Ashland THE ASHLAND PA WXTIDINGS Tidings Distribution of State Bonus To Veterans of World War Established 1876 Published Every Evening Except Sunday THE ASHLAND PRINTING OO. OFFICIAL CITY AND PAPER TELEPHONE 39 of the country, camping at the springs, bathing In it, drinking it and using it to cook with. 1 believe that these tourists are; more aware of the benefits to be derived from the water than Ashland residents are. The first day I spent at the springs The Tidings is presence of a notary public or other ■ i waa told of an < elderly gentleman i EDITOR'S NOTE iubecriptiou Price Delivered in City )n e m o n th ......................................8 .65 In receipt of complete data relative ........................... 3 75 to tb® Oregon bonus act from the One y e a r ................................... 7.60 World War Veterans State Aid com. Mail «Mil Rural Routes. mission. Owing to the lengthy na­ One month ............................. .8 .66 ture of the articles they must by Six Months*1?. 3^0 necessity be run in installments One year .................................... 6.60 which will be found every day in —— i the Tidings until a complete ex- ADVERTISING RATES: i planation is made. Display Advertising Single insertion, each inch.......... 30f (Continued from yesterday) YEARLY CONTRACTS officer qualified to adm/nister oaths, | in poor healthw ho came to visit his have the notary sign the aflidavit: son. who owns a ranch a . few miles an d a ffix his seal. from Ashland, as part of his fim / Have the official named in thtf round of visiting among children preceding paragraph as know^g the} and relatives his expected person vouching for your Identity, death. He had to be carried, about fill out and sign the certificate on and attended by his relatives. After j page 4. a few baths at Jackson springs his If this application is not filled out I condition started to improve at once. , unti?r the supervision of an officer j From my personal observation I or committee of your local post of know of an old man who has been Display Advertising the American Legion, if possible' camping at the springs with his son. One time a week................... 8 7 ’4 c | INSTRUCTIONS FOR MAKING submit same to one of them for ex- At first it was necessary to help Two times a week.................. 26c > APPLICATION E v ery o th e r d a y ........................... 20c amination before sending it in. j him in and out of the baths, but now Local Readers., Be sure your application is pro-(he is managing unassisted. Re- Read the following instructions Each line, each tim e................... 10c perly filled out before sending it in, ’ gardless of how early in the raorn- carefully before making out applica­ To run every other day for on« month, each line, each time . . . 7c tion blank. If possible, fill out the as errors or omissions will necessl-; ing I have reached the springs, the To ion every issue for on«, month blank under the direction of an of- ^a^e return to you for correction old gentlemean always beat me to or more, each line, each time. . . . 5c fleer or committee of your local post O1 completion, and will result in de-j it. Every morning I have noticed Classified Column. 1 of the American Legion, who have lay in the settlement of your claim. his improvement. He says |that ly-! One cent the word each time. To run every issue for one month or been furnished sample forms filled ' Mail ail papers to the World W al ing on his back in the mud has done more, %c the word each time. Veterans’ State Aid Commission him good. The other morning he out. Legal R ate: walked away like a young man, n o ' (Extracts from chapter 201, Gen­ Salem, Oregon. First Time, per 8 point line . . . .10c (To be continued.) longer assisted by his walking stick, j eral Laws of Oregon, 1921, author­ Each subsequent time, per 8 point l i n e ...........................................Cc izing the cash bonus or loan to ex- At one time he lay in the water fori Card of Thanks, 81-00. two hours, being benefltted all of service men of Oregon): Obituaries, 2% cents the line. < 0 PU BLIC PORUM •$ > the time. Fraternal Orders and Societies. A m ount A uthorized + There is one trouble with the Advertising for fraternal orders Cash Bons— 815 for each month or societies charging a regular initi-. „ c ---------- pool. Anyone desiring to bathe must ation fee and dues, np discount. Re- or maj° l traction between April 6, disrobe behind a small signboard llgioua and benevolent orders will bei 1917, and November 11, 1919, ex- TO THE EDITOR AND RESIDENTS OF ASHLAND tbree or lour feet high. Such an charged the regular rate for all ad ' elusive of first sixty days. Total not vertising when an admission or other to exceed 8500. ---------- inconvenience is intolerable' when it charge is made. ASHLAND, Or., Sept. 13.— I a m |i9 considered that hundreds visit the Loan—Not to exceed 83000. Not What Constitutes Advertising! to exceed 75 per cent of the ap- submitting the following article with sprin8s yearly, with possibilities of In order to allay a misunderstand- prai8ed valuation of the real nron-i the earnest hope that Ashland resi- thousand! every year. My proposi- ing among some as to what const! j dents will give full credence to on is this: tutes news and what advertising, erty offered as security. facts pertaining to the curative pow- as^ the mayor to appoint a we print this very simple rule whlea E ligibility ¡ers of Jackson springs, a few miles committee for the purpose of call-J ls used by newspapers to differin- Applicant must have: atiate between them: “ALL future (a) Been enlisted, inducted war- we3t of tbe eity on the Pacific h ig h -'ing on Mr Jackson, owner of the,' events, where an admission charge ranted or commissioned in the mill-* way’ and> wiH consider a suggestion 8Prings- and him to allow the is made or a collection is taken that will make Ashland grow. ¡¡People of Ashland to erect four to IS ADVERTISING.” This applies to tary or naval forces of the United have the utmost faith in Ashland slx boxes or le a sin g rooms just in- j* organizations and societies of every States. z kind ub well as to individuals. (b) Served honorably therein be residents. During my twenty-two 9*d® *b® field and on the edge of the All reports of such activities after tween the dates of April" 6. 