gs£~== | A shland D aily T idings ------- , VOLUME 3 , L/. International News Wire Service (Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Voi. 43) . No. 10 ASHLAND, OREGON, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1921 CONGRESS WILL QUERY SHIPPING BOARD s? Fire Destroys & H Ä Ä Witness Against “Fatty WILL MEET HERE Arbuckle Disappears SEPTEMBER 15ÏH County Exhibits Are Wanted For Ore. State Fair T WASTE CHARGE .. -------- L '?> Fire which started at 11:30 ♦ ! •> The time is drawing near for 4 | •• o’clock this morning razed a <$- • the state fair, and all kinds of 4 •> two story fram e building on <3> 1 ■•> good fresh vegetables will be 4 *•> the upper end of Laurel street, <$>; 4 needed at the last minute. All 4 <$> owned by H. E. Badger and oc- <•» • persons having good stuff th at 4 ® cupied by Mr. and Mrs. Horace ? will help Jackson county make 4 Badger. The loss Is estim ated • a showing should communicate 4'. MEMORIAL EX ER C ISE S IX PIO­ •i> a t close to $2000, including •• with the county agent so that 4 I BOARI» CLAIMED TOP HEAVY NEER HALI. — COMMITTEES 4 the furniture. The cause of the <§>' •> the exhibits may be collected 4 ; 4 fire could not be learned before 4 • in time to be loaded in the car » l WITH HIGH PRICED OFFICIALS A PPO IN TED— PROF. VINING TO! 4 going to press today, but a lo- 4 •> th at leaves on September 22. s — INSTALL NEW ACCOUNTING i 4 cal real estate dealer fam iliar <$> , SPEA K AT DEDICATION. ♦> All kinds of vegetables, corn, 4 SYSTEM WITHOUT CONTRACT. 4 with the property, states th a t <*> r> melons, etc., are needed. Also 4 ~~ 4 defective w iring was the ob- <•> one peck of samples of all kinds 4 Pioneers of Southern Oregon will , ♦ vious cause. Mrs. Badger was 4 e of threshed grains, as well as 4 WASHINGTON, D. C., Sept. 13.— once more renew their bonds of i 4 at the home of her father-in- 4 •» clover and alfalfa seed. T h at a new congressional investiga­ 4 C. C. CATE. <§> friendship at the annual meeting o f j ^ law ’ » ; E: Bad&e r» wben • ♦ * • • • * • • • «. « ♦» tion of the new United States ship 4 the Southern Oregon Pioneer asso- 4 fire started. MEDFORD, Or., Sept. 13.— As the ping board will be undertaken bv Although the fire departm ent <$» result of a rigid investigation for.; SAN FRANCISCO, Calif.. Sept. 13. ciation to be held in Ashland Sep­ 4 : t he house appropriations committee, —Fresh sensations outrivaling e v en , tem ber 15 when the G. S. Butler 4 rushed to the scene of the blaze 4 the past week by Captain H. A. Can- i was learned today. memorial log cabin building on Mill '•> a t once, the building burner to <$> aday, aided by local police and the I the shock of the announcem ent that ’; D isturbing reports have reach«! stre e t will be dedicated, according - t h e ground within an hour’» « I shOTi„ , lnl0 the ,ootlog 0, , he , Roscoe ( “ F a tty ” ) Arbuckle, famous members of congress th a t waste an d tim e owing to the s ta it obtained • te rm a ster’s departm ent of the sepa- to plans announced today by Mrs. ____ extravagance have not been checked moving picture comedian, had b e en ; Emil Veil, Ashland secretary of t h e '^ hy tbe blaze beforp tbe « re ♦ ra te company A, the M edford n a - . by the new board. It is stated the charged with m urder, featured d e -1 association. * fighters could reach the house. 4 tional guard company, of several board has a working force of some velopments of the case today. Ofj The association plans to s ta rt the _______ _______ _ r hundred dollars w orth of govern- forty expert accountauts setting up day with memorial exercises at the first m agnitude was the charge made ! ment and state property, five men P new system of accounting. These I would like to see this experi­ C hautauqua Pioneer hall, beginning! I are under arrest, two of whom a r e 1 by D istrict Attorney Brady, that employes are drawing an average of a t 11 o’clock in the morning. T h e' i members of the company, and an- ’ m ent tried: Take two five dollar $50 per day, with no contract for “ undue influence and pressure of aj G. A. R. fife and drum corps will ; other man, not a member, who is ■ bills and m ark them so if you ev­ the completion of the work. sinister ch aracter.” had been brought take part in the memorial exercises. , .looked upon as a ringleader in th e , er see eith er of them again you it is charged that the forces will know th a t it is th e identical to bear on witnesses. This charge 'a ffa ir, is out of th e city and still at ‘All h a n d s to g e th e r for a n A sh- the board are top heavy with high- Dinner is to be served in the hall, i lo r which each individual will bring large. Most of the property has bill th a t you marked. Then send • followed the announcem ent th a t Al- j d w iu te r Kair w as th e k e y n o te priced officials. one of the to P ortland for some I ice Blake, one of