Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, September 06, 1921, Image 1

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    SHLAND climate without the aid
of Medicine, cures nine cases out
of ten of Asthma. This is a proven
A shland D àïlytidîngs
ALARIA Germs cannot survive
thrqe months in the rich osons
at Ashland.
The pure domestic
water helps.
International News Wire Service
3, (Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Vol. 43)
No. 4
Gunman Kills 2
In Shooting Over
Woman Labor Day
I î>
. ♦
GALLUP, New Mex., Sept. 6.
i ♦ — Joe Wiggins, a form er con-
Viet, entered the Allison school
house early this m orning as a
Labor Day dance was breaking
<s> up and shot five persons. Two
are dead. The others are ex-
<S> pected to recover.
Wiggins made his escape with
PR E FE R E N C E TO <$> a woman, jealousy over whom
is believed to hare caused the
: <S> shooting.
Roy Gardner, Mail Bandit
Escapes From McNeils
ROSEBURG, Or., Sept. 6.—
•• — Dr. R. M. Brumfield for the
second time has pleaded "not
• guilty." It was a technical pro-
cedure due to the transference
•> of th e case from J u d g e H am il-
• to n b e fo re w hom th e case be-
g an, to the ju ris d ic tio n of J u d g e
•* B ingham , who w as a p p o in te d to
• co n d u c t th e tria l.
T he m otion lo r a c h an g e of
•• venue is b ein g a rg u e d .
H az IÇik
Brumfield Pleads
“ Not Guilty” For
The Second Time
W estward the tide of automobile!
travel rolls its way to Ashland and '
Oregon’s natural scenic beauty.
Automobile tourists from central
and mid-western states have dis­
trib u ted over $4,000,000 over the
"West this summer, it is estim ated,
while the East has had but little of
this tourist travel.
And the East, with its wonder­
ful netw ork of state highways, its
great cities, its famous A tlantic coast
beaches, and even with New York
City as a lodestone, asks, "How
(I. N. S. Staff Correspondent)
com e?”
MEXICO CITY, Sept. 2.— Pathetic
t ut ol the West comes the answ er J letters have been received here from
in two short words— AUTO CAMPS ;
. L
This sum m er m arked the passing I*01"* °
P° ,lt,Cal eli,es wbo fled
of ‘ dressed up” auto trips am o n g , across the border when President
th e m otorists of the mid-west. Tour- C arranza's governm ent was over-
ing for them is no longer an e ve r-! throw n and made the m istake of
lasting struggle to keep clean and plotting against the new men In
keep their clothes presentable for nOWPr in<tonrt
8well hotel lobbies and dining rooms
, eF’ instead ot burying the hatch-
They are in com fortable camp togs.!**’ Some' according to letters w rit-
wlth a camping outfit, and they head tFn l° frleIlds> are seeing hard times,
west, where every town and city has,
Wa“ y ° f these m en> having held
an auto to u rists’ camp for their com-1 polltlcal ofGce for years, were not
fort and convenience.
fitted tiriitnd Positions In a foreign
DUBLIN, Sept. 6.— The red flag
of bolshevism was hoisted over the
Cork harbor today by striking dock
w orkers who seized the harbor of­
fices, ejected the secretary of the
harbor board and began collecting
taxes and harbor dues. The leaders
of the strikers decided to form a
soviet. They hoisted the red flag and
then established picket lines, defy­
ing anyone to pull down the crim ­
son banner.
TACOMA, Wash., Sept. G.— No trace
of Roy G ardner, the California mail
robber, who made a sensational es­
cape from McNeil’s island prison late
I yesterday, has beeiv found up to 9
LONDON. Sept. $.— The threat of
new war is hanging over central Eu­
rope. H ungarian irregulars are re­
ported to have Invaded Austria and
are occupying territory after a hat-
, tie in which many were killed.
The delivery of a message of warn-
ing from the inter-allied council of
ambassadors to Hungary has been
. held up at the request of Italy. The
note is being strengthened and may
be transform ed into an actual u lti­
Italy fears the "little en-
e rastiing to earth in a forest patrol matum.
tentB- wi„ send troops t<>. OUK| (hf,
plane as the result of supposed mo- H ungarian irregulars unles they can
TACOMA, W ash., Sept. 6.— Roy
has not made his way to the
This American system of rep­
resentative governm ent will prove ¡m ainland, but is hiding in the tlm -i
her or thickets on the island, ac-
all rig h t when public officials
to a belief ex pressed h e r e i to r tro u b le tw o g o v e rn m e n t av ia- v . ,
finally realize th a t they alre
> » • » *
o m c i s a , , , , c „ „ rd s
; c ,e m e n t w L ,s„ .
