4 LOCAL AND PERSONAL Busiuess training pays. One term with us and one year at a good sal­ ary in a business office makes the Best two-year course. Winter term begins Sept. IS. Medford Business College, Medford, Ore. 1-12 Het urn to C a lfio m ia — Paul Nichols, who has been spend­ ing his vacation pear Ashland, has returned to his work in the Imper­ ial valley, southern California'. Exquisitely tailored salts at Paul- serud’s. 307 tf the demand for the minstrel« is I f creasing until it is impossible fo| the management of a first cis company like the Famous Georgii Minstrels to fill one half of the dat offered them. People want to entertained, to laugh, and thus thei^ nervous systems are better tuned tt the times. With the Famous Georgia Mius-I trele are associated some forty peoj pie, all consisting of the very creai of the negro minstrei profession, az after all, the negro is the natural musician and minstrel of the humai race, and during the engagement here will spring some more of thei| pleasing surprises. K lam ath F alls V isitor— Mrs. J. H. Carter, of Klamath Falls, arrived in Ashland yesterday and will be the guest of Miss Evlyn Dan lord for several days. M arriage L icenses Albert Graham Gurrigues an Trousers at 63.50. A few left at .Mary Joy Folger. Orres Tailor Shop. 303tf William Raymond Jones and Evi M ove to Rush S treet — Patterson. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Kilburn and James Cunningham Ross and Vio­ family have moved to the "Ussher” let V. La Ba re. house on Bush street. Probate Court Estate G. Edgerton. Proof of Pure pasteurized milk, 19c the debt. quart at Rose Bros. 243-tf Guardianship Geraldine Thelss. Bond. Hunter Returns— ................. Circuit C o u r t ..................... S. D. Taylor returned from a hunt­ Louise R. Van Allen vs. John L. ing trip Thursday. Van Allen. Divorce. Third Northwestern Finance cor­ Something new In Yeo'a window. poration vs. J. H. Wheeler et ux. 299-tf Notice. church. J 11. Subject of serm on, p ’eter into th e D ep th s.” D aughters E n tertain ed -— A t the Churches PeiTs Corner ANSCO CAM ERAS TECHNOLOGY C. B. L A M K I N Quicker Service Better Work BARGAINS IN Ansco Cameras Make Perfect Pictures Eight Schools; Seventy Departments FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. 19, 1921 For informnion write lo ihe Regutrar Oregon Agricultural College Real Estate City and Ranrti Proportio» H okum to » e u t. Brick Ice Cream Bldg. Canvas Shoes Suitable for Hunting and Fishing M cN ab Bros. We carry several kinds. Rubber, A A tto rn e y 4. -at limited to eye, ear, nose and Law, Pioneer Block, Ashland, throat. Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to 6. Swedsnbitrg Bldg., Ash L. A. ROBERTS— Attorn ey -a t-Law. Rooms 6 and 6, Citizens’ Bank land, Ore. 73-tf OR. J. J. EMMEXp— Physician and Surgeon. Practice limited to eye ear, nose and throat. Glasse* supplici. Oculist and aurlst for M'nx' andc/Ì ' Bldg., Medford, Ore. Phone 567. Ashland Creamery w ith ATTORNEYS. PH YSICIANS. DR. KfcXEST A. WOODS— Practice HRIOGS CHOCOLATE VANILLA STRAW BERRY MAPLE NUT Made or Com position leath er soles. Provost Bros« DRS. SA\WYER & CRANDALL TAXL OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS Pioneer Building. TAXI—-Addin'« — Rose Bros, Phone Phone 266-R. Ree. 274-J or 367-J 218. 136-tf FOR HALE— REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE— At real values Magni- T. L. POWELL— GENERAL TRANS- cient large two story and basement i FER — Good team and motor­ trucks. Good service at a reason­ residence rooming house, close in on paved- street, corner; money able price. Phone 83. maker, >6000, good terms; small-1 er one, some furniture, >3500; two FOR PROMPT and careful service with Auto-Trucks or Horse Drays, desirable homes on Boulevard, call W hittle Transfer Co., Phone >4000 each; further out I have 117. Oftiou 89 Oak street, Near large two story house and grounds Hotel Austin. at >2650; ordinary 8 room h o u s e ,] ________________________________ 4 level lots, great bargain at NOTICE— Master Middleton, a pure >1700. Level alfalfa acreage near bred registered Clydesdale stal­ town. Call forenoons at 399 lion, is located at 1165 Main St., Beach street, Ashland. 