Saturday. September 3, 1921 ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS. PAGE FOUR Local and Personal GOOOB m ” M O T H IW & '. \ 'WAE. BEST K\0 UÀ TOV4H Y»A QOiMG W W Accepts Movie Posititxa—— Mlsa $th el Troutfether, well kttowa among Ashland’s younger set as the "bit of sunshine” at the Pla­ za confectionary, left yesterday ev­ ening for San Francisco where shs has accepted a position as secretary to the manager of the Pacific Stu-I dlos, a moving picture enterprise lo­ cated at Burlingam. MUs Trout-; tether has not renounced all claim to Ashland She will return "some­ tim e ” £ £ M £ )*8 E ^ PÓú<¿ WELL, G oooias BOSS’ i MC «MA 'TO "TVAfc. IP U E S ID C M T , G'fcY, weuiE’1 ■On * = —r >9 M 4ÉXAK1T V 5 ^ — 7 ; z, j L r lu its Made to Order— Cleaning and repairing on short | notice K. Nelson, Hotel Ashland Bldg. 3°2tf Ketuius I i - odi Medford Visit— Mrs. Ida A. Taylor, 96 Laurel' street, has returned to her homei after a three weeks visit with friends in and near Medford. Leaving the Ole Home Town MICKLE, THE PRINTER’S DEVIL I TO I Crater Lake Outing— ‘ Yoncalla Man to V i s i t - School E xam inations— Henry Van Prooyne, with friends, J. C. Gibson, of Yoncalla, Pursuant to a news story publish­ the figure out in his spare time with Motor to Crater Lake— Marion Hager and family were • ED tools made IV the party’s black­ smith. It took him six weeks to Crater Lake visitors this week. carve out the lifelike figure in the ---------- hard granite boulder. m ,-,,. Looiui» Im proving— the ---------- Mrs. Charley Loomis, who has mysteries of that m ysterlon^^-ater Sam s V alley V isitor— j been confined to a local hospital for Lake region, she is uot of antique Ray Stoner, of Sams valley, was; the past week, is reported as im- age. She is just an excellent carv­ an Ashland visitor this week. proving in health. ing out of a huge stone boulder. This work of art was done by Dr. Earl R. Bush, of the United StateB health bureau, aud now said to be located in Cincinnati, when he was STARTS SUNDAY attached as physician to the United Yz I nr. TWZTEr QtAbTIfA States engineers party working in that section in 1917. He chiseled ed in the Tidings several days ago, took an outing in the vicinity of I pected in Ashland within th| few days for a visit with his examinations for school pupils who Crater Lake this week. ter. Brs. Bert Smith, 733 Oak are either delinquent or desire to 303tf I For pleating see Orres. make up back work will be given at O nes cleans and remodels clothes. the senior high school building Fri­ MEDFORD JLAN CHARGED At Lake O' Wood»— 3O3tf day of next week. WITH EMBEZZLEMENT IS ______ George Carter, from near Talent, BOUND OVER TO GRAND JURY and H. B. Carter and family, o f . lorcaa Society Meet» Automobile insurance— Yeo, of Mountain avenue, went this w eek • R. E. Johnson, a traveling sales­ The Dorcas society of the Naz- • course. 299-tf to Lake O’ Woods for a few d ays; man, charged with embezzlement rene church met at the home of Mrs. was bound over to the grand jury camping and hunting. W. Fraley on Mountain avenue Coach Hughes Back— by Justice of the Peace Glenh O. ’hursday. A number of ladles were Walter H. Hughes, coach of the Cliff Payne makes apple presses, j Taylor of Medford yesterday morn­ resent to assist in the work of the local high school, returned yester­ 299-tf ing, with bonds fixed at 11000. oclety. day from Crater Lake, where he has The specific charge against John­ been spending the past several days, son was the alleged conversion of . a First showing of Fall and Winter and is preparing for the coming sea-' Visits Old Time Friends— $50 check given to him by Arthur Ralph Derptody arrived in Ash­ Millinery at Mrs. Simons, Septem- son of athletics when school opens I Troutfether, of Ashland, in payment land from St. Louis this week aud jer 3d. 26 So. Pioneer. 307-3 September 12. of a bill made out to the Harry E. is visiting old friends, Mrs. E. W. teturn«. I’l-om Crater I^ake— W e sp ecialize on fancy b ric k ic e ' White and family on Mountain ave­ Peltz company of Klamaith Falla. ■ Homer Billings and family have cream. Rose Ijlios. 