Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, September 12, 1921, Page 2, Image 2

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    M onday, Septem ber 12,
pa g e tw o
Established 1876
Published Every Evening
Sunday „
CIT'i AND lloU N TY j
Distribution of State Bonus
To Veterans of World War
EDITOR’S NOTE The Tidings Is sessed valuation of all property in
Subscription Price Delivered In Cltj».
the state for th e purpose of creating
)ne month .................................. I ••• in receipt of complete data relative
Three m onths
to the Oregon bonus act from the a tuud to be used in the in d u strial
Six m ouths ......... ....................••• ••¿ •i W orld W ar V eterans State Aid com­ rehabilitation of world war veteraA
One y e a r ......., ............................. 7.60 ,
mission. Owing to the lengthy n a­ by providing a bonus or loan to 9ucl
Mail and Rural R outes.
tu re of the articles they m ust by veterans and also specifically autho­
One mouth
.............65 J
Three mouths ....................
1-25* necessity be ru n in installm ents rizing a special tax levy not to ex-j
Six month* ..............................................! which will be found every day in ceed two mills upon each dollar Of
One year ....................................... 6.S 01
the Tidings until a com plete ex­ valuation of all taxable property
within the state to provide for the
planation is made.
Display Advertising
payment of the principal an d interest
Single insertion, each in c h ............30f
of such bonds, which tax levy shall
(Continued from yesterday)
not be computed in the revenue,
Display A dvertising •
One time a w eek......................2 7 H c
by taxation, which is subject!
Section 22. May Make AO/ances
Two tim es a w eek.....................25c
on Im provem ents.— The commission to the tax lim itation of section 11, i
Every other d a y ......................... 20c
Iioeal Readers.
shall provide by rule for m aking ad­ article XI of the constitution of the
Each line, each tim e .....................10« vance» to borrowers for improve­ state of Oregon; and whereas it is
To run every other day for oc«^ ments on real property to meet pay­ necessary to provide by statu te fori
month, each line, each titne . . . 7c
m ents for m aterial and labor; pro­ the issuance of said bonds and forj
To to n every issue for o k « month
<*r more, each line, each tim e. . . . 5c vided, th a t such advances shall M? the application of th e proceeds there-:
Classified Column.
so regulated th a t at the completion of and for the levying of such ta x ;;
One cent the word each time.
therefore, upon the adoption of said
To run every issue for one mohth or of such improvements the total
am ount loaned shall not exceed 75 constitutional am endm ent by th e
more, %c the word each time.
Legal R ate:
per cent of the appraised valuatioq people this act shall apply to and
F irst Time, per 8 point line . . . 10c of the real property after the com­ regulate the issue of said bonds and
Each subsequent time, per 8 point
the levy of such tax a n d th e appli­
l i n e ................................................
. pletion of the improvements.
Section 23. Rule of Construction. cation of the proceeds thereof.
Card of Thanks, $1.00.
Section 26. The secretary of state
O bituaries, 2% cents the line.
— If any section, subdivision, sen­
F ratern al O rders and Societies.
hereby authorized and directed to
A dvertising for fraternal orders tence or clause in this act shall be set aside, for an affirm ative arg u ­
or societies charging a regular initi­ declared invalid or unconstitutional,
ation fee and dues, no discount. Re- such decision shall not affect the ment on this act or m easure, two
Ugioua and benevolent orders will be validity or meaning of any other pages of the official pam phlet con­
charged the regular rate for all ad
taining proposed initiative and re ­
vertising when an admission or o th e r: portion of this act.
A ppropriation.— ferendum m easures to be voted up­
charge is made.
There is hereby appropriated from on at the election at which this act
What Constitute« Advertising:
is subm itted. A com m ittee consist­
In order to allay a m isunderstand any moneys in the general fu n d not
ing among some as to w hat const!- i otherwise appropriated, the sum of ing of two senators and three repre-j
tutes news and what advertising, 30,000 to cover the adm inistrative senatives, to be appointed by the!
we print this very simple rule whlcn
president of th e senate and speaker:
is used by uewspapers to differin- expenses of this act.
Section 25. W hereas the legisla­ of the house of representatives, re-j
atiate between them : “ ALL future
©vents, where an admission charge: tive assembly of the state of Oregon ! spectively, shall be named to pre­
is made or a collection is taken has subm itted to the people of the pare and file with the secretary of
IS ADVERTISING.” This applies to I
state such affirm ative argum ent.
organizations and societies of every | state of Oregon, a constitutional
Approved by th e governor F eb ru ­
am endm ent to be known as “ Article
kind as well as to individuals.
