VAG« FOUR AftHLAJIB DAILY TIDINGS, Thursday, September ft, IMI Spends V acation H ere—— OVER 4000 GUESTS would shower the needy child witb could be kept up the plan would REGISTERED AT CRATER clothing. materialize, but he felt that Ash­ LODGE, JULY, AUGUST Miss Faldine was then called on land had buildings and unfinished ---------- and she said, “I have but one story projects that made a new plan seem Stage arrivals at Crater Lake and that is to talk health.” She doubtful. He mentioned the cam­ lodge in August and July, 1921, said that she “shocked, angered, and paign when such a large member­ May the petty larceny chicken were: August. Klamath Falls en- disappointed” sothe folks at a talk ship was added to the Chamber of 8 u i« i communication A a h lu u d i* " , T ’v'“ *'’ frOn* “ “ trance, 119; Medford entrance, 278. last fall when she went into detail Commerce, and that the new- mem- i lodge NO. 2 6. Thursday evening. J , to‘ > Saturday July, Klamath Falls entrance, 270; and told Just how conditions were bers were falling out and losing en­ in Jackson county. Miss Faldine’s thusiasm. He cited the Chautauqua September 8; also work In Aral da- L°, ‘ n," , bHndneSS Medford entrance, 224. , x, equal to his moral depravity until he ------------------- «« Guests registered at the lodge In talk before the Civic Club was enough auditorium, which he said was too' Friday evening, .S e p u Z e r “ % fo?r j 2 ° ™y home a< 151 AuguSt were lft45 in July 2061; in to make any woman who heStd It big. and the Pioneer hall, which did worjj ! Coolidge St. Frank R. Ross. 4-3*1 June« 47. feel that the money spent on a build- not pay for its upkeep, and said he This is a total of 4006 guests at, in? of this kind will do untold serv- thought what Ashland needed was the lodge in July and August. ice to women and children at the an auditorium or hall to accomrao-' Hunter < Return— Millinery opening of latest Fall -------------------------- —• very doors without ever once stop- date about 500. He said he was not A. C. and Fred Patton returned styles. Saturday. September 10, af­ Monday from a hunting trip on Brush c . OP c . REPORTS OX ping 10 conalder the tourist. Think opposed to the plan, but it was work i ternoon and evening. Mrs. J. H. mountain, bringing back with them NORTHERN CALIF. HIGHWAYS ?f U f° lka! JU3t think ° f thls— Mls® and he felt there were other th ings’ Sugg. 6. 2 a four-point buck. ______ • * aldine told of a little boy eight more needed. (Continued from Page 1) , years ° id living In Jackson county The discussion was free and open E ntertain a t D inner P arty— Get your cake and pie at Plum- ——------------——----- — ------------ - — - w h o she brought to town for a jaunt and while all seemed to feel that he ever Mesdames Fred WUsou and H. K. mer’s Grocery Saturday. Junior C. access to all the stores. This cam p,and u waa the ptRgT u such a building was something that Tomlinson and Miss Rose Patterson E. Sale. g_2 ground was promoted entirely by We 8aw a train or eTer would bring much service and pleas-' chamber of commerce. We called on; lce cream par,or. Trains aQd jce were hostesses at a dinner party ure to Ashland and the strangers' gtveu yester&iy at the Hotel Ash­ Watch Yeo’s window. 2S9-tf he tom 6 ar cream parlors are not absolute essen- who passed through, the thought of he told us that their chamber of tlals of eight year olds but can you land. Eight guests were present. raising the money to build it seemed For pleating see Orres. 