Thursday Septem ber PAal tifRK« THE ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS 8, IMI j A shland N ew s in Paragraphs Tuesday and went up in the moun jjja brush to become a film director. Local and Personal tains to Mrs W arde’s ranch for a A nother big production coming davs after Which thev will make soon is “ Experience,” produced for ie >8’ . . . . . at Param ount by George Fitzm aurice. S id e L ig h ts à, . . — . . - i . i .i a. i . an extended visit in Ashland. S-; Rjcbard Barthelm ess plays the role W arde was formerly Mrs. Hockett, of »Youth” in this celluloid transla- Clift Payne makea benches. To Teach a t B utte Fall* and is well known here, having, tion of George V. H obart's famous Miss Ella Prettym an, a former served in the capacity as nurse ini m orality play- . Ashland girl now living in New- To Thresh on F arm — . . _____ William DeMille and ...» Iita W eiman, _ burg will be one of the teachers in Herman Jacoby left yesterday f o r a n e of the local hospitals for some thp ghort stQry wrRer have bee„ the Butte Falls schools this coming’ farm in Canada where he will time. busy for the last several months at the Param ount studio in Hollywood. superintendent the threshing work. year. All wool suits at $25. You can’t ’ working on a picture produced by See them a t Orres Tail- Mr DeMille froni Mlss W eim an’s Orres cleans und remodels clothes, beat them. see them at u rre s j a i l s(ory „The gU ge Door . The pic. S u its Made to Order— 303t! or Shop. 3O3tf!^ure will be known as “A fter the Cleaning and repairing on short ---------- Show.” and is said to be the best notice. K. Nelson. Hotel Ashland M other o f A shland W om an R esigns E n tertain w ith D inner Party— thin g this a rtist of the films has Mrs. John Conner, a form er Ash-: H. G. Enders and wife e n te rta in e d • «^er inoduc d L L ^ .. J ^ ^H L Bldg. j □ AC Oregon's Higher Institution of A shland Boy M arried — BIGGER PICTURES COMING NEXT SEASON AS RESULT •Leslie Cunningham, well known | Mother and Son Meet Hero— Ashland boy and son of Mr. and.! Joseph Wilson and mother, for- OF FA N S’ DEM AND VARIETY Mrs. C. L. Cunningham, was mar- ,ner owners of the Columbia hotel, A h a result of the motion picture rled August 31 to Miss Helen Em- were recent Ashland visitors. Mrs. public’s demand for more variety in ma, of Los Angeles. Calif., at the ¡ Wilson is now making her home in Mr. Wilson has business H,n»s, P aram ount Week, which will la tte r city, according to word re- i Eugene. PArtUnd be ce,ebrated b>' most of the the- m terests in Portland. ¡atres of the country during th e week ceived here. ---------- of September 4-10, is lik ely to u sher, Trousers at $3.60. A few left at ¡in a season which will be rich in big, Your fall suit Is here, Paulser 307 tf Orres Tailor Shop. S03tf productions, surpassing any th a t u d ’s. ______ ¡have been shown heretofore. The in d u strial slump, the contin­ R eturn from Naval Cruise— T ourists I n c r e a s e - ued hot w eather of this last summer Ralph HadfielA is home from a Tourist travel through Ashland and other conditions combined dur- cruise with the naval reserves in has increased about 50 per dent inS the sum m er to form a buyers' Alaskan waters, covering 2500 miles during last few according to and from Portland He saw ac- to observations of Charles A. Pierce. I