PAGE FOUR ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS. Local and Personal MICKIE, TH E PRIN TER’S DEVIL G osh , vt ' s hot ou thks - tsaim < MASONIC CALENDAR THIS W EEK . Stated Conclave of Malta Command- ary, W ednesday evening, Sept. 7. Routine business and work in Red Cross. Grand Commander will not be present as expected. Stated communication of Ashland lodge No. 23. Thursday evening; September 8; also work in first de­ gree; and special communication, Friday evening, Septem ber 9, for work. R eturns From Wednesday, September 7, IM I I VJiSH 'lYAATT WUPOW WOULD < 7 X 'ô e ^ û ^ \ I o o G h t m t \ f / < J — <\AMUO "THt /(‘H f /*5va’^ s ~ r ' ¿ > -------< w e * v '< S 4 M ç £ a \ r ^ i ■"“ Stuck Windows Should Always Be Opened This Way VTS a OAÄU S H A M S FOB. A « M L O O X 9 Co S E ME O U T A C O A C H W ITH T H fe g WIUOOVJS A U * STOCK'. VUU i SPEAK TO T V S A G O H O O G TO B ' ( ----- j fcACX, BOSS'. \ <3OT ’ER OPEM< > -íBH BlfcTU OF AW IO E A COH& fi/fi W ashington— W. H. Bartges, 510 W imer street, returned to Ashland yesterday even­ ing after a three weeks vsit wittk STORIES OF THE STREETS AND pictures of Leon, mention of whosd. win 13. H ill,-Carl Arm iel, Cranthway park has met with this same oppo­ OF t ^ k TOWN work appears in the Jan u ary Sun- , Johnson. sition, because it diminshes the pow his m other at Dayton, W ash., On his! set, and would be pleased to "Show The following members of the er and prestige of the forestry ser- return trip he visited his daughter, them to anyone who appreciates W omen’s Relief Corps, an auxiliary vice by transferring land under its Mrs. C. A. Brown, of Tillamook, a! By O. H. Barnhill talent and character. j of the G. A. R-., which includes the control to the park service. The sister at Portalnd and a d a u g h ter at “ Ashland is the greatest place for i . . . , . i ---------------------------------- wives of the veterans: jealousy of bureaucracy is plainly Albany. try old people i^. pr> o peop e I ever evei saw saw, ,” re-. re-i£>. qj ,« REPORTS Bertha E. Adams, ad ju tan t, Alice apparent. , , .'marked a recent arrival from the ON HIGHWAYS OF a . Vase, Melissa Barnes, Ann E. Diamond lake as part of a national Ladies, bring a beau with vou to .. . . ., _ . East. Most of the main w orkers in NORTHERN CALIF.; Noble, Lula Howard, Mrs. J. P. j park becomes the heritage of the the Buugalow dance W ednesday ev -L . ,, t . . ... . , ’ the Methodist church appear to be (Continued from Page 1) Sayle, Lizzie Putney, S. J. W ertz, i people forever, an asset to the state, emug. His ticket covers the war ladies whose ages run from 70 to 80. i_ .. . ,,, and . the .. Oline Barnes, ’ P. C. in o n a; I wmcn which profits by the tax for both himself and lady. If They wear white dresses, hats with thing! next person says. (June „ , Coder, W inona ‘ tourist « m n si traffic ira u ic , , . , • trim m ings curl e th eir i .. t it » „ Steelman, Mary Palm an, Virginia and to the adjacent communities you come alone you m ust pay 10c , bright-colored Why yes, the road is very good.” * . T \ „ * ’ , „ / » whumiuuiiw , in- in war tax. 2t hair u • and , fly around ju . st like voune t *wo ,,-« i.aioa ir, .1,^ * a Berle, Isabelle Spencer Chaplin, Hel- eluding Roseburg. The McNary bill ladies in the office yesterdav „ „ ‘ , . . . . /, ju si iiae young , en Pygall, W. G. Curry, A. D. J ill- ! should become a law and the sooner v i ~ women. I t s a wonderful country travelled across the continent frorrii _ - . . , Newlyw,Ms Take \ ,s»« A partm ent— thflt makes fQ th New Jersey , and had taken many «on H attie L. Peterson, Hulda it is enacted the better for Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Smith, newly- , , , g ‘ side trip s. and th o u g h t they had B rush’ Elhe F ish er- Sarah M An’ ~ Salem Capital Journal. weds who were m arried at Medford k ,,,,» n drews, E. Susl(| A. Belle L ittrell, Nettie We have all rrart „1 th e struggling; « ‘« " " ‘‘erecl ««i,, only o about 100 mile81(!r()ner — ----------------------- Saturday, have taken an apartm ent stu d en t who burned the m idnight th « ^ they would cut. poor roads. , Gow M [ ADVOCATES ISOLATION a t the Vista , Apartments. Mrs. Smith oil " “ " and “j endured T T w ; " st°PPed i X m ’” at “ Gold n „ td I Oow- C arlton. Getta “ •! ... » . . . . . . all sorts of hard- We over night r . . . . . . . . was formerly Miss Zelda Heer, Heer. dhugh- «Sangh-! " 5„ ........... dU ... so ........R n s or ^ h narn- nnd n ™ " , , \ . T T rask. rs Mary Lowe, Ida M. Van N a I t-! OF “ODD” CHILDREN te r o t Mr. and M r, L J Heer , n '3h,m ln ord8r lo E8t 0,1 « " ““ '¡«n. B,“acb' here again selected a j Lida H arm an, Euxtina C. Lur- H ig h stret. Mrs. Smith Is a g ra d u a te ! A‘“ ’ At,ral“ m b8cam8 * T L * “ * J , th e r lv e r aer. Sarah C. Crawford. Jennie Mat- DBS MOINES. Ia„ Sept. 3 . - A of the Ashland high school and I. » ' tb8 U“ “ *« “ » « « “ « ± X X ? ” “ V L° “ *8 Elizabeth Rob-, Program of -betiavlorlstie” scoring well known among the city's y o u n g er! °.ne ° 8 orea est gures in history • ' • 8 C' ° ss8 ertson. Malissa Ball, Ida Jennings. ot »'Pool children was outlined be­ set. Mr. Smith is an employee of known th a t he was brought 1 d Mary E. Wilson, Elizabeth McNaugh. ’ ^ore th e departm ent of child hygiene the Southern P a e lfk company ¿P "> » '■«'e 'og cabin and educated ™ le ‘ had »u m . T ? 9 “ EU'‘ « WW‘e' « ' Henson, j « the N ational Eudication associa- Tttelma Heer. sister ot Mrs. Smith. by St“d>1" s ,br88 ° r ”X , , o 7 with Mr Hugh M P ,“ " ' ' 01iV8 E' Greenwood. Mary A. W .,-l «Ion convention by Dr. W. A. Evans was bridesmaid a. the wedding. Mrs ',°Ur ’7 ' “ “ ,l8 r ralla 3,1 r hL rv n McCleay. . . . . Chicago. .. • Dr. - - of Evans proposed .. tei u , UU1U«- '*•' day or doing other hard work If he rhe cannery goes under the nam e, r r,„ . . . . th a t enuaren children who are timid, subject »»„/.I« n x * Smith has been employeed as book- , . t u„,, _______ ... . . . i ! nf tho M„nioa„ m .- J J- - trooiiyear, Go<>dyear, Jennie Hammond, An- An indl had had b etter opportunities in his ot . the na A. A cook, Coob> Ida Wa Lam L am bar bart Loari3aa to day dream sTshy or silent, should ■ , McCleay .. . E state , company. The, i na keeper for Swift and company. h e o onginal D_____ „ _ Bertha J . . H . err __ ... j . j ............................ youth, how much greater service het r*Sinal founders and operators of Bummeli be classified as “seclusive” and th a t might have rendered his country in this industry, at the m outh of the May the petty larceny chicken they should be the object of special Rogue river, were the Humes who,' thief who stole my glasses from the a lte r years! instruction. * * * came from Augusta, Me., and were desk of a local bank last Saturday Even young children who are sel­ W ithin two hours ride from Ash- weB known by my father, J. E. Ful- D IA M O N D LA K E G > fish, be stricken with physical blindness suspicious, stubborn, defiant, equal to his moral depravity until he land there is a ten-year-old bov ler‘ Mr- McCleay stated th a t Mr. opinionated, or who won’t adm it er- so Hume waa the o rig in ato r o - f th --- - th -- - irst for knowledge u is nt/ t --- e returns them to my home -at 151 whose ( rors, should be classified as “ego-1 great and his desire to be a doctor idea of Propagating the salmon by Coolidge St. Frank R. Ross. 4-3* centric,” he said. so intense th a t he prefers study to hatchinK an 80 Rot all the bad road ! C rater Lake is adm ittedly a world finish the rolls by th a t time. to teach these children in class for a cajpor chicken, always with en- there was. but kept on through P o rti wonder, but the attractio n s are not ^eac^ these childien in class rooms where i Orford where an alluring sign read, j num erous enough to induce v isito rs; rooms the other pupils are Watch Yeo’s window. 299-tf tire success. normal. Over two years ago, when Leon -'u to Camp a t Agate Beach. Many! to make a protracted stay. By the For pleating see Orres. 303tf was but eight, he cared for his par- trucks were encountered along th e 'a d d itio n of Diamond lake, a dozen TOO luATE TO CLASSIFY. outs when the la tte r were sick in bed* roads here hauling logs, we suppose m ile s away, to u rist attractio n s will Kill Big D»-er— Orford cedar. This is also in with the flu for two weeks. In ad- Port r' ”* ' • -« be doubled, and the visitor will have FOR RENT— Large furnished room., 143 G ranite. 