22, 1921.
All reports of such activities after, XIc” of the constitution of the state
in the office of the secretary
they have occurred Is news.
of Oregon, providing for the issuance
All coming social or organization
of state F ebruary 23, 1921.
meetings of societies where no money of bonds of the state of Oregon n o t* 1
(To be continued.)
contribution i3 solicited, Initiation exceeding three per cent of the as-’
charged, or collection taken is NEWS.
We make a ll quotations on
Same prices— Reasonable Price— i
to ail.
E ntered at the Ashland, Oregon,
Postoffice as Second Class Mail
t t e
- H
What will your store-room,
attic, or cellar yield?
“New” Furniture—at the cost
of a can of Paint or Varnish. *
Have you rummaged lately in
your store-room, cellar or attic
—to re-discover some good fur­
niture that’s there?
Do it—this.week, “Rummage
Many pieces of furniture are
OLD only on the surface!. Un­
derneath there is material that’s
just as good as new—you need
merely paint to have “ new
Southern Oiegon Mineral Mecca
Rare Finds Astonish Experts
find created quite a stir at the time,
a n d many claims were staked in th e
Stutsm an section, so named from Guy
N ear Gold Hill
According to P ark s and Swartley.i Stutsm an, who discovered the m ost
productive platinum deposits in th a t
Who with the weight of
years would wish to bend, • of the Oregon bureau of mines, the region. He had been employed in
> When youth itself survives • Highland group of mines are situat-, the workings of th e Inm an Mines
ed twelve miles southw est of Gold company for several years in sluic­
young love and Joy.
Hill, on the right hand fork of Foots ing the gold on the Sixes river, and
*> Alas! when mingling souls
creek, at an elevation of 2600 feet. was well versed in the saving of plat­
forget to blend,
. Death has but little left him « It was first worked about twenty-i inum in the company's diggings. His
to destroy.— Byron.
4 five years ago. The present w ork­ find in a territo ry tw enty to twenty-
ings are confined to the oxide zone; ‘ five miles from the m ain Curry
the old workings being more exten­ county highway, near to the head of
sive. The vein strikes northeast and ' the Sixes river, caused some excite­
The way to disarm nations is to dips about thirty-five degrees south­ ment. One ranch owner gave him h-
dis-harm motives. Let every nation east, and the country rock is a m ica-' a 90-day option on his m ineral rights
on earth be motivated by justice and ceous sandstone.
for $15,000.
The owners of the mine in an a t­
fair play, and disarm am ent would
Medford Finds Cited
tem pt to discover the source of the»
come about autom atically.
experienced mining men
platinum found in the shipm ent, gave
There is no legerdem ain by which the walls of the vein a thorough pan were slow to believe th a t the rep o rt­
congress or any departm ent of the an ti assay test and found no trace ed finds were realities, declaring th a t
government can reduce expense© by of platinum , and then looked to the platinum had never been found in
vein m atter for the source. The ore and claimed th a t the m ineral
increasing them.
vein m atter is mingled with three th a t caused the excitem ent in C urry
They are not buying gold bricks hues of quartz, rose, am ber and blue. county was some o th er th an p lat*
these days, but they are being swin­ The blue colored quartz, more dense num, in spite of th e fact th a t all of
dled out of millions by get-rich- in its composition than Its compan­ the placer diggings in th a t region
ion quartses, Is pitted throughout were very productive of platinum .
qulck frauds.
The recent find of H. B. Cady and
w ith small cavities, which are lined
If you do not give your daily work w ith a black, sooty mineral, and H. E. Rose, of Medford, while en­
the best th at is In you, yon cheat filled with decomposed irony m at­ gaged in, panning a gold trace from
ter. In crushing and panning this a quart vein In th e Gold Hill district
blue quarts invariably gave results confirms the theory th a t platinum
"W here ignorance is bliss” ’tis
w ith a high per cent of platinum , ores do exist in this region. Their
folly to take a correspondence
while with the reports of the local find consisted of a twelve penny­
assayers, the resultS were still bet­ weight platinum nugget, w orth at
$75 per ounce, $43.80. The nugget
favorably with gold nug­
Advised of Discovery
<S> <0
in the decomposed quart
The H ighland mine is equipped
regions, which a fte rI
with a three-stam p mill, plates and
a 4 % x l8 foot F ru Vanner table, and slurring off of the quarts, from the j
In saving this platinum unaware, t h e , m etal, leaves it raggy and a stringy
’ ordinary sodium-mercury umalguii} mass of every conceivable shape.
