PAGE FOUR Monday, September IS, IM I —5 ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS. Ashland News in Paragraphs Good food, cooked right, served at reasonable prices. Hotel Ashland Grill. 297tt Local and Personal Local Boys Given Sergeants Rank at Camp Perry, 0. Was it worth while to have a six . weeks summer normal school in ------------- " - - Side L ig h ts ...... ............... Ashland this summer? Is it worth while to have it continued on a larg­ 1920 Bulck six, 5 cord tires, a Albert Taxi. Phone 183. 307-lm The Oregon State Rifle team, of real bargain. Call Ford garage, er scale? Prof. Briscoe will discuss ¡ which James Q. Adams and A. J. Ashland. 8-2 this question at the Forum Lunch­ Gienadi Visitors— ' MoCallen of this city, are members, eon Tuesday noon. Mrs. F. N. Roberta, Mr. and Mrs. is enjoying its outing at the na- F. E. Roberts and Mr. and Mrs. Baby Girl Born — 1 tional shooting meet being held at B oostin g for th e W inter Fair— Cioyd Laughlin motored to Ashland an»ys. All col­ ors. All wool. Ages, 8 to 14 years. CITIZENS’ RANK lît ll.lH N G BOYS’ SCHOOL PANTS—$1.59 UP New shipment Just received. We have cords, blue serges, moleskins and worsteds and other mixtures, all made to stand hard wear, at prices that will listen good to von CHILDREN'S SCHOOL HOSE—25c TO 60c Children’s good hosiery has always been our bobby, and we have the kind we can recommend. If you want a liose for a price, try our 35c special. For quality, try our Luxite Brand—they are holy terrors to wear. Children’s Knit Waists, best grade ............................. 35c Boys’ Kazoo Suspenders, all s iz e s ............................... 75c Children’s Muslin Underwaists, all size ..................... 48c Children’s School Handkerchiefs, good grade .......... 4c Boys’ Blouse Waists, all sizes ................................... 69c Boys’ Rah! Rah! Caps, all w o o l................................... 49c Girls’ Black Sateen Bloomers, all sizes ..................... 75c suffered great damage. The death list at San Antonio 1* SPANISH ARMY LAUNCHES OFFENSIVE AT MOROCCO now estimated at close to 100. For­ REBELLIOUS UPRISINGS ty - fiv e bof$es have been recovered. Every used car in our stock reduced $150 Sale P rices on Sale l*i i< «• « Real Good M iller Bros. Same w arranty and service as factory gives on new cars Come I n - Look Around— Take a R id e - Drive Homo Value« W here Every Day Is liar gain Day C prsw s Satisfied! AUTOMOBILES PRICED PROM $150 UP Remember Increased vogue f o hand - knitted blous and dresses is the ver! latest word from Pari SERVICE W ITH A SMILE New Fashions for Fall The keen minds of the business world are con­ stantly looking for better and more efficient ways of handling trade. In all the channels .between supply and demand, between producer and consumer, there is always the effort to give service quicker, better and cheaper. to be knit with Minerva Yarns Try the Sports Blouse above, using MINERVA Shet for which the ideal yam is MINERVA Lustre Wo lustrous silk in delightful color combinations. Knitting directions for these models will be this paper—this issue. SOLD IN ASHLAND ON Auto Co. 123-127 W. Main Street MEDFORD, ORE. Open Evenings g»y goods The Long Distance W ay In this struggle for commercial supremacy suc­ cess comes to the man who makes the best use of his resources. Try the Long Distance way. It elim­ inates time—it saves expense—it gets results. It has become the recognized efficient way of securing prompt and satisfactory results in the business world. Ask for Pacific Long Distance. The Pacilic Telephone & Telegraph Company