PAGE FOUR M ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS. M Friday, September 0, H andkerchiefs ! H andkerchiefs ! MISSING PASTOR OP MARSH* LEGION MEN GIVE DEDICATE PEACE ARCH ON H undreds of them on sale a t w hole-' FIEL D AR REST IN W . VA. PROGRAM G. A. R. CAMP U. S.-GANADIAN BORDER sale price, all drum m er samples, a t ---------- F e rg u so n s Saturday and Monday. (Continued from Page 1) (Continued from ra g e One) (Continued from Page 1) W ill L eave F or C a li/o m la — The Misses R uth and Alice Brown Good food, cooked right, served been active in church and civic af- present one being the tw enty-ninth hill. It will be a concrete circle will leave tom orrow for San Diego, at reasonable prices. Hotel Ashland fa jrs . . . - , annual meeting. He says th a t a t' 125 feet in diam eter, according to Calif., for the winter. Miss R uth! Grill. 297tf At the tim e of his disappearance.* . . x ____ _ _ _ , , , , . , . , _ . one tim e the average attendance was W. E. Simmons of Vancouver, B. C., who was one of the popular teachers .................. m m , n r, . . „ 'M arshfield friends advanced the .... n TT - , . , . PHILADELPHIA, , -280. Up to and inclusive of yester- who had charge of the portal’s con­ in Hawthorne school last year, will PHILADELPHIA. Penn., Penn.. Sept. Sent. 9. . , . , . . . . . 1280. n .i i , „, , l theory th a t he had suffered a lapse . . , * . , ......... _ rxno ______ Babe Ruth, baseball s prem ier of „ memory, and . gone to sea with , , a day evening, the total registration struction. Curving around it on the take work the rts and „win. in tu me A a u u v C i rafts a iis , . D epartm ent II, the Normal school, swat9ma“ - »>•'»»■«1 out his j Bk,„M r [rl6nd t0 8et a way (rom II * * “ se' e “ y'° " e veteraus and elghty west and the east will be a roadway forty feet wide, and this in tu rn will and Miss Alice, a graduate ot Aah- '» urtl* » o m .r today, tying his l » 2 0 , nanclal olhel. trouU les' The p a s-1 T " ” ° m“ ' T’ elVe be flanked by a parking strip. land high schoel, will e n .er a bus- h°"“ reo o rf ¡ t(„. tre, uently complai„ed of severe the S°"*e ° ' the “ ' t mess college. They will he missed headaches, and It was also feared he " ers lec“ ' 1 9 " hen 500 Century of Am ity by many friends here. Style, quality and workm anship in 9u((eie(i (rom * m enta, members o the G. A. R. camped on The peace arch is the realization 'th e Hat Show at Miss Hargroves. x the grounds. R egistration is in of a dream cherished for years by ., . _ . _ ° nient. The m arshy terrain near VUul gt. L , , , , , in charge of Mrs. Bertha E. A dam s,1 Samuel Hill, who has expended) Get your cake and pie a t Plum- Prid»>' and Saturday, September 9 Marshfield il/l was Woo L»OGrz>hn/l searched, in fear he .. . ad ju tan t. - - - - and 10. 6-2 uier’s Grocery Saturday Junior C. much tim e and money in the United had com m itted suicide or had been .... , . th e practical end of serving the E. Sale. 6-2 States, Canada and Europe in its , WASHINGTON. D. C., Sept. 9.— m urdered. _ , coffee and soup is in the hands of promotion. The project was given D u » Corps, c , Two or , three . theories have been the W om ens Relief under im petus on July 4, 1915, when there Albert Taxi. Phone 183. 307-lm The com ptroller of the currency has advanced as the cause for Rev. An- -v. . . , issued a call for the condition of the supervision of Mrs. Lulu How- was held at Blaine a celebration of One was fi­ ard, president. all national banks at the close of derson’s vanishm ent. Recovers from O peration— 100 years of peace between the nancial worries, and the other was a . i# .x i Mrs. Oxford is recovering from a I business September 6. ,, , . Medford Day A Large Assortment of United States and Canada and their ______ l another woman.’ N either was ever • i : recent operation perform ed at a lo­ Today is known as ‘ Medford Presbyterian Ju n io r Hndeavor SU 9 an a e ' day” a t the camp and the scheduled linking by the Pacific highway. On cal hospital. th at occasion J. J. Donovan, of Bel- i COTTON TOWELS, LINEN TOWELS, TURKISH Rev. Anderson is the father of two r.-„ 'h i T A"»” “«!. m eeting' Sm lth-” replies L. F. F e rg u so n ., Fairy Song— Venita Roseburg room with stove. Phone 274-J or No. 21, which circled over the city n . a 10 c b a u tauqua "You know they sent a special train Reading by Mr Flemin« call 114 Oak St. 7-2 ................... .. ' f ; 006*’' h a n ; beginning a t down here July 4.” “ Can’t we have! Drill by Medford corps. at noon today. a. m with the reading of the j som ething new for an emblem to i Darky son FRYERS— Weigh about 1 ^ lbs, the best on the m arket for the money For pleating see Orres. 303tf S e r v e d 8’ d‘” n er wiH H a r ' ” says J ' W ' McCoy who joined»; Music— Miss Kaufman. — 25c each. Phone 9 - F - ll. a ftp rn n n n ,♦ 9 ™ „ -* ,• i 8t Hke thlS P° in t' “® banfl the Reading by Udbra Evans, Portland V isitor— i In v ic eX m ? Ca?.On and around . 1 L “n . . l1. ^ < -w .. hat ,,a i im c the m e v C n herrians e r r ia n s ana I the other Reading by Mrs. Cornwell. FOR RENT— Three modern house­ A WONDERFUL CHANCE TO GET Miss Vada Peters, head stenog- 8ervices wi» be at the new log c ab in ,! boosters at the state fa ir’ ' «Whv The™ win n „ keeping rooms. 137 F irst St. 7-2* 'Why,, There will be : an address by Rev. i ,o the *’ soc- ^ aniP — -— -- W >11 I-'* * * * J . • REAL BARGAINS WANTED— A strong honest young at Portland, is spending the week *a Gou by G. S. Butler man for porter work. Hotel Ash­ ribbon with Ashland printed on it.” noon with Mrs. S. A. P eters Jr., while (S ig n e d ) A L IC E A. P E II land». 7_3 "B ut we ought to have sftne special Newly arrived members of the G. Big Values Mr. Peters, Alcfen Powell, H. L. a n d --------------- —--------- All Our name like the C herrians a t Salem. A. R. are: W alter King, Tillman FOR SALE— Complete set of furni­ (’lark Butterfield are on a hunting BACK DATING OF EXCESS ture. Bargain price to person | ------ b«it can it be? says Henry End- Layld, W illiam P. Limoney Thomas in all Outing- trip on H yatt Prairie. taking entire lot. 63 Allda St. ______ PROFITS TAX IS FAVORED! ers. “ Well, Peacherians is all I can B. Ellison. Hughes East. William Ly- 7-6* HUH class m illin er, reasonably 1 C o n .in n e T T ^ ; P a - , , ' " V ' " An’'" 'a >- »»» *““ • tF ra " ala w Shaw. Thomas Clay- Kinds of Gowns priced. on « spiny a t Miss H a r g r o v e s ------------------------------------ -------------- k h ordered nam e plates, ton, Landen H. Lncker. John Wtl- FOR SALE— Second hand bath tub, good condition. Inquire 196 Fac­ Blankets Now on Sale Fridav and Saturday September 9 nilIld' The samp l o t i o n was taken lor au to s- a «d we hope every Cham-1 Ham Heston. Jam es Myers. Marvin tory St. 7-2* COME EARLY! 10 ’ • 2’ by most republican members of the ber of Commerce mem ber will have S. Wood. ______ ’ house committee, but western rep- one on bis car as soon as they ar-J Newly arrived» members of the FOR SALE— One boiler and wash j tub. 657 Boulevard. 