I THE ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS Friday, September O, 192t H 0H fU R ts g W - Jl '■■■ ** Cliff Payne makes bench®«. Organise Rogue River Church— music, followed by dainty refresh ---------- Mestfemes C. B. Lamkln, C. F. raents, added one more to the list Will Make Home Here— Koehler and Miss Edith Robison, of of pleasant tim es enjoyed by the Mrs. H. L. Deputy and grand- Ashland, Mrs. Jos. Angell and daugb- class of happy girls. Local and Personal daughters, new arrivals from Phoenix te r Mary, of Phoenix, Mrs. W alter --------------- Aria., are located at the Virginia F rasier Brown, Mrs. Volney Dixon. Majectic Orchestra! Spot dances I --------------- — -— Side L ig h ts----- — — — .A partm ents. Mrs. Deputy plans to of Medford, Mrs. Davidson, of Cen- Jacksonville! Friday night! L et’s • < make her home in Ashland and en- tra l Point, Mesdames Bestel, Cle- 8°*_________________ 6*2 Close Call for Car— Automobile insurance— Yeo, of ' MO n, 4 M V w « « s v m m « « • « . « . • 2 9 9 -tf 's a Se iu business ment, Gaston, Miss Noble, of G rants As a result of a daring attem pt to < course. ---------- Pass, were all gathered at Rogue steal Chief of Police Timothy’s auto ---------- Cool off in Rose Bros’ Ice cream River vesterday to asgjst in organIz. tinder the chief's nose on Main Night Policem an R eturns— Tom Roberts, custodian of Ash- PEr*or where quality ice creams and ing a missionary society in the Pres­ street, opposite the police station , sherbets are served. ‘ ‘ 264tf byterian church there. The local yesterday, C. S. Badgley of Portland lau<^ 9 peace during the wee sma I women entertained the visitors roy­ was sentenced bv Justice Taylor this j hours of the eailv morning and Recoveim From Illness— m orning to serve six months in the the »»te night, has returned from a Mrs. Evelyn Caldwell, superinten- ally, and the new society starts off i two weeks deer hunt in Douglas i with much spirit under the efficient county jail. It was one of the most i eut of Dr. Jarvis' san itariu m , is re- of Mrs. Martin, the presi- absurd and laughable c rim in a l' Count-V. When -■ - it — came ™“" to ° getting ported as recovering from an illness ! leadeship „ events in local h is to rv — Medfordi venison> Patrolm an Roberts brought Qf a fgw ¡¿tent. Mail Tribune. home the bacon’ ______ School lints .tains and sport hats We specialize on fancy brick ice Business training pays. One term a t Miss Hargroves. Friday and Sat­ S u its M ade to Order— cream. Rose Bros. 2 6 4 tl' with us and one >'®ar at a £°0 begins Sept. 15. Medford Business : Hostess to “ ««“ «T» D aughters”— Miss GWynne Gammon was host­ yesterday to her Ashland home af-! College, Medford, Ore. 1-12 ess to the King’s D aughters class of t 'aves Rond is Inspected— ter a week’s visit in the country. the Presbyterian church last even- V isit at Corvallis— Phil H. D ater and F. E. Bonner Notice this delicious Mr. and Mrs. A. W. H erbert are J n g 'a t her home, 333 B street. The returned yesterday from a trip to Fall woolens and fashions are now flavor when you the Oregon Caves, where they w e re p n at O n es tailor shop. Save $5 to visiting the daughter and son-in-law. party was a ferewell snower to Miss smoke Lucky Strike looking over the highway and also ! $] 5 by ordering your suit now. 3 0 3 tf' Mr ant’ Mrs E - A Blak®> at Cor- Grace Leslie and Alice Brown, twp — it’s sealed in by inspecting the caves. Mr. D ater is ______ vallis, and a num ber of old time of the ch arter members of the K ing's D aughters, who are to leave for col­ friends. From Corvallis, Mr. and district engineer for the forestry de- Spent Day in M edford— the toasting process lege. The gifts and tokens were all paretm ent, and Mr. Bonner has Mrs. T routfether and d a u g h te r,; Mrs. H erbert will go to Portland. 