I Central Point V isitor— Miss Im ogene W allace of Central P oin t is cam ping in the park w ith her friend, Mrs. Abbott, of Salem , Mass. Mrs. Abbott and h lttle son expect to go on to Pasadena for th e w inter. T rousers at $3.50. Orres T ailor Shop. A few lert at 3 0 3 tf J Ladies unaccom panied by gentle To Leave for Idaho— W. A. Cooper and fam ily are men and extra ladle«, 10c at the planning to start th is w eek on a trip Bungalow dance W ednesday night. to Idaho to v isit their son, O scar! The war tax m ust be paid J Cooper, and w ife. The Coopers plan —•— — to visit old friends and relatives at Form er R esident V isits— W ill Move to Idaho— A ” street, M yrtle Creek. Sheridan, A u m sville. Mr. and Mrs. W ilcox, from Los The W ard fam ily, on I passed through A shland , and also view th e sigh ts of P o r tla n d ; A ngeles, have sold th eir place to Mr. Rickm an last week en route for M edford. and plan to go to ICwho before long. en route. ---------- - i Mrs. W ilcox w as form erly Miss Birdie i She i F a ll w oolens and fash ion s are now I Cool o ff in R ose Bros’ ice cream I D eeley, of M ountain avenue. called on som e of her old neighbors in at Qrres tailor shop. Save $5 to parlor w here quality ice cream s and $15 by ordering your su it now . 3 0 3 t f ' sherbets are served. 264tf w hile in town. ..--il.'J-.fg— --- I H EAR TS O F GOLD CA .LOUPES A t P leaean t View • , Talent. Best ever grown. Get them at your grocer’s. 2tf ...... M issionary SodSety M e e t » ■ H ilt, C alif., Visitor» The W om an’s M issionary society J. P otter and fam ily, of H ilt, were o f the C hristian church w ill m eet business visitors in A shland Satur­ at th e church on Friday afternoon at 2 :3 0 o ’clock. A good program is day. 1 being arranged, and any wom an of Pure p asteu n zea m ilk, 13c the the church or friend w ill be gladly 243-tf w elcom ed at th e m eeting. quart at Rose Bros. I Trip to Oregon Cav e s— Orree cleans and rem odels clothes. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Lane and Miss 3 03ti Nina Em ery returned yesterday ev-j ening from Oregon Caves w here they R eturns from B usiness Trip— Marcus K elts has returned from had spent Sunday and Labor Day. a business trip to California. Som ething new. In T eo's window. 299-tf S u its Made to O r d e r - C leaning and repairing on short notice. K. N elson, Hotel Ashland Takes New P osition— Bldg. 302tf Francis W inter has accepted a position w ith the Union Oil com ­ pany at the service station near the C alifornia Visitors— H enry Van Prooyne and Marion V ining theatre. H ager were California visitors on All wool su its at $25. You can't Friday. beat them . See them at Orrea T ail­ H. R. Adams, the Plum ber, sells or Shop. 3 0 3 tf plum bing fixtures a uil supplies. Phone 166-J, shop at 248 F ifth Si. i Wontan Shoots Deer— 2 87-tf The first deer sacrificed to the hun ting prow ess of a wom an resident M ove Here from T alent— o f th is locality th e present season , Mrs. Frank R ose and fam ily, from i is reported to have been shot by T alent, have m oved to A shland a n d ! Mrs. Hazel Weber, w ife o f Arthur occupy the Titus house on M ountain; Weber, em ploye of the ice com pany, avenue. th e fam ily hom e being on Iowa street. A ccounts, how ever, do not Good food, cooked right, served indicate the location of the big at reasonable prices. H otel Ashland hunting woods. Grill. 