2-3* Ashland. 307-6 FOR SALE— Lot 115 by 200 feet, close in, near park, with house, barn anil fruit. Must be sold FOR RENT— Vista apartment, 361 within few days. Apply Mrs. J. Vista street, adults only. Inquire D. Crocker, 115 Church St. ltf Mrs. F. L. Putnam, 166 Harga- FOR SALE— Five room house turn-) dine street. Phone 264-Y. -- . . j . ' 15 hat on railroad track south. Rew ard. Cook, 29 Pioneer FOR SALE— Seven room modern 307-4* house, with or without furniture, fruit and shade trees, lawn, chick­ CHICHESTER S n PILLS en yard. Bargain for quick sale. W — «»Ilf. — v u e i OlAMONO h . o io n j » n BBANO ax«. I « 4 l n l A a k y * u > -r 131 North Main, phone 290-Y. Ckl-vUtt».«*»« » U n , l-Ute ia K »4 u d U « l 4 ______ , 299-lm o I bote, teafed w,a» Blaa RJLfao*.1 FOR SALE- -House and H acre1 r n s ground in fruit trees; close in. i ycankaowBia Bul.safcst.Ai«*n Ketabh Inquire 606 Allison. 294-1 mo4 INTRRIUEWAN AUTOCAR CO. Marrt» » , Poland Dally (Except W L. LV. 2-6 ! LV . MBBPOKD 7:15 a. m. FOR SALE CHEAP— One buy mare 8.00 a. m. 5 years old. weight 1250 po^pds. 8:45 a. m. well broke. Also 12 and 14 inch 9 :30 a. u . l t f 10:16 a. m. wood. 143 Garfield. ! 11:00 a. m. FO R S A L E - A uto bed. Inquire of 12:00 Noon 303tt 12:45 p. m. R ose B ro th e rs. 1 :30 p. m. FOR SALE— Team, wagon ana har-! 2 :1 8 p. nr . uess. cheap. Must sell at once. Inquire 1068 East Main St. 302tf FOR SALE— Tuscan Cling Peaches. Bagley Ranch. Talent. Ore. 301-6 - WANTED. Fitst National Bank •Oldeut National Rank in Jackson County” ■ Comply With the Law — AND USE ------- Printed Butter Wrappers CCORDING to the ruling of the Oregon Dairy and Food Commission all dairy butter sold or exposed for sale in this state must be wrapped in butter paper upon which is printed the words “Oregon Dairy Butter, 16 (or 32) ounces full weight.” with the n am e and address of the maker. To enable patrons of the Tidings to easily comply with this ruling this office has put in a supply of the standard sizes of butter paper and will print it in lots of 100 sheets and up­ ward and deliver it by parcels post at the fol­ lo w in g prices: A ______ K p. p. p p. m. m. m. m. Set. ea ly 8 :4 5 p .m . 9.-80 p. » . WHY BE FAT? I C A N g t O U C r T O ) 1 W E IG H T /. P O U N B * D A Y W IT .H M l f S A F ' „ S V R c , ; U j r F . x p E N - » M C T K Ö IX » R T S U L T S d o r'llM O C 6 -, AI . S u ite k ,R ffíW S S K Brq«d'w,ay B R Ig'./V Á ^ an d. ranch— >1,500.00. Terms. DAILY E X C E PT Hl.’NDAY Good 5-room cottage; about lv . r f r x v L F LV. MEDFORD half-acre lot, small barn, fruit and 7 :2 0 a. » . 7:40 a. m. garden— >2,000.00. Terms. 8 :20 a. m. 9 :0 0 a- » . Special Bargain.— 6-roora house, 1 0 : 8 0 a .m . 1 0 :0 0 a. m good plumbing; close in; cash 1 2 :0 0 Noon 1 1 :3 0 a. m. price >1,200. 1 :0 0 p. m. 1 :2 0 p. » . Also some five-acre tracts in 2 :0 0 p. ni. 3L00 p. m. city limits. 3:45 p. m. 4:3A P- m. 100 Sheets, 16 or 32 ounces........ $1.75 SOt Sheds, 16 or 32 oHnces ....... >4.00 3:00 p. m. WANTED— Good mechanic. A sh la n d , O regon CITIZENS’ RANK BUILDING T R A N SFER AND EXPRMSS. FOR SALE— Full blooded China pigs, either sex. Moore. r CORVALLIS GEO. J . KINS — Chiropractor* SuIt9 8. Examination Free. No, 25’ tb® P’8"1- Oifice Phone 103. Residence Phone 401. DR. FRANK M. MOXON— Phvsician ASHLAND REALTUATOR1UM— Dr. and Surgeon. Hours 1 to 5 p. m. E. B. Angell, Chiropractic, Elec­ Office 425 E. Main St., opp. Pub- trical Treatments, Mineral and 272-tf lie Library. Vit-o-Net Baths. First National Back Building. Phone 48. TOR SALE. .’s intangible, and yet Service is the quality ou which a business institution stands or falls. When it renders service, it prospers; when it doesn’t, it fails. The First National has its own ideal of service which it is working out thro the years. We’re here in Ash­ land to give the public a definite thing— FINANCIAL SERVICE. ' ■ - CHIROPRA CTÍTRS. a ASH LA ND O ffe C O N , E R V I C E The Heider Tractor and P.