I ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS. PAGE FOUR Tuesday, September 6, 1021 TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. WANTED— A good milch cow. State brindle two-year-old steer, one two- price, etc. C, A. care of Tidings. year-old roan steer, one Jersey year­ FOR SALE— P ullets a t 131 Ohio ling steer, one Jersey heifer y e a r-! St. 4-1* FEATHER PILLOWS renovated, 75c ling wearing sm all bell, all branded per pair. Douglas, 253 Fourth “ F ” on left jaw. Local and Personal SWEET CIDER— 40c gal. delivered. St. 4-1 Dated at Ashland, Oregon, this Phone 9 -F -ll. 2d day of September. 1921. ----------- --------- Side Lights — — - FOP. SALE— 100 W hite Leghorns, J. W. HATCHER, FOR RENT— Three furnished rooms yearling hens, $1 each. Phone 4-tu& fri Chief of Police. ; B usiness V isitor to R oseburg— at 137 F irst St. 4-2* 343-L. ' " 4-1 MASONIC CALENDAR THIS i - - . - . . ....... . _: Mrs. D. N. Gilmore, 928 B street, {GRAVENSTEIN APPLES— 50 lb. FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING — i No Open Season on Beaver*— ' is making a business and pleasure That there is no open season on box, 75c delivered. Phone 9 -F -ll. M attresses made over. Douglass, trip to Roseburg this week. 253 F o u rth St. 4 -1 1 beaver in Oregon and th a t it is un- Stated m eeting of the E astern Star I 1 FOR SALE— Four 1-year-old ducks 1 — lawful to have the anim als in private j FURNITURE and household goods Tuesday evening, September 6. Visit and 4 voung ones. Phone 322- For pleating see Orres. 303tf carefully packed aud.crated. Doug­ possession was the statem ent m a d e ' R. 4-2* from Mrs. Minnie Letson, of On­ las, 253 F ourth St. 4-1 In an opinion from the attorney gen- ■ Oregon State Fair— tario, worthy grand' m atron. FOR RENT— Three clean, pleasant e ra l’s office received by Captain A. Stated communication of Ashland Salem, September 26 to October and well located housekeeping CLOCKS AND PHONOGRAPHS re­ paired, 25 years experience. E. Burghduff, state game warden. rooms. Phone 353-L, or inquire lodge No. 23 Thursday evening, 1. A wealth of agricultural, livestock Douglas. 253 F ourth St. 4-1 B urghduff says th a t the impression 316 H argadine street. September 8; also work in first de- and industrial displays, an excellent has gained hold in some parts of the gree; and special communication, racing program, high class amuse FEATHER MATTRESSES made to SEWING MACHINES, all makes, state th a t there is an open season on skillfully cleaned and repaired. order from your own feathers. Friday evening, September 9, for . m ents and attractions, and ideai Douglas, 253 F ourth St. 4-1 beaver through legislation enacted F eathers renovated. Douglas, 253 1 • work. camping grounds. A. H. Lea, m ana­ Fourth St. 4-1 NOTICE OF SALE O F IMPOUNDED at the last session of the legislature. ger, Salem, Oregon. STOCK FOR SALE— Bed springs and m at­ Must Pay Grazing F< Notice is hereby given th a t 1 will j V isit at Ixxll, C alif.— tress, heater, rocker, library table, Forest service officials announce, dance at the Bungalow Wed- davenport, Singer sew ing m a­ on the 12th day of September, 1921, Mrs. E. F. Smith aud son, Leon­ that the tim e lim it in which stock-1 ni«b t ^ n e in g , the couple, chine. 