one well-known film producer, live service in the engine room of j of tk e local Ford agency. Mr. Pierce • Accordingly, the film producers the destroyer “Tingey,” and w a sjba3es his statem ent on the num ber exerted every effort to make their gone fifteen days from the h o m e' m o .o rist. slopping at the s e r v i c e ¡ ¡ ¡ £ port, visiting various A laskan towns • s ta tion. He states th at southbound tem pting fare to film fans this sea- and also harbors w ithout towns. travel is especially on the increase son. The list of Param ount pictures Automobile insurance— Yeo. of Pure pasteunzea m ilk, 10c the scheduled for early release this sea course. 243-tf son. which will be inaugurated by 2 9 9 -tfiq u a r t at R ose Bros. Param ount Week as a national dem- ' : onstration for b etter moftion pic- l e a v e s for M issouri — M edford V isitor— tures, shows tliat Param ount is leav- Mrs. S. B. McNair left early in Cash Woods, county secretary of ji»g no stone unturned to improve the the week for a two m onths’ visit the Y. M. C. A., was an Ashland Sta“ da5d i“ ® p™d4u ct‘0,n s ., t j . . . . . . The Affairs of A n a to le,’ d ire c t with relatives in Missouri, in the Itor yesterday arranging, the details ,)y Qecji R DeMille, with a cafct i Vicinity of Kansas City. of a coming aquatic meet at the including W allace Reid, Gloria Natatorium . Swanson, E lliott Dexter, Bebe Dan- ( GRAVENSTEIN APPLES, 50 lb. . ; iels, Monte Blue. Wanda H aw ley,! box, 75c delivered. Phone 10-F-3 Something new In Yeo's window. Theodore Roberts. Agnes Ayres, oaq Theodore Kosloff, Polly Moran. Ray- or 9 -F -ll. mond H atton and Ju]> r Faye, is ex- ---- - - ---- pected to be the m ost-talked of pid- C elebrates Birthday— Leave for S ea ttle— tu re of the new season. Mrs. Mary Goodyear celebrated Misses Vera Peterson and Laura ' The G reat Moment, w ritten by her birthday last Saturday evening w. . rw, , , Elinor Glyn especially Jor Gloria i with a party at her home on Church W itthuhn, of Elgin, 111., who h a \e gwangon as ^ is s Swanson’s first visiting Mrs. B. O. W allsten, t p aram o u n t starring picture, is an- street attended by about a dozen been 82 Second street, have left for W ash-¡other early fall release. At pre-re guests, one of the guests read the Jn whfire U ey wm vig.t frlends | lease showings in New York this pic- teacups and gave a class history tu re created a sensation, and sinash- e<1 a l, records at tke Rivoli theatJ.e of the company. Mrs. Goodyear has jin Seattle and Tacoma. i during the hottest two weeks of the heeu a resident of Ashland for sev­ Exquisitely tailored suits at P a u l-¡ summer eral years. seru d’s. 307tf; Elsie Ferguson in “ Footlights” is, ---------- ---------- , another picture th a t is expected to i We specialize on ^Janey brick ice ( jm pIXJVes A fter Hincón prove a se n sa tio n a l'h it. This pic- crecra. Rose Bros. 264tf! A , _ n oa i re was directed by John S. R o b e rt-' Mrs. C. H. Vaupel is reported as¡ tu son. who staged ‘'Sentim ental Tom­ improving after a week’s illness. my” and “ Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.” Oklnhonm V isitor — ---------- ' Betty Compson’s first Param ount Mrs. E. D. Gilmore, of Snyder. Albert Taxi. Phone 183. 