297tt 3 0 7 -lm Siskiyou V isitor— Jake Sholer, o f Siskiyou. C alif., T he •‘G ang’’ Step« O ut— i was in A shland last week and vis­ E ugene Bryant and Edwin Fraser. ited at th e Ed H unt hom e on Moun­ form er Ashland boys, but for th e tain avenue. sum m er em ployes of the Southern P acific com pany, are being enter- e tained by their many friends and are en joyin g th em selves as only m em bers of the Six-pointed Star Gang know s how. A lbert Taxi. P hon e 183. B usiness training pays. One term ■with us and one year at a good sal­ ary in a business office m akes the Best tw o-year course. W inter term begins Sept. 15. Medford Business C ollege, M edford, Ore. 1-12 OAC Oregon's Higher Institution of TECHNOLOGY Eight Schools; Seventy Departments FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. 19. 1921 For inioradion write to the Refutrir Bi Ijeuve for Portland— Mrs. Orpha D oddridge and ch il­ dren. who have been v isitin g at the J. V. W right hom e on M ountain ave­ nue, left Sunday m orning for their hom e in Portland. They were ac­ com panied by Mr. D oddridge and. his m other, who arrived here from t Los A ngeles on Saturday. Oregon Agricultural College AUTOMOTIVE SHOP Expert Auto Repairing Phone M K A Y & MORRISON 100 Main St. you can obtain a t this s i everyth in g th e m odel housekeeper could deslr pots, pans and preserving k e t­ tles. A little journey through our estab lish m en t w ill give you many su g g estio n s as to thin gs you should have. S I M P S O N ’S HARDW ARE S E R V IC E O greater service could be ren­ dered a com m unity than in cu l­ cating thrift in its residents. For as you raise th e in dividu al’s level, you raise the general level. N Each new depositor added to the l :sts of the F irst N ational m eans service, in a large sen se, to this com m unity. For tn r itt and prosper­ ity go together, and prosperity at t ’.a c ts new com ers to Jackson county. First National Bank Ashland, Oregon “O ldest N ational Bank in Jackson C ounty” C O R V A L L IS and accept no f PHYSICIANS. ATTORNEYS. X OR. E R N E ST A. WOODS— Practice BRIGGS A BRIGGS— A ttorneys-at- iim lted to eye, ear, n ose and Law , P ion eer Block, A shland. throat. O ffice hour», 10 to 12 and -----■— ~ ~ “ ---------- 7*7—— 2 to 5. Sw edenburg Bldg., A s h -!1* R tlB E R T S— Attorney-at-LaW . Room« s 6 and 6, C ltiaens’ Bank land, Ore. 7 3-tf' Room DR. J. J. EM M ENS— P hysician a n d ’ CHIROPRACTORS. Surgeon. Practice lim ited to, eye, ear, nose and throat. G lasses ¡ d r . GEO. J. RINE — Chiropractor. supplied. O culist and aurist tor 9u lte 8. Exam ination F ree. No. S. P. R. R. O ffices. M. F. and H. 25, the Plaza. O ffice Phone 1 0 3 . Bldg., Medford. Ore. Phone 567. R esidence Phone 401. DR. FRANK M. MOXON— Physician ASHLAND HEALTHATORICM— Dr. and Surgeon. H ours 1 to 5 p. m fi. B. A ngell, Chiropractic, Elec­ O ffice 425 K. Main St., opp. Pub- trical T reatm ents, M ineral and 272-ti lie Library. V it-o-N et Baths. F irst N ational Bank Building. Phone 48. DRS. SA\WYER A CRANDALL TAXI. