PAGE POUR THE BLUE LAWS WILL GET YOU IF YOU DON’T WATCH OUT Local and Personal Belleview V isitor»“ Mrs. Guy Randles and little daughter, ot Bellevidw district, are visiting Mrs. Randles’ granfchotber, Mrs. W illiam Radcliffe for a fe* days. *7° Albert Taxi. Saturday, September 10, lMW ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS. Phone 183. 307-lm Vour Last Chance to See BILL HART SINCE IASI YEAR HINTS TO CAMPERS «< Whistle” .<0 and • ••• « Chas. S. Wilson— Painting, paper* r When you leave th at campfire, hanging, tinting. Satisfaction guar brother, ® 8 -lm ' anteed. P. O. Box 244. > Put it out! ® i> It is apt to breed another— Recover from Illness— . ,« Put it OUt! ♦ ' Elm er Morrison is able to be back » Forest fires start from little < § > in the Automotive shop again after ?» When the woods are dry and IN a few days’ illness. <♦> brittle, ® 299-tf So when you remove the kittle, Watch Yeo’s window. <$, Put it out! ♦ Leaves for I d a h o - Mrs. Frank Dickey left 9unday $> Do not leave one spark to <$■ evening with her sister, Mrs. Cora smolder— Put it out! * Edwards, for Burley, Ida., which is a Mrs. Edw ards’ home. Mrs. Edw ards One small spark will soon grow • came here for her health, and is re-, j. b o ld e r - turning to her home much im proved -•» Put it out! _______ ,«i> One small spark may prove a <» Ladies’ all pure linen embroidery.,.^ whale; handkerchiefs, 60c values 33c, 7 5 c ! T h e r e , wheu you hit the trail, values 45c, in thrf Drummer Sam- Down it with a w ater pail— <§> CUT-PRICE GERMAN pie Sale Saturday and Monday at P ut it out! ♦ GOODS MENACE TO Ferguson’s. / ---------- U. S. M ERCHANDISE ______ . FOREST FIRES DECREASE «5 OAK ST. IN NUMBERS THIS YEAR M oves to E ast Main Street — (Continued from Page l l Now Open for B usiness PORTLAND, Or., Sept. 8.— Re-. Mrs. Letty Judy has moved to her German catalog, dated May 2^1921. new home on East Main street, th at I ports just received at D istrict For- <’. G. ENGLISH, Prop. quoting a price of sixty m arks on a she purchased recently from Mrs. I. ester George H. Cecil’s oifices here lawn mower, which is an exact dup­ N. Smith. Mrs. Judy has been pre- from the twenty-two national tor- licate of a popular American model viously making her home with her ests in Oregon and W ashington C. B L A M K I N that at today’s price of labor and daughter, Mrs. W alter Maxey, on show th a t the num ber of forest fires m aterials cannot be produced in reported to date has been sm aller Allison street. America for less than $4.25. W ith than a year ago and th at the num ­ BARGAINS iN the m ark w orth but a fraction more Are you interested in a 1920 ber of large fires has been greatly Real Estate than a cent and a half in American Buick six, 5 cord tires, run less reduced. money, the German price for the than 4 000 miles. This car is a real The figures just compiled show mower is 7 6 cents, or six tim es be bargain. Call Ford garage. Ash­ th a t since July 1, there have been t i t j nod Ran et» Propertle» low the American price. So you can Housen to Kent. land. % 8-2 769 forest fires reported on the na­ see ‘what I mean when I say this In- tional forests of Oregon and Wash- Hawaii H at Nothing on the U n W , \ s t i y will be destroyed not crip­ Return* Front ’F risco— i ington, as compared to 930 a year Wearing 'Em Higher, i f Marie Í CITIZENS’ BANK Bt 11,1)1 NG pled, if adequate ‘protection is not Mrs. D. A. Applegate returned yes- agQ at thia saiue date A lo ta i of provided.” erday from San Francisco, where " 15,182 acres has been burned over doge heads, "the potieanaa*» lo t” n Many other industries face a like >he has been visiting h er daughter to September 1. Jobs with these guardians of law fate. The basket m anufacturers of iiiss Gladys, for the last th ree week«. The i u r l forest u ic o i service n t in v v divides forest the aurrtying of bathing »thing suits. su America, seventy-five in all. giving “Somebody io always taking the joy out of life.