5-3* i The following news item in the dition to this he cared for a babv j te rrito ry of the fam ous rayrtl as much to see as a t other national Klam ath Falls Record makes the and two other small children, did wood j parks, and stay as long. FOR RENT— Seven room house on ’ mouths of Jackson county der hunt- all the housework, milked a cow. When we got to Bandon we would j The a ttitu d e of Roseburg is purely Oak street. Apply Hotel Ashland. ' 5-2 et*s w ater: “ For killing the biggest fed rabbits and chickens, took c a r e '^ avG s^&yed awhile, as it looked j selfish. Some of its citizens have buck of the season, honors yesterday of a sick neighbor, and did m o re i<,u*te interesting. We noted one l i t - : designs on Diamond lake for a s to r-‘ FOR SALE— 2 qu art fruit jars. In­ apparently were evenly divided be­ chores. you say. . 4*10 His square of - pavement ------ right --- in the] - Impossible, --( J V»« - — — age dam and power project th a t quire 11C Factory St. or phone *v„_ tells ju st w how . he managed .; «nntor the regjon and dest roy tween Victor O’Neil, of the Pacific .— 293-R. ' 5-3* m other ‘ enter of the business district, and wou!(? Coast Mint Corfipany ranch, who it and how Leon was so pleased to aB the rest of th e town seemed — ____ , . ____ ----- its beauty. O ther ________ citizens pasture room brought down a five-point blacktail be of service, whistling at his w o rk ' bu,lt over the water. We noted a ’ th e ir sheep on the grazing land ^ WANTED— l ^ o o l ^ a c To heM ^ ^ ^ and c h o board ^ ^ g i r two hi weiehini' 2 200 0 0 pounds; n n iin ria- and a n d Beil, P. P u m l u i t i u l n i f ___ .. la r g e n la ilt w it h tb ii uit»n Vaotld’o ithnnf Ibo lnlrn in *1.» ... . . . . . . - . weighing and singing, “Jesus wants me for a 1 ,arge Plant, with the sign. N estle’3 about the lake In the forest re serv e ; Mrs. Clapp, 76 Alida St. 5-tf j Food Factory. Lewis, who boasts a six-point m uletail sunbeam .” and would lose th e ir source of p ro -' ■ fit. «♦ i * te ereet- * ( FOR SALE— tractor tipping the scales a t 210 pounds • • • (To be continued.) S others c o n * te u p la 0Uver 1920 „ |sc Fordson ploW8 g00d a, dressed. Mathews killed his buck Last week the w riter got off the mg sum m er homes on the shores of new, $600. Hottson Motors. Med- near the mint ranch. It took the train a t Montague a t the unearthly G. A. R. VETERANS the lake upon governm ent land and | ford. 5-4 H A IT NOVEL LAWS combined efforts of four men to bring hour of 3 a. m. and a few hours do not want to be put »Oder park | p 0 R SALE_ 19l4 Pord to„ rlng ca. FO R CAMP L IF E ' regulations it in from the woods. Mr. Lewis was later was taken to Leon’s humble . good condition, $150 cash. Jam es accompanied by George Biehn, and home by Dr. Dwinnel, the best and In answ er to these objections it i s 1 W hytock, Box 92, east of Belle- (Continued from ra g e One) stated th a t the ~ power of v the N orth * view school house. 5-6* the two mauaged to bring their game biggest man *****> * a i l i u i l l i n . J --- _ ----- - w v x w x v u -------------------- ----------------------- in northern v California.) in from the lava beds where the kill In a tiny little cabin on a b a rre n , fountain and compelled to drink a Pm pqua can be utilized for p o w er' FOR __Seven room house, two w ithout.dam m ing Diamond lake, th a t, acres fine land; also 6 room was made. Local hunters express hillside, with every evidence of p iti-! Quart of lithia w ater. ------------- ~ — house -—-- surprise at the weight of Mr. O’Neil’s ful poverty. Leon was eating his: with large lot. Two of the best “ By order of E. K. Hall, C o lo n e l'thp " razinB land is sm all area and buys in the city. S. L. Allen. 63 buck, claiming that the blacktail deer noonday meal, which he had stopped i Commaflnher ” furnishes grazing for only a few N. Main St. 5-Ï rarely reached that size.” picking tom atoes to prepare. His Program ! head of anim als a few weeks of the i NOTICE clothes were in rags, his childish face Tuesday— Legion day. : ye a r> and th a t th e rig h t of the peo- i Big dance at the Bungalow Wed­ W ednesday— a t the I. u. O .! ple e beauty - spots! Exhibit of famous Schweizer sam saddened by hardship. --------- ----- Banquet «»* fcUC *. - of the nation to — th -------------» r— , — --------- ------ nesday night. Dancing, the couple, “ Mother is in the hospital a t j o . F. hall. E ntertainm ent on th e ) is Param ount to the rights of a few j pies of dress goods, table linens, 77c. war tax 8c, total 85c. Extra Yreka. She’s been there since ' grounds. ' citizens. draperies and handkerchiefs. Also ladies and ladies unaccompanied by Thursday— G rants Pass day. Back of and probably instigating W orld’s Star hosiery and Klean-Knit March. The neighbors are taking gentlemen. 