303tf commerce wa, opposed to adding f Imagine a 192, eight year oM to hard. Diamond lake to the national nark . gQt y ea r ° Id ln H. R. Adams, the Plumber, sells Well. iron. Roseburg on down L “ "“ *’’ ‘8“or’ nt There wa^ no open discussion of plumbing fixtures and supplies Local Boy Married— great Seme of the highway V e r a ! T, “ , 7 ? M‘” Fa"“ “ e the Chautauqua building, but during Phone 166-J, shop at 248 Fifth S: Mrs. C. A. Pauley received a tele- aka Of , h ,0 “ ot oW w»"1“ « * » go hungry the social hour several expressed 287-tf ______ 8ra»i yesterday from her son, John ture speaks of a bad detour, but we to bed way off from heighbors and the opinion that some day the Chau­ Com. and aec my hat, and enjoy * to, didn’t find anything bad. Probably friends right in this glorious county. tauqua auditorium would be the a « « ta i cup of tea Saturday. Sep’ i w ™ i? ** K e U ° ’ because we had been over the worst She children whose mothers building in which conventions on the , told 7 7 of 7 cm,oren wnose raothe™ ,ember 10, a lt.r u « « and evening I X ,T a w thOlr h“ " ' “Worse than the Dead Indian road “*** d° ° r tO heaven West Coast would be held. Mrs. J. H. Sugg , gJ at XVoodland- Wash., where John is to Lake O’ Woods?” someone asked L We shall not hesitate to send any-'« dr°P ,nt0 Ashland and stop a day Mrs. C. B. Lamkin and Mrs. John ______ ‘ employed at the Woodland- meat H. Fuller were social hostesses and one to Lake O’ Woods who has been • * / h° USe 88 the 0171(1 club Wrestlers to Meet for Second Time market. The Pauleys are new peo­ over the Cons Bay w . g „ 2 “ her V ’r ” served tea and cakes. ple here, and Mr, Pauley is proprie­ Lars Olsen and Ted Thye, who Ashland has never failed vet tell them it’s fine. Said a tourist a » t h H Cru’ wrestled at the armory Labor Day, tor of the East Side market. John where a service to humanity called just now who has traveled all over lauiicll,ne in the county are scheduled to meet for the sec­ Pauley had formed many acquaint­ schools. Would you believe that in and the “Ashland Idea” is a call “Oregon has got them all skinned on ond time in a finish match at Vin­ ances in this city. Jackson county last winter she came to service to the home folks and roads. It has the most wonderful ing’s theatre this coming Saturday h . across children in a school who were the passing tourist— so it’s a fore­ night, according to Mr. Olsen, who , ! * in,,1“lery reasonably highways in the United States to­ actually sewed into their clothes for gone conclusion that Ashland folks states that a purse of $500 has been £ ® ’ ° n * 8P y at M‘88 Har*roves day.” And IT’S TRUE. raised for staging the tn J m Priday and Saturday- September 9. the winter? Sewed into them be- will build their club house Always feel like going up into S cause it was all they had and their raised for staging the tussle. Thye 10. 6-2 ! the Aahland auto camp and .peodtog i “ " T m ta nd helr TOO LATE TO ria ASS IFY. was victorious in the match Labor one night at least when I get home i C& 7 weak and lgnorant m ottersi Day. The entire purse will go to Good food, cooked right, served the winner. at reasonable prices. , Hotel Ashland „ „ Q l ^ c a n - p e v a a a , : ^ £ ‘j Grill, *iattresses made over, furniture upholstering, packing and crating. Style, quality and workmanship in • ^ „ ' " ‘1 ’ ' ° ^ W*a ‘ h' cow. Call at 153 R 6-2* Friday and Saturday, September 9 MEETING OP COMING YEAR some o( „ „ _O ru»lte St. and 10. g .j 5a,herlnK her „ rI[ , rtna||y undel> w a n t e d _ w ||| Cool off in Rose Bros’ ice cream (Continued from Page atooa- or school girls to board or light parlor where quality ice creams and Presbyterian Junior Hndeavo I dered* aad Miss Chamberlain asked Grace Chamberlain urged the fact! housekeeping. Use of parlor and sherbets are served. 264tf „ Food Sale. Saturday morning at H. | if the chamber would turn them ov- that this club building must be built I 153 Granite St. phone B. Plummer store. «.3. «r to the Civic ladies to sell for t h e ^ « 6-1 C hristian Entleavorers P icn ic— soon as possible and the keys club house, Members of the Presbyterian and he replied they turned over, as it were, to Miss Fal- FOR SALE— Good 4-room bunga While America lost 31.000 in bat­ would. Mr. Frobach said he thought «line to give service to humanity, Junior Endeavorers enjoyed a picnic low, large lot, some berries and tle during the world war. 126,000 lruit, chicken house and run. For no community should be without a “ I’m a Blranger here” said Miss supper in Lithia park Wednesday were killed accidently at home. particulars see M V L at Tid­ evening. club house, that he heartily endorsed Chamberlain, “if there is a need for ings. 6. 