307-lm starrin g picture, "At the End o f th e Okla., is m aking an extended visit W orld” is being heralded as some- thing out of the ordinary in its Con- with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. • R eturn from Lake O’ Woods— Willis, 66 Second street. Mrs. Gil- • Tbe j r McGee family has re-j more is a successful w riter Tor the turned from Lake O’ Woodb where I j ADIES moving pictures. they have been spending the sum -' Have your suit or coat tailor- --------- - ! iner months. made. Come in and see the W ill Leave for P ortland— ______ Miss Bessie McMillan will leave j Business training pays. One tern»] latest woolens and the new soon for Portland where she will with us and one year at a good sal- models. Our prices are lower than ready-mades. Medford, attend a business college in th a ^ ary in a business office makes the G rants Pass and Roseburg la­ city during the winter. - , Best two-year course. W inter term dies are wearing our suits and -------- begins 8ep t. 15. Medford Business Fall woolens and fdshions are now College, Medford, Ore. 1-12 coats— why not you? in at Orres tailor shop. Save $5 to ORRES — TAILORS $15 by ordering yonr suit now. 3ft3tf On H unting E xpedition— ---------- George Whelpley, Fred Doan, Hen- H otel A rrivals— rv Bailey and Robert Casey left last The following new arrivals are evening by autom obile for Grizzly registered at the Hotel A shland: m ountain, on a week’s hunting ex- John G laser, Mr. an d Mrs. J. O il-{pedltion. ver. San Francisco, Calif.; Mr. and ______ Mrs. H. N. Anderson, Aberdeen. R eturn to K lam ath F alls— W ash.; Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Foster, Johnny Enders and wife motored Melrose Park, 111.; Mr. and Mrs. H. over from K lam ath Falls Sunday M. Burton. Em mett. Ida.; O. F. Rie- and returned Tuesday morning, ac- bel, Roseburg, and Mr. and Mrs. C. companied by Mrs. Ray Murphy, who, S. Hallifax, Sacramento, Calif., are will be th eir guest for a couple of registered at the Columbia hotel. weeks. j —r S E R V IC E TO BUSINESS MEN VS1NESS men find it worth while m aintaining commercial accounts at the F irst National. It pays in the satisfaction of an adequate bank connection, and in the business pres­ tige such accounts give. W hether your business is fruit rais­ ing, selling groceries, or connecting the right man and the right ranch, you'll find this bank helpfully co­ operative. ■ Canvas Shoes GENUINE First N a Ü oha I ] »auk w ith 4 Rubber, TECHNOLOGY Eight Schools: Seventy Departments FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. 19, 1921 For inlormtiion write to the Regittnr tete B ull Phono 260-R . Res. 274-J or 367-J TR A N SFER AND E X PR E SS. DURHAM tobacco makes 5 0 flood cigarettes for 10c We w ant yaw t« have the best paper for " B U L L ." So now you oan rooolvo with each paokage a book oi 2 4 loaves of the very linoot cigarette paper in the w orld. inufte- Oregon Agriadtural College cdk VK llis __________ or VOR SA1J9 t - t BJKA l M I A T E . or unfurnished, will take 1NTERLRBAN AUTOCAR CO. E ffective March 21», 1020. D ally (E xcept Sunday) FOR SALE— Seven room modern LV ASHLAND LV. MEDFORD house, with or w ithout furniture, 7 :1 6 a. m. fruit and shade trees, lawn, chick­ 7 15 a. m. 8 :0 0 a. m. 8 00 a. m. en yard. Bargain for quick sale. 8:46 a. m 8 45 a. m. 131 North Main, phone 290-Y. 9:80 a. m. 9 30 a. m. 299-lm o 10:15 a. m. ;o 15 a .m . 