k • A shland D aily T idings climate without the aid A shland of Medicine, cures nine cases out of ten of Asthma. fact. This Is a proven International News Wire Service VOLUME 3 piXLARIA Gera» cannot survive 1 1 three m onths in th e rich oxone •t Ashland, The pure dom estic w ater helps. »? (Successor to th e Sem i-W eekly T id in gs, Vol. 43) ASHLAND, OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1921 . it TEXAS FLOOD TAKES TOLL OF 150 LIVES 5 Bandits Loot LOCAL VETERAN Sub-Postoffice oí $50,000 Mail ► ------------ - | LOS ANGELES, Calif., Sept. 10.— Five armed an d masked i bandits held lip and robber a ---------------- sub-postoffice here today and PR EPA R E RESOLUTION OF AP- I escaped Wlth tw° Pouches of — , $ registered mail after a spirited PRE< IATION FOR ASHLAND’S |> pistol fight with several mail R E C E P T IO N — N F A R I V -an« 4T R E tE I n O N — NEARIA 2(H) A T -,* TEND— BREAK CAMP TODAY. 4 1 » 1 <•> <$> <•> the Soldiers' and Sailors Association ’ ’ of Southern Oregon, th a t we give' Salaried employes, 1919 census, thanks to God, an d to the Chamber b' 05, 1914 census, 4431; increase of Commerce, for the splendid ban- pei cent *91^'1919, 55.8. quet at the Ashland hotel, and to 1ft1Qage earners (average num ber) Burnside Relief corps for the lo v e-!.,s census, 58,559; 1914 census, ly reception and banquet and th e * !, «J*“ 9 ’ pei cent increase 4 914-1919, ly reception and banquet 103.1. splendid soup and coffee so freely Prinm ry horsepower. 1919 census, given, and which was enjoyed by all, and to the Legionaires for the 303,751; 1914 census, 219,222; per splendid talk of Rev. Evans and John cent increase, 1914-1919, 38.6. Capital, 1919 census, $439,982,- Riggs, an d to the drum corps for th e ir untiring efforts to cheer th e L ° ° 0 ‘ 1914 census, $139,982,000; boys, and to the quarterm aster, J. P. 1,lc' ease per cent 1914-1919, 215.4 Sayle, for his superhum an effort tdI berv,c«8. 191» census, $94.98« $94.986,- jnOO; 1914 census, $26.615,000; in­ establish the camp and look after* the Interests in every particular, and! c re a s e per cent 1914-1919. 2 5 6 V Salaries, 1919 census, $13,999,- to Mr. Mills and Albert Johnson for 000; 1914 census, $5,683,000; in- the melons and fruit, and to all the, citizens of Ashland who have a8 i crease per cent 1914-1919, 146.3. sisted in any way 1919 cen8US- >80,887.000; w; to make this re- ’ census, $20,932,000; increase union a success. per cent, 1 9 1 4 -1 9 1 9 , 286.9. Colonel Commander M aterials, 1919 census, $206.206.- % E. K. HALL. ¡000; 1914 census. $63,258,000; in­ A d ju ta n t: crease per cent, 226.0. BERTHA E. ADAMS. ¡Value of products. 1919 ceusus $366,783,000; 1914 census, $109.1 762.000; increase per cent 1914- 1919, 234.2. Value added by m anufacture (value of products less cost of ma- 1919 census. $160,577,000; 1914 census. $46,504,000; increase , Per cent, 1914-1919, 245 3 1>EA D INDIAN ROAD OPEN TO TR A FFIC Four an a half miles of grad­ ing from the sum m it of the Dead Indian mountain toward A shland was completed todav by the county, Judge G ardner stated in a special message to the Tidings from Jacksonville this morning. The grade of the r°ad has been reduced from a tw enty-four per cent rise to ten per cent in some places. Heavy travel over the road >y motoring Lake O’ Wood» vacationers is expected tom or­ row. " * .$> vi5> * ,j. MAI PIN, Or., fiept. 10.— V irtu­ ally all of the business section of Maupin is burning. The fire started in the Shattuck Brothers store, with the Maupin State bank, the post- office. hotel and other buildings now in flames i\ 10,000 Die In Londoners BlocK Path of Fun Maher in Welcome Rich Gold Strike C,erks* The loss ia estim ated at about $50 000 Is Made By Two # A ?' S' -» S> <*> S' •$> S> Kirby Farmers H a z IÇ ik a <», <•>' ?