I Wednesday, September 7. ICHÍÍ THE ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS PAGE TWO ident of the state of Oregon, and who CAN EUROPE PRODUCE GOOD has been honorably discharged or PICTURES? YES WITH AMERI­ Established 187 6 CAN DIRECTORS AND STARS separated from such service or has Published Every Evening Except been retired or furloughed to a re ­ Sunday serve, shall be entitled to receive a Can Europe make movies th a t THE Ab HL AND PRINTING CO. TO BUUNB88 MEN equal those produced iu this coun­ loan or bonus under th e provialone OFFICIAL CITY AND ^OUNTY of this a ct; provided, th a t no person try? USINESS men find it worth while PA PER Except for a bare half dozen of shall be entitled to a loan or bonus m aintaining commercial accounts TELEPHONE 39 at the F irst National. It pays in EDITOR’S NOTE tiou of the Dead Indian road was hereunder who, being in the m ilitary the most am bitious European spec­ subscript ion P rice D elivered in City the satisfaction of an adequate bank tacle-pictures released in this coun­ or naval service of th e United States A full report of the road work done finally adopted. This required the jn e m onth .................................. 8 -66 connection, and in the business pres­ Three months .............................. 1.95 in Jackson county under the super- construction of some new grade, subsequent to the sixth day of Ap­ try during the last few months, E u r­ tige such accounts give. Six m onths .................................. 3.75 vision of the state highway commis- which was included in the contract ril, 1917, refused on conscientious, ope to date has shown no pictures W hether your business is fruit rais­ One y e a r ....................................... 7.60 9ion and the Jackson county court for the paving. With the exception political or other grounds to subject com parable in anyway with the ing, selling groceries, or connecting Mail auJ Rural Route*. average pictures made in Hollywood. the right man and the right ranch, One montn .................................. 8 .05 is now available in the 1921 annual of the stretch adjoining the city lim- himself to m ilitary discipline or to But, given American directors and Three months .............................. 1.95 report of the state highway commie-‘its very little grading was required render unqualified service, or whose you’ll find this bank helpfully co­ American players, say film produc­ Six months .................................. 3.5o siou. As the detail is interesting but on this line until the Siskiyou moun-1 only service was in th e stu d en ts’ ar- operative. ers, Europe can easily produce pic­ One year .................... 6,50 quite voluminous, the Tidings will tains were reached, where the ro a d -jmy training corps as a student, tures th a t not only will be as good as ADVERTISING RATES: print it in sections, dealing only with bed was too narrow for proper drain- Section 4. Qualifications, ConXln- those made in this country, but will Display A dvertising specific units in each issue. It d eals1 age, and the line as laid out called ued.— Any person who has received have the added attraction of E u r­ Single insertion, each in c h ........... 30r ope’s beautiful scenery and the his­ not only with the work already com -¡for considerable excavation in order from another state a bonus or g ra­ torical settings of the Old World. YEARLY CONTRACTS Display A dvertising pleted with cost of each unit, but to obtain sufficient room for tu ity equal in am ount to th a t pro­ Ashland, Oregon W ith this in mind, the producers One tim e a w eek.....................27 H e with the work immediately contem- ditches. vided by this act, or any person who of Param ount Pictures have a studio “O ldest t'wo tim es a w eek.....................25c plated and th at contracted but not received for such m ilitary or naval in London. This studio has been in M edford-Prospect Survey National fa'very other d a y ......................... 20c operation for more than a year, and ¡ completed. Bank In I xk - u I Readers. On September 15, 1919, Paul B. service extra compensation equal to now th a t th e production organiza­ Each line, each tim e .................... 10c Jackson County' or exceeding the bonus provided-by Rynning having finished the loca­ tion has been whipped into e ffic ie n t, To run every other day for on« (C o n tin u e d F ro m Y e ste rd a y .) tion on the Ashland-Keno section, th is act, shall not be entitled to re ­ shape Param ount is sending to E u r­ month, each line, each time . . . 