V , " ™
, b/
elected to “ rep resen t” the will of
of M c N p i I ’ m faiund
measures. it in e little entente
the people and quit setting them ­
t ei . island pnson tr/ii) \ Oupe. were killed instantlv a t 1:45 «« „.„„„a *_
whence he made his spectacular es- ()'c |()( k Sunday
when I
moved to throw out tbe H,UI
DUBLIN, Sept. 6.— “ E ngland’s de­ selves up as public chronom eters
1 cape Labor Dav
w henj Rarians f rom W est H ungary, the
mands upon Ireland have no basis
>ver and above th at clearly ex­
T he g u a rd s made a n
' 1 * eXpl° ded a fte r h ittin ? Italian statesmen fear war.
of right. They’re made because we’re
pressed will. If I was boss and iv a s , of iha 500 rX ldents o 7 L C“r
" " d e" VelPPCTl ,he
The - l l t t l . entente" 1» eon.po.ed
too weak to resist successfully,” de­ the people expressed themselves ¡land reoortlnn th a t n o le h«rt
" 1“ '
th<‘‘r bO," ' S » ' <’ xeeho-S lo.«li l«. I u s o .8 l.v ia and
clared Eamonn De Valera in ta lk ­ in favor of spending one hundred
anv 'trace of the noted
b a n d it‘ ” t ‘r" “
C" “P' The m™ M l Koun.anla. all a , tonne, head, with
ing to newspapermen today.
race or the noted
bandit. A (rom a n altitude of approximately Huucarv
thousand dollars for a more ade­
heavy fog over the Inland
ban,- f,o„ fee, after circling above the
n ‘„
b„ „ arouMd , 0
“ If England is issuing an ulti­ quate w ater supply, I wouldn’t
matum. let it be an ultim atum of
pering the search. It is expected ree.denee and bnelneae dletrlcts of , onle al,siety by
fumble around for two or three
ln„ n„ Thl.t
brute force— force naked and un­
at bloodhounds will be used he-
years trying to convince them
fore the day is over
.„ontague Sergeant Whfatle was a t , a c t i v i t y
by , h . H a n g a r ,.,,, a,
ashamed, such as has been used
lore m e nay is over.
, the controls of the machine.
S ta in a m a n e e r
th at they didn’t know w hat they
against small« nations before. Ire­ wanted, but I would set to work ,
Ielp from the outside is believed
Both men have been in the gov-
____ ' _______ •_____
A u to C a m p . SotMtht
' ' h *1' e“ e p t a s la b o r e rs . a n d som e
land has long known It. No pre­ to speedily and conscientiously
to be the only chance G ardner Hasj em inent forest patrol service for' M t P ,41 | x>rt i,..—
T heir tours this sum m er were not o ,."
‘he POmP ° ' tbP
tense will prevent the th reat of force carry out th a t clearly expressed
of getting away, but th a t possibility months. Their base has been at
Ernestine Hicks. Bess Wilson
planned over maps showing th e best
t0l,Ing w ,tb th eir hands,
from being recognized. Peace can­ will.
™ kin* B ^nche MacLShn and Eunice Grub,
I ’d give them water, or j in g T o n sU n tly ^ a to H e d " a n d ^ e 'v e ^ 'C°
state roads. They planned th e irI linf, "
Wh° held high positions not be founded .upon make-believe. ¡' step down and out.
I daily fligh ts over the forests of S is-, ^ tu rn e d yesterday ev en in g a fte r a
routes along the trails which of- ..h I Carranza are reported to be Let us te ar aside the cam ouflage.’
boat on the island is under guard.
kiyou county guarding against for- two-days horseback ride to Lost
fered the best auto camping grounds 1 „
/ P'
General Cardido Agu-
e st fires.
