Thursday. September ». 1®2< TUB ASHLAND DALLY TtDÍXGS PAGE TWO the then appraised valuation of the real property or the excess of the principal over said 40 per cent of the Established 1876" then appraised valuation is paid at C O N T A IN S Published Every Evening Except th a tim e of the sale as above provid- The Graduate School. Sunday The College of Literature. e<‘ from th e date of such sale the , TH E ASHLAND PR1NT1NQ CO. Science and the Arts. The School of Journalism “ “ Pat<) balance ot such loan shall j The School of Architecture The School of Law. OFFICIAL CITY AND bear interest at the rate of b per cent and Allied Arts. The School of Medicine. PA PE R of Property.— If the real p ro p e rty ' per annum and the entire am ount of The School of Business The School of Music. TELEPHONE 39 EDITOR’S NOTE hillside through tim ber. The maxi- m01tga ged to secure such loan shall the unpaid principal shall become Administration. The School of Physical iubscription P rice D elivered in City A full report of the road work done mum grade is 5.4 per cent. Three a corporation or a person due and payable five years from the Education. The School of Education. )ne month .................................. i or „ Jackson county under the super- miles of heavy work was rough, gra - The School of Sociology. enUtled tQ the loan h ereunder date of such sale. The provisions of The ExtensionDivision. in Three months .............................. s g - before lhe priucipal Qf guch loan has thls section shall apply to sales made Six mbntks .................................. “ ™ vision of the state highway cornmis- ed, two miles ot u ic t One y e a r ........................................... -60 slon and the Jackson county court to a finished gra e been reduced by the payments to a n , by executors and adm inistrators of A high standard of cultural and professional scholarship has becoms Mail and R ural Routes. — is now available in the 1921 annual roadbed ant 8“ ,. tac®< “ uie ‘ e j «mount not in excess of 60 per cent the estates of persons obtaining one of the outstanding marks of the State University. For a catalogue, One month .................................. I -J® folders on the various schools, or for any information, write report of the state highway cornmis- w gr& e ,' vpllnc eight miles i s ' oi the original am ount of the lo an ,' loans under this act. Three m o n t h s ....................... • • • THE REGISTRAR. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON. Eugene. Ore. ¡8 io , as the detail - - e r e s t i n g but -e n t ----------------- ~ --------------------------- Six months .................................. 6.50j j (To be continued.) One year .................................. __i— iiiiuic quite voluminous. . — -----~ , non paid principal of such loan in excess, print it in sections, dealing only with not e improve __«B utt Fallsl oi 60 per cent oi the o rte1? * 1 am ount) ADVERTISING RATES: D isplay A dvertising specilic units in each issue. It deals J?? C hoiHnnine- at of such loan, together with interest T^at sec ion ^eg in n g t am ount Qf the Single insertion, each inch. . . . ,30f not only with the work already com- road. YEARLY CONTRACTS pleted with cost of each unit, but Reese r e e ' sc 100 o s ; unpaid principal, shall Immediately OPERATING TEM PERATURE’S OF ENGINE Display Advertising with the work immediately contem- ward Butte Falls. A Prelim inary, &nd pftyable If guch M M O » tO 'U v S T lO .Y One time a w eek.................... 27)$c ^2OOO"toiOOC'F»i>r. 25c Dialed and th at contracted hut not'.’survey followed by location survey Two times a w eek......... excess and interest is not paid with- i 20c * 3.2 * miles •• - » in — V-— ~ A.U. was made. rPltA CYLINDER WALLS length, The Every other d a y .............. completed. IÔO°te3OO’ Fdhr. in fifteen days a fte r such kale, then Local Readers. locate«? line follows along the old Each line, each tim e ..,................ I ° c road 2.2 miles, and through heavy the state may at its option declare (Continued From Yesterday.) P IS T O N S K IR T S To run every other day for on“ P.STONHtLDS brush on rough side hill for one the en tire unpaid principal of such 2 50*to400‘Fahr. month, each line, each tim e • • 7c 250*tolO00Tahr loan, together with all interest due To tu n every issue for on<» month mile. The maximum grade is 5 6 per M arket Road W ork thereon, to be immediately due and or more, each line, each tim e. . . . 6c cent. Classified Column. The state highway commission has, Two miles were graded to the pro­ payable, and may foreclose the m ort­ One cent the word each time. gage on such real property in the To run every issue for one month or on file “M arket Road R esolutions” ! per grade and roadbed width of 16 signed by G. A. G ardner, county feet and surfaced eight feed wide; m anner provided by law for the more, **c the word each time. M i Legal R ate: judge, George W. Owen and Jam es with gravel. One and tw o-tenths > foreclosure of m ortgages upon real First Time, per 8 point line . . . . 10c Owens, county commissioners, under miles of additional grade is 90 per | property. In the event any such c Each subsequent time, per 8 point date of February 24, 1920, stating cent complete. The estim ated cost i foreclosure suit is brought the state line . . .............................................*'c shall be entitled to ask and receive th^t a levy of two mills on all the ¡of this project is >28,512.11. Card of Thanks, >1.00. O bituaries, 2% cents the line. O L » N Ô AS 6 taxable property of the county was Project No. 3.— ‘‘Dead Indian roa«^ in judgm ent, in addition to the full am ount of the principal and interest ,o r ”’or1“ * ro ,d " >Mtr“ c“ 0“ -i Beginning where th e proposed road or societies charging a regular initl and designating six roads to be im-1 thence on a grade not to exceed 10 ¡of the m ortgage loan, a reasonable, ¡p e r cent maximum, over the Cas- sum for atto rn ey ’s fees for such ation fee and dues, no discount. Re- proved as m arket road projects, T h e co m b u stio n of g aso lin e g e n e ra te s a b eat llgious and benevolent orders will be of a b o u t 3000 d eg rees F a lu e n b e iL C ylinder A levy of two mills on a valuation cade sum m it to the forest reserve.” ! foreclosure suit. In any event, w alls o p e ra te a t a b o - t 300 degrees. L u b ric a t­ charged th e regular rate for all ad of >27,525,888.71 produced a coun- A preiim inary survey followed b y !any Person who has obtained a loan in g oils break d o w n u n d e r th is in te n se heal, vertislng when an admission or other ty m arket road fund of >55,051.78. location survey, four miles in le n g th ,; under this act shall sell the tea im p a irin g th e p isto n oil seal. charge Is made. Included in the state levy of taxes was made The road is in rough, property m ortgaged to secure such W hat C on stitu tes Advertising'. a coiporation oi a peison not In order to allay a m isunderstand­ was a levy of one mill on a valua- mountainous country, on steep hill l°an tion of $29,203.550.80, which p r o - |gide through heavy tim ber, on m ax -' Qualified to obtain a loan thereun- ing among some as to w hat consti­ tutes news and w hat advertising, duced >29,203.55, and which became imulu g-'ade of i0 per cent. It was der, regardless of w hether the un- we print this very simple rule whica a part of the “state m arket road ap piannet4 to grade this section four paid balance of the principal of such is used by newspapers to differin- miles in length to a 12-foot ro ad b ed ,; loan already bas been reduced by atiate between them : “ ALL future propriation.” events, where an admission charge Paul B. Rynning, engineer in the in 1920. No surfacing to be placed ^ ^ 2 ^ 2 2 ^ 5 ® - = = != = » = = » » “ ^ « » » is made or a collection is taken employ of the state highway com- in 1920. Approximately 3.4 miles IS ADVERTISING.” This applies to mission, made the location surveys, of ~ grading - was completed. Estim ated organizations 21,040.15. TH IS IS T H E PLACE TO heat ran g in g from 100 to 3000 degrees F ah ren h eit. All reports of such activities attei tbe necessary engineering work Project No. 4.