Saturday, September 10, 1031 THE ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS page : two they have perhaps been overturned so th at the oldest beds now lie above * TIDINGS FA SH IO N H IN T S ♦ the younger. On this basis, the oldest i Established 1876 Palezotic rocks are the A rgillites, Published Every Evening Except Sunday _ and Sandstone, containing lime­ THE ASHLAND PKINTINQ CO stone lenses, near W atkins; and on Sizes One Gallon to Twenty OFFICIAL CITY AND lS>UNTI Oregon's Higher Institution ol L ittle Applegate and its tributaries, PAPER i They have been intruded by andesite Eggs Are Cheap Now. TELEPHONE 39 . i l « »„ta oinkin<. and serpentine dikes, and in places Waterglass Your Winter EDITOR S NOTE The Tldtaes D All »><■“« , cdmprlMd m >.nd a i d U « subscription Price Delivered lu City receipt of com plete data relative (and shall be tnves ed bs the . U » ; „ Ser. i Supply. Eight Schools; Seventy Departments )ne month .................................. $.-$5 1.95 to the Oregon booos act from the treasu rer by and w ith be a p p ro ta 1 • fhree months FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. 19, 1921 Six months .................................. 3.75 World W ar V eterans State Aid com- of the commission m the clabs o t ; _ . ... For inlorm*i»on writ* to lh* M»iiur«f One y e a r ....................................... 7 &0' mission. Owing to the lengthy na- securities authorized for thé lnvest- is abundant on Red M ountain, which Oregon AgrijjHturai College M ail an,» R u ral R o u tes. obtained its name from the color of One mouth ........................ . . . . I .65 ture of th e articles they m ust by ment by hanks of savings deposits the thoroughly oxidized soils, derived Three m onths .............................. 1.95, necessity be run in installm ents under the laws of this state; provid- Six month? .................................. 3.50 whlch will he found every day In ed, if at any tim e there are applica- from it and sim ilar highly fe rru g in -1 6.50 ous rocks. The serpentine is cut by One year .................................. the- Tidings until a complete ex- tions for loans aggregating a total seams, some of which are occupied! ADVERTISING RATES:. in excess of the money available pianation is made. by chlorite and other talc. On the Display Advertising therefor in the special fund created STATEM ENT OF CONDITION eastern peak of this m ountain, some Single insertion, each in ch ........... 30c by section 17 hereof, the bomrais* of the serpentine is derived from thej (Continued from yesterday) Y E A R L Y CO NTRAC TS sion may tran sfer to such special D isp lay .A d v e r tis in g alteration of am phibolite. One tim e a w eek..................... 27 ty c Section 16. Advertisement of fund any moneys derived from pay- These dikes make th eir appearan- Two tim es a w eek.....................25c SEPTEMBER O, 1081 Boncfe; Deposit with Bid.— The com- m ents on principal or interest of Ice > Every other d a y .........................20c very abundantly in Josephine mission shall provide such method loans mat?? to veterans under this county. It Is found on the ridge to L ocal R ead ers, LIA BI LI HEH KESOl RUES Each line, each tim e .................... 10c as It may deem necessary for the act. .$100,000.00 627,744.6»; C a p i ta l....................... Loans and Discounts.: the north of E llitt creek, a t S lsk i-: To run every other day for or»» 30,000.00 advertisem ent ol each issue ol said Section 19. Tax Levy.— Each year 185,562.23 SurpltiH ....................... United States Bonds. you Gap, a t the Ramsey mine on month, each line, each tithe . . . 7c 17.478.27 bonds before the same are sold, and at the tim e the state tax commission Undivided Profits . Municipal and other To tu n every issue for on« month Slate creek, on W alkers M ountain, or more, each line, each t im e .. . . 5c shall also require such deposit with determ ines the am ount of tax, to be Mt. P itt Mine on Jum p-off-Joe creek 98,495.00 bonds and w arrants 200 384 41 Circulation ......... Aiming the new suits fur fall and C la ssified C olu m n . bidA as it may deem advisable, anjl levied against each county for state a t the Gold Coin mine on Coyotej winter there are none in which the D E P O S IT S .............. . 