7c To tu n every issue for ok « month ~ i moved camp to Prospect on the Med- ceive a bonus hereunder; provided, ope some of its best directors, who, or more, each line, each t im e .. . . 5c C entral Point to Jackson-Josephine ford-C rater Lake highway, to locate however, th a t any person, otherw ise with all of England and the Conti- ¡ nent to draw on for backgrounds, Classified Column. County Line Survey this road from th a t point to Med- qualified, who received from another plan to make pictures with prom inent One cent the word each time. ► ♦ ♦ * ♦ ♦♦♦♦■< This survey of the Pacific high­ ford, a distance of forty-six miles. state a bonus or g ratu ity less in American players in the casts. To run every issue for one month or am ount to th a t provided by this act, more, %c the word each time. • George Fitzm aurice, one of the best In 1916 the governm ent in co- way covers a distance of twenty-one Legal Rate: and any person who received extra Param ount directors, who produced miles and follows the old county road operation with the state and county F irst Time, per 8 point line . . . ,16c “ Experience’^ and “ On W ith the which traverses a fairly level coun-i had run a prelim iniary line over this compensation from any source, gov­ Dance,” is now in P aram ount's Lon­ Each subsequent time, per 8 point l i n e ...............................................Cc try. The twelve miles between Gold j route, the notes on which were ernm ent o r private, for such m ili­ don studio. He has his own cam era­ Card of Thanks, $1.00. Hill and the county- line follows th e ' worked up in th e office during the ta ry or naval service less in am ount man with him, and the first of a Obituaries, 2 % cents the line. grade of thè Rogue river and for w inter following, but no location th an th e bonus hereby provided, series of pictures he will make is Fraternal Orders and Societies. “Three Live Ghosts,” from the Broad­ Advertising for fratern al orders j much of this distance the location is ; was staked out in the field. This shall be entitled to and receive the way success of last season. Norman cr societies charging a regular initi-j along the bank overlooking the riv- prelim inary line was run on railroad difference between the am ount so K erry and other well known Ameri­ ation fee and dues, no discount. Re-1 er From Gold Hill it follows the- standards, with three per cent grades received from an o th er state as a can players will be in the c a s t.. ligious and benevolent orders will be , . , . , . ater, Mr. Fitzm aurice will do “The charged the regular ra te for all ad- r,ght bank of the stream to Rocky and 11 degree and 30 m inute curves. bonus or gratuity, or as extra com­ L Man From Home.” Booth Tarking- ‘ pensation, and th e am ount such per­ vertising when an admission or other 1 Point, where a deep narrow gorge i As the line followed the bluffs along to n ’s famous play. Scenes for th e s e , charge is made. makes an ideal crossing, and cross-1 the Rogue river these standards son would be entitled to as a bonus productions will be photographed in I ing the river on a concrete arch, the could not be adhered to and 10 de- under this act; provided, however, England, France and Italy, so th a t j Wbat Constitutes Advertising! In order to allay a m isunderstand- location follows the left bank of the gree curves were used in some places th a t the allowance of $60 paid by in Param ount pictures coming from Ing among some as to w hat consti- river to the county line. It was the original intention of the the federal governm ent a t th e time Europe American film patrons will see a new type of background. tutes news and w hat advertising, This location consisted mainly in governm ent to make a grade upon of discharge shall not be deemed a John S. Rebertson, the director we print this very simple rule whicn bonus o r extra com pensation within whose genius was responsible for J la used by newspapers to dlfferin- retracing the old location th at h a d 1 which railway track could be laid “ Sentim ental - Tommy” and “ Dr. a tiate between them : “ ALL future, been made over a part of the line and trains operated, if desired. Con- the m eaning of this section. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde," is now work­ Section 6. C ertain R elatives to events, where an ^admission cb*^®^'8Ome years ago and m aking minor struction on these lines involved ing in the Param ount London studio 'S ADVERTISING/’^ T h is applies I G an g es in the old county road many deep cuts and very high fills, Receive Bonus of Deceased Soldiers producting ’ P erpetua” from a play organizations and societies of every which had previously been graded The new line is located on the or Sailors.