at $25. You can’t Sunday from visiting her sister, Miss Jackson County” beat them. See them a t Orres Tail­ Louise G illette, who is attending or Shop. 303tf school in San Francisco. A shland N ew s in Paragrap I cannot be produced H IL L S B R O S . ‘R E D C A N ’ C O F F E E is sure to satisfy the taste of people b E R V IC E w Jars with Lids First Bank Provost Bros» Automobile insurance -Yeo, of i H. R. Lamkin and Mr. and Mrs. course. 299-tf C. B. Lamkin made a Sunday trip to th e ir ranch near Montague. Calif., R e tu r n s t o L o s A n g e le s — Miss C harlotte W hytock, «Mho h a s '| and visited Mr. and Mrs. Joseph been visiting her folks in the Belle­ Green on the ranch. view district, for .several weeks, re - 1 1 HEARTS OF GOLD CANTALOUPES turned to Los Angeles Saturday. She At Pleasant View Farm , Talent. was accompanied by her sister, Miss Best over grown. Get thorn a t your Jessie, who expects to make either grocer’s. ' 2tf th at city or San Francisco her future home. B U S IN E S S A N D P R O F E S S IO N A L One cent the word each time. • — s ■ « «M u a-.« ■ » PHYSICIANS. ATTORNEY!. DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Practice BRIGGS A BRIGGS—At tor neys-at- lim ited to eye, ear, nose and Law, Pioneer Block, Ashland. throat. Office hours, 10 to 12 and ‘ 2 to 5. Swedenburg Bldg., A sh-1 L. A. ROBERTS— Attorney-» t-Law. Rooms 6 and 6, Citizens* Bank land, Ore. 73-tf B l d g . .......................» DR. J. J. EMMENS— Physician and CHIROPRACTORS. Surgeon. Practice limited toi eye, ear, nose and throat. G lasses' DR. GEO. J. K1NZ — Chiropractor. supplied. Oculist and aurlst for Suite 8. Exam ination Free. No. S. P. R. R. Offices, M. £. and H. 25, the Plaza. Office Phone 10.1. Bldg., Medford, Ore. Phone 667.. Residence P-houe 401. DR. FRANK M.'MONON— Physician AStfLAND HHA LTHATORIVM— l»r. and Surgeon. Hours 1 to 5 p. m E. B.’ Angejl, Chiropractic, Mlec- Office 4 25 E. Main St., opp. Pub­ trlcal Treatm ents, Mineral and lic Library. 272-« VTt-o-Net Raths. F irst National Bank Building. Phone 48. v g '.- M g g r '.f .j.„ n 'u x ja ,. ■■«r-i- DRS. SA\WYFK A CRANDALL TAXI. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS Pioneer Building. TAXI:—Apklin’s — Rose Bros. Phon«' Phone 260-R. Res. 274-J or 367-J 213. 136-tf - l " i i. TRANSFER AND EXPRESS. FOB SALE— REAL ESTATE. T. L. POWELL— GENERAL TRANS FOR SALE— 160 acres of land seven PER — Good team and m otor­ miles east of Ashland, 3 room trucks. Good service at a reason­ house, fair barn, 2,000,000 feet able price. Phone 83. of tim ber, three-fourths mile irom school, several springs. 12 acres FOR PROMPT and careful service in cultivation, 50 acres feuded, with Auto-Trucks or Horse Drays, good term s at 6 per cent, or will call W hittle T ransfer Co., Phone trade for Ashlaud property. See 117. Office 89 Oak street. Near C. B. Lamkin. 8-1 mo Hotel Austin. FOR SALE— Cozy convenient four- FOB SALK. room cottage, with roomy base­ ment aud outbuildings. Good site FOR SALE— Cling peaches, 4c, at lot with plenty of frlut. Nice lo­ 495 N. Main. Come and get them. cation with fine view. Desirable 9-2* for small family who want mod­ erate priced home. Apply to own­ FOR SALE— Six young hens. 428 er on premises, 706 Penn. Ave Palm ave. 9-2* Corner Harrison. 4-1 mo FOR SALE— 1914 Ford touring ca»-, FOR SALE— Seven room modern good condition, $150 cash. Janu^s house, with or w ithout furniture, W hytock, Box 92, east of Belle­ fruit and shade trees, lawn, chick­ view school house. 5-6* en yard. Bargain for quick sale. ! ---------------------------------------------------- 131 North Main, phone 29U-Y. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN— 1 have 29?-lm e a 1919 model “ Pow erplus’’ In ­ dian motorcycle with side car out­ FOR SALE— House and V j acre ground in fruit trees: close in. fit. good tires, and brand new 606 Allison. 