THB ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS Slonday. Septem ber 12, 1021 PA G I TU RK I T juice, a little celery, salt and a small added. This sauce is used with boll- piece of bay leaf. Add these to the ed mutton, sauce when you add the cold milk. Cream Curry Sauce Remove the bay leaf before aervinb. Follow white sauce foundation. Can d u e le d b y Do not boil after eggs have been To each cup of sauce allow two tea- S tilts Made to O rder-— M r s .J fe íle D e f o & f ' added or the mixture will curdle, spoons of curry powder, which Cleaning aù4 re pai lia * on »Mort I This sauce is suitable for vegetables, should be blended with the flour to 9om ettic S cience ¿/vector notice. K. Nelson, Hotel A tbteodj S p f r r y F l o u r Co. Roulette Sauce prevent lumping. When cooked add Bldg. 302« Follow white sauce foundation. ^wo teaspoons of onion juice. To Overheati Crv*»ing Cost— using one-half cup of cream and be used over reheated m utton or ' celery in boiling w ater until tender. The overhead crossing on the Pa­ one-half cup of chicken stock, or laiub. In m aking the white sauce use one- cific highway south of Ashland cost i to one cup of white sauce add one- * To make a really good sauce is halt* cup of w ater in which celery $36,000. As to expense the South­ half cup of cream. When boiling Thirteen thousand laborers have was cooked and one-half cup of milk. ern Pacific assumed $14,400, the considered an a rt in itself and one point is reached, pour the sauce over been recruited in Porto Rico for work which has not always been given the When sauce is cooked add seasoning state $14.400, and Jackson county two egg yolks, well beaten, and cook t in Hawaiian cane fields, careful consideration it deserves, and celery. To be served with fish $7200. Tho approaches cost $12,- one minute. Remove from the fire A perfumed grapefruit has bdten Many commonplace and otherwise or meat. 000, the three concrete bridges in and add one tablespoon of lemon produced in Florida, Ne» cVeek ’u 7 rito ’r y 7 b u ilt’ by’ Frank h0^ e9\ d,she9 may be ^ n8f* L T ^ Chee#e j juice and one tablespoon of butter. «aw? and made most appetizing w'hen Follow the white sauce fo u n d s-, gerVe over djced chicken, crab, lob- Jordan,, cost $12,108.99. served with a well-made sauce. I f ; tion. For each cup .of sauce add sjer> sweetbreads or oysters, tiik n i A U w x n n m x n . -» given care a smooth,creamy, well-' one-half cup of grated cheese. Sea-Reaper Sauce X nS leat A«K T o u r U m ifglB r M edford B usiness V isitors— C bl-ebea-ter • l K a a o n d B r u A / P llla la R c 4 and Oold m eulilA Follow white sauce foundation, Misses Hazel and Mildred Erick­ cooked sauce is not difficult to pre- 30n with paprika, cayenne, salt and bo»et, sealed with Blue Ribbon. no M b e r. lin y o f r « r son made a short business trip to pare, and may be plain or quite e la b j one. half teaspoon of m ustard, which Add to each cup of sauce two table- Apk f.»t C lll.C in -.s - T T O f> D IA M O N D I I K A M A R U .L S .f o r « * orate. as desired However it m n stlgbould be blended with the flour t o ’ spoons of capers; Or the drawn but- years known isB<.t.Safest, A)wavs Kelbt.fc Medford Saturday. ---------- be free from all lumps and thorough- preVent lumping. This is a very nice te r sauce may be used and capers SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYttHERE Fall woolens and fashions are n o w c o o k e d and the seasoning used sauce to serve in place of Weigh) euieuu..