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS P ioneer Building. TAXI-—A cklin's — R ose Bros. Phone Î Phone 266-R . Res. 274-J or 367-J 213. 136-tf il FO R SALE— REAL ESTATE. C - L -------■ --------- 1 - f J U U J ! ----- ■ L '-X J-"!". " ,X .J X U > T R A N SFER AND EZ PR U SS. FOR SALE— At real values: M aguí- T. L. POW ELL— G ENERAL TRANS- cient large tw o story and basement* FER — Good team and motor- residence room ing house, close in trucks. Good service at a reaaon- ou paved street, corner: money able price. Phone 83. “/ i n i ’ s o r n e í’u S t í r Í m ’o o T tw o i POR ^ ’^ M P T and careful service large two story house and grounds J.17’ ** s tt e ‘,i ’ N,'ar at $2650: ordinary 8 room hmwp . . __ _________ , 4 level lots, great bargain at NOTICE —-Master M iddleton, a pure $1700. Level alfa lfa acreage near * ))rPll registered C lydesdale stai town. Call forenoons at 39» lion, is located at 1165 Main St . 2-3» Beach street, Ashland. A shland. 367-6 Brick Ice Cream CHOCOLATE VANILLA STRAW BER RY MAPLE NUT Ashland Creamery A FEW BARGAINS FO R SALK BY REAVER R EALTY CO. * Block of ten lots nicely located, two-room plastered house; lots of fru it and berries; good garden land; would m ake fin e chicken ranch— $ 1 ,500.00. Term s. Good 5-room cottage; about half-acre lot, sm all barn, fru it and garden— $ 2 ,0 0 0 .0 0 . Term s. Special B argain.— 6-room house, good plum bing; close in; cash price $1,200. A lso som e five-acre tracts in city lim its. FOR SALE— Lot 115 by 200 feet. FOR RBXT. close in, near park, w ith bouse, _____________________________________ barn and fruit. Must be s o ld , EOR RENT—-Three picely furnished w ithin few days. Apply Mrs. J. housekeeping rooms. H ot and D. Crocker, 115 Church St. Itf cold w ater. Come look them ov­ er. 128 Factory St. 3-tf FOR S A L E - Five room house furu-, lulled or unfurnished, will tak« F p R RENT— V ista apartm ent. 357 autom obile as part paym ent. See V ista street, adults only. luquire owner, 283 B St. 306tf Mrs. F. L. Putnam . 166 Hargu- dine street. Phone 264-Y . FOR SALE-— Seven room modern , house, with or w ithout furniture, fruit and shade trees, law n, ch ick ­ en yard. Bargain for quick s a le .. 131 North Main, phono 290-Y. 2 9 9 -lm o -.ft, m - i >4 -»ill» Ea, RJtboa. \ / k T» V« M «tker R.I» W r»«r * FOR SALE— H ouse aud acre ground in fruit trees; close lo * ' ,aaaiL«omMsB^XS«tort. Ahn}^. Rtliahl« Inquire 606 A llison. 294-1 mo* CHICHESTER S PILLS SOU) BVDRt’GGtSTSEVERVUHLKE FOB HALE. intk bu h ba n auto ca r c d . FOR SALE— K itchen Treasure re­ Marci» IP. IWO. frigerator. kitchen table. 2 loun­ Daily (E xcept Sunday) ges. 3 rockers. 2 dining chairs. 1 LV. MKCPORD LV. ASHLAND dining table, 7 oak dining chair«, 7 :1 5 a. m. 7 :15 a. tu. 1 oak secretary, 1 oak h all seat. 1 8 :0 0 a. m. 8 :0 6 a. m. 8:46 a. m. Oak library table, 1 oak center 8 :45 a. m. 9 :8 0 a. m. table. 1 bookcase, 1 m agazine 8 :3 0 a .m . 1 0:16 a. m. stand, 4 bedsteads, iron. 1 large ( 1 0:16 a. m . 1 1:00 a. ni. bevel edge French m irror, with 11:00 a. m. 1 2:00 Neon oak fram e, cooking u tensils and 1 2 :0 0 Noon 1 2 :4 6 p.nt. dishes, 1 sew in g m achine. 