7-1 All linen towels in guest and re g -' resentative8 led a successful fight > >ve,” says the secretary. “ I t’s tim e ; W omen’s Relief Corps are: Mary ular sizes, at wholesale prices in the tor retMltlon of the tax for this year. wp show our colors, crawl out of the! Ellison, America Thomas, Janet D rum m er Sample Sale a t Fergn- { 1,1 W ould R esult hole and begin to boost a little. W eiEum oney, Mary Web, Mary Louis, Treasury experts have estim ated can bave a11 Southern Oregon a n d : Elizabeth H. Pool, Mary G. Rob- son’s Saturday and Monday. ---------- retroactive repeal of this levy would N orthern California here for our 5 erts, Nancy R athhurn. Ellen 8 M issionary Society E le c ts O fficer»— cu^ $150,000,000 from the revenue great w inter fair, the first week in Shaw, Lucy A. Compstack, Mary A S U C C E S S O R TC C. H. VAUPEL At the annual m eeting ol' the For- ln tbe next J’eaL making the income December if we go a fte r it stro n g .” Haskins, C atherine Niday, Sarah E eign Missionary society of the M eth-Ion tbe basis of the house bill $2,- The start will be next Tuesday noon. Young, Emma L. Hoyt, Alma Kip- odist church, the following o ffic e r 540,000,000 for 1922. The house h art, Annie E. Stinebough, M aryette Brownsville— W ork of installing P ra tt, Alice M alary, Rachael Wood, were elected: President, Mrs. A d a ( c^-n u ittee also proposed retroactive Clark; vice president, Mrs. J. R. Me- rePeal of (he income surtax brack- new w ater mains completed. Paving; Millie C. Lucker, Anna Perkey. Eur- ydica Crockett, Oline Rowley. Chacken; corresponding secretary, eta in excess of 32 per cent, estim at- wlll be finished soon. Mrs. A lbert A. M arake; tre a s u re r,! ed t0 cut an additional $90,000,000 ► -♦ ♦ ♦ Mrs. Jennie Hammond; p ro g ram ' ,rom the revenue. , committee. Mrs. Ralph Billings, Mrs. A new feature in revenue icgisla- Carroll P ratt and Mrs. C. A. Ed- tiou under consideration by the sen- wards. The society is planning on j ate committee would make possible Take advantage of this Opening Sale of New Wool Goods and Silks. F irst of all, bear sending a gift box to seventy girls in speedy refunding of taxes improperly in mind the high quality of every yard of goods. Read the description thoroughly; the school at Seoul. Korea, where paid. Treasury experts have been ( ) I then note the prices. -You will agree that there is not a single one of these items Miss Mary Young is teaching. Any- asked to d raft such a provision, " that is not worth« coming for as an individual purchase. A trip to the store will one desiring to contribute to th e ¡C hairm an Penrose said. gift box are requested to send th eir ‘ --------------------------- prove wonderfully profitable and interesting, whether you come to buy, or just to packages to Mrs. G. F. Billings o r: A six-foot saw generally is run at look over the display. For 21 years the Fisk Company has to leave them at the Billings 530 revolutions a minute, ------------------------------- agency. i built good tires. Never before has a ---------- A T u rk ish .Jo an of Arc, Aishe Ha- Big values in rancy bath towels nun», has started a woman’s fighting All-Wool Serge, $1.98 yd Fisk product been offered to the public Wool Dress Goods, $1.98 yd and bath sets in the Drum m er fam - brigade against the Greeks. 54 inches wide, guaranteed all- pie Sale Saturday and Monday a t ___________________ _ as low in price as today. 