> * The Soldiers’ and Sailors Associa­ tion of Southern Oregon, who have been holding their annual encamp­ m ent in Lithia park since Monday of this week, broke camp this m orn­ ing, and left for their various homes with voluble praise for th e city’s hos- j pitality. The total reg istratio n for th e week's enacmpment was eight- one members of the G. A. R. an d 114 members of the Women’s Relief Corp. WASHINGTON, D. C., Sept. 10.— Before leaving, the veterans elect­ The census bureau today issued a ed new officers for the coming year and prepared a resolution express- prelim inary statem ent of results ing appreciation of their reception j shown by the m anufacturers’ census in Ashland. The officers’ list and taken in Oregon for 191.9. which re- resolution follow: flects a marvelous growth of indus­ Colonel commander. Alden C. tries in the five years following Spencer, Ashland. 1914. The value of m anufactured Lieutenant colonel, Charles B. products in those five years in­ Sutton, Roseburg. creased 234.2 per cent and capital Major, Alexander Kyle Rogue invested in m anufacturing establish­ River. ments almost as much, or 215 4 per Chaplain, Isabelle Spencer, Ash- cent. land. The results announced in tabular A djutant, Bertha E. Adams, Gold form, follow Hill. Number of establishm ents, 1919 Resolutions census. 2707; 1814 census, 2320; In as much as everybody is happy per cent increase, 1914-1919, 10.7. -and we have-all enjoyed the good Persons engage din m anufactures, things th at the people of Ashland 1919 census. 08.004; 1914 census, Jiave provided, and in as much as $&>449; per cent increase, 1814- ’ T ' €> .. •> a c co rd in g to ri.apatches received •«> •• here from Shanghai today. <ÿ - The natives are fleeing the •* country in fear of a renewal of $ • the engagement, it is reported. ♦ fa 4b <$> » TROOPS RESCUE-—H .O O D ASSIST IN ( A I S E I > BY I N P RE( EDEN TED KAI N FAL L— BUSINESS SECTION WRECKED. KIRBY, Or., Sept. 10.— A rich All of the forty teachers who will 'S' <»> <$> \J> <*> <$. gold find has been made on the educate Young America in the Ash­ * SAN ANTONIO, Tex., Sept headw aters of Lightning gulch on land schools this coming school year, i 10.— Revised figures of the '»> the headw aters of Canyon creek, beginning Monday, were present this damage w rought here by the • LONDON, Sept. 10.— A welcome morning at a prelim inary teachers’ , fifteen miles west of Kirby. It was , flood which swept this city <$• ❖ last night and today place the ? made by Mansfield and Lofland, f a r - : exceeding anything ever given to institute held a t the high school, , property loss in the nighbor- mers residing near W illiams, Or., in members of the royalty, was accorded building. The teachers were ad­ .to Charlie Chaplin, America’s fam ­ dressed by Rev. Charles A. Edwards, * hood of $15,000,000. Although > this county. They have brought in ous screen comedian, when he a r­ pastor of the Methodist Episcopal ❖ an exact count is impossible •> some very fine ore running into thé rived here today from New York. church, on the "Value of W ork.” 4* until the wreckage has been > hundreds of dlollars a ton in gold. I The movie sta r wept at the cor­ As part of the m orning’s program, ♦ cleared away, it is figured th a t <«, In the early_ days of mihing it is diality of the trem endous ovation i Miss Bernice Yeo gave two piano ♦ about 150 are dead. > said th a t the Lightning gulch dig­ and finally had to be rescued from solos, and Miss Leona M arsters, city The fact th a t the loss of life > SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., Sept. 10. gings were the richest and most ex-! the immense crowd th a t had collect­ « •> was not double the toll th at has • schools music supervisor, gave a s e -. — Quick to realize the danger of ________ ____. . . . . . . tensive in this region. ed a t th e