i was used. The field survey of the This nugget does not retain any
{Oregon bureau of mines were ad­ quartz as many of o u r fine specimen
vised of this new discovery, which nuggets retain which are found in
occurred since their survey of the placer diggings, but, since the search"
mine in this district, and they in­ has now begun, the first platinum
tended to make a thorough exam ina­ nugget yet retaining quartz m attef
tion of th e deposit, but while in the will definitely confirm the reality
region, a forest fire swept over the of platinum ores in our midst.
mine, destroying the buildings and
Pendleton— W ork rushed on Ore­
the underground works, m aking it
unsafe and they have left the work gon-W ashington highway, new road
through Morrow and U m atilla coun­
to somb fu tu re time.
S tartling values in platinum were ties.
uncovered in Curry county last year
Assays of the ore were made in Ban­
don and at two or three offices
Sau Francisco. One San Francisco The Heider Tractor
company made retu rn s th a t th e re
and P.&0. Disc Plow
was no platinum values in the ore,
'l'itéré is nothing in headwear th a t, but the Bandon assay showed as
will do your plowing right now
tiutnas-^f the tine, soft beaver or high as twenty ounces to the ton. in your hard, sticky soil.
felt l.-ats made for children. Their One San Francisco concern sent word
fertility »rtnl reflnenient carry them' tri­ th a t the ore indicated from ten to Bargain in used sewing machine;
umphantly to every part of the world, eighteen ounces. It is claimed th a t also a new earload of White sew­
ami they are a safe choice from the these deposits have been traced for ing machines just in, at
flrst to the last hat for girlhood. nearly twenty miles, from n o rth east
Three of them are pictured here, ana
of course their only trimming it a to southwest, ending in the vicinity
of the m outh of the Sixes river. The
sash or hand of ribbon.
(Continued from Saturday)
Heme Service’Paints
V a rn is h e s -
M anufactured by W. P. Fuller & Co.
Silkenwhite Enamel
Fuller’s Decpret
Varnish Stains: Stains and Varnishes with one
'plication. Decoret refinishes and beautifies with
lor and £
£skz0>*| < the
mmw worn and scarred
— —
—------------ of
furniture, floors and interior woodwork. Produces
a tinted and durable gloss finish, especially adapt­
able to tables, chairs, wickerware, etc. The color
of any natural wood can be matched. Decoret is
the handy refinisher. Obtainable in the following
desirable colors:
Light Oak, Dark Oak, Walnut, Weathered Oak,
Flemish, Cherry, Mahogany, and Rosewood. Con­
venient sized packages—Quarts, Pints and Half­
Decoret Bronzes: A series of Bronze Paints that
produce cheerful, radiant effects on articles of wood
or metaL For chandeliers, picture frames, water
pipes, lamps, basketry, etc. Easily applied. Quick­
Eight Colors: Aluminum, Light Gold, Polished
Brass, Vernis Martin, Roman Gold, Copper, Blue
and Green—1 oz., 2 oz., and larger packages.
Decoret Stove Enamel: This desirable stove
enamel is especially useful in restoring gas and coal
stoves to their former pleasing appearance. For
touching up the rusted and worn parts of stoves,
Decoret has no equal. Owing to the rapidity with
which gas stoves rust out, a small can of Decoret
Stove Enamel will prove of great value in any
Decoret Seven
Nothing rusts quite so
quickly as screens. To protect them, use Fuller’s
Screen Enamel. Dries quickly, does not clog the
mesh, and presents a most pleasing appearance.
Weather and exposure cannot depreciate your
screens if protected frith Decoret Screen Enamel.
Fuller wear Varnishes
“The All Purpose Varnish”
Varnishes have always been a source of mystery
to the average home-owner. A slight scratch usu­
ally meant an unsightly white mar, but depreciated
the article more than a year of hard wear. That
scratch shoveed ivhite because a cheap varnish uiat
Fullerwear will not scratch white. And Fuller-
wear will not mar nor turn white when hot dishes
and hot water come in contact with it. For tables,
refrigerators, desks, mantles,— any varnishable sur­
face should be varnished with Fullerwear. The
use of this product will completely change your
idea« with respect to varnishes, if you have only
known the cheaper, less durable kind.