4 in sealed packages, with directions charge of forest roads, with his Miss G ertrude Troutfether, made a i -------- ■ headquarters in W ashington, D. C. i business trip to Medford yesterday. 1 Millinery opening of latest F a li! as to when and where to open them. The gentlemen inspected the project ---------- j styles, Saturday, September 10, af- A lively program of games and some with the purpose of gaining some. wool suits at $25. You can’t 1 ternoon and evening. Mrs J. H. idea of the work th a t will be neces- b«a t them ' See them a t Orres Tall-, SuS ^ 6-2 or Shop. 303tf I sary to provide adequate accommo­ i To Spend W inter H e r e - dations for the large num ber of Mrs. John Beem, of Dunsm uir tou rists th a t are expected to visit Medford Visitors— Mrs. R. W. Stearns an d children, i C a lif- and hGr two daughters, Far- the attraction every year. The gen- DEVELOPING INDUSTRIES tlemen left for Medford and will goj Medford, were members of a L1 lln and Orma have moved to Ashland on to C rater Lake to inspect that thia Park Pi®«“ ® yesterday, a n d ' J°r *he w lnter; They will occupy ART oi the legitim ate work while here visited her husband's; “ ome Miss G ertrude Cox on done by every modern bank is resort.— G rants Pass Coupler. brother, H. A. Stearns. East Main street. The Misses Beem the development of existiug indus­ tries, and the encouragem ent of will attend the local schools. W hat is a vacation w ithout mu- ---------- prospective ones. sic? Buy a small Vtetrola and take, Exquisitely tailored suits at Paul- H. R. Adams, the Plum ber, sellsi The F irst National ia ev er a le r t to It along. Rose Bros. 247-tf «erud’s. 307tf plumbing fixtures and supplies, i assist in promoting tne breeding oi pure blooded livestock and the f u r ­ ’•Bob” Warner Returns— Phone 166-J, shop at 24S Fifth Si : F irst Apple Shipm ent— thering of the fruit industry, and Once more th e sporty wire w’heeled 287-tf The first apple shipm ents from the establishm ent of new factories the valley were started to the east- isasb ®a r ls in the possession of the p r(>ln Junction City___ in Jackson County. ern m arket W ednesday night. There genIal Bob W arner. Mr. W arner Mr> Mark Smith and daughter are several more cars of this varl- “iad® a recent trip to Eugene to re- Lauraine retu rn ed home last even- ety to go. but apple picking and c laim his cai‘ after 11 bad been taken > ing from Junction City where she shipping generally will not begin troin a local garage by a Eugene , hag been vlgltJng relatives for the until about October 1. although In banker who held a m ortgage a Ka in « t(past week A sh lan d , O regon the m eantim e a car here and there U prior to Mr W arner’s purchase of ______ “Oldest will be shipped. The pear shipm ents i *be mq,chine. In some way, known (’onia and see my h a ts and enjoy National are going right along and up to last on,y to tbo3e oi the “ ,nner c,rcle a social cup of tea Saturday, Sep- Bank In night 410 ear loads had been start- tbe was 8®ttled to the satis- tern h er 10 Jackson County” ed eaat faction of “ Bob,” th e dealer, and Mrs. .1. H. 6-2 the banker. It Is said th a t the en- Mrs. F. S. Your fall suit is here, Mrs. F. S. Foltz, 286 B street. 307tf settlem ent. For a time, it is said, u d ’s. 