3 the move. That not one tenth of our this building lets get together and Cake, pie and candy at Junior ( Majectic Orchestra! Spot dances! tourists register, and to hit on an build it, if there isn’t lets quash it.” FOUND— Pair long silk gloves on j Jacksonville! Friday night’ Let’9 E. Sale. Plummer's, 10-12 Sat ur- ic*ja of how many cars were camp­ North Main St. Owner may have Miss Faldine was doing a wonder­ day morning. 6-2 g°! same by paying for this ad. Tid ing in Medford, a man was employed ful work was the opinion of O. H ings. <}.2 to check up, and from May 6 to Barnhill, who related that ln Ben- The Italian government has gone School hats .tarns and sport hats August 25, 1414 cars had camped xon county he had discovered chil­ FOR SALE— Combination heater, at Miss Hargroves, Friday and Sat- into the cigar business and is making at Medford, and Mr. Fuller, goto dren barefooted in winter and a kitchen table and tubs, all Jika new. 657 Boulevard. nrday, September 9,10. g.g a stogie that sells for two cents. 6-2 \olced that if that many stopped In woman wearing men’s clothing be­ Medford, five times that many had cause she had no money to buy any " rANTED— Lady as companion and NOTICE a. . a « . . . I bnllCoVnnno» 1 <1 . stopped in Ashland. Mr. Frobach other. m housekeeper for ^ elderly lady. 7 In­ That he had given it pub Exhibit of famous Schw-eizer sam­ quire Mrs. Hattie Lynch. 292 Li­ laughed and said that was no doubt licity through the newspaper and ples of dress goods, table linens, berty St. 6-S true, because we all knew what kind received all kinds of condemnation draperies and handkerchiefs. Also of a camp grounds Medford had from "prominent" citizens who said (WANTBD— A good milk cow. State will make special monthly rates World's Star hosiery and Klean-Knit price, etc. Address C A care Tid­ to permanent gueet*. All rooms underwear. Friday and Saturday, compared with Ashland’s glorious the "Red Cross attended to those ings. one have hot and cold water and He said we must work out a I cases.” But on investigation he dia- Sept. 9-10, at Parish House, Second steam heat. plan whereby the tourist would h elp ! covered the Red Cross workers were street. Mrs. Mary Broker, local rep­ resentative. 5-2 out on our work in civic and com -¡busy every minute possible and that munity enterprises. they had no funds. As a result of We invite yon to look Miss Chamberlain said? she fe lt' his news story, he said, a community over our stock of that our Ashland Chamber of Com­ service society was organized and merce admirably filled the place in funds subscribed by these "promi­ . tended for It, but that women tour nent" citizens ___ to provide for the un- ists and visitors wanted at place to i fortunates. talk with home women and know a' At the close Miss Chamberlain woman’s viewpoint of the town. She made a brief but straight from the said that an exchange would be es-j heart talk on her idea of the great tablished in. the building, and she’d J need of this building. "Money will venture to say, if some one knew come if this thing is right,” she of a child that needed shoes or cloth -, said, “It may sound like a prayer, ing, and they posted the need, th at'bu t I feel it is true, Locai Homer R. Chapman, of San Fran* cisco, arrived tn Ashland Saturday, to spend a three weeks vacation HAftONft? CALENDAR THIS WfiÉK relatives. A <* “ , EAST SIDE PHARMACY I Prescription Druggist Cor. Second and Main Sts. 25 PER CENT REDUCTION IN SCHOOL SUPPLIES OVER LAST YEAR’S PRICES V e have on hand a com plete line of school text books and school supplies S p e c ia ls lo r T h is W e e k STATIONERY BOOKS 50c box stationery. .. 29c "$1 r e p r i n t s ................... 75c 75e box sta tio n e ry 35c 75c rep rin ts ................. 49c $1 box sta tio n e ry ........ 59c $1 reprints . . . . . . 