*’ pouted Marie Prevoat Universal star, as these two lan rejoices in eating home cooking fires into three classes, according employment to 10,000 w orkers anti blnecoats stopped her as she was about to plunge .into the Atlantic. "You ought me take a nee again. to the acreage burned over " by each dip hrst. with a capital investm ent of $10, fire. Class A fires are fires cover­ "Not a.chanca, ml not taking any chances on your 000,000, face ruin. ‘‘Many baskets 303tf For pleating see Orres. aMoldng»—oaough ing not over one-quarter acre; class w ill (Io your plow ing right now are being imported from Germany B covering over a q u arter acre and "gg l'<> Visit M other— in your h a u l, stick y soil. and Japan, where labor is extremely Mrs. Morris Plym ate left this morn- not over ten acres, and class C fires W ashington the fire danger i s , club meetings, urging th a t the w orn-, with the expectation ot' improving cheap and much of the work is done Rnrguin iu used sew ing niuchine; ______ ___ _ _ _______ over ten acres. The 1920 _____ greatiy lessened. „ with conditions ■ en avoid harsh language, bad tem- the apparatus to the point where its iag for Caldwell, Idaho, to visit her covering report for the period from July 1! still dangerous east of the moun- per, unsigned letters and other v u l-! operation will be simple and prac- in the homes by the women and chil­ also a new carload of W hile sew­ mother, Mrs. W. W. Stevens. She dren,” writes E. A. Florang, presi­ ing m achines Ju>l in, al ‘xpects to be gone a couple of montl.r to September 1 showed 551 class tains. In Oregon the conditions on 1 garlties in stating th eir objections ticable. dent of the Burlington Basket com­ A fires, 239 class R fires, and 140 ¡th e west side of the Cascades are to having a women’s club house in LONDON, Sept. 10.— That allied pany, "and the only way we hope to Peil's Corner All linen towels in guest and rag­ class C, a total of 930 fires inside ; still dangerous, madb more so, for Ashland. They may not know howi compete with these countries is to th e national forests. The 1921 flg -,e s t officers state, by the earlier d a te ’ many thousand women’s club hou ses) troops may be sent into West Man­ liar sizes, a t wholesale prices in the have the im port duties based on the Drummer Sample Sale a t Fergu­ ures, for this same period, give 540 Of the opening of the deer se a so n 'a re in our fair land today. He p a y s|K a r>' 1° p re v e n t an A u s tio -H u n g a r American valuation plan.” class A, 179 class B, and 50 class thia year, while in eastern Oregon a compliment to the pro-club housej ian w ar> w’bich would involve the son’s Saturday and Monday. the woods are very dry and the peak faction because of the sincerity of little entente, was leliab y ieport- C, or 181 less fires than for 1920. TOt» LATE TO CLASSIFY. I their efforts and th eir desire to be I : z-.zl llAVO / H V hère I today, The dangerous fire season is not of the fire season is yet to come. 1920 Buick six, 5 cord tires, a FOR SALE— 160 acres of land seven of service and pleasure to Ashland real bargain. Call Ford garage, over yet by any means, the D istrict miles east of Ashland, 3 room LONDON, Sept. 10.— Three were and ner her guests, Ashland. 8-2 F orester saldt and florest officers house, fair barn. 2,000,000 feet guesvs, even ev«u a u t w the expense kllled an d several wounded today in of tim ber, three-fourths mile irom are still urging hunters, campers _ . a,rtn upon ,,„nn thA , nrinPt. G of considerable personal comfort. an explosion the form er Ger­ school, several springs, 12 acres Big values in fancy bath towels and other users of the forests to use He ends his le tte r with the follow­ man subm arine Deutschland at B irk­ in cultivation. 50 acres fenced, md bath sets in file D rum m er fam - th e greatest possible care to see th at ing couplet; good term s at 6 per cent, or will enhead, where the subm arine was ile Sale Saturday and Monday at they leave no- unextinguished fires “ Please re-read the Golden Rule trade for Ashland property. See > being dismantled. Ferguson's. C. B. Lamkin. 8-lm o You used to lisp in Sunday school.' in th e woods. GRACE H. CHAMBERLAIN. “ The most encouraging rMsult,” A storia— Columbia F ru it Cannery FOR RENT— Housekeeping room», H andkerchiefs ! H andkerchiefs ! An interesting ° letter has been re- ■ U l istrict S in c i F r o orester r e m e r v Cecil evu m j b , “ iu m e , 11 -------------- D says, of the adults only, use of parlor and p i-• starts operations Sept. 6. Hundreds of them on sale at whole­ 1921 figures, is th a t the num ber o f ^ « * 1 from Mr- Jedediah B ruleyhorn, CONTROLLED AUTO ano. 153 G ranite street, phons sale price, all drum m er samples, at class C fires or fires covering over 1» which he says th at all this noise; ......... BEING DEVELOPED 411-R. 8-1 NOW SAN ANTONIO DAMAGE Ferguson’s Saturday and Monday. ten acres, has been cut from 14ft in i-b o u t a civic club house makes him BY ARMY AIR SERVICE1 RUNS TO MILLIONS FOR EXCHANGE— My equity $3800 1920 to 50 for 1921; also the fine think of a tra in tooting a rew miles strictly modern stucco 5 room Good food, cooked right, served _____ _____ By JAMES T. KOLBERT record being made on most of the ¡before it gets to the station. The bungalow with sleeping porches, (C o n tin u e d from P ag e 1) it reasonable prices. Hotel Ashland in Dinuba. Calif., town of 5000, For example; R anger E train may be sidetracked for a tim e (U nited Press Staff C orrespondent) 297tf forests. Grill. center of raisin belt. For partly r p • ville has been washed) out. Greed- but the station Waits. Mr. Bruley WASHINGTON, Sept. 10.