'th e dealer was in, danger of prose- who underw ent a serious operation M otor from ' F r i s c o - cutlon. a t a local hospital a month ago. has GO TO THE Mr. and Mrs. Gene Holmes, of been taken to her home where she Weed. Calif., accompanied by Mr. Orres cleans and remodels clothes, is recovering from her illness. Holmes’ sister. Mrs. Miles, of San 303tf --------- - Francisco, motored over to Ashland ------ M attresses made over, fu rn itu re yesterday, returning home in the ev-i TW|>— . Fishing , . upholstering, packing and crating. for ening. Louis Dodge and H arry Hosier Douglas, 253 F ourth St., phone 63 were all day fishermen in Rogue R. YOUR MEAT 6-2* GRAVENSTEIN APPLES, 50 lb. , River yesterday, » and box, 75c delivered. Phone 10-F-3 ----------- - I Return to Rogue R iv e in - ¿4 or 9 -F -ll. HEARTS OF GOLD CANTALOUPES Miss Tlllle Anderson, who has EVERYTHING ELSE TH A T ’S At Pleasant View Farm . Talent, been spending several days in Ash­ GOOD TO EAT R ep ort M ining Claim Favorable— Rest ever grown. Get them a t your land on business connected with her R. W. Dunlop has received a re- grocer’s. 2tf magazine agency, returned home to! port from a Colorado assayer stat- < ______ _ Rogue River yesterday. Ing th a t his mining claim on W agner B arber Shop Open.*— W e Now Have creek could be developed Into a steo- The O. K. B arber Shop. 95 Oak PEACHES, PLUMS AND PEARS C. B. L A M K I N tite mine, a substance closely re la t-; street, is now open for business, ac­ For Canning ed to asbestos. cording to the announcem ent of the BARGAINS iN proprietor, C. G. English. Ashland News is Paragraphs n t « S E R V IC E P First National ] >ank Plaza Market “THE ELHART WAY” DEPENDABILITY AND QUALITY BEFORE PRICE The School Pen Conklin Fountain P e n Fills and Cleans Itself Non-Leakable T here is no better Clip-Cap than the Conklin A PEN TO FIT EVERY HAND AT Trousers a t $3.50. A few left at ■ Orres Tailor Shop. 303tf Undergoes Operation— Theodore Lockhart, who arrived here recently w ith his m other to dispose of the Lockhart property, has been operated on a t a local hos­ pital as the result of a sudden ill­ ness. Young Lockhart graduated from the local high school with the class of 192 J. The Lockhart home has been ren ted to the Wilmot familv. Real Estate PLAZA M ARKET O f} and Ranch Properties H ouses to Kent. H. A. STEARNS 61 North Main Street Ashland B U S IN E S S A N D P R O F E S S IO N A L Ona cent the word each time. PHYSICIANS. ATTORNEYS. 0 R ERNEST A. WOODS— Practice BRIGGS A ’ BRIGGS— Attornev.-at- lim ited to eye, ear, nose and Law, Pioneer Block, At hl and. t throat. 11 FAO I f” Office k f ft Xt V hours, * X» ,1 wn 5 10 A a to 1 12 O «s and V» „1 _____. _ f___ 2 to 5. Sw edtnhurg Bldg., Aah- A. ROBERTS— At tor ney-at-Law. land, Ore. 73-tf Rooms 6 and 6, Citizens’ Bank 3Idg. DR. J. J. EMMENS— Physician and CHIROPRACTORS. Surgeon. Practice limited to ÏÏ.I- " Oculist a ’..!,;? and aurist for supplied. 3. P. R. It. Offices, M. fi. and H Bldg., Medford, Ore. Phone 567. OEO- J. «IX Z - Chiropractor: Suite 8. Examination Free. No. *25, the Plaza. Office Phone 103. Residence Phone 401. DR. FRANK M. MONON— Physician A SHLA ND H EA LTH A TO RJU M — Dr. and Surgeon. Hours 1 to 5 p. m. E. B. Angell, Chiropractic, Elec- Office 425 E. Main St., opp. Pub­ tricai Treatm ents, Mineral and lic Library. 272-t* Vit-o-Net Baths. F irst National Bank Building. Phone 48. DBS. 8A\WYER « CRANDALL TAXI. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS Pioneer Building. TAXI-—Acklin's — Rose B ros. Phone Phone 260-R. Res. 274-J or 367-J 213. 136-tf TRANSFER AND EXPRESS. FOR KALE— REAL ESTATE. P. L. POWELL— GENERAL TRANS­ FOR SALE— Good 4-rooui bunga­ FER — Good team and m otor­ low, large lot, some berries and trucks. Good service at a reason­ fruit, chicken house and run. For able price. Phone 83. particulars see M. V. L. at Tid­ ings. 6-3 FOR PROMPT and careful service with Auto-Trucks or Horse D r a y s , ' vr, ,, „ call W hittle T ransfer Co.. Phone hOR LE“~ 1 ozv couienient .four- room cottage, with roomy base­ 117. Office 89 Oak street. Near ment end outbuildings. Good size Hotel Austin. lot with plenty of friut. Nice lo­ cation with fine view. Desirable for small family who want mod­ erate priced home. Apply to own­ er on premises, 705 Penu. Ave. Corner Harrison, 4-1 mo OAC FOR SALE— Seven room modern house, with or w ithout furniture, fruit aud shade trees, lawn, chick eu yard. Bargain for quick sale. 131 North Main, phone 290-Y. 299-lm o Oregon's Higher Institution of TECHNOLOGY F\)R SALE— House and ncre ground in fruit trees; close in. Inquire 606 Allison. 