— The husband, wife, by Dion Clayton Calthrop. In the kind as well as to individuals. ‘ very close to the standard for line standards established by the state; child, m other or fath er, o r depend­ leading roles are Ann F orrest and All reports of such activities a iter an j gra(je Tbe gurvey was in charge it follows the contours of the blufffc ent sister o r dependent bro th er, in David Powell, two well known Amer­ ican players. Scenes for this pro­ All coming social or organization of F N- D rinkhall, who began tne more closely, reduces the yardage the order named, and none other, of duction will be photographed in meetings of societies where no money work on March 3, 1919, in Older by several hundred thousand cubic any deceased person, m ale o r female, France, as well as England. “ Beside the Bonnie Brier Bush, contribution is solicited. Initiation th a t the contracts for the payinv yards, and makes th a t section of the who was enlisted, Inducted, w ar­ Ian M acLaren’s famous Scotch storv ■ • charged, or collection taken is NEWS. of this section might be let early in road above Trail more scenic, ranted or com m issioned, and who is now being produced in Scotland the season. South of T rail th e governm ent’s served honorably in active duty in by Donald Crisp. "Dangerous Lies,” .. We make aii quotations on Ashland to California Line S u rv ey , survey followed the rig h t bank of the m ilitary o r naval service of the an original photoplay by E. Phillips JO 11 WORK has just been finished __ Prelim inary to the construction Rogue river to Dodge’s bridge, and United States, shall be paid th e boa,- Oppenheim. from THE FRANKLIN PRICE LIST. th a t was to be done on this section crossing over the river a t th is point us th a t such deceased person would jin London by Paul Powell pictures More and more motion Same prices— Reasonable Price— I of the Pacific highway earl yin the it continues down the left bank to have been en titled to h ereu n d er had are becoming international because! spring of 1919, the line was staked the camping ground owned by the such deceased person lived. to all. the American film enthusiast is no out by F. H. W alker. It followed Elks of Medford, thence in a south­ Section 6. A pplication for Bonus longer content with the oft-photo-| E ntered at the Ashland, Oregon, graphed hills of Holloywood or the Postoffice as Second Class Mall the line of the old road except on erly direction .to Medford. Although to be Made w ithin One Y ear.— All the locations of Fort Lpe. the Ashland end. and kept on t h i this route down the river is the most applications for a cash bonus under Matter. grade th at had been built over the | scenic, it is also the more costly and this act shall be m ade w ith in one CONTEST ON FOR POST­ Siskiyou m ountains by the county. longer, besides it does not serve th e year a fte r th is act becomes of force MASTER AT ROGUE RIVER Three different routes were consid­ local traffic as well as does the route and effect o r w ithin one y e a r a fte r E. C. Brown, superintendent of ered out of Ashland, and the middle th a t has been adopted via Eagle the applicant’s discharge, provided schools, and Mr. and Mrs. O’Kelley route between the end of the pave­ Point. th a t th e applicant was in th e service of Rogue River, were in Medford this, ment on the Boulevard and the junc- at th e tim e this act becomes of force (To be continued.) week in the interests of Mrs. Anna and effect. Clark for postm aster. There is con­ CHOCOLATE Section 7. Bonus and Loan Op­ siderable interest being m anifested VANILLA tional.— Any person fully qualified in th a t position. The known candi-j STRAWBERRY to receive e ith er a lo a n o r bonus dates are Mrs. Anna Clark, Mrs. Sam MAPLE NUT hereunder shall have th e option of Sandry, Mrs. Roy Smith and Dr. W. electing to take e ith e r a cash bonus L. Carey, and possibly Mrs. Jam es or to receive a farm -or home loan, Whipple, the present incumbent. A but no person sh alL ' he entitled to civil service examination will be or­ both a cash bonus a n d a farm or dered for all applicants, the same as EDITOR’S NOTE The Tidings is retu rn from long months of service ¡home loan. in all other places, and three with in receipt of complete data relative th at took them from homes, family: section 8. P erso n a Who Receive the highest standing will be reported to the Oregon bonus act from the and positions— Educational Aid to M a le Refund.