D ries hard in about IS hour*.
C onvenient sizes for household use.
Suitable uses for Fullerwear Varnish: Billiard
Tables, Clothes Chests, Wardrobes, Filing Cabinets,
Fishing Rods, Folding Beds, Furniture, Phono­
graphs, Tea Trays, Tea Wagons, Tool Chests,
Trunks, Ukuleles' Porch Furniture, Reclining
Chairs^ Refrigerators, Secretaries, Davenports,
Sewing Machines, Kitchen Cabinets, Sweepers,
Tables, Telephone Stands, Trays, Typewriter
Fuller’s Art Decorative Enamel
For artistic enameling of such household articles
as picture frames, bric-a-brac, brackets, baskets,
and small pieces of furniture. Produces a durable
lustre, unsurpassed for beauty of finish. The
enamel does not become discolored, nor will it dull.
Can be washed without injury. Especially made to
meet the requirements of inexperienced decorators.
Twenty-one attractive shades. Economical and
easy to apply. Quarts to gills.
Suitable uses for Art Decofative Enamel: Bas­
kets. Bird Cages, Brackets, Cabinets, Furniture,
Rattan Products, Reclining Chairs, Willowware,
Tea Trays.
Pell's Corner
We make a special product
for every p a in t, varnish or
enamel job—and we make the
kind that “novices” can use and
get the right results.
Buy a can of each of the prod­
ucts described below. Make
your “old” furniture new again
—dig into that secluded store­
room, bring out those pieces
that you may have entirely for­
gotten and re-new them with
“just a can of paint or varnish
and a little work that’s fun,”
Silkenwhite Enamel
Easy to appiy.
The whitest and most attractive
Enamel made.
Imparts a rich, beautiful enamel
finish to furniture of all types.
Gloss Silkenwhite Enamel: A full gloss Enamel
that stays white and wears. For richness and depth
of color it is unsurpassed. Washing does not harm
the surface.
Eggshell Silkenwhite Enamel: The rubbed effect,
velvet in tone and beautiful in its depth of richness
produced by Silkenwhite Enamel makes for the
most charming interiors. Gloss and Eggshell Silk­
enwhite Enamel are furnished io White and Old
Ivory Color. Gallons to pints.
Suitable Articles for Silkenwhite Enamel: Baby
Basinettes, Baby Carriages, Beds, Breakfast Sets,
Breakfast Nooks, Cabinets, Chiffoniers, Cribs,
Bath Room Fixtures, Furniture, Kitchen Cabinets,
Phonographs, Porch Furniture, Rattan Products,
Screens, Mirrors, Toilet Fixtures, Trays, Window
Surprising the small amount of material needed:
Ordinary Kitchen or Dining Room Table requires
one pint of Decoret, Varnish Stain. One-half pint
of Decoret will make new an ordinary chair.
Your bureau made new with one pint of Silken­
white Enamel and one and one-half pints will
renew your old bedsteads. Your dining room
table made new with one pint of Fullerwear Var­
72 Years Experience w ith Paints
Fuller make© paints and
varnishes of all kinds for
home use after 72 years’ ex­
We maintain a staff o f ex­
perts to give advice to women
who wish to do their work
themselves, and who canaot
get a decorator.
Take advantage of Fuller
Service as well as Fuller
Paints. Write us what you
want to do and let us tell
you how.
Also makers of Rubber Cement Floor Paint, All-
Purpose Varnishes, Fifteen-for-Floors Varnish,
Washable Wall Finish, Auto Enamel, Porch and
Step Paint and Fuller’s Liquid Wax.
W. P. FULLER & CO., P ioneer Paint Manufacturers For 72 Years
btaU ished 1848.
Los Angeles
San Francisco.
Branches in the following 16 cities of the West
San Diego
San Francisco
Dealers Everywhere
Salt Lake City
Per ell exterior joba of pet— g it is advisable to obtain the services of a Master Painter
Dickerson & Son
Ashland, Ore.
W . I’. F u lle r & Co.
Dept. 7 0, San Francisco, Cal.
Please mail me small booklet de­
scribing F uller's “ Home Service”
Paint Products.
Name .......................................................
Street .......................................................
City ....................................... ... .
State .........................................................