Friday, September 0. iW i THE ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS RAGE TWO W L. « J between the value of hay and the grow into rough steers. In regions where either oats or cost of beef production. If a good steer sells for six cents a pound on barley straw is available, it should Established 1876 Published Every Evening Except the farm, he will retu rn to the own- be used for w intering cattle rath er; Sunday er about six dollars a ton in the than wasted. Straw alone will not THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. stack for hay consumed during the w inter cattle satisfactorily, but if ------- — - ----- ;— — >——* OFFICIAL CITY AND TOUNTY winter, and from nothing up to fif -! it is supplem ented with two pounds PAPER ty cents a month for the grass dur- per head per day of either oil meali TELEPHONE 39 1 ing the summer, depending upon the or cottonseed cake, the cattle will EDITOR'S NG'iH The Tidings is first day of April and the other half i quality of the grass. The farm price come through in very fair shape— subscript ion Price Delivered in City )ne m onth .................................. I .85 in receipt of complete data relative on the first day of October. Prln-j of 100 pounds of beef and of one ¡about the same as they would on Three months .............................. 1.95 to the Oregon bonus act from the cipal and interest on said bondh uUu . , ; Qf hay .q Rtack ghould b e ! poor hav-or on a light feed of good Six m onths .................................. 8.75 sarae figure 7.50 ¡W orld W ar V eterans State Aid com­ shall be payable a t the office of the hay. Since the straw usually has O d 0 y©ar Mall nod Rural Routes. mission. Owing to the lengthy na- state treasu rer at Salem. Oregon, One ton of silage made from peas but little commercial value, the cat­ One month ................................ ture of the articles they m s ust they by m ust bj and if the commission shall so di­ and bald barley, vetch and oats, tle so produced, are generally quite Three months .............................. 1.95 '* , ... .................... Six mouths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.60 : necessity be run in installm ents rect said bonds may also provide or corn, is w orth about tw o-thirds as economical. One year ....................................... 6.50 which will be found every day i n |f o r payment at some other place. much as one ton of hay for w inter­ In view of the fact th a t while the --------S w K R T IS lS O RATOS: Tld"“ ’ un‘" “ c»ml>lete ex- Said bonds shall be .issued in denom­ ing calves and yearlings. Sunflkw- cattle are on grass is the only tim e inations to be determ ined by the planation is made. IWsplny Advertising , „ ,, . ,, . i er silage is w orth slightly less. but they will pay for their feed bill and commission. Said bonds shall be ., , .. . . , / Single insertion, each in c h ........... 30f the exact difference has not yet make a profit, the cattlem an must (Continued from yesterday) YEARLY CONTRACTS in a form embodying an absolute; been determ ined. A combination of ^ndeavor to give his cattle all the Display Advertising promise of th e state of Oregon to One tim e a w eek..................... 27V b C alfalfa hay and silage gives more grass they will eat and for the long­ Two tim es a w eek.....................25c | Section 12. Commission to Ad­ pay the am ount thereof in gold coin gain and a cheaper gain than either est possible season of the year. A ny’ m inister Act.— That there be, and of the United States of America of Every other d a y ......................... 20c alfalfa hay or silage fed seprately. attem pt to make up for poor gainst Local Readers. hereby is, created a commission to be the value of weight and fineness of Each line, each tim e .................... 10c known as the “ world war veterans’ the date of such bonds. They shall! Silage alone is decidedly inferior to on grass by extra heavy feeding in j To run every other day for on« hay alone. The use of silage for wln- the w inter is sure to result in fin a n -, month, each line, each time . . . 7c state aid commission,” hereinafter be signed by the governor, sec re ta ry , tering c att,e dQes nQt have any cial loss. To in n every issue for ou^ month referred to as the commission. The of state and state treasu rer. Saidi fgct upQn The ideal steer and the one to-} or more, each line, each tim e. . . . 