— “Lake Creek road. COME , F • i O B * O ils co n tain in g “su lp h o ” com pounds decom pose quickly w hen expased to th *y11baVeunCg U8oclal 8or eorganixation during construction. All construe- Nothing done on this project Ini th is heat. D ecom position is m arked by im paired lu b ricatin g him br.ivveen tlon work was done by county forces? 192Q. meetings of societies where no m oving parts, by less of com pression and pow er, by reduced l ib ilcau n g contribution is solicited, Project No. 1.— “ Blue Ledge road Project No. 5.— “Talent R. F. D. •fticiency and by damage to the engine. charged, or collection taken is NT8WB. — between Jacksonville and R uch.” No. 1. Cycol is the new and d ifferen t m otor oil w ith g rea ter d u rab ility . Cycol A prelim inary survey followed by Nothing done on this project in We make all quotations on ia free from d estiu ctiv e “su lp h o ” com pounds. T hese are rem oved by th« JOR WORK location survey eight miles in length 1920. AND new H ex«on Process, used only by us. was made. The located line follows Project No. 6.— Foots Creek road, from for five miles practically along the. Nothing done on this project In THE FRAN KIAN PRICE LIST. Cycol-ize your m otor. Clean your crank case—not w ith kcros«nc—a.- d Same prices—-Reasonable Price old traveled, road through rolling • 1920. rafili w ith Cycol. C onsult the Cycol R ecom m endation C hart, it shows country, for three miles on steep, (C oncludedJ___________ to ail. with scientific accuracy, th e correct grade of Cycol for your m otor. T h t p rice of Cycol is 25 l to ¿¿c a qu art according to grade. en tered at th e Ashland. Oregon, Postoffice as Second Class Mail Make out your list and take ad ­ ASSOCIATED OIL COMPANY, San Francisco M a tte r^ — M d vantage of this opportunity to buy standard supplies a t the low­ est prices— ♦ * School Tablets ................ » bo 1®« <♦ Life can little more supply, Crayolas .......................I® and UOc • Than ju st to look about us School Paints, 50c cups ----- l®c and to die.— Pope. ♦ Students Loose Leaf Books, Type a EDITOR’S NOTH The Tidings Is I of the total am ount borrowed. Paper. Pens, Inks, Note Books, <» <§> <»«>>»! j receipt of complete data relative the am ount so paid each year 4 M -a .« - _ A - A - 1 ~ I-. In rt I, n etc., in great variety ---------- . i to the Oregon bonus act from the cent of the, total rem aining unpaid Fountain Pens ......... $ 1 .8 0 to $8 Sir Thomas Lipton is to tiy a g a in j^çorid W ar V eterans State Aid com­ principal shall be applied an d cred for the Am erica’s cup. Sir Thomas mission. Owing to the lengthy na­ ited as interest and the balance of E versharp Pencils . . . .8 0 c to $8 is working the “ try. try again” ad­ ture of the articles they m ust by the am ount so paid each year shall FREE FROM DESTRUCTIVE ‘ SULPHO”COMPOUNDS age to a frazzle. But Americans ad­ necessity be run in installm ents be credited to the principal of such mire his sportsm anly pluck. which will be found every day in loan: provided, th a t at the tim e of the Tidings until a complete ex­ making any payment the borrower There is so much dumbness when may pay the sum of >25 or any mul­ there is som ething good to be said planation is made. tiple thereof to be applied on the of someone, and so much loquacity principal. The commission hereitK (Continued from yesterday) when there is som ething had— real or imagined— to be said. Section 9. Bonus: Amount. Any person qualified to receive and See Our Selection of who elects to take a bonus hereun­ der, shall be paid the sum of >15 for each month or m ajor fraction tnere- of th a t such person was in the ac­ tive service betwen the sixth day of April. 