284-1 mo* spare. Electric equipped, speed­ j - Inquire -----------.! ----------------- rr-p; ometer, tools, etc. I have uo use FOR RENT. for this rig and won’t tu rn down any half-way reasonable offer, FOp RENT— Furnished and unfurn­ i See Sherman Graff at Tidings ished rooms. Inquire 102 Oak composing room. 4tf? street. 9-3 FOR EXCHANGE. WAN7ED. FOR EXCHANGE— My equity $3800 ’ WANTED— P artn er in find claa* dressm aking business. Desirabla strictly modern stucco 5 room 9-2 location. t02 Oak St. bungalow with sleeping porches, in Dinuba, Calif., town of 5000. WANTED—About five acres with center of raisin belt. For partly improvements, small house p re­ improved farm. D. Rasmussen, ferred, close to town. State Cutler. Calif. 8-9* am ount. Frank Andereon, 106b Dlvlsadero St., San Franciaco, HELP WANTED. Calif. 305-1 mo* WANTED— A strong honest young mail for porter work. Hotel Anh- lan«?. 7-3 C. B. L A M K I N LOST. BARGAINS IN LOST— Child’s Lithia park, office. Real Batate grey sw eater in R eturn to Tidings 9-2’ n t, a n d R a n c h P r o p e r tie s H o u ses to B eu L V is it L a m k in R a n c h — Y o u th fu l JOSEPHINE COUNTY i can AÂûçé yâfc^wrtcrfy-» po u n Ó A. MY SAFE. SU R t. I H E X I T N . s iv r d r v g l e s V m & hvv n tsu u s auARANTEro b S WtoHrrtncrvNDeo -• w h it e T o d a y f o H T^S e e . I iîf o r m a t io n r i tM B ftH • MARs w n i r ' O b l i t i S p c o J lis i sun? asjW?'bFO4 wh - Ing machines just in, at Peil's Corner Eight Schools; Seventy Departments Buy Belleview Home— Mr. and Mrs. Jensen, of Lodi, Calif., have purchase«* a two-acre tra c t of laud near the Belleview • school house, where th eir children can take advantage of the excellent school system at th at place. FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. 19, 1921 For information write to the Registrar Oregon Agricultural College cdky K ixis If you want to buy or sell anything in REALTY, INSURANCE, LOANS or Want any kind of Notary work done it wffll be to your advantage to call on Trousers at $3.50. A few tert at O rjes Tailor Shop. Salem. September 26 to October 303« 1. A wealth of agricultural, livestock and industrial displays, an excellent THIS IS THE PLAGE TO racing program, high class am use­ COME FOR m ents and attractions, and ideal cam ping grouuds. A. H. Lea, m ana­ ger, Salem, Oregon. O r e g o n S t a t e F a ir — To Teach in California—- Mrs. Perrine, on Fifth street, left Sunday for her school near Fresno, Calif., where she will teach during the ensuing school year. VICTIMS RESCUED Kidney, liver, bladder and uric acit roubles are m ost dangerous be :ause of their insidious attacks Heed the first warning they givi h at th ey need attention by takinf GOLD MEDAL Che world’s Standard remedy for the»« lisorders. will often ward off these dis- « M and strengthen the body against urthar attacks. Thres sizes, all druggists. uek for the u a a Cold M « U 1 m nw y bn School Supplies AND School Books Make out your list and take ad ­ vantage of this opportunity to buy standard supplies at the low­ est prices— School Tablets ................ ft to 10c Crayolas .......................l© and 80c School Paints. 60c cups . . . . 1 0 c Students Loose Leaf Books, Type Paper, Pens, Inks, Note Books, etc., in great variety Fountain Pens ......... 81.ftO to 8ft Eversharp P e n c ils ___ 5Oc to 8ft McNab By os« ‘AFTER EVERY MEAL” 1O f o r 5$ Canvas Shoes Suitable The new sugar coated chewing gum for which everybody likes—you will. delicious peppermint flavored sugar jacket around peppermint flavored chewing gum that will aid your appetite and dtges- tion, polish your teeth and moisten your throat. B122 ,—A wutGixv s n. , f JU IC Y FRU ITI . . ■ CUL* I '»G