5c commission shall consist of the gov­ bonds shall bear coupons evidencing' make thg fol,o w jn - sum m er Qn ward which we should all aim, is a Classified Column. ernor, secretary of state, ad ju tan t the interest to become due thereon jsTctoa. One cent the word each time. steer which would be m arketed fat To run every issue for one month or general of the state and two other for each instalm ent of such in te re s t,1 , . . shall . „ he , „ printed the fac- i The , use . of grain in connection off the grass at about two and one- more, ^ c the word each time. members to be appointed by the gov­ upon which Legal Rate: . ... . „«.«a off!-, wlth w intering calves , or yearlings half years oltk and weight about 1100 . F irst Time, per 8 point line . . . . 10c ernor. One of the two members ap­ simile of the signature of said . .. i th a t are to be turned out on grass pounds and dress out 57 or 58 per pointed by the governor shall be a cers. The commission may a t its op-i > „ , Each subsequent time, per 8 point * it fol*owing sum m er is not recorn- cent. While two and one-half years l i n e ...............................................Cc veteran of th e world war and a per- tion cause a part or all of said bonds .; is the ideal age at which to sell cat- mended. It Card of Thanks, $1.00. , x s possible to make a 1 , ... i son qualified to receive a loan here­ to be pavable to th e purchaser th ere-; , • x . much greater gain during the win-¡Ge. it will not always be possible to Obituaries, 2 Vi cents the line. under. All members shall serve of and register the name of su c h 1 F rate rn a l O rders and Societies. te r by the use of grain, but c a ttle ' tu rn them off at this age. Steers Advertising for fratern al orders w ithout pay, but may receive actual purchaser in the office of the state which have been grain fed and have which reach the beginning of their cr societies charging a regular initi­ expenses incurred in the perfo rm -1 treasu rer and providb an appropri-; made heavy gains during the win- third winter, weighing 950 to 1050, ation fee and dues, np discount. Re­ ance of duties as commissioners. \ ate indorsem ent upon each of such ter, do not make nearly so g o o d jb u t not quite fat enough to kill, ligious and benevolent orders will be charged the regular rate for all ad Section 13. The Commission t o ; bonds to the effect th a t the sam e; gains the following sum m er; con-! should be fattened out during th a t vertlsing when an admission or other Adminigter Act The commission Is will Wll‘ he uts paid P“ *u only u,ll> to «’ the l,,e owner a p -( , gequent,y a gootj deai of the ad_. w inter on a ration of alfalfa hay and charge is made. pearing on the register authorized, empowered and directed p e a n a g 0,1 the register thereof, thereof, and! and l vantage of fee be p assed ,, for fatten in g g steers , »n noil. a act, c i, anil n a il n a»e i the ne p u sci w iu i 1 a lie n in s te e r s tj*at m a t are a re to to g g o o ih ' an d , steers avccin which n u iv u weigh under uuuci 950 I lutes ds among some flc to wriat coD3tl . und it mnv also nrovldp th a t «hould be fed lightly during the th< such provisions is used by newspapers to difierin- carry into w inter and turned out ou grass the .»»» effect ....— ------- ------- to the bearer and not subject t o > grass. atiate between or. them ; "ALL charge future and to employ a secretary. The com- reglstration- Not less than ZdmiUiAiT - 'UL 1C°O l“ “ *1 ten days The production Of baby beef in following summer, when they should BVQnts. where an admission c o a r s e • , iiAforA flip iiavmpnt of tlip orlneitml - is made or a collection is taken i mission shall adopt such forms for before th e paym i p 1, Oregon is not generally profitable. be ready for m arket early as grass- IS ADVERTISING.” This applies to j applications for bonus or a loan and or interest falls due on any of t h e ' steer8 ra ,8ed for baby bpef age fattened three years olds. organizations and societies of every all otbei. form8 as it may deem ne- bonds provided for in this act, th e ! yery grass but req „ ire iarge kind as well as to individuals. commission shall certify to the states t , All reports of such activities after j cessary. _______ _ _____ / _________ , am ounts of cheap grain. They also TRUCK LOAD OF ORE •treasu rer the am ount necessary t o _ BRINGS $1200 NET they have occurred is news. Section 14. Commission to S e ll; t the payment thereof Upon re- \ a nsarket which will pay a pre- AU coming social or organization Bonds.