Lake. They found the lake, although
They had rough traveling over raanv
' C arranza's ¿»»-in-law and
the trails were dim and hard to
roads, hut they found a real w elcom e! m eraber oi his cabinet, is said to be
Mrs. W. H. Smith, ltttt East Main I locate.
in the camps and kept cool aim com -' * * ^ 5
*** bac\ into Mexico
street, who with her husband at­
W orthy Matron Y'tsiL.—
fortable in khaki togs.
8 desire to retu rn is believed
tended a reunion oi the W. H. Smith,
Through A shland’s auto park thie; here t0 be a confession th at th e Car-
Mrs. Minnie Letson. worthy grand
E. S. Parshall and A rthur Simm
matron of Oregon, will make her
tide of auto tourists has ebbed and ™nzita coffers are ««»pty and th a t
families at Montague Sunday, was
official visit to Alpha Chapter No.
flowed all summer.
H undreds of
*S D? Way of ref^ ^ ? g ^ em-
eye witness to the tragedy. Mrs.
• l . O . E. S„ this evening. All mem-
cars use the park every week and
" o r k In th e O ffing
Smith stopped at the Tidings office
broken out in the red garrison at
■ hors and visiting members aro urged
on any day the license plates of a ' General ASuil»r IsTiT San Antonio,
this morning to add fu rth er details
i to be present.
dozen central and western states can S° *8 General FfrancBeo “Murguia,
to the above dispatch.
Annual m eeting of C hautauqua as-
be counted.
^b o has made a fuitile but trouble-
Mrs. Smith was about to take a,
. ..
■ rograd, said a W arsaw dispatch re-
at Pioneer hall, 8 o’clock
"W e’re all for the west this sum- S° me effOrt t0 sta rt an uprising dur-
j celved here today. The reports are
tfiis evening.
m er,” said a central states m otorist, ' n8 the past six or eight months,
By W. G. LEE
Ashland gave its official welcome ticed the plane plunge toward the
W ill Spend W inter H e r e -
touring with his wife and two kid- W bat Murguia is doing on the other (President Brotherhood of Railway
to the Southern Oregon Soldiers’ grounds head one and disappear be-
Mrs. Chester De Lap anti children
dies. "You can’t tour and be dressed Slde ° f the border ls no* known, but
Trainm en )
A TH K N S, Sept. G.— G reek a irm en and ^ illo rs ’ association, now hold- -v ound some dwelling houses.
here from Klamath Palls to
up. so we’re following the trails of
*8 8ab* tb at be bas Rttle money
CLEVELAND, O., Sept. 6.— Cap- report th e civilian population of A n -iing tbeir annual encampment in (1,8i|bled plane had just m anaged t o . s
the winter with her parents,
the auto camps."
and that he will face the necessity ital and labor can be brought to- gOra, the form er Turkish nationalist L ithia park, today with a Chamber c,ear
residence district and
But eastern states have auto Ot gtdllg to work unless partisans gether only through the m utual will- capital, in wild flight, according to a of Commerce forum luncheon this *anded in a field within the city lim- Robert Casey and wife, on Allison
cam ps,” the newspaperman replied. be^p him. He had a little book inguess of botli and they can be kept dispatch * from Smyrna. All of the* uoon at the Hotel .\shland. E x-!its- The explosion resulted from the street. The children will attend
pressions of welcome to the G. A. R. i sudden collision with th e ground ! j^ j^ th e m ^ a te T 1^
k #P Wi>*
"The east is asleep,” the m otorist store near the plaza, in Chihuahua, together only so long as th a t willing­
roads leading eastw ard from the city
replied. “ Some cities
have auto when revolution threw him into a ness to meet and tre a t with each
are said to be choked with old men, and the “boys ” ef another day w e re tand completely wrecked the plane. Buildiiur Improve
camps, but there are long jum ps high place. At one time "he was other remains.
:hes by Mayor Lamkin
C ontrary to a previous report. Mrs.
women and children. The Greeks made in speeches
Some improvements are noted on
between camps on many of the best ma3^er
Chihuahua and stabled
And say what we may concerning j are atin advancing on the Angora I and following speakers a t the lnnch- Smltb stated the men were not
Square Deal grocery building on
his horses royally on the Theatre of the practicability of capital and la-'secto r,
state roads.
eon which was presided over by M .1 hurled beneath the wreckage but j
East Main street, in the way of a
the Heroes.
