Tuesday, September fl, 1M Í THE ASHLAND DAILY TUHNGS PAGE TWO held in L ithia park Sunday. Eight convention, September 10 and 11: Saturday, Sept, 10., A. M. : members of the class with their 9:30— R egistration. Rally Songs. families, about forty persons in all, Established 1876 Published Every Evening Except were p resent to p artak e of th e feast ■ Announcements. Sunday ____ 10:00— Devotional. Leader, Miss provided. Those of the class answ er­ THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. ing th e roll call were Lilly Lynch Ott. Theme, “ Stew ardship.” Motto, OFFICIAL CITY AND ^OCNTY Davis, secretary and leader of the 1 Cor. 4: 1-2. PAPER 10,15— Business session. Rev. | class; Nora W ebster Hanson, Lovia TELEPHONE 39 K o e h la r p resid in g . W ebster Abbott, Ousta Schneider EDITOR’S NOTE contract No. 261 for its construction tubscriptiou Price Delivered in City 11:30— Closing sing. A full report of the road work done on April 27, 1920. The work Is Bostwick, H attie Garvin Bruin, Treat ?ne month ................ ’• ............... I -65 12:00— Luncheon and election of Abbott Lowe, Allan Abbott and Wel­ T hree m o n t h s .............................. 1.95, in Jackson county under the super-j practically complete at th e tim e of officers. born Beeson. In looking over the Six months .................................. 3 ^ [ v i s io n of the state highway commis this report and will cost approxi- of the class of about forty, It Saturday P. M. °D* Mail Rurai Rout^' ' ’slon and tha Jackson couuty COUrt mutely $36,000. Of this am ount the roster was found th a t four of th e girls and 1 30— Special music. One mouili .................................. I .65 is now available in the 1921 annual county will pay $7200, the Southern one of the boys, together with their 1:45— Devotional. Leader, Miss Three months .............................. 1.95 ' report of th e state highway commis- Pacific comfpany $14,400 and the Slx months .................................. 3’|^ s l o n . As the detail is interesting but state the balance ot' $14,400. Ex­ beloved teacher, W. J. Dean, have Ott. One year ..............................’ ' . .piitw voluminous, the Tidings will penditures to date am ount to $27,- passed on, and of the others, how- 2:00— Address, “ Foursquare C. having been i ever far they have scattered, heie E .” Paul Brown. from state funds, ADVERTISING RATES: print It in sections, dealing only with Display Advertising specific units in each issue. It d ealsim ad e under "the direction of A. A. *s th eir home. 3:00— Interm ission. Single insertion, each in c h ........... 30c * Clausen, resident engineer. n was decided to call th e class 3:3 0— Conferences. 1. Rev. An- YEARLY CONTRACTS 'n o t only with the work already com- e i . « . C ontract No. 267, for co n stru e-IDean C hapter No. 1 of th e Pionoer gell. 2. Paul Brown. Display A dvertising j pleted with cost of each unit, but One time a w eek........... 6 :00— Supper. 2 ‘ ^>c :w ith the work immediately coutem- tion of the approaches, was award- Schools Alumni, and to meet again 25c Two times a w eek............ ed to C. H. Natwick, of Ashland, ¡ in th e Park 011 the first Sunday In 7 :4 5 — Social h o u r. plated and th at contracted but not ,20c Every other d a y ........... .. Ore., on Ju n e 1, 1920. M aterial j August, 1922. Sunday, Sept, 11, A M. completed. Local Readers. I -. 7 30— Sunrise meeting, Fellow- used in the fills consisted of decom- ~ Each line, each tim e .................... 10c To run every other day for od <* ship breakfast. i posed granite obtained from prop­ (Continued from last Saturday) moDth, each line, each tim e . . . 7c 9:45— Sunday school. erties adjoining the approaches on! To i un every issue for oc< month each end. In order to obtain this j 11:00— Church. or more, each line, each t i m e .. . . 5c G riffin and Jackson Creek T restles C lassified Colum n. Sunday, P. M. m aterial, these properties w ere' Near C entral Point Oue cent the word each time. 2:30— Special music. bought by the county. The fills' Between Gold Hill and C entral To run every issue for oue mouth or 2:45— Devotional. Leader, Miss Point, the Pacific highway cro sses! were made with team s and brought. more, %c the word each time. Ott. Legal R ate: Griffin creek on a pile trestle 83 up in layers in order to compact the F irst Time, per 8 point line . . . .10c feet long and Jackson creek with a m aterials as much as possible pre­ 3:00— Address, Rev. Lawrence. Each subsequent time, per 8 point 5:45— Supper. paratory to paving a t an early date. l i n e ...............................................Cc sim ilar stru ctu re 103 feet in length. 