&0. Disc Plow Oregon's Higher Institution of One cent th e w o rd each tim e. Jars with Lids ----- FAGX THKKS S U B /A /e S S A N D P R O F E S S IO N A L We sell In terestin g M issionary Service Rev. E. R. Martin, district super- ntendent of the American Sunday ISchool Union, will speak at the Meth- iodist church in Ashland Sunday ev- ning at 7:30 o’clock. The Americadj unday School Union has been doing; ural missionary work for over one lundred years, reaching out into the leglected and otherwise unreached districts. Rev. Martin has been in the missionary work for twenty three years and will bring an inter­ esting message out of a life in close touch with the rural missionary M ethodist Episcopal ChuiT-ii work. Cor. N. Main and Laurel Streets Several of the churches have com­ 9:45, Sunday school. Dr. G. W. bined in making this a union service. Gregg, superintendent. Rev. Martin should have a good 11 a. m. Morning worship, ser­ hearing from the people of Ashland mon by the pastor. and vicinity. 6 :15 p. m. Epw orth League. Lloyd Shriner, leader. 7:30 p. m. Evening service.. Rev. Dr. Martin, of the Sunday School Union, w ill deliver the address of the evening. Several of the churches of the city are uniting for this ser­ vice. Note the change in the hour Sues One Gallon to Twenty of meeting, 7:30 instead of 8 o’clock. Eggs Are Cheap Now. A cordial invitation is extended to the public. Waterglass Your Winter Charles A. Edwards. Minister. Supply. Famous Minstrels Coming to Vining Monday Sept. 5th OAC "fliwoti The .Junior B. Y. P. V. meets at |5, and the Senior at 6:30 p. m. All lour young people «re invited to at- [tend these meetings. Evening worship and sermon at j :30. Subject of message, "Simon ’eter out of the Depths." Special', lusic by our orchestra of e ig h t' pieces. Our church extends a hearty (Christian welcome co all who will (worship with us. Walter L. Evans, Pastor. Ernest S. Wolgamott xs. J. J. Mc­ Mahon et al. Notice. The Ever Ready girls of the Pres­ Credit Service company vs. C. G. byterian church, Mrs. O. Winter, Peebler. Writ of attachment. teacher, entertained the King’s Jackson County bank vs. C. E. Daughters Thursday evening with a Terrill (s h e r iff et al. Notice. delightful masquarade party. The Nina Ann Craig vs. Francis Mar­ varied costumes, novel games and, F irst C ongregational Church lon Craig. Affidavit and order. delicious refreshments made a very' Boulevard and Main Street Lena Higgins vs. Roy Higgins. enjoyable evening. Phone 239-R. Divorce. Sunday school, 9.45, with Mr. H. A. E. Eastman vs. J H. Wheeler All wool suits at >25. You can’t C. Galey, superintendent, presiding. et al. Foreclosure. beat them. See them at Orres Tail­ Classes for all grades and ages. Bullock Mercantile Agency vs. or Shop. 303tf Morning service, 11 a. m. Sub­ Norman Merrill et al. To recover ject, "Shall the Sixth Commandment money. "Dead Indian” R anchers Visit— R. H. Toft vs. J. F. Mundy et al Stand?” Lessons for Labor Day William Lindsay and little sons from the Impending calamity of the came in from their ranch in the Dead i To recover money Indian country this week. They ex-' Toft V9. M. L. Alford, To | present West Virginia strike and In- ! surrection.) pect to return Monday. recover money. Christian Endeavor, 7 p. m. Sub- A "Special” dance at Eagle Point ReaI E sta te T ransfers 111 Wlth Saturday, September 3. Majestic , John R. Tomlin et ux to Charles , i ject- “Thy Wil1 Be 6: 7-15. (Conse- 2_2, -F. Henselman. lot 14, block 1, Sum-1 my mind- Matt orchestra. ______ _ ~ mit Avenue Heights addition to M ed-icratloQ meeting.) T o Take Vacation__ ford, >10. Evening service, 8 p. m. Subject, Rural Carrier J. H Doran expects. William Winkle to W. H. B row n.i“The Uniqueness of Jesus Christ." to go to Newport this week for a I