— The commission is h ereb y : cer itlcate b, th e stn w f c , t t ' e- Ore-; tieorge B L" 'dle5' ,'e lu r“ ed meetings of societies where no money authorized emuowered and directed P' “ ° „ y “ gon farm ers do not have eith er th e, from San Francisco, where he went contribution is solicited, initiation i treasu rer he shall prepare and verify cbeap grain or th e m arket which de- with a Chevrolet truck loaded with charged, or collection taken is NEWS. stqi tj,e bonds of the state of Ore a claim for the am ount m entioned man(js tb e baby beef I Qre (rom lbe Run Moose m| ne, and i gon which may be authorized by tin We make aL quotations on ra ise th e r e in ’ a tta c bing thereto said cer- In an average of tw ent tests con- reports th at the cargo of ore n etted ' constitution of the state to 4 0 R WORK tificate, and present the sam e t a money to meet the requirem ents of the secretary of state, who sha n ducted at Union, th e heavy-fed lots approximately $1200 with the assay from were ninety-six pounds heavier at for platinum still unknown: T he1 this act, as h ereinafter provided. the franklin price list . audit such claim in like m anner as th e end of the w inter than the light- Bull Moose mine is located five' • Same prices— Reasonable Price— Section 15. Form s of B o n d s;,In ­ other claims against the state are fed lot; but a t th e end of the follow -1 miles from Jacksonville on the For-! te aU. terest; M aturity; Execution of Bonds; audited and pay th e same out of ing sum m er they were only forty»' est creek slope, and assays show it Coupons; Interest, IIow Paid.- The any moneys provided by law for t h e j four pounds abead; hence u w,n be paid almost from the grass roots. Entered at the Ashland, Oregon, beavy feed- The platinum signs in the ore are Bostoffice as Second Class MMl attorney general shall, under tbe di- j payment thereof. The state treasu r- seen tb a t tb e rection of the commission, prepare a er is authorized and directed to make! ing dld not Qn the otber band> high. Tunnels are being driven and Matter. _________ form of interest-bearing gold bond , such payments of principal or in te r-' cam e th a t are thin and weak in the envelopment work pushed on the, of the state of Oregon, to be sold in lest on such bonds a t such places, i sprlng m ake p ^ ,. gatM and £lnaUy pioperty. ♦ order to provide funds for the car- other than Salem, Oregon, as thei There’s not a day, but, to the <3> rying out of the purposes of this i commission may provide. All bonds I man of thought. act. Said bonds shall be numbered a»d interest coupons upon paym ent,I Betrays some secret , th a t serially beginning at No. 1 and shall shall be deposited by the state tre a s-i| throw s new reproach be payable in the order of their Is- u rer with the secretary of state to! Prescription | Phone On life and makes him sick suance. The bonds issued in any be attached to the original claim of 51 of seeing more.— Youug. ¡year, under the provisions of this the state tre a su rer for th e paym ent;! Druggist $ I act shall be payable one-tw entieth thereof. Such bonds shall bear ln- • 4 » $ <3> <$> ® each year, commencing with the terest at such rate as the comruis- Cor. Second and Main Sts. tenth year after the issuance there- sion may deem advisable, not to ex- The inexpressibly regrettab le f^t- of. One-half of the bonds payable ceed six per cent per annum ture about those mining disorders in each year shall be payable on the (To be continued.) 25 PER GENT REDUCTION IN SCHOOL SUPPLIES West Virginia is that there are so many willing to raise violgnt hands OVER LAST YEAR’S PRICES against law and order and consti­ tuted authority. Against this un- We have on hand a complete line of school text hooks American spirit every goodly Influ­ ence should be exerted. Every ef­ and school supplies By E. L. POTTER tat. The sam j is tru e to a less ex- fort should be made to Americanize ( Professor of Animal Husbandry, tent w itb yearlings. thoroughly these trouble-m akers Oregon A gricultural College) Alfalfa hay is the standard ration and to impel them to seek th eir ends The E astern Oregon branch ex- ! for w intering cattle. • If given all through peaceful means, not through périm ent station, located a t U nion,¡the good alfalfa hay they will eat, a bloody violence. Z STATIONERY ' BOOKS in Union county, has been conduct-¡calf will consume about tw enty Marconi believes he has in ter­ ing an extensive series of tests in pounds a dlay, and a yearling, twen- 50c box stationery.. ..29c $1 r e p r in ts ........ ........75c various methods of w intering and ; ty-five or twenty-six pounds. The. cepted wireless messages from Mars 75c box statio n ery .. . 35c 75c reprints . .. . ........49c and he finds som ething resembling growing steers. These cattle have! daily gains will be about the same; $1 box stationery. .. 