— Next on C. Peachey, of the Dead Indian dis­ improved farm. D. Rasmussen, ± O U 1*111 £ moor is reported as completely in­ I horn believes in giving women as the program of tw entieth century 8-9* ANJOU, BOSC AND COMICE PEARS trict on the C rater forest, had nine Cutler, Calif. fires to Septem ber 1~ bu t the total much freedom as they can use. He progress is the radio controlled au- undated and the “ Katy special” Will be ready to pick the 16th. train which left Dallas last night is FOR SALE— Kitchen range, wood or Will begin packing the 19th for ship­ area burned over by these nine fires bought a washing machine for his > tomobile. coal, hot w ater colls, good condi­ A nother wife » years ago, a ir service engineers a t Me marooned between Georgetown and — - and) - says - he would I , The ---— — — ■ tion, half price. 425 East Main i ment— A shland F ru it and Produce was only one-half acre. be glad to take her to town w ilt Cook Field, Dayton, O., have in their Austin. All trains at San Marcus St. ______ ± 1 ’ Association. 8*4 encouraging feature to me is him when he has to go on business, possession an invention which makes are tied up by the high waters fine co-operation being given federal forest officers by county if only she m ight have a place to it possible for them to drive a three­ WEST VIRGINIA MOON. peace officers in enforcing th e state rest and meet her friends and fresh- wheeled autom obile from th e office. A CLASSIFIED AD is a Busi­ SH INERS HAVE SECRET laws against leaving cam pfires u n -1 on ber mind a bit. She can’t do They cau make the machine (fart w ill m ake sp ecial m onthly rates The Oregon forest 'm u ch shopping with little Jed in about the field, make it stop sud­ ness G etter. It goes every where CODE TO FOOL O FFICERS extinguished. and pops right out at one every to perm anent gu ests. A ll room s leads so fa r with nineteen convic- her arms. H av in g the other two denly with a screeching of brakes; frime you pick up The Tidings. have h ot and cold w ater and HUNTINGTON, W. Va., Sept. 10. tlons secured out of a total of th ir­ children in school means m ore spare cause it to tu rn to the rig h t or left, Try it and prove whnt we say. and make it do everything th a t the time for her, and she w ants to join steam heat. — The West Virginia m ountaineers ty-five fires reported, with the Wen­ driver a t the wheel may call for. the Civic club. His next paragraph and moonshiners may not be long on atchee forest second with fifteen This auomobile is about eight feet education, but they are certainly en­ convictions.” In 1920, from July 1 is worth quoting: long, runs on th ree pneum atic tired to September 1. there were forty-1 "I wish my wife and the other dowed with plenty of shrewdhetoa' wheels and has a speed ranging and ingenuity to offset w hatever they two convictions while this year, for women m ight be content to be aux- are lacking in book learning. For the same two-month period, eighty 'JHary members of our lodge, since from four to ten miles an hour. It years it has been a battle of wits three convictions have been secured, this arrangem ent would s a \e us jan- has no aerial or antenna system vis­ o( Ashland between the m ountaineer moon­ with a large num ber of pending fire ’ Rot* wages, but Ashland is bound ible. Ashland, Oregon The “ selector” does the work. to grow, and I hope th e women may shiners and the ’’revenoos.” More trespass cases yet to be tried. The * selector” is th e h eart of the Forest officers a ttrib u te this im- he among those who help the good often the m ountaineers win. mass of m achinery under the hood, Federal officers, returning to provement in record largely to the I work along, even though they do It and receives and distributes the im- i Condensed headquarters here from a tour fact th a t rangers and guards are re-1 their own way, a n d even if I have pulses wirelessed by th e men