a SHLAND climat* without the aid * * of Medicine, care* nln* case* ont of ten of Asthma. This is a proven fact. A shland D aily T idings jMALARlA Germs cannot survive 1 1 three months in the rich osons at Ashland. water helps. International News Wire Service VOLUME 3 (Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Voi. 43) - ■ a» ASHLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1921 The pure domestic ... . a.ju rau BOOZE RUNNERS LOSE PITCHED BATTLE Alleged Slayer Confesses; “ She Sneered A t M e” <§> LYNN, Mass., Sept. 9.— Phil- <$> ■S' lip McDermott, sixty-one years <$>! *> old, surrendered to the police today, anti, according to the police, confessed to the fatal <•>' O shooting of Mrs. Monica Mor- rill, thirty-one years old, yes- <»' j ‘MEDFORD DAY’’ FOR OLD SOL­ § j DIERS' ENCAMPMENT — FREE j terday. •> “I shot her because she PROGRAM AT CHAUTAUQUA! sneered at me after «he milked BUILDING — FAKE “ARREST” ♦ me of my money,” McDermott CAUSES MERRIMENT. is alleged to have told the po- ♦ ) lice. The shooting is jsaid to <•> <» have followed a whipping ad- “Camping on the old camp ♦ ministered to McDermott by the ground," the members of the G. A. woman’s sweetheart, Robert ♦ R. and veterans of the world war, ♦ Creighton, after she had com- bridged the gap of years between ’’ plained of the older man’s at- <® > them and recognized each other as tentions. ® comrades who had fought for a com­ •> «- a w <$> « <$> > .» mon ideal, yesterdby evening at the program given by the Ashland post of the American Legion. John Rlgg, the speaker of the evening for the American Legion, was introduced hy Glenn S. Simpson, commander ofj the local post. After a general round of speech-j Ms making, the fife and drum corps ■ furnished entertainment for th e ! crowd. Colonel Commander H all,! By JOHN H. FULLER of the (!. A. It., caused a general up­ Welcoming the G. A. R. veterans roar of laughter by his escape from to Ashland occupied the entire pro­ the “police,’’ following his arrest gram at the Chamber of Commerce on a charge of “stealing” three luncheon on Tuesday, so the regular •chickens, whereas, it was claimed, program was referred until Tuesday he was only allowed two. noon, September 13. At this time a Man) a tale of the old days is be­ report will be made of the summer ing recalled by the old soldiers , activities. Professor O. A. Briscoe Pursue Prowler, Gardner Suspect, On Island Farm Question of U. S. Blockade Raised, League Assembly A 4» •• Roy G a rd n e r, escaped m ail * b a n d it, is believed to have been •’ th e p ro w ler a t whom tw o sh o ts w ere ta k e n last n ig h t ou Me- •• N eils islan d , by C h a rle s .Savage, « a fa rm e r. 'W ; Dedicate Peace A rchon U. S.- Canadian Border Commemorating One Hundred Years of Am ity ----------- TACOMA. Wash., Sept. 9.— > 4» ■* $ $ -fc Mrs. Savage was awakened •• by the barking of the watch- ♦ dog k ep t in th e y a rd by th e •» j MELEE; SEIZE '1 PROHIBITION AGENT DERANGED SHOOTS SE L F— SEIZE IHM» WORTH OF DRUGS AND Savage family, and called her • husbanc*. who is a prison guard •* «7S, he heard fleeing footsteps. Sav- <$>j 1 a g e was unable to apprehend U.S.- is known to be dead, a second - is ___ home is in the viclnitv where — — ----- . ----------- I (. NEVA, Switzerland, Sept. ». Gardner is believed to be hid- <$> dying and ei«ht were wounded lo- The suggestion that call conditions might; L ih!re ¡I1B ÏÔda “ . ,, ,. . . , PEA cr ¡.rise which would tor a block-! * ' . “ .. ‘ ! a,lo ot the ¿ ¿ ¿ 5 ¿Ute's".s’ .... , t ♦ «• •« * * * ahd ______ " * liquor smugglers that has been wit- member of the League of Nations nessed by New York since the coun­ was made today during debate in try went .dry. the league assembly meeting. •ft tfe*’, The battle was fought on board Lord Robert Cecil, in discussing Ä r • the Greek steamer King Alexander j the report of the commission on the docked at the wharves