«ij. Jima-'g in at Orres tailor shop. Save $5 to should be suitable for the food the ra re b lt ______________ $15 by ordering yeur suit now. SrtStf •8auce is t0 ba served with. O nion or S o u b iso S a u c e ______ Sauces made with milk are econ- . , , for .. Follow white sauce foundation omical, they .. supply nutrim ent C entral Point V isitor»— Slice one small onion and cook in R. F. Jones and family, of Central and increase the value of the food' boiling w ater until tender. Press Point, were Ashland visitors yester­ with which they are served. In us­ through a sieve and add to the white ing left-overs of fish, meat and vege­ day. tables it is almost necessary to usei sauce. E g g S a u ce All wool suits at $35. You can't 1 g well-seasoned sauce. beat them. See them at Orres T a il-1 A plain white sauce is perhaps- Follow white sauce foundation, or Shop. 303tf j t be most useful adjunct to good or ®acb cup of sauce, add the fine- -------------------------------- • cooking and the foundation recipe ly chopped white of a hard-cooked Y ou thful Hiker Pannes— i may be varied in many appetizing' Mash the yolk and add to the Louis Gill, fifteen year old Port-, way# bv the addition of other in-j sauce, which will give a golden col- land school boy, hiking to San F ra n -: gradients. This white sauce is madei or- Serve ibis sauce with boiled cisco where he will join his m other | of a different thickness, according fish* and attend school, passed through to how it is to be used. For creamed AUemonde Sauce . Ashland Saturday afternoon, h ead ed ! soups it is quite thin, for croquettes Use white sauce foundation. To, south on the Pacific highway. The very thick, and for the usual cream- eacb cup sauce add one well- COMPLETE KITCHEN boy carrie dno baggage or camp ed dishes of a medium thickness. beateu eS£ and one tablespoon of I OUTFITS equipm ent of any kind and relied al-;T h e medium sauce is made by using lenion juice. The hot sauce should ’ most entirely on “ lifts” from friend- two table spoons (level) of b u tter be aded to the egg, then returned ’ you can obtain at this store— ly m otorists. He claimed to have or b u tter substitute, two tablespoons to the fire and cooked one minute, everything the model cook or walked only about three miles since of flour to each half-pint m easuring Do not add lemon juice until ready housekeeper could desire in leaving Portland and reached th is : cup of cold liquid, which may be wa- to se,‘ve- the lemon juice is al- pots, pans and preserving ket­ city within three days. The boy gave ter, milk, thin cream or white or lowed to c0.01 with the sauce it will tles. A little journey through no excuse for his trip other than brown stock, depending upon w h a t;caU8e p curdle- our establishm ent will give you th a t ‘it’s more fun than the tra in .” kind of sauce you wish. With these Drawn B u tter Sauce many suggestions as to things I m easurem ents in mind you can pre- Follow white sauce foundation, you should have. GRAVENSTEIN APPLES, ’b' pare any quantity of sauce desired, 1 " 8ing w ater instead of milk for the box, 75c delivered. Phone p ^ Several M ethods in G eneral U se liquid, and season with a tablespoon or 9 -F -ll. There are several approved meth- ot lemon juice. This sauce is nice < ods of preparation, but the one given) f° r vesetables, particularly aspara- T o R oseburg— very easy and most gus. ~ found — very M. L. Patton, m anager of the will be Standard Oil company here, made « satisfactory if the directions are H ot T artare Sauce To each cup of hot white sauce business trip to Roseburg Saturdav.'