4 SHLAND climate without the aid * * of Medicine, cures nine cases out of ten of Asthma. This Is a proven fact. A shland D aily T idings J*|4L A R IA Germa cannot anrrlTt 1 three month« in the rleh osone at Ashland. The pure domestic water helps. International News Wire Service VOLUME 3 (Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Voi. 48) AUTO WRECK EASE OF CITY 237 Entries A t ¡ Valley Pear Show Medford, Saturday ---------- MEDFORD, Or., Sept. 12.— ■, , The first annual Rogue River Valley Pear Show was held in f the Chamber of Commerce ex- hibit rooms and was visited ?> Saturday by close to 1000 peo- MR. AM» MRS. CHARLES T MOR- ple* who came *n flocks and K .S AND DAUGHTEK, SEVERELY ASHLAND, OREGON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBEK 12. 1921 t >UeK BRUISED — SUN j .Ì, * ♦ -•> <•> <8> ' •?’ 12.—Civil service examinations <>. •3> will be held October 8 to fill <« • postmasterships in Oregon, pay- ♦ ing s a la rie s as in d ic a te ti: 1051 ENhOLLED IN ì ULTIMATUM MAY -4>: Central Point, $1800; Falls <>| •' City, $600; Glendale, $600; .«Jacksonville. $400; Mill City, ♦> FORMAI MURDER ( HARGE MADE ” $1700; Sandy. $1100; Spring- ♦ ; T NOON—ARBUCKLE RE­ •> field, $2000; Sutherlin, $1700; FUSES STATEMENT TO RE­ •> W asco, $2000; W eston, $1 5 0 0 ; <$> » Woodburn, $2200. PORTERS—HUFFY AT VISIT. • ì, . . . t,. . the story of the orchards In ♦ There are 293 plate displays, $ GLARE IS ALLEGED (’AUSE. ? and about 2500 pears comprise <$> ! the exhibits. There are 237 <$> Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Morris i ❖ entries. <$> <♦> >«• <$> <$> <î> and daughter. Jule, are in a local hospital today suffering from severe SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., Sept. 11. bruises sustained when the light car A formal complaint charging R os ­ Ashland grade and high schools in which they were riding collided eoe Arbuckle, famous fat man of the opened today with a total enrollment with a northbound car bearing a i LONDON, Sept. 12.—That the in­ movies, with the murder-ot Virginia of 1051 registered up to noon to­ California license and driven by J. 1 ter-allied council of ambassador« Rappe, Los Angeles moving picture day. The registration shows a gain Cooper, Seattle, Wash., at 5:30,' have been summoned to Paris to' actress, was sworn to before Police of forty-one students the first day o'clock Saturday afternoon. The ac­ consider the Austro-Hungarian quar­ ■fudge O'Brien shortly before noon against the registration of 1013 for cident occurred one mile east of Ash­ rel was the belief expressed in of­ today by Mrs. Delmont, the beauti­ the first week of the 1920 school ficial circles here today. It is land on the Pacific highway. None ful movie actresses’ bosom friend, year. G. A. Briscoe, city superl» thought that an ultimatum will be of the party are fatally injured. The and) one of the state's star witneses- sent to Budapest. tenilent of schools, stated this morn­ Morris car is badly wrecked and has ---------- • Mrs. Delmont, in a firm manner, If I was boss of a town, I ing that the enrollment will show a The British foreign office views been taken to the local Ford garage. u n - ‘he complaint and then coi­ sa LEM. Or., Sept. 12,-O ne h net gain of 100 pupils by the end w ouldn't chloride otherwise per­ the situation on the Danube as ser­ Neither the driver of the California By C. C. CATE fectly good domestic water. I of this week. n e d and twenty-one arrests for al-: „ , “ fal“tln* spelL She waB ious and that the utmost caution car, nor his companion, Otto Ger- would go a fte r the CAUSE of leged traffic law violations for which C° " rt r° ° m b> ““ The opening day of school was will be necessary to avert war. (County Pathologist) lack, San Francisco, was injured, al­ contam ination. HAZ KIK. fines aggregating $1 455.05 were im- V* BU ' The l,roceedi“gs "ere a taken up by registration and adjust­ If an ultimatum is sent by the though the machine is badly dam­ The Rogue river valley should*ul- posed, were made by the seven state lue„"n,nar>’ l° Arb" ck,e'8 arraign- council. Hungary will be given no­ aged. Seven year old Janice Morris timately develop into a pear para­ ment to the regular »’outine of school tice to withdraw