2 tu b s ., 12:45 p. nt. 1 :3 0 p. m. wash board and boiler. 2 com- 1 :3 0 p .m . 2 :1 6 p. m. m odes. 1 8-dav clock. B russels 2 :1 8 P- m. 3 :6 0 p. m. rugs, 3 dressers. W. T. Cochran. 3 :0 0 p. m. 3 :4 5 p. tu. 208 Avery St., Ashland. Or. 3-tf 3 :4 5 p. m. 4 :8 0 p. m. 4 :3 0 p. m. 5 :1 6 p. m. 5 :1 5 p. nt. FOR SALE— Two brood sows. Thev 6 :0 0 p. m. have, both been bred. J. T. Saw ­ 6 :0 0 p m. 7 :0 6 p. tu. yer place, tw o m iles from T alent 7 :0 0 p. m. 8 :4 6 p. m. Sat. oaly on W agner creek road. P hone, 9 :3 0 p. ni. i 12F2. 3-2-sat 9 :3 0 p. in. 1 0 :3 0 p. at. Sat. only 1 2 :1 6 Slidgi FOR SALE— Lady’s bicycle in good* ^ v ’ ahhi and condition. Bargain. 137 F irst ! « * . MEDFORD LV. ASHLAND 9 :0 0 a. in. «> 2» ' 9 :0 0 a. nt. S1 _____________________________ ____ ¡1 0 :0 0 a. nt. 1 0 :0 0 a. in. 1 1 :00 u. m. FOR SALE— Full blooded Poland 11 1 :0 0 a » . 1 2 .0 0 Noon China pigs, either sex. W. L .' 12:00 Noon 1 :00 p. m. 2-6 i 1:00 p .m . Moore. 2 00 p. m. 2:Q0 p. nt. 3 :00 p. in. FOR SALE CH EAP—-One bay mare 3 :0 0 p. nt. 4 :00 p. in. 5 years old, w eight 1250 po^pds, 4 :0 0 p. m. 5 :0 0 p. ui w ell broke. A lso 12 and 14 inch 6 :0 0 p. m. 6 :3 0 p. nt. wood. 143 G arfield. I tf 6 :3 0 p. Bt 9 :3 0 p. nt. 9 :3 0 p. m. inqulre of FOR SA LE— Auto bed. Ashland W aiting- -East Sido Pitar- 303tt m acy. Rose Brothers. JACKSON VILLE-MED »FORD FORD FOR SALE— Team , w agon ana bar- ¡ ______ DAILY ____ E X V E P T SUNDAY liess, cheap. Must sell at once, j y mkd FORD LV. JYJ’NV’LE Inquire 1068 E ast Main St. 302 tf ¡ 7*40 a th 7 :2 0 a. in. 8:S0 a. m. 9 -9ft ai FOR SALE— Tuscan Cling Peaches. 1 0 :0 0 a m 1 0 :8 0 a. m. Ba gley R anch, T alent, Ore. 301-0* 1 1 :3 0 a. m. 1 2 * 0 N eon 1 00 p. nt. 1 :9 0 p. m. ’ w a n t e d . Made W e carry several kinds. 2 .00 p. ui. 3 :0 0 p. m. 3 :45 p. ra. w ith Rubber, Com position or WANTED— Good m echanic. A uto­ 4 :3 0 p. m. 5 :9 0 p. in. 6 :3 9 p. m. m otive Shop. 1-6 leath er so les. 7 :9 0 p. m 9 :8 0 p. m. W ANTED— About five acres with 7c30 p m. 8 :90 p. m. Sat. only im provem ents, sm all house P™ 1 9 :9 0 » . m 9:50 p. in. ¡Mt. MEDFORD LY. ROHEBURG 1 1 :0 0 a. nt. 1 09 p. in IX)8T. m edfo rd - gkantk pahs Dully and Holiday LOST— $15 hat on railroad track LV. G T ’S PAH> south. Reward. Cook. 29 Pioneer • LV. 1 0 :0 6 a. ni 3 0 7 -4 * 1 9 : 0 0 »• n t. i 30 1 1 : 0 0 a .m . 1 :06 p. in. 4 :99 p. ui. 1:00 p .m . NOTH’« OF SALK 6:15 p. m 4 :3 0 p. m. In th e County Court of the State Grants Pass W a llin s R oom — The of Oregon, for Jackson County. Boahonnier«. it o . In th e m atter of the sale by Jack- O ffice a»d W aiting R m » ' N o . 5 ! son County. Oregon, o f real property S. Front St.. Na«b Hot«! Bui Id mi-'. acquired for taxes by said county, and for which said county has re- i ceived. deeds. NOTICE IS H EREBY GIVEN that i in pursuance of an order of the County Court of Jackson County. Oregon, m ade and entered on the 4th day of A u gust, A. D. 1921, the HAVE HAiARD YOU undersigned, sh eriff of said county. w ill, on the 10th day of Septem ber,! of m e» who could hardly A. D. 1921, at the front door o f the w rite th eir own name— court house of said county, in