885 B St. 4-3* a t the hour of 2 o’clock p. m., a t the city pound on W ater street, In ard, left the early part of this week men must pay th eir fees for graz- ‘ ,c ’ war 1311 Sc' to ta^ ®oC- Extra ing in the national forest reserv es, ladIe8 aQd ladies unaccompanied by UPHOLSTERING, m attresses made the city of Ashland, Oregon offer for Lodi and Auburn, Calif., where over, fu rn itu re and household for sale and sell at public auction has been extended to December 1,' gentlemen, 10c. goods packed and crated. Gen­ to the highest bidder for cash, the they will visit for the next two eral repairing. , Douglas, 253 following livestock, to-w lt: according to a bill recently signed One months. Cliff Payne makes benches. a ._Pn-Milh __ _ ___ by the president. The usual period ’ of grace ended with April 1. but Card of Thank> due to business conditions, the limit We wlsh to expreS8 our heartfe was extended first to September l . ; thanka to those who t e n d e d th e and with the signing of the recent | sympathy to U3 in th e hour of oul bill, to December 1. deep sorrow in the loss of our darl­ ! ing wife, daughter and sister. H er­ SD , vT.^Tsh’ Ripe B artlett pears for canning bert E. Specht. Mr. and Mrs. W. J, iW and' refinis5ing. pianos and; purposes. Ashland F ru it Associa­ Keeton and family. cabinet phonographs refinished all tion. 3-3 work first class and satisfaction guaranteed. Douglas. 253 F o u r th 1 Ladies, bring a beau with you toj St. 4-1 j W ill .Move to Portland— the Bungalow dance Wednesday ev­ Mrs. M. R. Griffin leaves in the ening. His ticket covers the war i WATKINS PRODUCTS— You can ! morning for Portland, where she ex­ tax for both himself and lady. If get the medical and toilet a r tic le . IN line at my place or I will deliver a i pects to make her home. Mrs. Grif­ you come alone you m ust pay hOc mail order promptly^ You can a l - ' fin will be with her sister, Mrs. M. war tax. 2t so get any part of the line at Jet-j S. W attles, 420 Jefferson street. ers stand. 4th and A streets. C. M. i Miles, salesm an, 611 Beach St.. | R eturn from O uting Trip— W hat is a vacation w ithout niu-l for the J. R. W atkins Co. 4-2* Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Penton, of sic? Buy a small Victrola aud take Goldencrest orchards, and Mrs. L. G. FOR S^L E — Cozy convenient four- it along. Rose Bros. 24 7 -tf, room cottage, with roomy base­ Fitzw ater of Ashland, returned ment and outbuildings. Good size from a hunting and fishing trip at lot with plenty of friut. Nice lo­ Ktart “C alling D ay”— the head of B utte creek yesterday. cation with fine view. Desirable j All the members of the Wednesday The story o f a typical Am erican for small* family who want mod- I They report plenty of fish and big Afternoon club who can do so,, are tow n. Of th e “b etter so r t” o f folks erate priced home. Apply to own-1 game. asked to make September 7 ‘"calling er on premises, 705 Penn. Ave. j who w ere “in." Of th e "other so rt” ‘ 4-lm o day,” trying to see new people and w ho w ere “o u t.” Of a m an o f the May the petty larceny chicken prepare for a eood turn-out a t the FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN— I have people w h o cam e back hom e and set thief who stole my glasses from the • picnic a t the W ebster farm . Talent, a 1919 model “ Pow erplus” In ­ som e w rong th in g s right. desk of a local bank last Saturdav next week. September 14. dian motorcycle with side car o u t­ A rousin g, fig h tin g story w ith a i be stricken with physical blindness fit, good tires, and brand new heart o i love. spare. Electric equipped, speed­ * • Your fall suit is here, Paulser equal to his moral depravity until he ometer, tools, etc. I have no use returns them to my home at 151 ud’a. 3 0 7 tf From th e Fam ous N ovel by B oot h T arkington Coolidge St. Frank R. Ross. 4-3* j for this rig and won’t tu rn down any half-way reasonable offer. Witness Plane Burning— See Sherman G raff a t Tidings W atch Y eo’s window.. 