59c $1 reprints ........ ........75c the code for the le tte r “V.” May be been wintered on alfalfa, silage, fall with the calves and yearlings and. range from one to one and a some financially em barrassed Mar­ grain, and various other feeds com- F IL M S KODAKS S U P P L IE S mon to the cattlem en of Oregon, and q u arter pounds a day. On half this tian trying to negotiate a small loan turned out on the range during the am ount of hay, the cattle will bare- down here on earth. Bring in your films to he developed—any size roll 15c «unnner; so th a t the tests hfrveHy live through the w inter and will Judge Landis m ight retaliate by been conducted under quite typical be very thin and weak when spring All work guaranteed calling on the umpire to put the range conditions. The results of comes. American Bar association out of the these tests are ju st now being pub­ There is a very definite relation i game for “crabbing.” lished as Bulletin No. 184, and what I have to say today is based upoti if those of homicidal bent did not these experim ents ra th e r than upon have such ready access to deadly • personai opinion or guess. weapons, there w ould not be so many In the w intering of calves and tragedies. yearlings three fundam ental prin­ ciples m ust be observed F irst, it! m ust be remembered th a t all meth- j ods of w intering are expensive, and th a t the feed put on during the win-i te r months with hay, silage or grain will not be sufficient in am ount to pay for the feed bill, and th a t, th e re ­ A fore the gains made the following sum m er must not only pay a profit in The airplane patrol of the nation­ themselves, but must also make up al forests of Oregon and W ashing­ for the financial loss of the preced­ ton will be discontinued Saturday. ing winter. ’Second, the calves or The patrol will be discontinued this yearlings, which have been w intered Now is the time to make your home ready for cool week, because there is not now so very heavily, will not make as good weather. You can buy at Swenson & McRae’s Furni­ much danger from forest fires. The gains in the following sum m er on ture Store a heater in any size and in tiny style you patrol was suspended for a tim e in I grass as the cattle th a t were winter- August due to shortage of gasoline, ed on a medium ration, but on the wish. Select now from our very complete stock and but has been in daily operation other hand, cattle th a t are weak and let us install in your home. since August 21. The record of ob­ stunted in the spring make poor servers this season lias been very gains and develop into rough steers. Low prices and liberal credit with prompt delivery. good, it is said, and fires have been Third, calves may lose fat during the cLom r univirsm . We take in vour old stove on a new. w inter and be thinner in the sprit!» promptly reported. The force of airm en will remain .th a n in the fall before, and yet thex at Barbour FielA Medford, how­ S av e actually gained in weight, ever, until about October 10, con­ sometimes as much as fifty to one siderable tim e being necessary to hundred pounds. Calves m ust be got th e equipm ent ready for ship­ made to gain more than one pound a day before they will gain any In ment and all details arranged. Ashland Tidings Distribution of State Bonus To Veterans of World War EAST SIDE PHARMACY See Our Selection of FALL HATS Ranging in pn Price from ¿ P < J» v V up WINELAND & SHEPHERD Hairdressing Parlors Room 1, Citizens Bank Bldg. Developing Your Business I t’s our business to help you de­ velop your business. As our patrons prosper we prosper. Our services are designed to assist our depositors in the accomplishment of their plans. Consultation with our officers can be arranged at any tnme. The C itizens Bank Ashland, Oregon Reduced Prices ON Overland Cars Overland Overland Overland Overland Overland Touring ...................... $767.00 Roadster .................... $767.00 C o u p e ........................ $1044.00 Sedan .........................$1099.00 C h a ssis........................ $629.00 « * A F. 0. B. Pacific "Coast Points LET US HAVE YOUR ORDER Overland Marcy Co. *» *« « *« ; « ♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ Specials for This W eek Forest Fire Air Patrol to Stop Sat., No Funds Universal R a n g e s W ood and C oal Heaters That Will R e e p Y o u W arm S w e n so n & M cRae Furniture Co. This Weather makes you think of Fall Clothes Whether you buy them ready-made or buy the goods for the making, you should find it at ♦ I * * ♦ i : * ♦ * • : i * ♦ and the right kind at the right prices ♦ ♦ ♦ : $ ♦ ♦ :