here. The blockade, charged the league with trouble started In the early morn- completely dbdging the question of . Ing before dawn, when two prohibi­ what it would do if the United States X tion agents attempted to trap the supplied a nation which the league smugglers, The fight was resumed might decide to blockade. at daybreak with every member of M. Schanzer, representing Italy, j the crew fighting desperately against i and chairman of the special disarm- the government raiders. I ainent committee, replied in that » When the smoke of battle cleared » case the league must either make ar- away. $1,000,000 worth of drugs ) rangements with America or bloek- and $75,000 worth of liquor fell ’ ade the United States also. into the bauds of th e p ro h ib itio n The discussion aroused by Lord agents. ' Cecil, representing South Africa, meeting with former comrades.1 mal school and indicate what must Twenty-eight members of the crew <)uar,en„a3„ r 1M 0re8. w done „„ follows charges made by him yes­ j including eight wounded men in the terday, claiming that the “purely ham street who has charge o[ the' nance or this most important plan ■Commisarv department rtpllu rtirtont for the - dis J ,. ! 1 I 111 plan. hospital, have been arrested. •commisary negative” attitude of the United H A Great Winter Fair Prohibition Officer Fitzpatrick, tribntlou of free coffee and soup to States was delaying the application evidently mentally unbalanced by Shall we have the greatest fair of mandates. the campers, states that the first en the strain of the fight, sent a bullet •campment was held in Ashland the! held hl Southe,n Oregon this “ Who steals iny purse steals ’ winter? . If so, our organization must into his brain and killed himself. GENEVA. Switzerland. Sept. 9.— trash, but' he who filches from ' One man is in the hospital. (Continued on Page Four) be effected at once, a premium list The United States, in its latest man­ me my good name, takes that printed, and advertising commenced. date note sent to the allied powers, which naught enriches him, but Last winter’s fair was one of the insists that America shall have the makes me poor iudeed.” Even ■ most in v e stin g events of this char- same rights in mandatory territories if I had a grouch I would not ' acter ever held in Ashland. Prizes >as members of the League of Na­ vent my spleen by inuendo and 'w ere offered to all the schools of tions. it was learned here today. indirection. I would step out and Jackson county for posters and eg- sSy: "John Jones stole my purse.” Rv P x m n n a m iu n , I The text of the American note : says. A baby clinic was inaugurated r i AfN’P u’ a a \ a t v ’ * W,H 8tand i8 y6t tO be prepared’’ waR received by the delegates of the This would give Jones a chance j which has proven a great success. BLAINE. Wash.. Sept. 9.—The when this work is finished, the por- j allied powers attending the League to go to jail or clear himself. I Lectures were provided on agricul­ world’s first peace arch, an interna- tai and its grounds will represent ¡of Nations assembly meetings from would not stultify myself by the ture, horticulture and home econom­ tional Mizpah in concrete and steel. an outlay of from $200,000 to $250.- j various allied foreign offices us« of underhauded inuendo ics. This year we may exceed last was dedicated here Tuesday after- 000, it Is estimated. ________________ against, anybody's good name be­ year’s record. Come to the Tuesday noon, on the Americau-Canadian The park will comprise seven ac­ WASHINGTON, D. C., Sept. 9 — cause that is worse, even,, than luncheon and give your views. boundary line. The dedication was res, half on each side of the line. Elihu Root, former secretary o f. thpft . HAZ KIK. W A SH IN G T O N , D. C., Sept. 8.