♦ zA SHLAND climate without the aid * » of Medicine, cares nine cases out of ten of Asthma. This Is a proven fact. 1M4LARU Germs caaoot a tm te three months in the rich osone • t Ashlahd. The pure domestic water helps. Internatiofeal News Wire Service VOLUME 3 (Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings VoL 43) --------- r - - h. ASHLAND, OREGON; THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER U S. BLAMED FOR MANDATE DELAY { Repeal AU Income Surtax Above 25 Per Cent; Mellon æ æ æ æ æ æ i s æ æ g i æ g i -■ British Invite Full Questions In Irish Note Council Expected to O. K. Refunding'Bonds Tuesday <•» ’* WASHINGTON, D. C., Sept. * 8- The repeal of all income -♦> surtax above 25 per cent as of -.#» * Jan u ary 1, 1922, is among the ' senate finance committee. Q CHILDREN OF COUNTY— CLUB * The house tax bill fixed 32 M EM BERS TO COMPETE FOR per cent as the maximum for <•> the proposed elim ination of high F R E E T R IP TO STATE FAIR. * surtaxes, when capital stock tax ♦ }«* was retained by it. <$> .-to Mellon also suggested the re- JACKSONVILLE. Sept. 8. (Spe- c ial).— The Jackson Jackson county county educa­ educa- ‘ * tention of the transportation a'L — The tax, including th a t on the trans- tional exhibits a n j industrial club ' portation of oil by pipe line, $> contests are to be held in Medford which was repealed by the at the N atatorium , September 20 By MRS. JOHN H. DILL •$ > house bill. and 21. (Corresponding Sec’y Civic Club) This m ean. th a t re p o rt, need ;♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ The first m eeting of the Civic club be finished immediately and sent toi for the coming year was held in Corvallis so they may be returned A A T A R F A A A T A Auxiliary hall Tuesday afternoon. and registered before the flates g iv -jl I Ik I |fk U |||J |\ The president. Miss Chamberlain, en above. Awards can go only to U» U l U . u L l U l l I Û presided. i those with complete reports. A fter the routine of business fhe Every club and every individual m atter in everyone’s thoughts was j a t work on the various projects— * discussed— the proposed new club corn growing, potato growing, gard- j house which is to be erected on the If I w anted to be somebody, ening, poultry raising, pork produc­ lot leased by the city council to the and had the coin to back it, I tion. canning, calf raising, sheep club for th at purpose. w ouldn’t try to float along, on raising, home making, sewing, cook- A sketch of the building and) floor promises of w hat I was going to ery *s entitled to claim space for j plans were shown. Then the mat- do; I ’d ju s t go and do it and the exhibit they have. Exhibits! , ter was brought up for individual see what folks thought of that. should be on hand and in place th e ' (Continued from yesterday) discussion and expression of opin- HAZ KIK. m orning . of September 20. , | _ . . _ . l° ns- Mrs. Mary Holmes T u c k ^ as Experienced judges will make th et _ ° ut of Bandon and on toward C o-' representative for the Belleview dis- aw ards on the last day. From the qui,le’ we first began to encounter trict. and who had interviewed the exhibits which receive aw ards selec-, 001"® ot the famous corduroy ro a d s.' ladies in both Neil creek and Valley tions will be made to go with the ' ou know lumber is cheaper than View districts, said th at she found car of Jackson county exhibits t o ! d,rt over there. and so they pave all of the women heartily in favor the/ tatP fa lr’ plank’ “ W y g o o d < of the idea, hut that they said t h e ^ E ntrants who have poultry, ra b -1 road excePf where they occasionally' were unable to subscribe monev hits or livestock, please send feed lftave out a Pla“ k and you don’t see She said th at she had heard ladles' for the two days, so th at the aui- U Untu you are by! W onder if thev who were ‘Lady E lks” exnress th e m a!, w ,„ be properly ,«<1 and eared >“>“ <■»» „ „ k w p (oIk. fron, that £ E“ ’S' X t r Z n f T ,T T , V*” lor. I , there no way ot speeding. was „ceded bn. U a , T 6 “ ““ a " y ° " b ',ltb ' h ,t exhibits to the fair, the countv’' So°» we came to Coquille, a sm art felt that t h e r e w«,-« _ ........ _ _ sh* I fellow a nerve has more than an ev- SEPT. 20-21 OF NORTHERN CALIF. •/ . 1VERNESS. Scotland, Sept. 8. -*> — The British government in- << •- vites the fullest questioning, so j T MEETING Of THE COMING YEAR IE MATURED; WILL CALL BIOS ______ ____ as to leave no doubts of its • ” sincerity, say the British cabi- •*> , !» n e t’s peace not to the Sinn Fein, •?- The reply suggests a peace ' e conference, as previously re- • ’ »' veale<# through unofficial chan- «els. The exchange of .corn- 4- I ’ munieations between the Brit- ♦> ♦ ish premier and the Sinn Fein. #• j •’ has already lasted too long,’ <«{ j ♦> the note averred. + >' September 20 is the date of- <•> $» ™z zzizz ______ ‘ a a a LEAGUE SETTLE 4'HILE AND BOLIVIAN DISPUTE— WILL R E ­ TAIN ARTICLE X IN COVENANT ——— GENEVA Sent it n i « , tion was laid to the United States by Lord Cecil, of England, in a speech made today before the League of Nations assembly. He subm itted a resolution asking j the League of Nations council to de­ ; approved. Briggs stated this m orn­ fine the term s of the m andate fo rth ­ ing in an interview th at pursuant to with. regretting the previous delay in dtoing so.” plans made by the city council at its Lord Cecil's speech and his reso­ meeting Tuesday evening, bids on lution stirred up the assembly into the refunding bonds and the con­ opposing camps. Some of the dele­ tem plated new issue of $19,000 will gates interpreted the speech and res- be accepted next week. A resolution _____ oiution as a direct slap at the Unit­ I for such procedure is now being ed States and which came a t a time’ made by Attorney Briggs, following Several members of the local chap- wbeu the United States is engaged I instr;,ction of the council. The ! ter oi tbe Reil Cross motored to Med- 1« negotiations with the allies on the plans of Attorney Briggs have ford yesterday to attend a county question of mandates. gained the approval of - Portland nieetlllg of the Red Cross with D rJ . A »econd sensation was aired when , d orneys who were consulted J - E - Creighton, northw est director Dr B rat«nS. of Sweden, charged tip y the city council regarding the ! with headquarters at Seattle. Dr council with carrying on secret dip­ ond i88ue- Creighton addresed the women at a lomacy and secret negotiations. * * ♦ luncheon given at Medford. He - bill of $1730.15 for the inatal- 8tute1» ot the boya who went ov- '"* “ 1 I“ “ no objections to the L ea. ue I of Nations counnil * » pting « « to . ad- ’ „ — some erseas are breaking down menfnliv mentally, fof council a attem Question over the correct am ount of “ ..I ’ . l Just th* t u t o r i a l dispute between the bill, it ho!«» a -. , EveiV ,n v ov „„ — l . . /-tun The city council will authorize is­ i suance of $37,000 worth of refunding I boncL next Tuesday if the plans of j City A ttorney William Briggs an? to to < to $> to a • s. DENfKH AGREEMENT TIIA1 ❖ ‘ L ATTEND COUNTY R. CROSS MEET Sunivor Pays Tribute Medford Aviation Victim I oi gas and high explosives, b u t! consented to the league’s lnterven- know they are coming in alarm - tion- k was declared here that Ru­ ing numbers. The scourge of war llvia had never been notified bv this is upon us,, and will be for manv government to th at effect. These contests are open to every m X r y ' o'" d not o ,te " *•*“ * ; ' e" 'e<, ,o ,he r ? ? " years to come. school in Jackson county. I often bear men say: ‘Why GENEVA, Sept. 8.— Article ten In order th a t no school will have y“ ¡n p - a X f " his ~ experience. He paid a tr ib - ! « . ,.