2 6 4 tf’ nue. Mr. Dermody has been in th* The district attorney in asking that eturnetj from Crater Lake after a United States navy until recently. ¡ the bonds be fixed at $1000. sa id ’ ojourn of a week. Homer is back R eturns from W illam ette— it was “likely that the audit of the; it the old stand with hi3 head In GRAVENSTEIN APPLES, 50 lb. books now in progress would show Mrs. Luretta Hedrick arrived t desk full of papers. home Thursday from the Willamett'e box, 75c delivered. Phone 10-F-3 between $2000 and $3000 up in the i ¡ air.” valley, where she was called by the or 9 -F -ll. Good food, cooked right, served illness of her mother, Mrs. Sarah ----------'f'- ------------- i l " ■ ! ■■ '.JL 2-'S L..X Jg g* at reasonable prices. Hotel Ashland Boots. Mrs. Boots was sufficiently Grill. 297tf improved in health to accompany E ROW have on the track a mixed car of 16 inch her daughter home. She says she Establish Advertising Business— yellow pine, 4 foot oak and 7 foot cedar posts, that "Ole” Hedburg, of this city, w ill, is glad to be back to Ashland. leave soon for Salem, where ha will i SWEET CIDER. 40c gallon de­ join Darrel Minkler, of Medford, In ' livered. Phone 10-F-3 or 9-F11. a commercial advertising enterprise. ; Mr. Minkler left for Salem Thursday. ! Buys Ford Car— Mrs. M. M. Decker has recently H. R. Adams, the Plumber, sells j purchased a new Ford car with elec-i plumbing fixtures and supplies, i trie starter and all the latest im-' Phone 166-J, shop at 248 Fifth Si. I provements. 287-tf Store closed Monday, Labor Day. | E. R. Isaac & Co. 3 -1 1 Return from Corvallis— Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Badger and son, Raymond, returned yesterday TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. from Corvallis, where they have been spending the summer months. FOR SALE— Lady’s bicycle in good i condition. Bargain. 137 First The family is now located at their St. 3-2* home on Bush street. Raymond ! who is a member of the O. A. C. ! FOR SALE— Kitchen Treasure re­ frigerator, kitchen table, 2 loun­ faculty, will return to Corvallis In ges, 3 rockers, 2 dining chairs, 1 time for the opening of school. Mr. dining table, 7 oak dining chairs, Badger accepted his position after 1 oak secretary, 1 oak hall seat, 1 graduation from O. A. C. with th e ’ Oak library table, 1 oak center table, 1 bookcase, 1 magazine class of 1921. | stand, 4 bedsteads, iron, 1 large bevel edge French mirror, with 299-tf Watch Yeo’s window. oak frame, cooking utensils and dishes, 1 sewing machine, 2 tubs, Cool off in Rose Bros* ice cream wash board and boiler, 2 com­ parlor where quality Ice creams and modes, 1 8-day clock, Brussels rugs, 3 dressers. W. T. Cochran, 264tf sherbets are served. 208 Avery St.. Ashland, Or. 3-tf I! Jonee-P&tterson Wedding— FOR SALE— Two brood sows. They Miss Eva Patterson and Raymondj have both been bred. J. T. S a w -. K. Jones were united in marriage yer place, two miles from T alent{ Phone1 Wednesday evening by Rev. Walter i on Wagner creek road. 3-2-satl L. Evans at the home of the bride’s , 12F2. mother on Church street. FOR RENT— Three nicely furnished I j housekeeping rooms. Hot and Fall woolens and fashions are now cold water. Come look them ov­ er. 128 Factory S t 3-tf i in at Orres tailor shop. Save $5 to $15 by ordering your suit now. 303tf Frisco Visitor— W. L. Corbett, manager of the Pierce-Rudolph storage company at San Francisco, arrived last evening by train from that city for a visit with Charles H. Pierce and N. H. Harrison of this city. Mr. Corbett and Mr. Pierce are old time friends because of the latter’s one-time con­ nection with the storage company aa senior member of the firm which now bears his name. Messrs. Harri­ son, Corbett and William Paul left this morning for a hunting and fish­ ing trip near Crescent City. They will go as far north as Gold