th ei but who SAVED town of Jacksonville therein, at the; MONEY! hour of 10 o’clock a. m. and betw een! the hours of 10 o ’clock a. m. and 4 o ’clock p. ni. on said date, sell to I Are you, w ho can read, the highest and best bidder, for cash. I w rite and earn money in accordance with said order, all j w illin g to be ou tdone by th e real property, and every piece m en less in te llig e n t than B ! and parcel thereof, to which said yourself? B ¡cou nty of Jackson has acquired title* > I by virtue of sales for taxes, and to I T hink it ever, and start which said county has acquired a ! a Savings A ccount in i deed or deeds prior to th e date o f t^e th is strong bank today. m aking of said order. Provided, that each and every piece and parcel of said real property w ill be sold for a price not less than th e m inim um price fixed in said order. Dated th is 6th dav of A ugust, A D, 1921. C. E. TERRILL, Sheriff, Jackson County, Oregon. R eal E sta te and Roni Insurance By L. S. Forncrook, D eputy. Batab. 1»«B 288-5tues Canvas Shoes BUN ON 8WNDAYK. R eal E sta te ou’ve Stiuck’it Riglit when you Light a CAM EL y Y our taste will tell you th a t! F o r Camels have the flavor an d fra g ra n c e of choicest tobaccos, p erfectly blended. They’re sm ooth and mellow- m ild. A n d t h e r e ’s N O C I G A R E T T Y A F T E R ­ TA STE. W e p u t the utm ost q u ality into th is one b ran d . Cam els are as good as it’s possible fo r skill, money an d lifelong knowledge of fine tobaccos to m ake a cigarette. T h a t ’s w h y C a m e ls a r e T H E Q U A L I T Y C IG A R E T T E . The Beider Tractor and P.&0. Dise Plow w ill do your plow ing right now in your hard, stick y soil. Bargain in used sew in g m achine; a lso a new carload o f W hite ing m achines ju st in, at Peil's Corner Jars with Lids S izes One G allon to T w en ty E g g s A re Cheap N ow . W a terg la ss Y our W inter Supply. Provost Bros. The National Remedy of Holland Co centuries and endorsed by Queen Wilhel nine. At all druggists, three s u m . x»ok fo r the name G old M odal on o»e»^ h* One cent th e w o r d each tim e. m’ BARQAINB IN CITIZENS’ RANK BUILDING GOLD MEDAL B U S IN E S S A N D P R O F E S S IO N A L Suitable . tor Hunting and, I N 4 ni y and Ranch Properties H ou ses to- R ent. K eep t h e v ita l o r g a n s h e a lth y b’ regu larly ta k in g t h e w o r ld ’s sta n d trd r e m e d y for k id n e y , live» >ladder a n d u r ic a c id t r o u b le s - noun SE E To Leave for E astern Oregon— C. B. Haney and fam ily expect to go th is week to eastern Oregon to visit relatives. Their nephew , Rob­ ert Haney, will accom pany them as far as Portland. w S t o a ta c h - K i d n e y s - H e a r t - h i v e COMPLETE K1TCHE OUTFITS Spends Vacation at P ortland— Miss Alta W einburger has gone to Portland for a few days outin g and vacation. M K WATCH THE BIG 4 Ashland, Ore. E xq uisitely tailored su its at Paul-j seru d’s. 30?tf> C. B. L A page THE ASHLAND BADLY TIDINGS T uesday, Septem ber Ö, 1021 a. j. ViMtoSlau, uraouu . KC. . a, t ucu THE C IT IZ E N S i BANK ND Do yoo want T o leave A SH L A N D ? Want to trade Your property For a (arm In Washington? SAVINGS Billies Agency