299-t.f I composing room. 4tf? MI bs Olympia R oberts has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Lockwood of the L ithia bakery, the past two days. The party was in J lo u ta k u u Sunday and witnessed the burning of the governm ent plane and th e death of the two passengers. Ashland News in Paragraphs ‘After Every Meal” A Everywhere AH over the world people use this goody for its benefits, as welt as its pleasure. Keeps teeth clean, breath sweet, throat soothed. H0MAS= MEIGHAN CALCUTTA re The Conquest of Canaan” A S H L A N D joias in the national demons Sealed Tight of the better motion picture \ Automobile course. inaurane« Kept Right t / ttaramount -Yeo, of! 299-tf; ¿ ^ w eek - ns R eturn From latke O’W ood »— Mr. and Mrs. O. Paulserud re tu rn ­ ed yesterday evening from Lake O’­ Woods where they had been several days at th eir cabin. Mr. and Mrs. Howard B arrett, of Talent, were guests of the P aulserud’9 a t the lake. G RAVENSTEIN APPLES, 50 lb. box, 75c delivered. Phone 10-F-3 or 9 -F -ll. A lem eda, C alif., V isitor— THIS WEEK Miss Lois Rhodes of Alemeda, Cal., arrived in Ashland Sunday morning tor a two weeks visit with her b ro th ­ er Glenn Rhodes, b etter known as “Dusty.” is Paramount W eek — the greatest days and nights of entertainment since the day when you saw your first circus. We specialize on fancy brick ics cream. Rose Bros. 264tf It's the foartfa annual W e e k at th a t: and w h en anything hap- theatres in U. S, A. alone w ith their photoplays year in, year out. picture w o rld you can w ager there’s v a /u e th ere, in thrills and laughs and all the m arvefcns sensations you get w hen you see a Param ount Picture. N o th in g leaa than a national screen c a r n iv a l— t h a t 's w h a t P a r a m o u n t W eek»! T h e greatest talent o f the entire w orld p r e p a r e s M f a r y o n ! P a ra m o u n t 1 w rite rs , actors and directors in Cali­ fornia, N e w Y o rk and London— the largest organization in fihndom , w hich w orks on a acafe so huge ahd so suc­ cessful m to « « p l y m ore than 11400 Param ount achievem ents oi the year. ¡¿reateBt to date. B at— such is the sw ift progress of the young art of the screen, such are the striking im ­ provement* every year, that the season 1921-22 will bring you sensational im provem ents in Faramount Pictures, greatly outdistancing all past efforts, — im provem ents in all those vital details of a photoplay w hich make your breath com e quicker, and your e y es shine brighter. A n d you'll declare “ T h a i's the best show in to w n !” , T hat’s what a Paramount Picture a /w a y s is. New Minister Arrive»— Rev. C. C. Hulet and family arriv ­ ed yesterday from Seattle, Wash., and are hunting for a house. Mr. Hulet succeeds Rev. J. W. Hoyt as President Sunday School Mission­ ary for Southern Oregon. 1 THIS IS TH E PLACE TO COME FOR School Supplies AND School Books A FAMOUS SAYW-UST COWORJUKM ------------- ÂÏSï---------- - ...... _ J * At all these theatres, all this week— Paramount Pictures will be shown V i n i n g ' T h e a t r e —Ashland, Oregon Make out your list and take ad­ vantage of this opportunity to buy standard supplies at the low­ est prices— School Tablets ............5 to 10c C r a y o la s .......................10 and 20c School Paints, 50c cups . . . . I O ? Students Loose Leaf Books, Type Paper, Pens, Inks, Note Books, etc., in great variety Fountain Pens . . 21.ÄO to 9S Eversbarp Pencils . .5Oc to M M c N a ir Bros. 7»« C O M E IN Start SUNDAY-MONDAY SEPT. 4-5 TUES-WED-THURS SEPT 6-7-8 FRIDAY-SATURDAY SEPT. 9-10 YOU WILL ALWAYS DOUGLAS MACLEAN THOS. MEIGHAN WM. S. HART SEE —in— —in— —in— PARAMOUNT “ THE CONQUEST OP CANAAN” “ THE WHISTLE” PICTURES His Best Picture Since By Booth Tarkington Hart Comes Back in This AT “ 23 1-2 Hours Leave’’ Another Big Meighan Success Picture THE VINING “ PASSING THRU’’ L Y R IC T H E A T R E —A s h l a n d , O r e g o n 1 Thurs.-Fri.-Sat.—Sept. 8-9-10—D a v id P o w e l l in “T h e M y s t e r y R o a d ”