1 1:00 a. m. FOR SALE-*-House and 11 00 a. m. acre 12:00 Noon 12 00 Noon ground in fruit* tree«; close iu L O T H E S “tailored to m e a su r e b y B o m ” cost little b y th e suit; th ey cost less b y th e vear. c For it is h o t u n co m ­ m o n to hear o f B o rn t a ilo r e d c lo t h e s that h a v e served th e wearers for eigh t or ten years; m igh ty good evid en ce o f quality in th e w o o len s a n d care in th e making» O . A . PAULSERUD në Board o f Lubrication Engineers V«* M ■ knows the needs o f each make o f engine a n d recommends a grade o f 2EROLENE ror its correct lubrication ii-S STANDARD OIL COMPANY (CAtlFOfcWM 2:16 p. m. 3:00 p. ua. Inquire 606 Allison. 294-1 mo* m i t RATAL 3:45 p. m. FOR SALE— 2 quart fruit jars, lit 4:30 p. m. quire 116 Factory St. or phone 5:15 p. m. 293-R . 5-3* 6.00 p. m. 7:00 p. m FOR SALE— l#2o Fordson tractor Sat. o n ly 8:46 p. m. with Oliver disc plows, good as 9:30 p. m new. 1600. Kittson Motors. Med­ Rat. only 12:15 Midgt ford. 5-4 SUNDAY ONLY LV. ASHLAND LV MEDFORD 9 :0 0 a. ra. FOR SALE— 1914 Ford touring ca». 9 00 a. ru. good condition, $150 cash. Jam es 1 0 :0 0 a. ra. 10 00 a. m. Whytock. Box 92. east of Belle­ 11:00 a. m 11 00 a m. view school house. 5-6* 1 2:00 Noon 12 00 Noon 1 : 0 0 p . m . : ---------------------------------- 1 00 p. m. 2 00 p .m f o r SALE— Bed springs and ntat- 2 00 p. ra. 3:00 p. m tress, heater, rocker, library table. 3 00 p. ra. davenport. Singer sewing m a­ 4:00 p. m. 4 00 p. m. chine. 885 B St. 4-3* 5 :00 p. m. 5 00 p. m. 6:30 p. m. 6 30 p. ’.n 9:30 p. in FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN— I have 9 30 p. m. a 1919 model "Pow erplus” In ­ Ashland W aiting— East Sids P h ar­ dian motorcycle with side car out­ macy. fit, good tires, and brand new JACKSONVILLE-MEDFORD spare. Electric equipped, speed­ DAILY EX CEPT SUNDAY LV. J S ’NV’LF om eter, tools, etc. I have no use LV. MEDFORD 7 :2 0 a. ra. for this rig and won't tu rn down 7:40 a. m. 8 :10 a. m. any half-way reasonable offer. 9:00 a. m. 10:00 a. m See Sherman G raff at Tidings 10:30 a. ni. 11:30 a. m. composing room. 4tf? 12:00 Noon 1:00 p. m 1 :30 p. ni. 2:00 p. m. ¡ SWEET CIDER— 40c gal. delivered 3:00 p. m. 3:45 p .m . phon e ¡» .p -il. ' 4:30 p. ni. 5 :00 p. m l --------------------------------------------------------- 5:30 p. m. 7 :0 0 p. m. «RAVENSTEIN APPLES— 60 lb. 9:30 p. m. 8 :00 p. m. (ber. Bo T » k » a « u(bcr Bo> « i»«f«i«». AikforClft A»nr<>»ciü.cine*-TK«f l»IAM«»'>»» HKANU P lix a .u « < * ye»« knowr. Bf Aloyo Kcllatl« SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYUHEK C. B. L A •X M K I N BARGAINS iN W ANTED. WANTED— To room and board two school teachers or school girls. -tf Mrs. Clapp. 76 Alida St. WANTED— About five acres with improveraeuts. small house p re ­ ferred. close to towu. State amount. Frank Anderson, 1065 Diviaadero St., Ssn Francisco. Callt. _____ 385-1 tuo* R ea l E sta te City and R anch Propelli«» H ouses tu B ent. n N e w Y ork C ity a lo n e fr o m kid le y tr o u b le la st y e a r . D o n t aliov y o u rself t o b e c o m e v ic tim b ’ ■raglecting p a in s a n d a c h e s . G u a n ip ain st th is tr o u b le b y taking GOLD MEDAL leath er soies. Ashland, Oregon “O ldest N ational Bank lu Jackson C ounty’ 136-tt automobile as part payment. See owner, 283 B St. 306tf a C om position 213. ,lshed 16799 DIED Made OO/WfVAll- r. L. POWELL— GENERAL TRANS FOR SALE— Seven room house, two FER t — Good team and m otor­ acres fine land; also 6 room house trucks. Good service at a reason­ with large lot. Two of the best able price. Phone 83. buys in the city. S. L. Allen, 63 N. Main St. • 6-5 FOR PROMPT and careful service with Auto-Trucks or Horse Drays. , . , call W hittle T ransfer Co., P h o n e ? 