her armed forces traffic officers operating out of Sec- ™ «. was not hurt in the crash. The Mor­ dise. There are only a few sections life. Everything is in readiness to the day' offtcia1« de- from West Hungary within a speci­ retary of State Kozer’s office dur-l ris car was wriven by Miss Jule in the United States where pears can begi nregular work in both the grade ( fied time limit. Morris. ing the month of August, according I cided to permit newspaper men to be grown successfully on a commer­ and high schools tomorrow. Books, • to a report filed today by T. A. Raf- ! visit “Fatty” in a body despite his According to the police, the Mor­ cial basis. Most of the important pencils and tablets were much in evi-j written request that no callers be fety, chief traffic inspector. ris car traveling east was struck by pear sections are confined to the dence on the streets this morning 1 allowed entrance to his cell. The officers, according to the re­ the Cooper car, headed toward Ash­ Northwest and California. There is as the children jammed the stores! “I have nothing to say,” he de- port, traveled 10,027 miles and vis­ clared. land, when the latter attempted to no place where late fall pears grow dealing in school supplies. Enough has already been ited 27 5 cities during the thirty-one pass a delivery car driven by H. ~O. to such excellence in quality as In saldo f these occurrences," he cou- > 1 1 *1 1 n a ¡days. The report further discloses , Childers of this city. It is said that the Rogue river valley. Twenty boys and girls in Jack- the glare of the sun on the wind w m »» t l The Sacramento valley of Califor­ son county have already completed inK „penned without «„proprl.ie II-1 ^ , P,P“, *“ * Sau bo»ptt., •shield of the Cooper car blinded tl^ nia and other ------ ------« , ... ^«.„om u points in California their club projects and are ready to reuses, and that 219 ears were be- ow nR a partJ' alleged to hove driver to such an extent that he w a s 'are noted for their Bartlett pears, exhibit their work at the county Demurrers [lied agalnsl Indict- log operated with only one lken»eI, , " Arb“ckle'» r‘>O"'» 1» « unable to see the oncoming Morris and the growers in those districts . school and club fair, to be held In menu returned by the last grand ’ plate. Thirty-eight persons were hotel. “ As to my prison ex­ car. No charge has been brought are Prospering to a degree not yet ! the Natatorium in Medford Septem­ ur> in the Bank of Jacksonville discovered driving machines with no periences, my imprisonment, you're against either of the participants in dreamed of in this section’, ber 20 and 21. Those completing failure cases were overruled by a operator’s license and 121 had no all familiar with the regular prison the wreck. The Rogue river valley is destined routine. MEDFORD, Or., Sept. F2.—Joseph j their work to date are as follows: decision handed down by Circuit chauffeur's license. Mr. and Mrs. Morris and daugh* t0 become world famous for its late Sewing—Dona McDonough, Nao-j Judge F. M. Calkins Friday, in the “I am not being treated any dif­ There were 102 trucks found with­ ter were said to be In an improved fal1 l)ears- for which there are far McBride, a Southern Pacific passen­ mi McGruder, Grace Gigham, Weno- cases of C. H. Owen, former valley ferent than any of the other pris­ out proper mirror equipment and condition at the hospital this morn­ greater marketing possibilities, on ger engineer, was struck by an auto nam McKinnis and Ruth Bigham, rtf ■ orchardist, and now a Salt Lake oil oners.” he said. When urged to say out of 184 trucks weighed for over­ ing. The Morris family live on a account of their longer keeping on Front street Saturday night about Sams Valley; Rowebertha Phelps man; Chester C. Kubli, Applegate something further, he replied with 10; 30 o’clock, driven by Verne loads. fifty-five of that number were qualities. ranch four miles east of Ashland. and miner, and Mrs. Myr- Dews, a taxi driver, while running and Ruth Bowman, Talent; Helen stockman . ---- I found to be carrying overloads vary- finality. That is all, gentlemen.” J. Cooper and Otto Gerlack are Bose Pear the Queen Myers and Normal Klingle, Lake tle Blakeley, former county treasur-i ing