the show girls who „ , , well-filled baskets, after which the ! been recovered. . , ... „ ... of much speech making and general goods and spend the other with ’ attended the wild party which re­ pioneers will go to the B utler me* The investigation is still on, C ap -; s u lte d in the death of Virginia Rap- f~ond cbePr wt tlie Chamber of Com -’ inoriul building for the dedication i tain Canaday being determ ined to a local m erchant. Then w atch ev­ pe, had completely disappeared. In llieice forum luncheon held this; exercises. A prayer, offered by Re 1 get to the bottom an d see th a t ev- j ery five dollar bill you get the addition it was charged th a t Zey 1,0011 :,t tl,e Hotel Ashland and pre- next year andBe e which one comes Howlett, of Eagle Point, will be eryone implicated is exposed and Pryvon, an o ther girl a t the party. sidpd o \e r by (re d C. Homes as followed by a solo by Mrs. Guy Jac­ punished. W hile the young men ar- back to you oftenest. A fellow That pear orchards in the Rogue, changed her story, and faces possible toastm aster. Sixty-two Chamber of said he tried th a t and got the obs. The log cabin will be presented River Valley are steady income pro­ 1 rested will be tried under civil * home-spent dollar six tim es in a 1 a rre st on a charge of perjury. ( onunerce members and guests w ere; to the association by G. S. Butler charges, the captain., in addition, wil! ducers is clearly dem onstrated by The grand jury adjourned a t an Present at the luncheon. year. Two years later he made a a fte r dedication as a memorial build­ the record of the Hollywood Orchard have each man held to a m ilitary C. C. Cate, county pathologist, trip to P o rtlan d and gave the ho­ early hour w ithout action on the in­ ing to his m other, Mrs. A. Butler I court m artial. Several of the men ’• ItOSEBURG, Or., bept. 13.— x , on the Jacksonville road which upder tel man a ten dollar bill to change dictm ent against Arbuckle. It was was present at the luncheon auu Dr. R. M. Brum field, rfomdy- Thompson. Mrs. O. W inter, presi- .. „ . . .• have made confessions. ____ »recent m anagem ent has paid a decided to give D istrict Attorney urged the winter fair as a means of w inched prisoner charged with dent of the association, will make The men under arrest are Daniel and darned if h e didn’t get the net revenue of from three to tweney- same old five he had sent there. Brady fu rth er time to present addi­ establishing closer interests and co-1 the m urder o f D eunis R ussell, or the speech of acceptance which will one a n d one-half per cent on a valu­ H (H am ) Lewis, member of the It had been circulatink in P o rt­ tional eivdence. Arbuckle, when operation between the farm ers and his cellm ate, J. S. ItolUett— or be followed by an address by Prof. company until June 30, last; Fred ation of $100,000. land all th a t tim e. W en, my guess called before the grand jury jaat Ashland residents. It was pointed i both— m ade un Unsuccesaful a t­ Irving E. Vining. The rem ainder of | Cham berlain, non-member, and Wm. There are 100 acres of fruit trees out th a t the fair, and any g a th e r-' night, refused to testify. the program will be as follows: Brown, Carl Gre$g and George Shaf­ is,if he had sent them both to tempt at « jail break last n ight, it in the Hollywood orchard, 52 acres A state-w ide search for Alice Blake ln£8 where the farm ers meet, has dl- w as Mated at th e county jail ililw Piano solo by George Francis Bar-» fer, members of the company. The Chicago, he wouldn’t have had of m ature Comice pears, 8 acres of was unsuccessful up to an early hour rect beneficial results to both classes. moi-ning. ron; reading, the “ Legend of C rater man still at large is not a member much trouble w atching the fives m ature Bose pears, 20 acres of Miss Pyvron re- aud «<<<* '»»cli to the m aterial com -, Lake,” by William» M. Colvig, of of the company. “ H am ” Lewis, who he got during the year. There this afternoon. Tho jailer found t h e cell tloor young pears, Bose and Comice, and mained recalcitrant in the face of luercial prosperity of the city. Mr. wouldn’t have been any, but Chi­ Medford; solo by Miss Isabelle B ar­ was a rre sted la st week, was bound jam m ed today. Inside Brum ­ 20 acres of Yellow apples. Cate especially complimented the cago would have been prosperous, threatened charges of perjury. ron; responses and a closing song. over to th e grai d jury on th e charge field ’s cell w as round a sm all Iron In 1917 the net revenue AFTER ------------------------------ fair that was held in Ashland last if everybody else here had fol­ All sous and daughters of pioneers of re tc h in g and concealing stolen bar, m ade from a bedspring anil DEDUCTING ALL OPERATING AND WASHINGTON, D. C., Sept. 13.