9 0 4 ,9 1 9 .1 7 Stock in Federal Re­ One cent the word each time. season’s style features have been used generally shall conduct the sale and, purposes, it shall, in ndditlon to 3,900.00 serve Bank ........... To run every issue for one monfh or creek, on Peavine Mountain and at issuance of said bonds u n ih r s u c h ,oth er state taxes, make a state levy the Gold Bug mine on Mt. Reuben. to better advantage than in the model more, t4c the word each tirr^. 14.600.00 Banking H o u s e ......... Illustrated. Its Coat is o f medium L cgul R ate: rules and regulations not inconsist- (against all taxable property in each 4.500.00 F u rn itu re and fixtures It was late in 1919 th a t the owners length, with embroidered panel at the. f ir s t Time, per 8 point line . . . 10c ent with this act as shall be adopted county subject to taxation of an ad- C ash a n d D ue fro m of the H ighland Q uartz mine o f t h e front and the much-admired bell Each subsequent time, per 8 point ditional am ount equal to one mill Gold Hill d istrict were puzzled on re­ sleeve. It is trimmed with a band B an k s . ................... 1 0 9 ,2 9 2 .1 2 l i n e ...............................................{' c by the commission. Card of Thanks, $1.00. Section 17. Special Fund C reat-jo n each dollar of assessable prop- ceiving' from the sm elter company a and a collar of fur. 5‘/l Redemption Fund 5,000.00 Obituaries, 2% cents the line. ed from Sale of Bonds; Claims, How erty within the county. Said ta x report of the mill run, th a t th e ship­ F ra tern a l O rders a n d S ocieties, Advertising for fratern al orders , Audited.— The money arising from shall be collected by the county anft m ent besides containing 14.12 ozs Total Resources $1,210,883.44 Total Liabilities $1.210.883.44 or societies charging a regular initl- the sale of each ¡gsue Of bonds shall paid to the state tre a su rer as other of gold and 3.24 ozs of silver also; ®tlon fee and dues, np discount. Re- bg d sited with the state treas-i state taxes are paid; and all inon- contained 0.32 oz. platinum . The c h a r g ^ t h e re g u la ^ ra te for all ad- urer to the credit of a special fund, eys collected on said tax an d paid ore giving this result was taken at a vertising when an admission or other j whiCh shall be used to carry into to the state tre a su rer shall be credit- depth of 100 feet in the mine. The eharge is made. ______________ i effect the provisions of this act. The ed to the sinking fund created by foot wall of the vein is mingled with What Constitutes Advertising! secretary of state is hereby author- section 18 hereof. Schist and G ranite, while the hang­ In order to allay a m isunderstand- ized an(j directed to audit all claims Section 20. General Pow er* ing wall is made up of serpentine, j ing among some ao^to * i incurred in carrying out the provi- Granted Commission.— The commis­ schist and granite. KLAMATH FALLS, Or., Sept. 10. DEVELOPING INDUSTRIES tutes news and what advertising, sions of this act in the same man- sion is hereby authorized, empow- — Legislation to prevent speculators (To be continued) we print this very simple rule which --------------------------- from preying on ex-service men who ART of the legitim ate work la used by newspapers to differin- ner as other claims against the ered and directed to do any act or done by every m odéra hank is atiate between them : “ ALL future state are audited and pay the same thing necessary to fully meet the! ! settle upon Tule lake lands when the development of existing indus­ events, where an admission charge from any moneys' provided by law requirem ents of this act. they are opened to homestead entry tries, and the encouragement of is made or a collection is taken for the payment thereof upon the Section 21. To Appoint Apprais-1 f ,. will be sought by the American Le- prospective ones. IS ADVERTISING.” This applies to ; gion, said J. H. C arnahan, po^t organizations and societies of every submission of duly verified vouch- ers and A ttorneys.— The commission The F irst National is ever alert to kind as well as to individuals. * commander, at the local post meet- ___ ers therefor approved by the com- shall appoint a board of three ap- assist in promoting the breeding of All reports of such activities aft8r mi8ajo n . proVided, th at bonds and praisers for each county, who shall ! ing this week. pure blooded livestock and tho f a ­ h^ l l h com ingUao«ial 3or O rganization coupons shall be paid as provided in appraise the property in such coun- Mr. Carnahan said he hat? had a thering of the fruit industry, at.d the establishm ent of new factories ' ’ i conference with Secretary Fall Cu ty on which loans may be applied for meetings of societies where no money section 15 hereof. in Jackson County. contribution is solicited, initiation Section 18. Sinking Fund.