— to the post office departm ent to se­ Recognizing then, th e h a n d ic a p s'Any person who h#f. received the lect a postm aster or postm istress "World W ar Veterans State Aid com­ mission. Owing to the lengthy na­ they face by reason of unequal losses benefits under th e a c t providing for from.— Medford Mail Tribune. tu re of the articles they m ust by and sacrifices imposed upon their state financial aid to soldiers, sail­ necessity be run in installm ents patriotism in th a t grave emergency ors and m arines for ed'.ucational p u r­ which will be found every day in which threatened our very existence poses shall m ake a re fu n d to the th e Tidings until a complete ex­ as a people and out of which they state of the am ount s o received be­ planation is made. brought us victory and peace —» fore he shall be e n title d to receive Recognizing equity, justice and a a loan or bonus u n d e r this act. (Continued from yesterday) simple duty in effecting some early Circuit Court (To be continuied.) readjustm ent of these unequal losses Sisters of Charity vs. C. O. Dun­ Be it Enacted by the People of the SOLDIERS’ BONUS LAW away. Affidavit, judgm ent, default. State of Oregon: C. B. L À M K I M General Laws of Oregon, 1921 J. F. Rhodes vs. A. L. Seabreoks.- ... y Sectiou 1. V eterans to Receive Affidavit, default, judgm ent. CHAPTER 201 George Wolff vs. Norwich Union E ffe c tiv e on a n d a fte r May 25, 1921 Bonus or Loan.— The s^ate of Ore­ BARGAINS IN gon, for the purpose of assisting in Fire Insurance» company. Order. R eal E sta te AN ACT the industrial rehabilitation of, and Pearl W. Smith vs. A rthur L. Smith. Findings and conclusion. To provide for the industrial rehab-1 providing farm or home aid for, ilitation of all persons and certain j residents of th e state who served in Decree. 11 \ t I a > __ the going’s good, for man-o- co that revolutionized pipe of this act; creating a sinking fund . effective, then any person qualified G uardianship Geraldine Theiss. man, you can’t figure out smoking. If you never could for the retirem ent of said bonds; to recelve a cash bonus from the Petition. Order appointing guard­ authorizing a tax levy for said ¡u n ited sta te s governm ent shall not what you’re passing by! Such smoke a pipe — forget it! ian. Order appointing appraisers. sinking fund; providing for the be qualified to receive a cash bonus Real Estate Transfers flavor, such coolness, such You can—AND YOU WILL appointm ent of appraisers and at- hereunder David G. Twldwell et ux to Jam es more-ish-ness—well, the only —if you use Prince Albert torneys; authorizing said commis- Section 3. Q ualifications; Certain Campbell W ard et ux, government way to get the words em­ for packing! I t’s a smoke sion to adopt adm inistrative rules Persons Barred.— Every person, male lot 2 in sec. 3, twp. 39 S., R 1 W phatic enough is to go to it revelation in a jimmy pipe and regulations and making an or female, who was enlisted, induct- $10. and know yourself! appropriation to cover adm inistra- ed. w arranted or commissioned in or a cigarette! W alter S. Jones et al to J. S. w ill, do your plowing right now tion expense. the mn itary or naval service of the Miller, lot 17, Rungaolw addition to Recognizing the heroic sacrifices j United States and who served hon­ in your hard, sticky soil. Ashland. $150. Bargain in used sewing machine; Anna E. Rouse to Hazel Adams, of our soldiers, sailors and marines orably therein at any time between who offered themselves as a living also a new carload o f White sew­ lots 13, 14. N H lot 15, block “ E,” the sixth day of April, 1917, and the Copyright 1921 targ et in the defense of our land— ing machines just in, at R ailroad addition to Ashland, $10. eleventh day of November, 1918, and by R. J. Reynold» « Tobacco Co. Mason J. Pilcher et ux to Ezra Recognizing the difficult problem who served for a period longer than Winston-Salam, N.C. Self, SE H of sec. 22, twp. 27 S., R. of readjustm ent to the economic life sixty days, and who a t the tim e of PeM's Corner f/ie national joy m o k a 1 E., $1. of the country they have m et upon entering into such service was a roe- Ashland Tidings E R V IC E Highway Commission Reports on JacKson Co. Road WorR B First National Bank This Weather makes you think of Fall Clothes Whether you buy them ready-made or buy the goods for the making, you should find it at . We sell Brick Ice Cream Distribution of State Bonus To Veterans of World War and the right kind at the right prices Ashland Creamery COURT NEWS You’ll enjoy the sport of rolling ’em with P. A.! F The Heider Tractor and P.&0. Disc Plow F ringe A lbert