dock by a detachm ent of lection. home industry by the im portation of a lready been taken is due to - A thirty-five foot shaft has been police. Four more teachers are employed low-priced German m erchandise, the hero,c work of the soldiers • sunk on the new discovery and gold Despite the large force of police, this year than formerly. Fifteen ot; England, A ustralia and Canada havei^* that were rushed to the city <• can be seen in the ore all the way the crowd broke through the b a rrie r the teachers are new additions to provided adequate protection to their shortly before dawn. The en- d down. The discoverers are experi­ w hen‘ Charlie arrived a t the W ater the staff and are equally divided be- m anufacturers so th a t the workers Hsted men, risking th eir own * enced quartz miners. loo ra ilro a d station. Thousands of tween the grades and) high schools. in those countries would not have to ♦ lives In th e ir rescue attem pts, men, women and children surged are credited with pulling more * ! lower their standards of living, but forward, attem pting to em brace the America is yet to act, according t o “ t *lan **00 from the rushing wa- ♦ comedian and shake hands. a statem ent issued today by the ♦ ters- * When the crowd of " s ta r” wor­ Hundreds of bouses were * I American Valuation association, an , “ shippers made passage on th e streets ’ ¡organization composed of the man- * swepl from their foundations in • , ufacturers of this country. ' I the south section of the city ♦' Impossible for the man "with, the funny w alk," a detachm ent of police Congress now lias before it a tar- “ and were dashed to destruction * took Charlie under their protectl«» iff bill, the statem ent continues, j against one another. . and carried hipi through the crowds .... . i which, if adopted with the Ameri-I'!*'* •• 4» r «. Mrs. D. M. Linnard, ‘ wife of a 1 lie.pear show at Medford opened ,, , .. » on their shoulders. i can valuation plau for assessing ad prom inent hotel man with head­ The w orld-fam ed comedian will this morning, and although growers valorem duties oil imports, will af-! ANTONIO. lex., 3ept. 10. — q u arters in San Francisco and oper­ he entertained by many fashionable were requested to bring in their ex- ford the best relief to the evil which With eetirnatf‘s of the dea4 running ating a string of houses on the P a­ London families during his stay hibits yesterday, there were many today threatens several of the lead- HS hlgh as 500 and propert.v damage cific and A tlantic coasts, is high in here. who made entries during the past ing industries of America with ex-: believed to exceed $16.000.000. San her praise of Ashland as a prospect­ few days. f Antonio is in the grip of the worsu Unction. ive tourist center. Mrs. L innard and Growers who did not find time When A ustralia placed an em bar­ flood of its history. party stopped at the Hotel Ashland to send in th eir pears yesterday are Bvery building in the business dis- go upon German goods, th at govern- last night, en route to San F ra n ­ perm itted to enter them today, a s ' ,neiU* b(Z s fought I g a i n s U St° ° d in ten feet of w ater dur cisco where she will end an extend­ the judging will not take place un- the Germans and we are going to ing the high w ater mark today when ed m otor trip through the N orth­ i til Monday. The growers' names see when they come home they have ¡a vast section of the residential part west, as far north as Vancouver, will not appear on any of the ex­ jobs, and we are not going to allow ° f t ,t h ° C‘ty Wa“ 8ub™«’S<*<1 B. C. Mrs. Linnard was accompan­ hibits until a fte r the pr.zes are Germany to rehabilitate herself a t ° brldK** “P*»"“ »» the San ied by Mrs. L. L. Malaby and Mrs. CRATER LAKE. Or., Sept. 10.