— That according to such rules andl regula- MEDFORD, Or., Sept. l O .- E r n , ’ the m atter d u rin ^ the secretary’^ charged, or collection taken is NEWS. there be, and hereby is, created a tion« as may be adopted by th e corn- est (Dud) W olgam ott, who through t recent visit> and th a t Mr- Fal1 rea1'- sinking fund to provide for the pay- mission. The commission shall also being out of the city, escaped the ized the danger and had promised We make &»’. quotations on ment of the principal and interest appoint an attorney, who shall ex- bootlegging raid rnadj last m o u t h ! “ s6 llls •« « •«»•«• get provision, j o n w ork of the bonds authorized to be sold amine and pass on the title to any by special state agents, a n « (o r w hom' from >»>« '»■' »«»iUB by this act. Such sinking fu n d ! real property upon which a loan is these agents, federal agents and the » “ ’ THE FRANKLIN PRICE LIST. '« « « n t th »> » « » ‘a »lre* A sh lan d , O regon Same prices— Reasonable Price— shall consist of all moneys received requested. Each appraiser shall te ­ police o t th e state have been look- '“ nt " O ld est as payments on principal and inter- ceive a fee of not to exceed $5 for ing ever since, was arrested in P o rt­ to all. N a tio n a l est of loans made to veterans under each appraisal and each attorney land Thursday afternoon by Special “ ESSEX SOME CAR" B a n k in E ntered at the Ashland, Oregon, J a ck so n County* this act and of all moneys that may j shall receive a fee of not to exceed Agent S. B. Sandifer and assistant, A V E R S SA L ESM A N Postofflce as Second Class Mall ¡he derived from tax levies as here- $10 for each title examined, said fee M atter. ____________________ was brought to Medford and a t once ---------- inafter provide«.». Such sinking fu n d : to be paid by the applicant for a taken from the tra in to Justice Tay- PORTLAND, Or., Sept. 10.— Af- shall be held by the state tre a su rer.j loan. * ❖ lo r’s court Friday afternoon for his te r di-iving his Essex car nearly 29,- ♦ prelim inary hearing on th e charge of 000 miles, W. E. Lacey, salesman Between two worlds life hov­ ♦ selling intoxicating liquor. „ for the C. L. Boss Automobile com- » » ers like a star, W olgamott declared he wanted no p any, is ready to testify under oath Twixt night and m orn, upon ♦ Prescription attorney, as his attorney, G. M. Rob- th a t he is of the same opinion M the horizon's verge. Druggist erts, was out of the city. He en- when he first started to sell Essex — Byron. tered a plea of not guilty. County car8— th at the Essex car is "some ♦ ♦ Prosecutor Rawles Moore was pres- autom obile." Cor. Second and Main Sts. ent to look after the s ta te ’s interest Lacey was brought into the Essex ! in the case. N either did W olgamott fold by a dem onstration in one of The Golden Age will dawn when By A. E. KELLOG. bearing rocks of the Sierra Nevadas care to m ake any statem ent. t he little cars when they were first nations spend more to foster human 25 PER CENT REDUCTION IN SCHOOL SUPPLIES There was but little attention paid and trib u tary ranges, which are in Then Special Agent A. B. Gates, put out and a fter his first ride de-j life and to make it happier and bet­ to the production of platinum in this a portion of the drainage basins of wilo hat? a prom inent p art in the i n - Cjde{j th a t he wanted to sell th»y> j OVER LAST YEAR’S PRICES t e r , and less on destroying life and region until the late war began. The the stream s. vestigation, which led to the boot- aud he has been a t it ever sinew': * property in w arfare. United States government, with the The source of platinum in the legging arrests of last month, testi- i mperial heights in P ortland as play We have on hand a complete line of school text hooks Gambling will have to go from interruption of the normal iniportar placer works of this region, has but: tied th a t on August 17, in Medford, tor Lacey’s Essex, and in high gear, baseball, or the game will lose the tion of the metal from the Ural in few instances, been tra c ed to lode be had purchased two bottles of too. Slow speed is another stunt. and school supplies confidence and patronage of the peo- ! m ountains in Russia, made a special deposits containing the metal in the Scotch whiskey from W olgam ott; He th ro ttles his car down to three pje effort to discover