294-1 nio* Eight Schools; Seventy Departments FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. 19. 1921 F o r informiiion » r ile to the R ecintar FOR SALK. Oregon Agriyiltural College otr T x llis FOR SALE— 1920 Fordson tractor with Oliver disc plows, good as new. $600. Hlttson Motors, Med­ ford. 5-4 ■ —-------------------------------------------------- FOR SALE— 1914 Ford touriug ca». good condition, $150 cash. Jam es Whytock, Box 92. east of Belle­ view school house. 5-6* The Heider Tractor and P.&0. Disc Plow ¡FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN— I have a 1919 model ‘‘Pow erplus” In ­ dian motorcycle with side car out­ fit. good tires, and brand new Bargain ill used sew ing inacbine; spare. Electric equipped, speed­ a lso a new carload of W hite sew ­ ometer. tools, etc. I have no use for this rig and won't turn down ing m ach ines just in, at any lialf-way reasonable offer. See Sherman G raff at Tidings composing room. 4tf? will do your plowing 1 iglit now in your bard, sticky soil. Peil's Corner SWEET CIDER— 40c gal delivered Phone 9 -F -ll. GRAVENSTEIN APPLES—-50 lb. box. 7 5c delivered. Phone 9 -F -ll. LADIES H ave y o u r s u it o r c o a t ta ilo r- m ade. Com e in a n d see th e la te s t w oolens an d th e new m odels. O ur prices a re low er th a n rea d y -m a d e s. M edford. G ra n ts P a ss and R o seb u rg la ­ dies a re w e a rin g o u r s u its an d c o a ts— why not you? -FOR S A L E -- Full blooded China pigs, either sex. Moore. Poland VV. L. 2-6 FOR SALE CHEAP— One b«v mare 5 years old. weigio 125® poinds, well broke. A lsi 12 and 11 inch ltf wood. 1 43 Garfield. FO R S A L E — A uto bed. R ose B ro th ers. ORRES — TAILORS In q u ire of 3031 r WANTED. ~ _ WANTED— To room and board two school teachers or school girls. Mrs. Clapp. 76 Allda St. 5-tf W e s e ll Brick Ice Cream CHOCOLATE VANILLA STRAWBERRY MAPLE NUT CITIZENS* RANH BUILDING WANTED— A good milk cow. State price, etc. Address C A care Tid- logs. Ashland Creamery WANTED— About five acres with improvement«, small house pre­ ferred, cloee to town. State amount. Frank Anderson, 106b Divisadero St., San Francisco. Qallf. 305-1 mo« HELP WANTED. WANTED— Lady as companion housekeeper for elderly lady. quire Mrs. H attie Lynch, 292 berty St. and In­ Li­ fi'-1* 5X.“ FOR RENT. Pure pasteurize« milk, !0? the q u art a t Rose Bros. 24 3-if Leave for Eu g e n e The M. E. Snider family, corner of B and Second street, have left for Eugene by car on a vacation trip. They will return to Ashland. Something new in Teo’s window. 299-« To Exhibit Paintings at Fair— Miss Mabel Russell, w’ho has re­ turned from her ranch with a new forest fire painting plans on exhi­ biting several pictures of C rater Lake at the coming state fair at Salem. Canvas Shoes Suitable for Hunting and Fishing » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ < COMPLETE KITCHEN OUTFITS you cau obtain at this store— everything the model cook or housekeeper could desire in pots, pans and preserving k e t­ tles. A little journey through our establishm ent will give you many suggestions as to things you should have. SIMPSON’S HARDWARE w 0 carry several kliiits. w ith Rubber, leather soles. Made Com posit ion or FOR RENT-—Large furnished room. 143 Granite. ______ 5-3 FOUND. FOUND— Pair long silk gloves on North Main 9t. Owner may have same by paying for this ad. Tid ings. . 62 j — - j ■ ■ 11 J!-' ! a L—*• Do you want T o leave A SH L A N D ? Want to trade Your property For a farm In Washington? Billings Ageney Real E state and Rehl Insurance Estftb. 18S3 . 41 Knet Main I Phone 211