1917? and' years residence in America I have po° !’ also a g a t ®' they have occurred is news. November 11, 1918 always been treated fine, but the Ibia would he done by public sub- All coming Bocial or organization meetings of societies where no money (c) Served longer than sixtv davs>best peopl® 1 bave ever come co n -' scriPtion- M *- J«ck«on has beeni contribution is solicited, ihftiation after enlistment, induction or com-f tact wlth ls rlght here in Ashland !good in th® P®"1’ 40(1 1 b®' charged, or collection taken is NEWS. mission, part of which must have and a11 1 want t0 do n° w, after be- H®v® tbat b® wlH grant sucb por­ We make aL quotations on been between April 6, 1917, and No­ ing with them for fourteen years, is m*8S*on for the future. Anyway, It JO 11 WORK live among them until I die and *3 worth trying and will not cost vember 11, 1918. from then to be burled here. rauch for th® whole thing, rough (d) Been an actual resident of THE FRAN KIAN PRICE LIST. Recently a friend suffering from ^umher principally and ta r paper for Oregon at the time of entering ser­ Same prices—Reasonable Price— vice. rheumatism, told me of the benefit tbo r°°L Now then, I will give 85 to all. (e) Been honorably discharged or he had derived from bathing in Jack-jand two daya work,., What is yours? son springs. Having been troubled 1 am’ yonT respectfully, Entered at the Ashland, Oregon, separated from the service, or retired R. H. STANLEY. with rheumatism I dbcided to try! Postoffice as Second Class Mall or furloughed to the reserve. M a tte r^ (f) Served in some branch of the the springs. Although I arrived latèi HALIFAX, N. 8., Sept. 12.—A service other than the student army in the afternoon, a large crowd was WKATHER BUREAU HELPS waiting for their turn ahead of m e.1 terrific explosion wrecked six great i training corps as a student. As a consequence it was very late'oil stills of the Imperial Oil com-' GET ORCHARD FROST DATA Applicant must not have: pany here today. One person isj --------- Refused on conscientious, politi- when I reached home. As 1 understand it the bath house missing and' two are badly injured. Systematic frost work has beentca' or otber grounds to subject him- was erected by a few citizens and a The damage is estimated at more carried on in Jackson county by th o i8' 1' to n,ll,lt“r>' who was enlisted, inducted, tographs w*ere taken of the fruit jn^warranted or commissioned, and who different paases of development, and served honorably in active duty in counts were made of the damage Dhe military or naval service *\f the done by each frost. Government; Suited States, shall be paid the bon- thermometers were used in various us that such deceased person would localities, so that definite informa­ have been entitled to hereunder had tion was available as to the exact sucb deceased person lived. (A temperatures that the orchards qualified relative should make up were subjected to. Check observa­ plication on Form SAC-6.) Tims Limit tions were also made on the heated Applications for the cash bonus orchards for comparison. This work will be followed up by the county must be made before May 25, 1922, agent during the season and actual or within one year after discharge tonnage will be recorded on heated* if applicant was in service on May 25, 1921. Application for the loan and similar unheated tracts. may be made at any time. ♦ ♦ ♦ General Instructions for Preparation Tuesday, September 18, 1081 ONE BRAND- ONE QUALITy- One Size Package All our skill, facilities, and lifelong knowledge of the finest tobaccos are concentrated on this one cigarette— CAMEL. Into this ONE BRAND, we put the utmost quality. Nothing is too good for Camels. They are as good as it’s possible to make a cigarette. Camel QUALITY is always maintained at the same high, exclusive standard. You can always depend on the same mellow-mild refreshing smoothness—the taste and rich flavor of choicest tobaccos — and entire freedom from cigaretty aftertaste. And remember this! Camels come in one size package only—20 cigarettes—just the right size to make the greatest saving in production and packing. This saving goes straight into Camel Quality. That’s one reason why you can get Camel Quality at so moderate a price. Here’s another. We put no useless frills on the Camel package. No “ extra wrappers!” Nothing just for show! Such things do not improve the smoke any more than premiums or coupons. And their added cost must go onto the price or come out of the quality. One thing, and only one, is responsible for Camels great and growing popularity - th a t is CAMEL QUALITY. W all P aper at R E D U C E D P r ic e s We have a new stock just in at greatly reduced prices for yon to make a selec­ tion from. Now is the time to paper, before fall house cleaning and while the folks are on vacation. . New prices on Paint are effective today, which makes l'irst-gr«de paint in the reach of evervone. Dickerson Son PAINTS, PAPERS, OILS, GLASS, ETC T he most precious thing in the world/- * TIDINGS FASHION HINTS ♦ HATS THAT FLATTER of Form SAC-1 Read the application b l a n k through carefully before beginning1 to fill it out. Use typewriter or ink. If ink is, used, print all names in capital let- ' ters. Answer all questions which apply to your case. Do not leave any blank spaces. If the question does not ap­ ply to your case, draw a line through ' It. Attach your original discharge or release from active duty to your ap­ plication. These papers will be re­ turned to you by registered mail a il soon as your application is disposed of. If you have lost your discharge write to the Adjutant General of the armyK Washington, D. C., requesting a “Certificate in lieu of Lost Die­ charge,” or if you were in the navy, j a similar certificate from the Bu-' reau of Navigation, Washington, D. ' C. Hats niv ihe finishing touch to the costume, am) they make or mar it* success». There is a hat f