and develop the , native form.' A roughness pf t h e 1 th a t he paid him $20 for the first miles an hour, an«? if the opportunity platinum throughout this reg io n .: platinum , and in some specimens, a. bottle, which was apparently accl- presents Itself he can have thje speed D etroit’s most famous m aker of The geologists of the United States black or brownish coating, which is ¡dentally broken in getting into an up to lots b etter than a mile a min­ them is doing his best to make it m ineral survey early in the w ar de- apparently iron oxide, indicate prox- auto. Then W olgamott brought him ute. And Lacey says the Essex is STATIONERY BOOKS the second bottle, the witness testi- just getting broken in after nearly possible for everybody to afford one, voted over three months to this imity to its source. In the Riddle Quadrangle, in this .fied, charging him only $10 for it, 30,000 miles of running. by reducing the price every few work. They visited practically every ...29c $1 r e p r in ts ........ ....... 75c hydraulic placer mining district in region, the serpentines have resulted and saying he would donate his half months. On the first set of tires he got ...3 5 c 75c reprints . . . . ....... 49c Southern Oregon and in N orthern chiefly from the decomposition of the for th e first broken bottle. b etter than 15,000 miles and in gas- . 59c $1 r e p r in ts ........ ....... 75c California. peridotites and the pyroxenites, but Gates was th e only witness and 10,ine mileage he is ready again to In nearly every d istrict visited by ¡some areas of the serpentine are in his testimony was brief, probably prove that he averages better than these geologists, they found, th a t j all p ro b a b ility the result of the de- In view of the fact th at W olganiott tw enty miles to the gallon. Yes, F IL M S KODAKS S U P P L IE S prior to th eir coming practically no composition of the basic phases of was going to make no defense at W. E. Lacey is absolutely sold on the Bring in vour films to I k * developed---any size roll I. »«• » ■ attention was paid to the recovery the greenstone Much of this Berpen-t the prelim inary hearing, the witness Kssex car id slick-1 slick-j evidentlf only relating enough to _________________ __ ?f this ra re m etal by the hydraulic tine shows shear zones aud All work guaranteed liners of the region. The m iners, ensides surfaces. ■ insure the accused man being bound More motorcycles are used in Eng­ fter recovering the metal, had of- Many of the m iners In prospecting over, land than automobiles. Gives f 1OOO B a il As to the condition of the Pacific ten discarded it w ithout knowing for platinum , had difficulty in deter-; Thereupon Justice Taylor held highway between Roseburg and the what it was, or kept it for a timé as mining w hether or not the black California line as of September ^1, a curiosity, only to throw it away sand.« o f the region contained the W olgamott to the grand jury in bond when a ready m arket was not avail- metal and at other times confusing) of $2000, which was later changed beg to report as follows: Roseburg-M yrtle Creek, 20 miles able. These experts, after making it with silver. In some placer depos- with the consent of County Prose- a thorough search in this m ineral its, the grains of the platinum a re jc u to r Moore and Sandifer to $1000 — Paved.' “A great demand for a sm art-look­ M yrtle Creek-Canyonville, 10 miles zone, found nothing th at interested i coated with a dark film and some re- cash bail, when W olgam ott learned ing starched collar for men has de­ — South of Myrtle Creek take de­ them more than the percentage of semble the grain of the dark chro- th at the two men he had expected to veloped as a result of the w ar." tour via Riddle to Canyonville; rough Platinum to be found in alm ost all mite, magnetic, or ilmenite, and in go on his boyd could not be located, This statem ent is a quotation from placer diggings of this region. ¡panning it was confusing to the min-1 He furnished the cash bond. and slow. an article th a t appeared recently in ON “There is but little doubt th a t er. It was during the w ar tim e v is it, W olgamott has been under $1000 a magazine th a t is an authority for Cahyonville-Galesville, 11 miles— from the early days' of placer m in , of the governm ent experts in this bail In another case w aiting trial in men’s w ear in the United States. Good macadam. Galesville-Wolf Creek, 14 miles— ing In Southern Oregon, more values region th a t they