W est Beats th e East
bor working to g e th e r, the fact re-j
C. Reid, Chautauqua lecturer and were found lying alongside the m a -|fl
oat of paint on th e front and an
‘The West has beat ’em to it, and
nains th a t it is impossible to secure
W ASHINGTON. D. C., Sept. 6.
director, as toastm aster. It is e s ti-icbt,le where they had been thrown.
electric sign, all painted an
has auto camps all along the route. Pe r(®nces ranged froih despotic ruler the co-operation of the employer and An unfavorable report
was today mated that about sixty of the vet- ^ be head of one aviator was artistic green.
It has drawn thousands of tourists of a state t0 command of an army the employe unless each grants to subm itted to congress by the board erans and th eir wives were present* crushed. Judging from the w .ltlo u IW llrn, IlTO1, A l b w _
th is sum m er and the average family div(sT°n « General M urguia would not the other the same freedom of a c - 'o f rivers and harbors engineers on Ashland business men and women ° r tbe two mpn, Mrs. Smith said, it
Ed Barrett is home from A lbani,
— like my own— spends $10 per day. n ’9 believed, retu rn .to the hum- tion and gives the other side credit the project to improve the Columbia brought the total attendance to lift ,s th °nght that Noupe had managed ,,repared
to resume his work as rail-
W e’ve been all over the West before drum life of a bookseller iu a dusty for being as honest as itself.
river r from the mouth of the Wiliam-
A fter an address by Mayor Lam- to free himself from the safety b e lt. ,.oa<1 tpaj
trainm an within a short time.
and the scenery didn’t a ttra c t us. IHtle store. But if he failed to send
It is not to be supposed for one ette river to Vancouver, Wash,, and kin- R er- W alter L. Evans, repre- 1,1 the rear seat nnd had endeavored ,,,
Edmond, lives on a ranch
C ertainly the roads held no appeal. uioney across the border in his days m inute th a t determ ination not to i provide a channel of equal width and seatiuR the American Legion, w el-' tn free W hittle,
Mrs. B arrett will a Is«»
I ’ve never been east of D etroit and of power and p ro sp e rity he has a concede on the p art of either aide is I depth as th at in the W illam ette riv- ' comed tbe veterans.
Miss Grace
Futile efforts were made by Mon-
would like to see New York, but un- Nttle fiscal problem to solve which an evidence of dishonesty of purpose; > er to Portland,
Chamberiain, president of the Civic taR” ° citizens to save the bodies
til they have auto camps I'll spend ,naY he more vexatious than any we realize th a t the economic law,
Improvement club, extended a wel- Ir01H incineration.
Ropes thrown Kesnodeis Home—
my vacations in the W est.”
presented to him when he ruled In “ get as much as possible for as lit­ Return from Dteosimd Lake—
come to the “boys” and th eir wives about the bodies in an attem pt to ( Mrs. W. B. Wilson is remodeling
I t’s the same with all of th e m .: Chihuahua.
The Fred Doan family on xnimm for the women of Ashland. Richard draR them clear of the wreckage,! er home on Oak street.
tle as possible,” m aintains to the
They don’t stop at a garage and aski
Banditry E xists
full in every adjustm ent between street, with B. R. Stevens, retu rn ed Posey Campbell, fam iliarly known were burned before use could be m ad e; P « * 1*»’ Family on H unting Trip
th e best route to such and such a
Rebels still exist in Mexico, but the employer and the employe, but
Jack Peebler and w ife have gone
yesterday from a week’s camping throughout the Rogue River valley
place. They look on the wall a n d 1 few are better than bandits. A th a t does, not mean th at both aides trip at Diamond lake. They report as “ Dick Posey," poet and author,
and Mrs. Smith were accom- oa a week s hunting trip in the vi-
read the list of “swell” auto camps i troublesome band is reported to be to the industrial problem cannot get
wonderful fishing.
The lim it is who has returned to Ashland after I‘anied to Montague b.v Mr. and Mrs. clult.v °C the Dead Indian m ountains,
or they ask their camping neighbor i operating in Oaxaca and the region together and work out th eir differ­
twenty poands per day. ana It took extended tours on the C hautauqua R°hert Lockwood, of the Lithia Roy New G a r -
w hat such and such a city has in of the isthmus of Tehuantepec. These ences honestly and with fairness to them only an h o u r^S .