— year and offered all possible co-op-. lowed his example. w hether or not they belong to a property. Since then additional a casek n ife, w ith which eith er ¡MARKETING EXPENSES, was $3,-| One of the biggest single steps for eration on his part, for a continu- HAZ KIK. pioneer society, are eligible to a t­ charges of larceny and burglary | th e dentist or h is cellm ate, or ¡ ooo. 11 ■' I th e relief of w estern live stock rais- a nee this year. The sending of ox­ tend the meeting. Mrs. O. W infcr, have been, preferred against him. l>oth, tried to open tho door. In 1918. $7,000. ers was taken today by the inter- hibits, giving special mention to a president of the association, states. Against Gregg and Cham berlain The tw o m en w ill be put in In 1919, $21,500. have also been preferred charges of! SALEM, Or., bept. 12. Telegraph state commerce commission in au- case of charged Lithia w ater, to the separate celLs tonigh t. Mrs. Robert G arrett is tre a su rer of.' and in 1920, $13,500. burglary and larceny, and a g a in s t’ rates on Press dispatches within the*! thorizing reduced rates on livestock state la ir as part of the county ex- the society, and the perm anent sec-; As the Bose and Comice pears state of Oregon» will be Increased 2 0 ’’products from territory west of the Dibit was urged, retary is Miss Mamie Nelson, of ' Shaffer in a larceny charge. GARDNER THOUGHT DEAD; bring the highest prices in the e a s t-' per cent a fte r October 10, if a new i Mississippi river to Chicago. The John H. Dill, one of the best Jacksonville. HUNT FOR BODY IN BRUSH JEFFERSO N CITY Mo Sept 13 schedule of tariffs which has b e e n : new rates, which range from one to -known ranchers in this vicinity, af- The association will elect new of-J ern m arket it is safe to assum e the net the land. Some of these d if-! __One convict was killed, two oth-i « led by tbe W estern Union company twenty-five cents reduction on a hun- te r a canvass among ranchers in the TACOMA, Wash., Sept. 13.— That i'icers for the coming year at their ferences are strikingly illustrated to ers seriously injured, and a prison t is approved by the public service dred pounds become effective Sep- Belleview and Valley View districts, 'Roy Gardner, who escaped from Mc- meeting • v , o v u u u o ij iiA ju itr u , U llU «1 p IT S U H 1 — • made a forceful address showing the ' Nells Island prison a week ago Mftu- e e^e mnic > c ar , ma»» gUar(i badly beaten in an attem pt of commission. U nder existing rates, tem ber 20, The following committees have p art of this study. lour convicts to escape from* the tbe total yearly income to the com-' The new rates are expected to advantages oi the w inter fair fro^n ‘day, was wounded by prison guards been appointed: Press committee, Some of the orchardists here do pany from its press service is given have a helpful effect on the cost of a farm er's standpoint. He scored: at tbe t,m ® oi h,s escape, and crawled Mrs. John H. Dill, correspondent for state prison here today. a t $10,225.90. Under the proposed living due to the price reductions ¡h the minds of his hearers when, he into the brush aud died, in the be­ the Portland Journal; W. H. Day, not get $375 per acre from p e a r s , ______________________ Quebec has cut Its street car acci- increase the total is estim ated at which will be possible In m anufact­ compared the fair with the show lief of Dr. Jento, prison physician •correspondent for a Medford news­ oi $300 from apples, while a few here realize more. The w ehat crop in; dents 50 per cent. ured products. $ 1 2 ,2 7 1 .1 0 . windows of the city stores. “ The * h o today organized a searchini; paper; and Kenneth Sullivan, city i Kansas and other eastern states is find­ farm ers need a show' window a s well 'party, hoping to term inate (Continued on Page Four) also up and down in yield, by both ing the dead body of the bandit. as the m erchants,” said Mr. Dill. bushels aud dollars. G. A. Briscoe, superintendent of The people here have now had the city schools, reported on the six enough experience with fruit grow -1 weeks sum m er norm al school, ing so they know b etter how to plant' which he was superintendent, held than when many of the present o r-1 in Ashland this summer. The pur­ chards were set out. They understand pose was to urge the continuance of> far b etter the need of adaptations to the school for next year. Mr. Bris­ soil and other conditions, and resu?ts coe stated th at each normal school can be more safely planned it) ad ­ •student left approxim ately $100 The regular meeting of the Seen it vance than in form er years. In an effort to get the money hack each with Ashland m erchants during Preservation association of Jackson Modern men, who will build on to the growers in the quickest pos­ •the term . Eighty-one teachers at- county takes place on the third Fri- the experience of growers here, and sible time, the directors of the Ore­ ¡Tended the school, thirty-seven of