fully dem onstrated circuit court, th at growing out of As a nation, the war taught us Paving in progress a t both ends; in platinum went through the sluice to the miner, and now most of the the intoxication charge in a Jackson-' neatness. Men learned the value of about seven miles south of Gales­ boxes, than were ever taken out in placer m iners are well versed in th e ville dLnce hall several months ago. tr jra dress. The passing of the soft ville, a detour via Glendale to Stage gold," were the words expressed by I detection of the presence of th e met- . ; collar ____ and the popularity of the Road pass is use«? from 7:30 a. in. the government experts after mak- al. The sodium-M ercury am algam is McNary Rill Endorse«!— starched one is a result of th at ob­ Overland Touring ..................... $767.00 ing the survey. the principal agent of gathering the Resolutions endorsing the bill ject lesson. For it is a fact th a t no to 5:30 p. in. Overland Roadster ................... $767.00 S im ila r to C a lifo rn ia flour fold and platinum jointly In sponsored by Senator McNary, now gingle detaU of apparel addb so much Wolf Creek-Grave Creek, 5 miles pending in congress for the exten- to a m an-s appearance as a well- Platinum , like chrome in this re -; the placers of this region. — Paved. Overland C oupe....................... $1044.00 D ik e s o f D ark R o ck sion of the C rater Lake national ; gtarched collar. Grave Creek-G rants Pass, 18 miles gion, is closely associated with ser­ Overland S e d a n ....................... $1099.00 The great serpentine dfkes, ex-¡park to include Diamond lake, were pentine. The native alloy in plati­ O u r/e rv ic e s are especially at your — Good macadam. Overland C hassis....................... $629.00 G rants Pass-through Medford and num, iridium and assiunt, in which tending from Siskiyou County, C ali-¡passed last evening a t a meeting of disposal for this item of your dress. Ashland to California line. 65 miles ' the platinum is found in nearly all fornia, first makes its appearance in the board of directors of the Eugene You send us your collars— we deliver of the gravel deposits of this region Oregon in the Upper Applegate dis-¡C ham ber of Commerce, and the mat- them perfectly laundered, lustrous — Paved. F. 0. B. Pacific Coast Points istrict is occupied in a j t e r will be taken up with other com- im m aculate, smooth and pearly, with! in which gold is found, as in the trict. This d district M c«lfor«l-Urater b a k e H ig h w a y Two routes are being used, one Ural m ountains of Europe and de- large part by old Palezioc sedimen- j merce bodies in the state.— Eugene none of the rough “saw” edges of LET US HAVE YOUR ORDER the old stand-up of the days gone by. ; via Central Point. Bybee bridge. rived front the serpentine of the re- , tary rock, with interbedded sills | Register. gion. T hat is, they are believed to and flows of andestite character. In ------------------- « Play fair with yourself in y o u r; Trail and McLeod, to Prospect, the personal attire. Telephone us. Then other via Eagle Point, Reese creek be the prim ary constituents of the places these bedded rocks are pene- ■ 1 ircu s M en H ero W. Polkinghorn, m anager, and H. wrap your bundle securely and our school house, Derby to McLeod and ingenous rock, which have altered to trated by dikes of dark ingenous rocks and also large irreg u lar masses! J - Crabtree, advertising m anager, of driver will cal! for it. Prospect. Traffic is advised to use serpentine. It is believed th a t the ultim ate of tonalite. The sedim ents in general the Sells-Floto circus, were Ashland the one via Trail. source of the gold placers In thia strike about N. 20 degrees E „ and visitors yesterday m aking advance Very truly, arrangem ents for the appearance of' region, like those of California, la dip a t a high angle to th e eastw ard. K. E. HODGMAN. Phon« 165 in the serpentine and the olivine As elsewhere shown for this region the show at Medford. Division Engineer. Ashland Tidings Distribution of State Bonus To Veterans of World War Jars with Lids OAC TECHNOLOGY Provost Bros. First National Bank ot Ashland American Legion Hits Speculators At Klamath Falls s e r v ic e P WoldaillOtt Taken at Portland By Federal Agent First National Bank EAST SIDE PHARMACY Southern Oregon Mineral Mecca Rare Finds Astonish Experts Specials for This Week Do You Feel Dressed Up in a Soft Collar? Reduced Prices Overland Cars Ashland Laundry Co. Overland Marcy Co.