0 « SALE— Cozy convenient four- room cottage, with roomy base­ 117. Office 89 Oak street. Near m ent and outbuildings. Good size Hotel Austin. _____. lot with plenty of friut. Nice lo­ cation with fine view. Desirable FOR RENT. for small family who want mod­ erate priced home. Apply to own­ FOR RENT— Large furnished toon». er ou premises, 706 Penn. Ave 143 G ranite. 5-3* Corner Harrison. 4-1 mo FOR RENT— Seven loom house on Oak street Apply Hotel Ashland. p 0R SALE— Five room house furtt- CITIZENS’ BANK BUILDING Suitable for Hunting and Fishing W e carry several kiuda. ....................... DR. FRANK M. MONON— Physician ASHLAND HEALTH ATOKIVM— Dr. and Surgeon. Hours 1 to 6 p. m .; B. B. Angell, Chiropractic, Elec-; Office 425 E. Main St., opp. Pub­ trical Treatm ents, Mineral and lic Library. 272-tf Vlt-o-Net Baths. F irst National Bank Building. Phone 48, DRS. SA\WYEB & CRANDALL TA XI. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS P ioneer B u ilding. TAXI— Acklin’s — Rose Bros. Phone . • • I Mr. and Mrs. J. P. entertained yesterday dinner party given by J. H. Provost. ’ A land woman, a rriv e d itt Seaittle, as dinner guests at the Elks' club on ing part8 ju st in time to Labor Day, vue the lunuw following: Henry J •Anotner .Another picture wuivu which ia is > ucuig being Wash last week jU9t iug. nvui? The Fred W agner family has re- ’ bedside of her m other b e -; E n ters. Jr., John E. Enders and looked forward to with a great deal — ( ro„, the.r_eaM „ M L * . I ‘ BX w o X ; w,,e. M r, Jacobs and son. JRe F r . - ^ turned lurc lue ’ , ,, * ' -.7 . ;the last , production made by George | Woods. Mr. an d Mrs. A. E. Kinnefc'; . nrt had planned to visit Ashland friends i degar and wife, Mrs. .Rav Murphy L,oane Tucker before his death, will occupy the cabin for a to n - while on a visit to -- • a»d »«-- ----- ath — Fall's. Tucker-g . g e o . j . K1NZ — Chiropractor, supplied. Oculist and aurlst for Suite 8 Examination Free. No. S. P. R. R. Offices. M. F. and H. 2&. the Plaza. Office Phone 103. Bldg., Medford, Ore. Phone 667. Resldonce Phone 401. R eturn from Lake O’ W oods — i i .M f o f AfC"OO A A//T O O ZA £?£? © Q /f i/V 21 1 W ashington V isitors— . ioeption and execution. This p ictu re, ly to remain tor «nine tim e t o t o m e Mr and Mrs Charles W illis WardM ' flr8t' produced by Penrhyn as the best picture ever produced in £ J ( > £ > / / ¥ & Mr. and Mis. Charles Willis w ” 5 ; , gtanlaw g. the noted-illustrator, who. this country, and natu rally the pub- I from Burlington. W j r t., arrlv ?d as everybody now knows-, gavé - u p -lie 1« 4ntere»ted in “ Ladies Must The w orld’s standard remedy for kidney iver. bladder and uric acid troubla« Holland’s national remedy since 169t M l druggists, three sises. Guaranteed LM>k for tko aa»o Cold Modal oa every W aad accept ae I D o you w ant T o leave ASH LAND? W ant to trade Y our property For a farm In W ashington? Billings Agency Heal Estate and Baal Inaurance Estab. 1823 Tl»o«« All IL