°f. . the. P eaee Oow SOI)»« * «rafters among them, but the cil of the League of Nations, and schools will contest only in the dl-l Oregon. recalled how em barrased she was Pilot of the ill-fated bomber. Speck, ’ ‘eP° rt tO the city dadK- ,auk and f,le of l >ie boys are on the which Canada sought to have elimi­ vision in which they belong. „.n “ 7 h aDd N° rth Bend are " hen the E dit<>rial association was he declared, until the last, resorted O111 * * * ‘ square. They are doing the best thev nated, will be retained in the cove- Division 1. Grade schools having 86 toSether. only a mile and a Riven a dinner in the park and Bills approved by the finance com-j can On,y a »»>«11 Per cent sev- to every known trick of flying to come for «ant of the league. but one teacher. , , 7 80 sePa ra tinK them, and we eral visiting ladies asked her if bring the big machine out of the nuttee am i the city council for the :,ld willingly.” Grade h a v in g ;8 Ou d -iudRe it was a question of there was a room where I he am endm ent committee has tw Division ™ X 7 2. ° X v schools h»v,„ , “ th <• e v “ n».,i<«i f a ta l t u i WId ■ . am ounted to Sr> - month of August Dr Creighton reviewed the minor | ‘©ported that it has decided upon 261.85. the retention of the article with an interpretative statem ent to quiet the Division 4. High schools. fears of Canada ahd the United 10 h X . x : : r , grades 9, 10, n and 12. ___ States. companions, who realized I ««P»riment to be used In i ------ ’ said Dr. Creigh-j An exhibit shall consist of a t j bui,d,nR. the leading bank being the f°rd she had to go ud several flic-ht« >ess. Article ter. pledges all members a m om ent before the nose of t h e ; ,up*ovements °» Palm a n d Moun-1,ou “tb at UP to two years ago I least one or more pieces of school j prom oter of th ® enterprise. Met Mr. of stairs in a departm ent store to of the league to protect the te rri­ avenues and Granite and Wimer heard Ver>' Httle about C rater Lake work by each pupil represented ¡n i L°J**e ’ the mayor of North Bend, f,nd a place to brush up and straieh t Plane crumpled under the terrific , tories of nations that were members impact of the crash, th a t they were L x *' Th® purpose >» to elim inate I but this year >t is being advertised of the league. th e 8Ch° e ’- a "d learned th at he. like the Humes en her hat. x doomed. , '» e hazards where the city and tele- f and is a community asset bevond Not to exceed six linear feet of the R°Sue river section, also Miss Cham berlain spoke her en ______ Phone lines run close together. value.” wall, table or floor space sh»K be way back east, and was < ouragem ent received bv the $5 and MEDFORD, Or.— Lieutenant H ar­ The following Ashland member»; given for the display of each room panyOt broth«r nf h e^ & - and amoV L° ggie com‘ I * 1 ° cbecks coming in y to tne Mrs. Wil- ----------- Following reports from O. A. C. of the Red Cross attended the m eet­ ry L. Speck is the only son of Mr. of a school m aking an exhibit, ex­ Maine and New Hrnn<> Can,n*’ S ° f ***& ' ecording secretary, front; — c *’• ui tnis ity .; 0,1 ; water samples, taken .aaen from trom var- va)-- ing: -••'■b«i’ favors the closing ey’ W alter Everton, Rev P K Ham b . (lone on the (o llo .tn g b . i , ‘ " Th” ’ '« * being nearlU nV 1 d7 0« a V ^ t h e ' ' ‘ “ e r ”' T ”*” J ° ” ” ' ” *• F ' ‘be up- Emil rie l. John D ill.' a . » cided to make a start m i f ’ J* de < , h forum luncheon. H e 'a to r- n°w with the arm y a ir force per ,n tak e as unnecessary. A lthough' P racbt> and c - H. Pierce BERLIN, Sept. 8.— Directors of (1) Completeness of the exhibit inquiries as to f ho h 7 Roseburg: ®ah ‘ 1 was a satisfaction to live i n ' in the coal fields, th a t H arry S peck' tbe council favored keeping the -------------- ------- — ! the Berlin bourse decided today to as to w hether it represents not giving u« a n ! 7 ° f r ° adS , ° n county where so m a n y !‘»et with an accident Saturday dur- plant in operation during the re- close the exchange this week. They the work of all the pupils that one was h e ttf T "u feelingH sp end*d ,dea» were initiated and d e - ^ a »torm, but no details were n,aindec of the sum m er months the ‘ justified the action by explaining and g h in tau t the several subjects ------»a »y wounded when old Coo, Bay wagon road - r]I Prize. Division 1. The first five schools ‘ 1 " ,ght than by daÿ. be- ^ a d ^ f ’th T ’eartern ï X J w h o L ieutenant Speck served in the 18 considering the purchase of a «te». which sets a new record for H m° b 8tormed tb « government of- ea«se you can’t really are 1 ^ 7 7 l° WD8 Wn° &rmy aiF SGrViCe dUri” g the w ar’ be’ f,°ller tO be U8ed 1,1 repair work «ni Jong distance swimming ' ffces a t Baden. dem anding the re- bad about it then O pp » a ” yth,ng . . *7 ° keei> PaCC' Mr’ Fro- >ng stationed near New York C«y. the streets. ------------------------------ j lease of imprisoned radicals accord- (Continued on Page 4) " » . r or “ o , u ? ha‘ ' ‘r , t < ,,,U th b C 1 ’ t e i ^ ------------------------------ W a s h i NOTO n ' T T ^ L . . ! ' » < • » . « » n l.l, GOV. OIAN ITT DRAW S w M a,W ie,d a, « T u T | ,Wh° H IU ' W ™ ™ 5" . city water .