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Smith, 733 Oak
the limit. circuits, favored the luncheon g a t|i-! bakery, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Jones
auto tourist accommodations.
rebels are not strong, as it has been both parties interested.
, street, are the smiling owners of a
Among Ashland , people they met ering with a poem of war time vin- and Miss Olympia Roberts.
Camp Is F irst C lass
thought necessary to send only a
L. J. Orres. of this city, arrived new Chevrolet car purchased the last
The railroad transportation organ- j there were Engineer Jess Ferrin, and tage. The answ ering address for the
A shland’s auto park has foiped part of a regiment against them, un- izations have managed th eir affairs j family.
Soldiers’ and Sailors' association was in Montague shortly after the trag- of the week. The car is the first
and running water, kitchens, laund- der command of Colonel Teodulo with their employes through what R eturn from Crater Lake—
made by Judge William Colvig, ofiedy. Mr. Orres has a metal button 1M2 model to be sold in Ashland.
ries, a supply store where food can Zapata. The rebels’ leader is Pedro we regard as the most efficient and
I from tije suit of one of the accident Spend L ib or D h > m Crater Lak<—
Dr. and Mts. George J. Kinz, Dr Jacksonville.
be purchased, and filling and repairi Hernandez, who started his little up- fair method th a t thus far has been Carrie L. Norvall and Mrs. Ada W, j
victims. The button was taken from
Mr. and Mrs W ill Dodge. Mrs.
stations right on the lot.
rising at Tuxtepec, state of Oaxaca. devised by associations of employes. Jones returned yesterday from Cra- i Sunday School W orker H ere—
the wreckage a fte r the bodies had Wlll Abbott and Miss Edith Dodge
And it is not because it is th e ! He is described here as a man ofr no
In any event, it has been the best ter Lake where they spent Sunday
spent Sunday and Labor Day at Cra-
Rev. E. R. M artin, superintendent >een retrieved.
“ cheap way to tour th a t auto camp-1 importance, but th a t description and most effective agency thus far and Monday.
of the American Sunday School Union
te r Lake- The party returned Mon-
ing has jumped into popularity. It ¡would have fitted Pancho Villa in devised for bringing capital and la ­ On Vacation T r i p -
day evening.
is spending a few days in Ashland Trigonii* Near Oil Stands—
is the com fortable way anil the the days when he fed his band on bor together, and when worked out
William Lindsay took the “lads” Rev. M artin spoke to a large audi-
The Trigonia hopes to be able to Join s Husband at Klamath Falls—
pleasant way. In the anto park one stolen cows.
fairly by both parties so th a t each out to the Dead Indian ranch yester­ ence in the M ethodist church Sun- set casing next week, preparatory t o ; Mrs. L. Hiltv left Sunday morn-
will find beautiful cars of the most
The absence of cows in m a n y , can say, regarding
_ its labor con
__ day for a last little vacation trip be­ day evening, telling of the work testing the showing at 1350 feet.
ing for Klam ath Falls to visit her
expensive makes with ^trailers con places is said to be the explanation tracts, th a t its word is as good as its fore school opens.
accomplished in rural districts thru Reaming the hole out has been a husband who has been there all
raining luxurious camp equipment, j of the absence of rebels or bandits, j bond, I m ust believe th a t collective
Spend Labor Day at Crater Lake — the influence of -the Sunday School difficlut and trying task owing to sum m er as an employe of the South-
parked apiong the camping parties W here th ere is no cattle, banditry bargaining, intelligently and fairly
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Young and* Visitors from La P i n e -
the tough character of the. rock and era Pacific company. She expects
who sta rt out with a tent and a few languishes.
undertaken, offers the best practi- children spent Sunday and Labor
Dr. and Mra. D. V. Glenn, of La the tendency of hard boulocy» to to m a k | an indefinite stay, as he
cooking utensils in the family fliv-i
Range land in parts of Mexico is cable plan /o r bringing capital and Day at Crater Lake, returning to Pine, are visitors at the H. J. C ar-¡deflect the d rf lt— M^dfdra Mail will be returning shortly t i make
’ 8I’-
completely bare of cattle.
labor together.
Ashland late yesterday afternoon.
te r home, 321 Alta avenue. >
hi» homa here again
Telegraph Briefs
C. OF C.