6 45— Convention prayer m eet­ Construction has been carried on These trestles are of heavy stand*- Card of Thanks, $1.00. ing. under the direction of F. H. W alker. Obituaries, 2 »4 cents the line. ard construction with lam inated deck F ratern al Orders and Societies. 8:00 — Decision service, Paul ! resident engineer, and represents a Advertising for fraternal ord*e,»land a sPhalt ?avln* Brown. * By MRS. C. F. KOEHLER Contract No. 189, for th eir con- total estim ated cost of $12,000 for cr societies charging a, regular initi­ T -" .. ation fee and dues, no discount. Re­ struction was awarded on July 8, the 0.2 miles involved. This total C hristian Endeavorors of Southern ligious and benevolent orders will be 1919, to Ja'sten H artm an of Jack -1 cost be d^vede<^ $4,800 to t h e : Oregon will open th eir two day, Sep- charged the regular ra te for all ad i sonville. His work was complete sta te - ^2400 to the county and $4800 I tem ber 10 and 11, convention a t vertising when an adm ission or other ■ ■ ■ » . js/fc s jrw ■ ■ on October 14, 1919, and cost $3,- to the railroad company. Expend!-1 Medford a t 9:30 o’clock Saturday I C A N R E D v e k \0 liA *1Jw ri6» > tt5tli»8bNt,''A charge is made. day w it h m y S X E £,,3«JB Ç .,'N E X P E N - 680.70. This cost was borne entire- j tures to date am ount to $9,417.62, ; morning. S iV E O » « I G t g f f g r R E S U L T S What Constitutes Advertising! which have all been paid from state 1 Miss Ott, city Y. M. C. A. secretary, G U A R A J».W S A , PR ZM OMfcY ; « ÈF U N DS U. In order to allay a m isunderstand- • -v by the state, W R IT E T Ô O A V •WkORStA’Tl’ON.'. ! funds. will conduct the devotional services ing among some as to .w hat consti-, Ahland Over-crossing ttIZ A B t Iff M A R S H f;ltC ,^b >sgy 50eii«,list S u it e 807,-^ Broadway Bli for Students WOMEN GIVE OUT ;»■ and who thinks m ust m ourn; <3> EDITOR’S NOTH The Tidings is tain th a t no liens or tran sfers af­ And he alone is blest who <§» in receipt of complete data relative fecting the title of the property have Housework is hard enough «¡> ne’er was born.— Prior. <*> to th e Oregon bonus act from the taken place pending th e accomplish­ ment of th e loan, shall cause th e ap ­ when healthy. Every Ashland # ♦ ❖ <» ❖ <$> «> j W orld W ar V eterans State Aid com- plicant to record ail necessary in­ woman who is having backache, blue and nervous spells, dizzy mission. Owing to the lengthy na­ strum ents and have sam e included headaches and kidney o r bladder tu re of the articles they m ust by in the ab stract or certificate of title troubles, should be glad to heed necessity be run in installm ents insurance a t the expense of the ap­ this Ashland w om an’s experience: which will be found every day in Mrs. Jennie Hammond, 649 E. plicant, shall then cause th e appli­ Main St., says: “ I have used the Tidings until a com plete ex­ cant to execute the claim, and shall Doan’s Kidney Pills with benefit planation is made. forward the claim, ab stract, m ort­ and am glad to endorse them . My gage, note, insurance policy and all kidneys troubled me for some (Continued from last Saturday) tim e and I had severe backaches other instrum ents involved to the th a t made it hard fo r me to keep 42. Imm ediately upon receipt by commission. going. I was hardly ever free from dizziness and headaches and the commission of an application for Payment of Claims We are hearing some of the com­ th e action of my kidneys was ir­ m ents on those letters th a t we s e n t1 a loan the secretary shall forward to i 4 g All d a im s shall be approved regular. I used Doan’s Kidney Fills and they helped me more to remind you th a t we hope you will the board of appraisers blank forms ¡jjy u æ commission before payment th an any other remedy I have ever help build the new Civic clubhouse. • Report of A ppraisal,” containing • js authorized, and the fact of such tried. It was not long before 1 We regret th at we are too shrinking a description ot th e property offered a pprovai sh al, be recorded in the was free from tbe backaches and to repeat the kind words from peo­ as security and suitable blank I minutes. The secretary is author- o th er signs ot kidney com plaint.” Price 60c, a t all dealers. Don’t ple who are eager for civic improve­ spaces tor the appraisers’ report, j ized and directed to certify th e fact m ents and welcome this opportunity The appraisers will then proceed of such approvai On all claims. Af- simply ask for a kidney remedy— get D oan’s Kidney Pills— the to help their womenfolks. We are w ithout unnecessary delay to view ter approval the claim s shall be for­ sam e th a t Mrs. Hammond had. glad to tell the person, who com­ th« property, and will report th eir warded to the secretary of state for Foster-M ilburn Co., Mfrs., Buffa­ lo. N. Y. the issuance of w arrants.. plained of our extravagance th a t the findings to the commission. 