— awa rded. Antonio river in the center of the the expense of our own people. , . . . R. C. Bartow, of Pasadena. Travel has bee>n heavy in C rater P e a rs n o t listed fo r Prem ium s, Canada, instead of allowing German ' havu been destroyed by the . Mrs. Linnard expressed the opin­ Lake national park during the mouth should be entered and if entitled to merchandise to be rushing waters. Telephone and tele- valued at the ion th at a chain of hotels through of August. There were 11,762 vis- au award in th eir class, they will j presen( of the marR . graph service is impossible and trol Oregon m aintaining a uniform ly high I I itors and 3424 cars reported at the he given a special prize, as a num- .u . ,i . determ ined to value imports ley service, electric light and power standard of service would be a g r e a t1 ! th ree entrances. This is a gain of • ber of a premiums are available for tia iilj »hot 1 110111 (»at country at 50 per cent systems are out of commission. advantage in establishing the state j thirty-six per cent in visitors and th at . purpose. til„ . Soldiers from Camp Travis and the normal exchange rate of the m a r k as a tourist center. fifty-eight per cent in cars over last As a m atter of convenience to the !(ir seven and one-half the p r e ^ t Fort Sam Houston have been rushed D. M. Linnard operates the Fair-1 year’s records for August. So fa / genera public, the exhibit will be , ate England has placed a dutv here to prevent looting of or homes nomes and mont hotel at San Francisco, the this season 23,544 visitors are re­ open on Saturday evening. G row -. ilgainst G m nan RQodg for , * business houses th at have been ab- Ambassador hotels at Santa Barbara corded for this season, beginning ers are advised th a t there is no fee rection of its people, but with th e ! and° ned dUr,nB the n ° od* Calif., and A tlantic City. N. J., and July 1— a gain of forty-two per cent charged to make entries to the pear, provJso allowing fo r’ th0 The rise of the river began at 10 the Maryland at Pasadena, Calif. over last season. The w eather is show and adm ittance to see the ex- that (luty if the goods are g -o ’clock last night and before citizens ideal a t the lake now and the air libits is absolutely free. the uiUted States. In other wor/V h&d realUed the danger of the im- Tillamook County Box Co. incor­ so clear th a t it is a delightful time O V P I’ 2 0 0 0 ru o ro r» ’ h. i__ Over 2000 n p o e a ar, are now n on ax-. the „ arte, „ , te , a huge wall of water porates with $40,000 captail; he»d- to visit th e lake. The lodge keeps hibition. and over 150 ranchers were iah i„ d ustrv. but the Britts IP- q u arters at Twin Rocks. open until October 1. represented yesterday afternoon. cier ca„ take in the(je gQ Wife of Frisco Over 2,000 Pears Hotel Man Sees Tourist Future Now Displayed At Pear Show Crater L Tourist Travel For 1921 In New Record l T h e P o r t o f M is s in g the duty on them, and t them over here and get a . his duty plus a profit on t i action. And the American ' is throw n into competition — low-priced German. W ith the German mar last or the rushing waters. ; times below normal, as compared The great loss of life is due to the , with a depreciation of little more j than one dollar in the English i^ u n d fact th a t the river rose so suddenlv sterling, two cents in the Japanese during the night th a t no warning yen, and about ten cents in the could be given the Inhabitants. An ! French franc, America faces a prob- UnPref edu Dted am ount of rainfall lem in arranging a schedule of th * n ° Od- ’ Iff rates th a t will provide adequate! •* greateat loss oi llfe < *• in the protection against Germany and n o t \ * Ca“ ®®ttlem ®n t Where the Wa* act as an embargo against other for-1 J ”* hun F Way tO hi*her ground tion is used. and But by determ ining all advalorem ' * duties on the American valuation 8Cene ° f m,8ery-