-carefully followed. Put the b u tter add one-third cup of mayonnaise, He returned this morning, or b u tter substitute in a saucepan ______ over a low fire and melt, but do not . one tea8Poon vinegar, two table- brown * when fat is melted remove spoons each of chopped olives and) O rres cleans and remodels clothes. wueii ia i is m e u e u lem ovt I A (NINNEOTTNG LINK \ 3Q3t* from the fire and add flour, stirrin g sour PicW®®» and one teaspoon of: ______ until smooth and well blended; r e - 'on*on i u' ce- Serve with any fried turn to the fire and cook the mix- f u ­ A lask an V isitor • w E explained one service render­ ed by the First National to business Mr. and Mrs J. P. Wolfe enter- tu re until it bubbles or becomes Bet‘banMd Sauce Follow white sauce foundation. men. There is another equally im­ talned Ashland and Medford guests frothy, then add the cold milk grad- portant advice on m atters of busi­ a t a dinner party yesterday evening ually, stirrin g until boiling point is Por eacb CUP of sauc® add tbe yolks ness m anagem ent, and Investment. a t their home. Those present be- reached and sauce thickens. Add of two eSS8> we^ beaten. For sea­ soning use one teaspoon of grated sides the host aud hostess were: Mr. seasoning. It is fine to feel that there is somebody to call upon when you are and Mrs. A. H. Pracht, Mr. and Mrs If it is necessary to keep this sauce 1 onion and, one teaspoon of onion puzzled as to the best course— some J. H. l ’rovost, Mr. and Mrs. George hot for any length of time, set in a o n e -in touch with trade conditions H unt and Mr. and Mrs. H. Hager- dish of hot water, add a few small who will give an unbiased opinion. “TH E ELH A R T W AY” dorn, the two la tte r families from 1 pieces of b u tte r and cover. This Medford. The party afterw ards at- will prevent a crust from form ing, D E PEN D A BILIT Y A N D QUALITY BEFORE PRIOR tended a theatre party at Medford. on top. Do not boll after the sauce ■ becomes creamy aifll thick or the H E A R T S OF GOLD CANTALOUPES sauce raay separate and become oily. At P leasant View Farm , T a le n t., jf tb is should happen, add one table- Ashland, Oregon Best ever grown. Get them at your spoon of coid n quld (or each cup of grocer's. *1' sauce, place over the fire and stir la ' constantly until the boiling point is Jackson Couat?” W eather Predictions— reached again. W eather predictions for the week The secret of good white sauce beginning Monday are: ¡s in cooking the flour until t / ? N orthern Rock m ountain and pla- 3ta rch grains burst; this removes the teau region Cool and frosts at the raw, pasty, unpleasant taste one so beginning of the week and rising o£ten Hnds in undercooked sauces, F ills and t.'leiuis Itself tem perature and generally fair there- If the u Quid i8 added gradually and N on-L eakable after. stirred constantly there will be uo Pacific states— Generally fair and difficulty in \ keeping the sauce T here is no b etter Olip-Gap than norm al tem peratures. the Conklin smooth. Method of Making a Brown Sauce A PEN TO FIT EVERY A brown sauce is made in the HAND AT IN H O N O R O F T H E O L D same m anner, allowing the tat to VETERANS brown before adding the flour, then Five and twenty years ago cooking these two ingredients to­ Ou a clear September night, gether until brown, using a dark I chanced upon a merry group stock or water for the liquid. The Around a camp tire bright. best results are obtained if all (he It was a grand old camp fire seasonings are added before the And one 'tw as good to see. sauce is completely cooked. And gath ered round it one and all The more delicate sauces are Seemed happy as colnd be. thickened with the yolks of eggs and a quantity of butter. These sauces There were shouts of merry lauhgter re(1uire considerable skill in prepar- At a story some one told; ation. T h e r e w ere so n g s th a t stirred old For every-day cooking the plain memories sauce may easily be varied to form W e sell Of deeds both brave and bold; alm ost any sauce desired. There were tales of victory and strife WHITE SAUCE AND SOME T hat brought the startin g tear. VARIATIONS As I listened to the telling (Note.