„„ertn-i Ellhu Root, former s « X y 7 f ! FIR ST BONUS ( ’A R D ! M a,Sbfield a t 5 p. the c o rd u rn v ? ♦ i landed a t j “ Ged of th,s b»Hding. have got to P I E S A T 74 Y E A R S ! tendent, is making plans for the state will he the h i J f i ----------- o n , but as we left “»ell the idea” to the people who George A. Patrick, a residtent of laying hf pipe on Mount AahinnH io,, t h . _____ _ ... ‘ ... Mem. e r. of NEW ORLEANS, La., Sept. 8. .. - - zbsuittnu io r mo Am erican com m ission at th« rtia : u .o » ., j SALEM. appli- d- i H > selHng OrderB on the reP°>1» . .. Or., Sept. 8.— The — --- _ a 8tretch of corduroy ---- with some of live here and make them see th a t u Gold Hill for the past eighteen years, the purpose of form ing an iceberg arm am ent conference it - °h °th r n° n \ R° 88- P ortland' i w ° 'C,OCk’ we thougbt iS a needed " id e a ” He ~ i he’d died a ‘ b*8 borne In th a t city Tues- was rell- i of big ginning in Texas and the us- the w o r n \ I considered by * d P e « y well. The Roseburg venture to predict th a t the outlying day’ September «’ a ‘ ‘he age of 74 by means of a spray from the pipe ably elarned today. Which will be I d by Ihc w ater Root had a tw i hour c o U c r c n c l ,“h i V n "“rPl““ " ” t ’ O I w.11 \F erans bonus a n d , th 1 d!dn f appeal to us at districts would each contribute |1 0 0 year8- flve months and eight days, th e m arshy ground being loree« with President H arding and also eon t ^ r l . « * “ blg rl“ ,h e “ •>»>“ loan commission as a result of th e ' b o ar’ a " d a « e r swinging down - t h a t they’d have a pig or chicken was due to gastric ulceis, through the pipe by gravity. Th’ ferred win, S e c r e tly o i s '« « ' ^ a. ‘ ba' ’ vlstZrdav" h com’ni88>0» » offices » *d«e and giving it the auction and raise the funds. He tfld from which he had suffered for more pipe used last year was displaced by Hughes. ¡«may. yesterday in which Governor O l c o t t . : ^ 8 decided on the Umpqua about how Salem put ou a sale of than a y* « - the sliding snow and ice. i t is —__________ _ I _ ---------- Secretary of State Kozer and others h° tel where th e - rising camDer< signs and raised a h J «« , Mr. Patrick was a veteran of the planned to place the system On a PH II ADEI PHT a p q ‘ D’ C” 8 " pa r.lclpa ted Governor Olcott drew "I«»rb our , | nml)ers. ' Ashland c0„ld ral,e , “" o '“on ,‘£ t more substantial basis if the coun- n abp Ruth X ? ’ S6Pt‘ 8* ~ ln ite d SU tes has » » je s te d io ,, „ Rnsehnrrv «, . ------ i ouuiu raise $&uo on th a t w ar* having enlisted at the age Ross's k - * 3 ° n’ Secretary of - lust Ret much benefit kind of a sale. Mr. F u ller rem arked i of fifteen years, cil approves Installation of the sys- , „ n . . u 1» « tty -th ird home p the powers who will participate in a e ozer was asked to pull out ’ camp ground, for it is ‘hat the Chamber of Commerce had F uneral services were held yester- tern. The idea of the project is to niau ? , / ’ , ° ” e more t o ' thft d,8arm am *nt conference, that X X “ V . n 7 n “ “ 10 F ! i ^ L ^ L b- 2 b- b" 'c C»,y ' A-b U n Z . ! » , <>- P .h.1 conserve the w ater supply on the k yI" K h ‘S 1920 record- BeIgiuni a “ d the N etherlands be ac­ ru u n a. -------- under the auspices of the Gold Hill corded representation, to their (Continued on Page 4) ----- ------ ------------------------------ ,Ce ’ Sbady ~ 7 n “. . d due u The Í Continued on Page F o u r) G. A. R. Pa- Of Hood River valley sells line. ciflc. in the vicinity districts would take ! = fair 2 and ; admission \ n x ” t c £ U * , * u te „ f a ir ! in* ,n auto <*mp grounds, but when ™ = ," , “ "’hO CraShed rais8io« counci x of the ; ™ h ~ D*r ' do Telegraph Briefs