from 100 to 4000 pounds. Two Roscoe Arbuckle was extremely said to be connected with a San Some day the Bose pear will be Horn his engine to a fountain to get serious throughout the Interview t ,.H a , lY~Ard“ h COm’ a J“ Owen I group, tlle ,„»pKtor> were Franci^Co hotel and were on their the queen of all pears grown in this a drink of water. Dews, the police T,“ a C ooking- and MbII are tor alleged overdraft« ! gaged chiefly in checking up weight« and “ . was , manifestly displeased with way to Seattle. district, in this day of specializa­ s«y, m cutting a corner when the a £ PL , of the newspapermen. accident occurred. McBride « I n Co” "«er- ¡.VT Edna, « d «gain»! Mr«. Blakeley for a l . |„ , ,oad. and «peed« with which the Both cars are said to have been tion we should concentrate on such traveling at a nominal rate of speed. variety or varieties that are best rendered unconscious and was drag- 0WmBn’ au 1 Welaber- Bmtha Eu- oged wilfull aiding and abetting j trucks were being operated, as Chief ged several feet, sustaining a bad i p L ! r nf Welsher, Central a bank cashier to defraud.” Raffety pointed out it is the vicious, ? ? FjRANCISCO- Ca“ U 18- None of the occupants of either car adapted to our soils, climate, ton­ gash on his head. He was taken to i f o d „li? C,ub- R1<*ard Grey, M™. Blakeley appeared in court ¡impact from the speeding truck o r ! ^ battla of *«8. money and Influ- were thrown from the machines. nage possibilities, market conditions Gold Hill. with her attorney, Gus Newbury, and j other heavy vehicle which cair Wa> tO 8UVe Rohco« The Injured were brought to the etc. There is a wonderful future for the Sacred Heart hospital. Train No. About eighty boys and girls ar»* entered a plea of not guilty. A sim­ heaviest damages to the highways. b arged with the mnrder hospital by a passing motorist the Bose in our community. We 53, southbound, of which McBride expected to finish before the fair. ilar plea was filed by Kubli. It was “It was the purpose in the begin- loW tJ rs nia aPP®> fron‘ the gai­ was engineer, was driven to Ashland should concentrate especially on this by the fireman. McBride has“b i i ? , 7 “! P^ bHC Cordial,y il,vitert tc announced that the plea of Owen ning to check up, if possible, only . variety for it has possibilities yet in th e qervio« o o Deen' atteud these exhibitions. would be heard the first Monday of those trucks which were being op- ° mni” au opposition cam), and undreamed of by many growers. rallying to the support of the state cm t»I ; rn p‘- al « eda j . puller , ' laiiuaj for years, and never 7 C° Urt' AH thei crated with exceptionally heavy With the penalty of a heavy cine County Club Leader. had a rail accident, the conducto; te rn ? w h t ° heard at that loads and thus to secure the greatest in its efforts «to convict the “Fal- freight to our market we should) grow said. Medford, Or., Sept. 12. I pp nf a ' n ohpson- former cash- amount of publicity possible, so that staff of the movies,” are the friends the variety that will bring the most > ie an of Jacksonville, now drivers would realize that they must ■of Virginia Rappe. the "most beau- money when sold and from all indi­ Hood River valley’s apple crop • serving a prison sentence of ten Zinc chloride on timber restrains placed at approximately 1,600,000 comply with the law,” Chief Raf­ j tifully dressed woman in the raov- cations the Bosc is our best seller. years, will be brought down from , ies,” demanding that justice be done fety said. boxes. It is also a ” wonderful producer, fungus gfowth. ’ piuuuuer, Salem to testify. comedian. " ‘lu the lu” w m ~ ian- Add- That there is a m arked im prove-: in dealing with ted Thye, of the Multnomah Ath- comes into bearing early and bears 1 ed to that is a great galaxy of legal io < ll ment in the observance of the traf- letic club of Portland, defeated Thor regularly, and the quality of tic taw . by the m otor-driving pob-i i “ 1' ” ' Srln’b' battli“ ‘! ,or Olsen, of Athens, Ohio, at the Gold Bosc is unsurpassed. lie, was the statem ent of Mr. Kozer treedom ’ Hill pavilion Saturday night in a We should also not forget the old i Moving with unexpected swiftness. in commenting on Chief Raffety’s rough and hard fought contest. Ol- adaKe about getting all your eggs ini District Attorney Brady has ordered report. sen won the first fall in twenty-four one basket, so we can still play safe Arbuckle’s case placed on the court minutes with a headlock. Thye won by growing some other variety like calendar for today. the. third in ten minutes with the An-’°us> Com ice and Howell, Locked in Room With Girl same combination. There were about' Long-Keeping Qualities According to women members of 250 present, and the contest was' Bogue river valley fruit has ». 