a t the to spend a few dollars to get things through Lincoln county during porting discoveries b etter and get­ which they seized 2800 gallons of ting to fires quicker than ever be­ started. I believe it is a good in­ radio controls. The "selector’ ’op­ erates twelve controls and can be M ountain lookout stations vestm ent.” m ash, nine stills and a quantity of fore. Mr. Bruleyhorn quaintly adds put into action w ithin less than a September 6th, 1921 moonshine whiskey, report much dis­ have also been b etter equipped this second after the push button a t the year w ith fire-finding in s tru m e n ts , that the women who oppose, con couragem ent over a code system put RESOURCES in to use by the m ountain moon- and telephone lines, so th a t quicker demn and fight every new idea or tran sm itter In the radio station is action is being secured, and to the change of any sort, are the same pressed. Loans ................................................ $3?6,098.32 shiners. ' — —------------------------- The car can be controlled from little girls who Used to stand by the The “code” varies in different fact th a t justices of the peace of Bonds and W a r r a n ts ..................... 168,478.35 communities, but it is such th a t both states are co-operating with old school house fence and refuse to the ground and from airplane, the ? Banking House ............................. 16,000.00 HIT THE TRAIL nothing can be done by th e officers the field officers in strictly enforc­ play the game. The curious p art was test showed. Aside from the value F u rn itu re and F ix tu re s............... 5,500.00 to prevent its utilisation. For ex­ ing the state laws against careless­ th at they not only refused to play of tire radio controlled car in times Cash and Exchange ..................... 83,746.82 for Ijpt did all th e could to spoil the of peace, the contrivance will be in-i am ple a woman will, upon observ­ ness with fire in the forests. . Other R e s o u rc e s ...................... 2,949.60 ing the approach or presence of the Forest officers say th a t the air- game for the other children. They valuable in time of war. it was Total $842,770.10 federal officers, rush out of a cabin 1 planes furnished and piloted by men never suggested any game them - pointed o u t.. G reat tanks, filled with high ex­ , from the 91st aero- squadron have selves, yet resented the ideas of any door and begin yelling; LIABILITIES ----- been of very m aterial assistance in other child and were constantly plosives could be launched against ‘So-o-o-o cow: so-o-o-o-o-cow. Capital Stock .................................$ 50,000.00 This translated m eans: “The fed-¡O regon and on the Olympic penin-: peeved le9t. they be asked to fill in the enemy w ithout endangering the MEDFORD, OREGON Surplus and Profits ...................... 19,540.96 members of the attack in g force, i eral men are here, so hide the still sola in spotting fires quickly, in when more girls were needed to DEPOSITS ....................................... 5«».523.5« Ships laden with TNT could be di­ spite of the fact th a t due to a sh o rt­ m ake th e game a success. quick.” Reserve for Taxes ......................... 1,205.64 Even Mr. B ruleyhorn says th a t he sees rected against battleships. The officers declare there 1s no age of gas th e forest patrol was Rediscounts .............................. 2,500.00 airplanes could be loaded with ex­ way to prevent the women from call* shut down for several weeks iu the both sides to most propositions, and hopes that the non-club house fac­ plosives and dropped a t a given ing the cows home, yet they say It height of the season. Total $642,770.10 The reports from the field indi­ tion may take advantage of press point w ithin th e enemy lines. is possible to go for days and not The engineers are hard at work! cate that west of the Cascades in publicity an » public discussions M see a cow in the whole mountains. Larry Semon Coming— Sunday Monday Louise Glaum "The Reni Collector” Love in The O.K. Barber Shop u k i u v d The Beider Tractor and P.&0. Disc Plow a STUDE- BAKER q Civic Club Notes L itt le S ix D rops $200.°° Hotel Ashland $1,375 1,350 1,705 2,150 Roadster Coupe Sedan D elivered Here w ith Cord Tires Tim ken B earings L eath er U pholstery P late Glass in R ear Spe d and G ear in T ransm ission T ransm ission Lock Flexible U niversals and quality all over T h e C itiz e n s B a n k Statement of Condition Sold on Easy Terms Hittson’s and i Class A Garage , ASHLAND