4 2 inches wide, in new fine Serges wool, in navy blue only, sponged Ferguson s. A water-snake can flatten its bodj and Epingles. all pure wool iu the and shrunk, ready for use. An and cross the surface of the w ater | NOTICH wanted» shades for fall. See this excellent quality for suits and without subm erging its back. new m aterial. Exhibit of famous Schweizer sam- _______________ dresses. Pies of dress goods, table linens,* The Columbia rirv er is steadily! FISK RED TOP—7500 MILE GUARANTEE draperies and handkerchiefs. Also deepening its m outh on account ofi o ild h Stai hosiery and Klean-Knit the jetties built by th e government.! < 30x3 ............................................... $17.00 underwear. Friday and Saturday.! ______________________ _ sept. 9-10, a t Parish House, Second Wool Broadcloth, $3.98 yd Requests to President H arding for All-Wool Tricotine, $3.25 yd 30x31/2............................................... $22.00 street. Mrs. Mary Broker, local rep­ charity are so num erous th a t a spe­ 5 4 inches wide, guaranteed all- resentative. 5-2 cial form le tte r is used in replying 54 inches wide all-wool Broad­ wool. Comes in all the new and Made in all Popular Sizes cloth— sponged. Comes ln brown, wanted shades for fall wear. Ex­ beaver, navy and taupe. Fine tra fine quality for tailored suits quality for making suits, capes and dresses. and coats. Local and Personal t it t DRUMMER SAMPLE SALE C a a m j On Sale Saturday-Monday at a trifle above w holesale cost — — - f w ------ --- E. R. IS A A C & C O THE FISK There’s no two ways about if ! QUALITY If you have them delivered, you pay for delivery. If you receive store service, you pay the clerks. , IVhy not eliminate this expense? ( < ON THE PLAZA’ O P E N IN G SALE OF New Fall Dress Goods and Silks Krug'gel Bros. Vulcanizing Co. N ew Silks for Fall W ear Now in Stock Saturday William S. Hart Charmeu8e Satin, $2.75 yd Crepe Back Satin $3.75 yd Crepe de Chine, $1.98 yd Comes in all the new shades for fall, such as Rust, Brown. Navy, Taupe and Black. A popular silk for this season. 40 inches wide, and in all the new colors for fall wear. Come In and see this silk for your new fall garm ents. 40 inches wide in both light and dark shades. Extra good quality for waists and dresses Printed Satins, $2.19 yd Tub Silk, $1.75 yd. Taffeta Silk, $1.98 yd 36 inch printed Satin de Chine In new patterns for fall. Comes in Rose and Pekin Blue. 32 inch satin striper Tub Silks in new patterns. This silk sold regularly at $2.25 a yard. 36 inches wide Chiffon Taffeta Silk. Comes in both liaht ami dark patterns, also in black IN “THE WHISTLE” T he story o f a tow n w here m oney m eant all and hum an life m eant littl e ■ T ill F a te crashed in to its b u stling affa irs an d show ed stru gglin g hearts what a m an is. A rom ance o f love an d to il and com bat. Crowned w ith hum an sym pathy th at m akes the w hole world ldn. —Also— Knapp’s Groceteria STORE TIRES BIG DOUBLE BILL If you buy groceries at credit stores, you are paying other people’s bills. Q U A L IT Y LARRY SEM O N —in— “ THE RENT COLLECTOR’’ 100 per cent L aughs New Aprons and Dresses arrive in lime lor Saturday’s selling Apron Dresses, $1.25 New Crepe Dresses, $4.48 Made of splendid quality percale in light and dark patterns. Some with belt, others with sash. Miss Spokane Crepe dresses in the new fall styles, trim m ed with organdie collar and sash. New colors you have beeu wantiug. Polly Prim Aprons, $1.98 New Polly Prim aprons made of heavy quality Crepe, two color combinations, trimmed with fancy braid. New Dresses, $2.75 Made of good quality gingham in pink and blue, trim m ed with white pique, collar and pockets. The Store Where Your Patronage Is Appreciated Have your hemstitching and plcotlng done here- The Balcony Shop 1 1