1 the party alleged to have been given branded as the fastest match ever wa>’s stood the acid test for long- In Arbuckle's rooms. Arbuckle and pulled off in this section. Both men ! keeP'ug quality. There are many Miss Rappew ent into one of the did last work, and a time or two! sclentific reasons for this. The main rooms of the hotel suite, and the they got peeved at each other. fundamental reason is the soil. An- The t'outh quarterly conference of door of the room was thereupon After the contest Olsen made a alysis of our soils show a high con the Methodist Episcopal church was locked. Later there were cries and speech in which he said that Thye tent of potash, phosphorous and lime held on Saturday evening. Dr. S.! sounds of a scuffle heard in th'« was the best man he ever met, bar that will last for years. This coupled i A. Danford, district superintendent j room, they said, and they pounded none, but claimed he was not at his with the fact that we have a suit­ presided. The reports of the year' on the door for admittance. Ar­ best owing to the climate. able climate anti altitude, and all were most gratifying. The pastor: buckle finally admitted them, thev that is needed to make this section made his annual report, which • . * a . .«v -fe » < »> « a 4 t OF « » « « B B C B ♦ | " » m . into our own »„«, , he ton- and the ton- partment, the Sunday school, Ep­ « L. M HEOX TOMORROW * I nage pe, rs worth League, and the Women’s Mis­ #• FRUIT CROP WILL BRING « to three or four times what we are sionary societies, have made substan­ ♦ <$* The program for the Cham- > now producing. Most of our pear S2..500.000 INTO VALÌ/EÌ’ tial growth. Mr. Edwards gave a: « _____ _ her of Commerce forum lunch- acreage is just now coming into brief review of the four years of his' The 1921 pear and apple erop <♦> eon tomorrow promises to be ^ bearing and the next few years wiB pastorate, which was illuminating, « in the Rogue River valley is • x z , ? ° su„b jm s * see a CTeat ■ ",h- Ra*® the receipts being about $22,000. i estimated at approximately one < ♦ or C A R . J 11,8 ° W R 0 r “ ® Mr. G. F. Billings presented a 1 million boxes. Placing the av- <«- sor G. A. Briscoe making a re- <$> _____ ___________ resolution of thanks to the pastori erage price per box at $2 50 port on the summer normal <$> STEEL WORKS DESTROYED for his efficient services and a cor-j<3> this means the valley should <•» school, and an open discussion dial invitation to return for a fifth receive $2,500,000 in cash this * ’ w h / i 6 Wi“.ter Palr’ Plans fOr KLAMATH FALLS. Or.. Sept 12 . year, which was adopted by the I fall. This is gross income of * hich are also on the program. —The Klamath Foundry & Steel oard. Mr. Edwards responded to course, from which the cost of ❖ 1 s expected that Judge G. works was destroyed bv fire Friday the resolution and expressed him- production m ust be deducted. * C c’3 Cau wn h °Unty Ag6nt night The e8tImated damage is I self as happy to continue his pres­ but it gires a good indication the lu n X o n * J ’ T ’w ’ h T $9° ° ° ent relation as the pastor. ot what the fru it erop means W , W . , . : started1 i n ^ T a X ^ “ The annual conference will meat AT NOON TODAY 121 TRAFFIC LAW OFFENDERS TAKEN BY STATE OFFICERS ROGUE R. VALLEY Ï0 RE WORLD’S Tw en ty Entrants Complete Projects For School Faa Judge Overrules ----- 3 Demurrers in / Ville Bank C a s e 1 Espee Engineer Injured In Auto Accident, Medford were w. .’■''" “ ' " * M " i Ted Thye Wins Fast Match With Olsen Saturday lilv n h* l l x l a • . V _ • Fourth Quarterly Conference M. E. Church Held Here October 5 at Forest Grove, Bishop Wm. O. Shepard presiding. ❖ in dollars and cents to South- •' ern Oregon.