— All m easurem ents are CHOCOLATE Bv those veterans brave and dear. level. Flour is siften once before VANILLA measuring. A half-pint m easuring STRAWBERRY 'Tis many years since first I heard cup js used.) MAPLE NUT These tales of glory told. Foundation W hite Sauce And I have hat? the privilege two tablespoons of b u tter or sub- To lister, as of old. stitu te; 2 tablespoons flour; 1 cup The same old songs, the same old coid m ilk; one-half teaspoonful salt; tales, white pepper to taste. But they have dearer grown This sauce is used for all plain At the many glad reunions creamed dishes such as vegetables, LADIES These veterans have known. fish, meat and toast. Follow the general method of preparation given H a v e your suit or coat tailor- All honor to the G. A. R. above. made. Come in and see the We love the dear old boys. Oroam Sauce latest woolens and the new May they meet at many a campfire Follow white sauce foundation, models. Our prices are lower And share each o th er’s joys. using thin cream or half cream and than ready-mades. Medford, And when they hear the roll call half milk. G rants Pass and Roseburg la­ T hat each must surely hear. To be used when a richer sauce dies are wearing our suits and May they sleep beneath the good old is desired, coats— why not you? flag Celery Sauce ORRES — TAILORS That each has loved so dear. To each cup of liquid allow^one- — Mary Elsaaor Wtiaon. halt cup of chopped celery. Cook ,cience D epartm ent CHICHESTER S PILLS AUTOMOTIVE SHOP Expert Auto Repairing Phone 44 KAY & MORRISON 100 Main St. Ashland, Ore. SIMPSON’S HARDWARE S E R V IC E _ ,ie w Fitst National Bank The School Pen Conklin Fountain Pen B U S IN E S S A N D P R O F E S S IO N A L One cent ’---------- -, the word,each time. - - -r PHYSICIANS. ATTORNEYS. V'l ■ ■ DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Practice BRIGGS A BRIGGS— Attortfeya-at- Hmited to eye. ear, nose and Law, Pioneer Block, Ashland. throat. Office hours, 10 to 12 and —«—«— — —-------- «——------- -— .. 2 to 5. Swedeuburg Bldg., Aeh- A. ROBERTS— Attorney-at-Law. land, Ore. 73-tf Rooms 5 and 6, Citizens' Bank --------------------------------------------------- Bldg. OR. J. J. EMMENS—-Phyziclàn and •---* ••- J "— ------- Surgeon. Practice limited to _______ CHIROPRACTORS,________ eye, ear, nose and throat. G lasses, J flv ? . “ ppued. O c u l l . . Hide Med'fo?d OrA PhAn. g /J ' 25’ ,he PlaZ<1 OiflCe I«» • Bldg., Medford, Ore. Phone 567. Hesidence Phone 401. ,„d r ., «„ *£2U« ìk *«SS: DR. FRANK M. MONON- Physician ASHLAND liEALTHATO RIUM — l)r. and Surgeon. Hours 1 to 5 p. m. Office 425 E. Main St., opp. Pllb- lie Library. 272-ti DRS. SA\WYER A CRANDALL E. B. Angell, Chiropractic. Elec­ trical Treatm ents, Mineral and Vit-o-Net Baths. F irst National Bank Building, l ’houe 48... OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS TAXI. P ioneer B uilding. TAXI— Acklin’s — Rose Bros. Phone 213- 136-tt Phone 260-R. 1 ! L- Res. 274-J or 367-J - - ........ .. J 'l 1 ' A ll? TR A N SFER AND E X PR B SS. — !f— i------------------------------- L ! i--_ U !l— J J ..r_ lJ FO B SALE— REAL ESTATE. P. L. POWELL— GENERAL TRANS FOR SALE— 16ft acres of land seven miles east of Ashland, 3 rooni FER — Good team aud motor­ house, fair barn, 2.OOO.0OO feet trucks. Good service at a reason of tim ber, three-fourths mile irom able price. Phone 83. school, several springs, 12 acres iu cu ltiv a tio n , 5ft acres fenced, FOR PROMPT and careful service good term s at 6 per cent, or Will with Auto-Trucks or Horse Drays, trade for Ashland property. See call W iittle T ransfer Co., Phone C. 13. La in kin . 8-1 mu 117. Office 89 Oak street, Near Hotel Austin. FOR SA L K — (rood 4 -room bunga­ WAN I ED. low, large lot, some berries and fruit, chicken house and run. For WANTED— A good milk cow. State particulars see M. V. I., at Tid­ price, etc. Address C A care Tid­ ings. 6-3 ings. WANTED— About five acres w ith, FOR SALE— Cozy convenient four- room cottage, with roomy base­ improvements, small house pre- ment and outbuildings. Good size ferred, close to town. State lot with plenty of friut. Nice lo­ am ount. F rank Anderson, 1065 cation with fine view. Desirable Divisadero St., San Francisco, for small family who want mod­ Calif. 