— “Why not go In a body to the held under the auspices of the Pa­ The American area was acquired aud M A R SH F IE L D . O r., Sept. state, and Senator Underwood, dem­ There is a growing sentiment in (•rants Pass fair which commences cific Highway association. Rev. Jesse T. Anderson, pastor of donate dfcy the city of Blaine, which ocratic leader, will serve as Ameri­ the senate finance committee to Four nations participated in the wlll furtber co.operate by ;,lifting can delegates to the (Isarmamen!; •be Marshfield Baptist church, who (Continued on Page 4) make repeal of the excess profits ceremonies— America. Great Britain, mysteriously disappeared in Port­ . --------- « s tr e e t, so t h a t th e P acific high- i conference, «u>ciciive. n it' was a announced todav Lumber Camps tax retroactive to last January 1, Belgium and France—and added way wiJ1 exactly meet the arch TheJ at the White House land three weeks ago and for whom instead of effective next January 1, C. E. Rally for significance attaches to the event park on the Surrey sk,e wag don. Secretary of State Hughes and Take Boom a wide search has been made was -as provided for in the house revenue : »ecause, o n . ovem er 11, au inter- ated by municipalities of British Col- Senator Lodge have been previously Clarksburg, Va.. P / t l l r r ’ / i . , » * . . arrested " " 1“ 1“'1 in “ clarksburg. W. W. Va.. bill, Chairman Penrose said, in an­ ¡national disarmament conference | urabla - ‘ r U I n h U U n i y Wednesday night, according to a«>«- goes to Princeton theological semi­ most urgently needed and are con > nary next week: Paul Brown, na­ fident that ultimately reductions <» COUNTY TAX SALE ..................... tional J. c. E secretary; Miss Ott NEW ARRIVAIS AT THF • will be made so as to enable the man- •i> PROPERTY POSTPONED 4 i Y- w - C. A. secretary, and the good HOTEL AHHLAND ufacturer of Douglas fir to compete « ♦ I will> lf not the presence of Lloyd with the products put out by ’ the •* The sale of property taken ■$>! Comick—the enthusiasm of the Med- * C. C. Neil. Eugene: C. W. •' I southern pine mills. over by the county for delin- ( lord hosts, the good fellowship of Fullerton, S. J. Grimes. Port- • «♦ quent taxes, scheduled to be Grants Pass- Rogue River, JackRon- land: E. R. Eldridge, S. A. « HIGH COST OF LIVING held at Jacksonville tomorrow Central Point. Ashland, and <* Danforth, Los Angeles, Calif.«!- «» MOUNTS IN SPITE OP •* has been postponed until 10 «>,even a few from Klamath Falls, be- « H. J. Bramloge, Kansas City. . » LABOR . NEMPLOYMBOT £ .7 o’clock on the morning of Oc- sPefths a good helpful time. «4 tober 15, according to a tele- j Do you want to be a “Four Squaf* WASHINGTON. D. C., Sept. 8.— 4» geles, Calif.; Mrs. Lyman J. •>> phone message from Attorney Christian” ? Come and hear the new In the laqe of widespread unem-1 <$> Roscow and party. Butte, •®s Newman at Medford this morn- C. E. challenge. ploymenf and stagnation in agricul-;^ Mont.; T. U. Hammigan, San • <*■ ing. speaking for Judge Gard- •* ------------------- - . tural and industrial lines, the cost «> Francisco: C. G. Wright. Port- '*■ ot living continues Jo mount h ig h e r ^ land: Mrs. A M. Duakey O. H. T * ner' INDIANAPOLIS, Ind.. Sept.’ 9.— * Incompelte records of the Four masked bandits held up the j and higher. i Routh, Geo. De Long, Saa • » property and deeds taken over Beech Grove bank at the edge of This was shown when the bureau <$> Francisco. Calif.; Frank Davis, * by the county at former tax « this city today and escaped with lo o t! of labor and statistics issued figures!^ Medtford; E. 8. Barnot, San « sales is ascribed as the reason <3> estimated at $25,000. One robber showing that in flften principal cities ?* Francisco; B. D. Westfall, El- • ^ ° r the. ‘’e la r $ was a negTo. The robbers escaped the retail cost of food increased from ♦ mer E. Lyon. P. P. Amos, Port- • aQ automoblle. .one to eight per cent from July U | $ land. to August 16. Chamber of Com­ merce Coluyum H az fÇik EXCESS PROFITS TAX IS F A M In % 7 7