7. .,75c F IL M S KODAKS S U P P L IE S Bring in vour film s to be developed— anv size roll 15c All work guarantee«! V The in c Today Only rriEATEK EUAVnn*. Mystery Road —with— David Powell E ach turn in his path was a new th rill of rom ance; each step a fresh sensation. So he traveled on through tingling ad ventures to find life ’s m eaning. And found in the end— < 'onio and see! Story by E. Phillips Oppenheim COMING FRIDAY ta B IL L " wH A R T T H E W H IS T L E .- Hotel Ashland Paints Wall Paper Sanitas mothers agaj Mr. Fuller said if enthusiasm and other Decorative M aterial. We w illin g ly give prices and figure a m o u ” ‘s needed, Dickerson & Son TH E PA IN T MAN Overland Cars • Overland Overland Overland Overland Overland Touring ...................... $767.00 Roadster .................... $767.00 C o u p e ....................... $1044.00 Sedan ....................... $1099.00 C h a ssis....................... $629.00 F. 0. B. Pacific Coast Points LET US HAVE YOUR ORDER Overland Marcy ? H A RG RO V ES No 1. 2. 8. 4. GO TO THE Plaza for YOUR MEAT and EVERYTHING ELSE THAT’S GOOD TO EAT We Now Have PEACHES, PLUMS AND PEARS For Canning PLAZA MARKET H. A. STEARNS 61 North Main Street that winning first place in each of these' Cash Premium List divisions shall be given a standard' BOYS’ AND GIRLS’ CLUB WORK framed picture desirable for hang- FOR 1 9 g l FRIDAY AND SATURDAY M IS S children INDUSTRIAL CLUBS EXHIBIT, Ml ing in the school room. COUNTY, SEPTEMBER 20-81 ! Divisions 1, 2. 3 and 4. Each • school or room of a school system (Continued from Page 1) making a creditable exhibition at in rank in this division shall each the county fair shall be presented be given a standard framed picture. with an appropriate certificate by j Divisions 2, 3 and 4. The school the Jackson County Fair association. A SPECIAL INVITATION EXTENDED TO YOU TO LOOK OVER OUR LARGE SELECTION OF HIGH CLASS TRIMMED HATS AND MILLINERY NOVELTIES SEPTEMBER 9, 10 with Reduced Prices Ashland Name and Division of Project First Second Third Corn Growing P r o je c t................ .................. $3.00 $2.00 Potato Growing Project ............................. 2.00 3.00 Gardening (Vegetable) Project. ................................... 3.00 2.00 Poultry Raising Project (Division 1) .............. 4.00 4.06 3 00 2 00 (Division 2 )' . . 4.00 3.00 2.00 (Division 3) .. 3.00 2 00 4.00 (Division 4) . . . 3.00 4.00 2.00 5. Pork Production Project (Divisfob 1) 4,00 3.00 2.00 (DivWon 2 )1 ,.^ 4.00 3.00 2.00 (Division 3) _.. . 4.00 3.00 2.00 6. Sheep Raising Project (D ivision 1) ~.. . 4.00 3.00 2.00 (Division 2) . . . 3.00 4.00 2.00 (Division 3) . . . 3.00 4.00 2.0<> Calf Raising Project (Dairy Division 1) 2.00 3.00 4.Q0 (Dairy Division 2) 3.00 2.00 4.00 (Dairy Division 3) 3.00 . 4.00 2.00 (Beef Division 4) 4.00 3.00 2.00 (Beef Division 5) . 4.00 3.00 2.00 (Beef Division 6) 4.00 3.00 2.00 Milk Goat Project (Division 1 ) ......... 4.00 3.00 ’ 2.00 ( Division 2 ) ......... 3.00 4.00 2.00 9. Rabbit Raising Project ................................ .. . . 4.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 10. Dairy Herd Record Keeping Project ...... 4.00 3.00 2.00 11. Canning Project .................. .......................... 4.00 3.00 2 00 3 ¿ 0 ‘ 2.00 12. Home Making Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.00 13. Sewing Project (Division 1 . 4.00 3.00 2.00 (Division 2 ) ' . , , ....................... 4.00 3.00 2.O4 (Division 3 ) .............................. 4,00 4.00 3.00 2.00 14. Cooking P r o j e c t .............. * ......................... 4.00 3.00 >.00 15. Home Beautification Project ....................... • 4 3.00 >.00 Universal R a n g e s W ood and Coal Heaters T hat W ill K e e p Y o u W a r m Now is the tim e to m ake your home ready for cool w eather, ’i ou can buy at Swenson & M ediae’s Furiii- ture Store a heater in any size and in anv style y o u wish. Select now from our very com plete stock- and let us install in vour home. Low juices and übend credit with j »rom j it < lei i V erv. W e take in your old stove on « new. S w en so n & McRae Furniture Co, 1