l°l 8, Mountaip View Tract No. l, A hearty and a cordial welcome vaaction Mrs. Doran will take the i^ 10- awaits you at all these services, route in his ab sent*. I j Malcolm L. McDonald et ux t o iCome and worship with us. W. Judson Oldfield, Minister. | Dillard Horn. SE% of NW !4, sec 3,i Albert Taxi. Phone 183 307-lm 'tw p 37 S., R. 4 W.. >400. T rinity Episcopal Church ------ City of Medford to Fred W. Weeks V icar th e Rev. P. K. Hammond, A t Crater R i t e — I et al. ten foot strip in block 3. Gal-1 Miss May Hendrick, with a party: loway’s addition to Medford, q. c ., Holy communion at 8 a. m. of friends, went to Crater Lake thejd., Sunday school at 9:45. first of the week. Morning service and sermon at 11. Harry K. Ward et ux to R. Rick­ Strangers and visitors cordially man. lots 7 and 8 in block “G.” w elcom ed. R. R. addition to Ashland, >300. Frank Dorland to Flora E. Welch, F irst Baptist, Church part block 12. Imperial addition to Sunday school with O. F . Carson Medford. >10. as superintendent, 9:45 a. m. A George H. Hersey to Lester D. Holloway et ux. lot on Helman full attendance in all departments and classes is greatly desired for ¡street, Ashland, >10. ] Lester D. Hollaway et ux to A. we are gaining on Grants Pass In the Probably certain people have for­ N. Wilson et ux, lot on Helman contest. Morning worship and sermon at gotten that they are minstrel fans, street. Ashland. >10. because it has been so long since John W. Elden et al to I. E. Schu­ they had an opportunity to see a ler et al, 80x100 feet in block 78, really first class minstrel aggrega­ Medford, >10. tion— however the minstrel microbe C. E. Terrill (sheriff) to H. H. will get them when th e Fam ous Markham, S% of NW%, Ntfc of SW Georgia Minstrels make their flash U . N% of S E U , SEK of SE K , sec. dress parade over our main streets 7, twp 35 S., R. 1 W., >3500. w ill do your plow in g righ t now announcing their appearance at the in your hard, stick y so il. Vining theatre next Monday, Sep­ B argain in used sew in g m achine; tember 5. a lso a new carload o f W hite sew ­ “Questionable amusements” at one ing m achines ju st in , a t time was a common theme for de­ bate, but the subject was never as­ sociated with a minstrel for nev since the history of the human rac started has the form of minstrel en tertainment been questioned. The circus and the minstrel are two forms of innocent amusement which] Corner of B and Second streets. are patroniezd by tens of thousands' Mi's. Josephine ChAmple, pastor. of people who hold aloof from other Bible school at 10 o’clock. There attractions. were 150 at Bible school last Sun­ Creating of laughter, the render­ day. Our school Is growing splen­ ing of tuneful music, charming songs, didly, either because of you or in comical stunts and curious novel­ spite of you. Are you helping or ties. constitute the purpose of the hindering a good thing: which? Keep the Doors of Memory minstrel. For this reason, time and September 25 is to be Rally Day again in the professional papers the Open with an Ansco at Bible school. We are going to performers and others engaged in the have 250 present at Bible school No. 2 Box C a m era ..............> 2.50 legitimate amusement business have No. 2A Box Camera ......... > 3 .B0 that day. been assured by the government that Morning worship at 11 o’clock. Vest Pocket Junior ..........>12.00 amusements of this character are 1A Folding Camera ...,..> 1 8 .0 0 wonder, in these strenuous times. Sermon topic, "The First Lap, and 2C Jr. Folding Camera ... .>20.00 Then— W hat?” 3A Folding Camera >22.00, >27.00 Christian Endeavor at 6:45 p. m. A F u ll A ssortm ent o f A n sco and There will be no evening service E astm an FU m s at this church, as we will join with Bring Us Your Developing and the other churches In the union meet- Printing K ings «tur ** •' THE ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS Saturday, September 8, 1981 SAVU R eal E sta te and Real Inenraoce E s tib . 1183