305-lmo* erate priced home. Apply to own­ er on premises, 705 Penn. Ave. INTERI 'KUAN AUTOCAR CO Corner Harrwnn.. 4-11110 Effective March 21), 11*20. Daily (Except Sunday) I.V ASHLAND FO R S A L E — Seven room m o d em l.V. MEDFORD house, with or without furuiture. 7:15 a. m. 7:15 a. m. fruit and shade trees, lawn, chick­ 8:00 a. m. 8:00 a. m. en yard. Kargain for quick sale 8: 45 a. m. 8:45 a. m. 131 North Main, phone 290-Y. 9:30 a. m, 9:30 a. m. 10:15 a. m. 299-lm o 10:15 a. m. 11:00 a. m.j 11:00 a. m. 12:00 Noon FOR SALK— House aud Va acre 12:00 Noon 12:45 p in. gruuud in fruit trees; close iu. 12:45 p. m. Inquire 606 Allison. 294-1 mo* 1:30 p. m. 1:30 p m. 2:15 p. m. 2:15 p. m. FOR HALR. 3:00 p. ai. 3:00 p. m. 3:46 p. m. 3:45 p. m. 4:30 p. m. ' 4:30 p. in. ture. Bargain price to person 5:15 p. m. 5:15 p. m. taking entire lot. 63 Alida St. 6:00 p. m. 6:00 p in. 7-6* 7:00 p. in ., 7:00 p. m. 8 : 45 p. iu. 8:45 p. in. Sat. c ily 9:30 p. m. FOR SALE— 1914 Ford touring ca>, 9:30 p. m. good condition, $150 cash. Jam es 10:30 p. m. Sat. only 12:15 Midgt W hytock, Box 92, east of Belle­ SUNDAY ONLY view school house. 6-6* I.V. MEDFORD LV. ASHLAND 9:00 a. m .1 9:00 a. w. 10:00 a. m. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN— I have 10:00 a. m. 11:00 a .m . a 1919 model “ Pow erplus” In­ 11:00 a m. 12:00 Noon dian motorcycle with side car out­ 12:00 Noon 1:00 p. in 1:00 p. m. fit, good tires, and brand new 2 00 p. ra j spare. Electric »‘quipped, speed­ 2:00 p. nt. 3:00 p. m 3:00 p. m. om eter, tools, etc. I have no use 4 :00 p. iu. 4:00 p. m. for this rig and won’t tu rn down 5:00 p. m. 5:00 p. m. any half-way reasonable offer. 6:30 p. ra. 6:30 p. m See Sherman Graff at Tidings 9.30 p. m. 9:30 p. m. composing room. 4tf? Ashland W aiting— East Sida P h a r­ SWEET CIDER— 4 0c gal. delivered macy. JAUKKONVILLK-MKDFORD Phone 9 -F -ll. DAILY EXCEPT SL'NDAY RAVENSTEIN APPLES— 50 lb. LV. r S 'N V ’lAi LV. . MEDFORD oox, 75c delivered. Phone 9 -F -ll. 7:20 a. m. 40 a. m. 8:20 a. m. 00 a. m. HELP W ANTED. 10:00 a. m. 30 a. ni. 11:30 a. m. 0ft Noon 1:00 p. iu. WANTED— A stroug honest young 30 p. in. man for porter w’ork. Hotel Ash­ 2:00 p. m. 0ft p. m. land. 7-3 3:45 p. m. 30 p. ui. ■ J S -' 5:00 p. in. 30 p. m. FOR EXCHANGE. 7:00 p. m. 30 p. m. 8 :0 0 p. m. FOR EXCHANGE— My equity $3806 30 p m. Sat. only 9:50 p. m. 30 p. m. Sat. only strictly modern stucco 5 room WE RUN ON SDNDAYft. bungalow with sleeping porclie«. MEDFORD-ROSEBURG iu D inuba, C alif., to w n of 5 0 0 0 , Daily and Sunday center of raisin belt. For parti* |LV. MEDFORD LV. ROSEBURG improved farm. D. Rasmussen. 11:00 a. nt. 1. O0P- nt Cutler, Calif. 8-9* MEDFORD-GRANTS PASS Daily and Sunday LV. G’T’S PA8Ä LV. MEDFORD 10:00 a. m 8:00 a. nt. 1:00 p. nt. 11:00 a. in 4: 00 p. nt. 1:00 p. nt. 6:15 p. nt. 4:30 p. m. G rants Pass W aiting Rcoin— The! iBonbonniere. Phene 16O. Office and W ailing Room: No. 5. Oregon's Higher Institution of IS Front St X. sh H otel B u ild in g O AC TECHNOLOGY Eight Schools: Seventy Depart menu Canvas Shoes Brick Ice Cream Wo carry several w ith Rubber, leather soles. kinds. For informtlion » r ile le (he Zen*«r«r Oregon Agrodtural College CDwTaLIJS D o you w an t T o (eave Suitable for Hunting and Fishing Ashland Creamery FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. W. 1921 ASH LAND? W an t to trade Made Com position Y ou r property F or a farm In or W ash in gton ? Billings Agency R eni E sta te and Retd Insurnm«- Bstab. 1883 Pitting a i l <4 Ku»t »lain