1917, and the eleventh day of November, 1919. exclusive of the first sixty days of such service; pro­ " BIGGER AND BETTER THAN EVER vided th a t th e total cash bonus to be paid any oue person shall not ex­ SOUTHERN OREGON INDUSTRIAL EXPOSITION. DON’T FORGET DATES ceed $500 in am ount. Section 10. Amount of Loan; The annual meeting of the Chau­ up tauqua association was held in Chau­ Conditions.— A loan to any person tauqua Pioneer hall Tuesday night, hereunder shall not exceed $3000 September 7, with a fair attendance. in am ount, and loans shall be made The chief business of the meeting only when secured by m ortgage was to hear the report of the offi­ which is a first lien unon real prop­ Hairdressing Parlors Room 1, Citizens Bank Bldg. cials for the past year, a n d to elect erty located w ithin the state of Ore­ officers for the ensuing year. As an gon and owned by the person secur­ inform al part of the program re­ ing such loan, his or her husband, m other, child, children, m arks were made by Mr. and Mrs. father, M. C. Reed, who have been on Chau- b rother or sister, in the order named, j tahqua work for the past year. Mr. excepting only liens created in favor! Reed was asked many questions by of a municipal corporation or o th e r' those interested and answered these political subdivision of the state to pay for public improvements, sew­ in a very interesting m anner. An entire new board of officers ers, drainage rights or for irrig a­ wqs elected as the present board hav­ tion or for any sim ilar purpose. The ing served three years in this ca­ loan shall in no instance exceed 75 pacity. all declined re-election. The per cent of the net appraised valua­ I t’s our business to help you de­ following were elected unanimously: tion of such real property. Such velop your business. As our patrons W. J. Oldfield. president; H. C. loan shall be repaid at the option of prosper we prosper. Galey. secretary: Homer Billings, the borrow er in annual, sem i-annual Our services are designed to assist vice president; V. O. N. Smith. W. or quarterly installm ents, which our depositors in the accomplishment M. Briggs, Mrs. Fred Engle. Mrs. shall aggregate each year 6 per cent of their plans. S. S Patterson, Mrs. D. L. Glenn, directors. It was voted th a t th e Consultation with our officers can old board coutinue as a committee be arranged at any tnme. on finance until the affairs of the past year are as far as possible taken care of. R etiring President J. H. Fuller w ill do your p low ing right now urged in his report th a t action be in yonr hard, stick y soil. taken toward converting th e part ASHLAND, ORE. of the Chautauqua auditorium now B argain In used sew in g m ach ine: also a new carload o f W hite sew ­ used as a stage with sufficient of the main autorium , into a sm aller ing m achines ju st in, at hall which would more nearly suit the needs of the city for this p ur­ pose. Uhland Tidings Highway Commission Reports on Jackson Co. Road Work (a fte r created may by rule provide other methods of repaym ent which shall am ortize the loan in not less than ten nor more than th irty years, all plans of repaym ent to be option- al w ith th e borrower. Section 11. Lim itations on Sal e University of Oregon Fall Term Opens September 26 1 Withstands Decomposition Under Terrific Engine Heat S ch ool S u p p lie s S ch o o l B ook s Distribution of State Bonus To Veterans of World War CYCOL MOTORI McNab Bros. Yho * Start JOSEPHINE COUNTY FALL HATS ELECT OFFICERS FOR THE ENSUING YEAR S E P T E M B E R 15 - 16 - 17 5 Â Ï $5.00 W1NELAND ® SHEPHERD Another Ford Record Developing Yonr Business The Beider Traetor and P.&0. Disc Plow The C itizen s B ank Ashland, Oregon Peil's Corner TATE Highway Engineer Geo. E. Mac- Vicar, wife and daugter drove to Seattle recently, about 530 miles, in their Ford Se­ dan, at an expense of $6.70 for gas and oil. Mrs. MacVicar drove the Sedan back to Ashland on practically the same expense. S Harrison Brothers FORD AND FORDSON DEALERS