43. Upon receipt ot th e report of (To be continued) paper, printing and envelopes, all bought in Ashland, were a gift. appraisal, the application and ap­ What Mrs. Dill would call “contrib­ praisers’ reports will be referred to the commission, who will consider! uted by a good fairy.” BIGGER AND BETTER THAN EVER 7 One woman frothed because we same and tentatively approve or re­ The party is known who SOUTHERN OREGON INDUSTRIAL EXPOSITION. DON’T FORGET DATES ask for money “at this time of year.” ject the application. took the 8-day clock from 44. Should the application re­ Ju st what tim e of year should one the Dixie Flyer in my gar­ ask for money to build a clubhouse? ceive the tentative approval of the age Thursday night, and We consulted the alm anac but got commission, the applicant will be so notified and directed to obtain at no light. will save trouble if it is re­ Here is an excellent diary- for any his own expense an abstract of title The fifty annual reunion picnic turned at once. woman who does not w-ish to give or certificate of title insurance, and of Prof. W. J. Dean's class of th e ROBISON’S GARAGE her time or money to any public present same to the attorney. At W egner creek school, the class of the sam e time, the secretary shall I the years 1883, ’84 and ’85, was work: January— Spent all my money for forward to the attorney a blank i form, “ Report of Attorney on T itle,” Christmas. February— Sewing ior the family. which shall contain a description of the property offered as security. March— Baby liable to be sick. The attorney shall then proceed to April— Cleaning house. examine the abstract or certificate May— Busy in the garden. T h a t you are getting full June— Making graduation dress. ot title insurance and will report his July— Too much company. Inde­ findings to the commission. value fo r your money 45. In considering title, liens in pendence day. Chautauqua. when you use this class o f August— Spent all my money ou favor of m unicipalities or other pol­ tobacco. We have a new stock just in at greatly reduced prices for you to make a selec­ itical subdivisions of the state m ust my vacation. Too hot. T h e good, rich, real to­ September— Getting the children be removed to the extent due or de­ tion from. linquent. o tt to school. Preserving. bacco taste lasts so long, 46. Abstract furnished m ust be; Now is the time to paper, before fall house-cleaning and while the folks are October— AU the clubs s ta rt and you don’t need a fresh prepared by a responsible abstractor, j dues have to be paid. chew nearly as often— nor on vacation. November — Getting ready for or if title insurance certificate he do you need so big a chew furnished, it must be furnished by i Thanksgiving. New prices on Paint are effective today, which makes first-grade paint in the as you did w ith the ordi­ D ecem b ir— Making plans for a company legally competent to in-1 reach of everyone.' • nary kind. sure titles under the laws of the Christm as. state of Oregon. GRACE H. CHAMBERLAIN. A n y man who has used the 47. Should the atto rn ey ’s report Real Tobacco C hew w ill Central Point V isitor— show satisfactory title, th e secretary tell you that. Professor Ercell Hedrick, of Cen­ shall prepare a claim in favor of the i tral Point, was in Ashland last week applicant and send same to the at­ visitiijg his parents. Tidings Highway Commission Reports on Jackson Co. Road Work OPENS AT Store Closed Monday Labor Day This Weather Conklin Fountain Pen Oislribution of State Bonus To Veterans of World War Civic Club Airs Comments Made On "Rest Room” makes you think of Fall Clothes Whether you buy them ready-made or buy the goods for the making, you should find it at and the right kind at the right prices JOSEPHINE COUNTY Class Reunion Wagner School Held Sunday WARNING! “You may be Sure” says the Good Judge •S E P T E M B E R 1 5 - 1 6 - 1 7 W all P aper at R ED U C ED P rices Dickerson Son o < ►