Beach. W ARNING! The party is known who took the 8-day clock from the Dixie Flyer in my gar­ age Thursday night, and will save trouble if it is re­ turned at once. ROBISON’S GARAGE Before the School Bell Rings Again HEARTS OF GOLD CANTALOUPES At Pleasant View Farm, Talent. Beat ever grown. Get them at your There's a lot of fussing and fix-1 grocer's. 3tf ing to be done, to get the kiddies j ready for school. Ripe Bartlett pear;« for canning Little garments which have been j purposes. Ashland Fruit Associa­ stored away since spring require! tion. 3-3 cleaning and freshening most of aU, | for every boy and girl wants to look < Ranks Open on Saturday— spick and span on openng day. Beginning today the banks will That’s where you’ll find our mod­ keep open until 3 o’clock Saturday ern laundry service a great help. afternoons, ending the summer va­ We’ll wash and iron your children’s cation when the doors were closed apparel just as you would do it at at 12 o’clock. home, and we’ll get things back to you, sweet and clean, and crisply What is a vacation without mu­ sic? Buy a small Vlctrola and take ironed, in plenty of time. Just bundle them up with the rest It along. Rose Bros. 247-tT of your weekly washing and phone Poultry Expert Visits— us— we'll have our representative Professor Charles S. Brewster, a there in a jiffy, to take a big load off Portland poultry expert, is in the city vlafting the various chicben your (nind. farms about the city. Your fall suit Is here ud’s. Paulear- 307tf W we will deliver from car at $10.25 per cord for the oak. $3.75 per tier for the pine, and 25 cents each for the posts This material is perfectly dry and sound. The pine is extra large blocks, but easy to split. Place your order now and save extra dravage from yard. We have eight different kinds of wood at our yard. Look it over and get our prices before ordering your winter supply. ADAMS A ADAMS WEEING SCIENTIFIC INVESTING OUR SERVICE FREE Let us explain our scientific method of investing, which will assure you more profit from your money. Write us for com­ plete information about the famous Texas Oil Fields. W’e are continually collecting ac­ curate data, and we are able to furnish you information about the various fields, and al9o about companies, or concerning any particular phase of the oil industry. • We have a limited supply of highly colored geological oil maps of Texas for free distri­ bution. These maps show all producing fields; producing wells, wildcat wells and drill­ ing wells. They give valuable information. Write today for your map. Ask for any infor­ mation you want, without obli­ gating yourself. We are at your service. OIL FIELD BROKERAGE CO. Dept. A-2, Neil P. Anderson Bldg., Fort Worth, Tex. DOUGLAS MacLEAN -in- “ PASSING THRU” IxKtded w ith thrill <• Uke th e kick o f a in ule. And fun to m ake a hom e laugh! Comedy--**Jusl in Time LEAVING TONIGHT Dead Men Tell No Tales Phone 460 240 Third St. Reduction Wouldn’t You Laugh —IN- Overland Cars Touring and Roadster - $595.00 Coupe 895.00 Sedan Ail these prices F. 0. B. Toledo Overland Marcy Co. Ashland, Oregon Ashland Laundry Co. Phone 165 « ___ if you saw your next door neighbors dressed in animal ■kin *9 T h at’s because centuries have come and gone since clothes of hide slipped into the limbo of things th at are past \ / Every day new styles appear—new products that save time labor and money are introduced—new comforts, new conveu iences and new ideas continually are being offered for your benefit. s of all this progress Read keep styles—^ouT ncnow every product that goes to make life more enjoyable. And the advertisements will tell you where to get these things, how to get them and how much to pay for them. The advertisements are daily directories to wise buying. Read the advertisements. Protect yourself in buying by getting those products which have proved their worth by m ak­ ing good under the spotlight of consistent publicity. Read the advertisements and buy the advertised products !