10c. Roseburg however, A- ■ --- Medford iUOUlUIU day Uaj. . the --- ------- «=» protest, m vwwwx , lies xxvo underw ear. Friday and S atu rd ay .; care of th e other children. Papa i s 1 Friday— working for another m an.” The following G. A. R. v e t e r a n s the o,(* opposition of th e forestry Sept. 9-10, at Parish House, Second STRIKE PLATINUM LEDGE Jones vAxiiu came u here about iiiree three w«re icg registered at m the e encam en cam pm p m ent en t; ■ — service to the ~ national park service street. Mrs. Mary Broker, local rep­ __ , The ***« ovuvo c ic uuuui ta tcic u ¿11 5-2 : I P ANDERSON C R EE K years ago from Montana and h a v e '» P to and inclusive of yesterday e v -: Every eifo rt to create a national resentative. had a desperate struggle with s ic k -iening: ' " ' ---------- - - - • C. A. Manning, who was in from ness and want. This season Leon K. Hall, colonel com m ander; Talent yesterday, says Mr. Baker re­ and his father have put up two crops J- E- Peterson, lieutenant colonel; ports striking a rich platinum ledge of alfalfa hay on th irty acres, m ad e!A- T- Smith, m ajor; J. P. SaJle, five or six miles up Andersou creek a big garden and sold many vege- j Q” a rterm aster; Oliner Howard, Al- a few days ago a t a shallow depth. tables, raised 200 chickens and for(1 R. Dunham, George W. NobM, A sample of the ore has been sent earned $100 on the outside. All the Judge Volney Colvig, Elxander Kyle, away for anayIsis. M r.'M anning al­ ground had to be irrigated and the B. F. Joy, A. Dickey, E. C. Albert, so says a man who is extending the housework done in addition. W hat W. E. Palm er, O. A. Stearns, L. M. tunnel ln the Shorty Hope mine up I t’s .our business to help you de­ a record of achievement! Putney, Charles Birene. E. H. Coder, W agner creek for G rants Pass p ar­ « • ♦ velop your business. As our patrons A. W. Thomas, Henry C. Barnes, -- - ties, claims to have struck rich ore. prosper we prosper. Leon is studying a doctor b o o k : J°h n W. Steelman, Eliza L ittrell, sent him by Homer E lliart, having i (’eor«e Van Natta, Charles Gan- NEW YORK. Sept. 7.— Fortunes Our services are designed to assist gotten to the chapter on X-Vays. He riere- Alden C., Spencer, W illiam were won and lost on the New York our depositors in the accomplishment thinks a great deal of the precious i Eindsny, Robertson Ralph. Jam es of th eir plans. cotton m arket today. A sensational volume, but finds many words he i Lowe, Thaddeus Hillman, N. C. Da- rise ..of more than $9 per bale was which illiam Consultation with our officers can more than wiped out just before the " cannot f 11" 0,1 understand “nue' sia ’i« j m e n are are not not in m - ■ c^e r> confederate veteran, ---n , W w i.narn m arket closed bv iust as sensational th * glossary- He has no Hictionarf. M- H«n r-V- G«°rge W. Benedict, Rol be arranged at any tnme. Are there no free libraries in C ali-!and G°tustock, John F e rre ll,.. E li; declines. fornia? The w riter communicated ) E*sb er’ Eliza Stone, W. S. Grout,! with the state librarian at Sacra-*'E bar^es Cutten, John Campo, Sethi mento, who passed the buck to the ^ ewcomh, Lilman St Harman,- county librarian at Yreka, who in- Leonard Brush, William M. Colvig, formed me that books were avail­ William E.t Campbell, John E. Craw-j Ashland, Oregon able there from a branch of th e ford, John B. Renoult, Francis M er-, w ill iiuike special m onthly rates state library. But Leon has no way goz. Stinen H. Bears, Orville Morps, to perm anent g u ests. AH room s to get them. The system fails to William Hiramis. Cyrenus Vroman, have hot and cold w ater and function. Winfield S. Ball, Jam es M. Oxford, steam heat. The w riter has some interesting Enos Conger, Sam uel S. Wilcox, Br- Developing Your Business Hotel Ashland The C itizens Bank See Our Selection oi FALL HATS Ranging in ßß Price from