Local and Personal SH RINE Friday. September fi, lfifit ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS. PAGE FOTTE MEETING Stated se&«loa, HlUah Temple, Friday evening, Sept. 2. Routine business and consideration of cere­ monial matters. Refreshments. All nobles invited. W. H. McNAIR, Potentate. W. H. DAY, Recorder. A shland W om an a t Sacram ento— Mrs. Alton Severance, of Ashland visited Sacramento, Calif., while a touring through the southern state. Among points of interest claiming her attention was the state capltol building with the beautiful botani­ cal garden of thirty-six acres sur­ rounding; also Fort Suttei, a fam­ ous landmark of California’s gold rush days. S u its Made to Order ■ By Charles MICKIÈ, THE PRINTER’S DEVJL GOOOQtf, SCENES OF AAV CHtLOHOOO’ HERE 1 EARNED MV FIRST O O ttA R ’ GOLLM IS LAST OAM »N TW OLE. OFF1CB. 'Y’OAAOW^OV.l VkA GOtN' TO WASW1WGTOU AUO A F T £ » k GYT TOO OLO TO A PAG& IN TVA' SENATE, XAOSlJ PROGA3LN I’LL GW TO BE SENATOR A N ’ TVAEN hAEBBE PRESiOENT, L\WE M R , UAROkttG~~ HE VdOZ. A PRINTERS^ OEVMU W N S T LIRE M E ' Exquisitely tailored suits at Paul- serud’s. 307tf Well, What Kind of a Town Is Washington? Sughree ° Western Newspaper Unta« HERE \ LEARNEP TR' NEWSPAPER H ER E t LEARNBO WO\W TO COSS', GOOOBV, OLE PRlNTSHOP'. Paulser- R eturn from Central P o i n t - 307 tf Miss Helen Merrile has returned from Central Point, where she has .Move He i f from K lam ath F all been visiting Miss Gertrude Carle­ Mrs. Cora Dodge and her four ton. » daughters are new arrivals in Ash-, land and are living o | Harrison street. The Misses Dodge will at­ tend school here this winter. Chic French Aviatrix Does Fancy Flying in Light Attire; Is Called “ Tomboy of the Air _______, Cleaning and repairing on short | Entertain Berkeley Visitors— notice. K. Nelson, Hotel Ashland Mrs. Everett Smith entertained a ’ 302tf number of friends Wednesday after-’ noon at her home on Hargadine Returns to K lam ath F a il» — street. The party was given in hon-’ Miss Lois Weden, who has been or Mrs. Earl Fraley, who will soon visiting her aunts, Mesdames W. E. _ , . leave for Berkeley, Calif. The in- sanis, J. Hendricks and J. H. Tay- f I vited guests were, Mrs. Verne „ Carey lor. of this city, returned this morn­ and little daughter Alice Jane, Mrs. ing to her home in Klamath Falls. Eric Weren, Miss Myra Gunter, M^as , Jean Anderson, Mrs, E. J. Fraley O rre s cle a n s a n d rem o d els clo th es. • . n ..i „ i and little son David Wilson, and ’ Mrs. E. O. Smith and son Mark Quentin. Kspye O fficial V isits— W e sell T H E BAZAAR h a s p u rch a se d th e e n tire c o n te n ts of th e A lp h a h o tel, i 20 room s of good clean f u r n itu r e an d 1 b edding. T h is a d d itio n gives th e B a z a ar th e m ost re p re s e n ta tiv e stock of new a n d second han d goods ; c a rrie d by an y s to re of its kind b e­ tw een P o rtla n d a n d San F ran cisco , i H ou seh o ld goods, bed lin en s, b lank- j ets, c o m fo rts, d ish es, etc., g alo re. II. E. Mercelr, superintendent of Trousers at $3.50. A few le ft a t ' the Southern Pacific company, Port­ Orres Tailor Shop. 303tf land division, arrived in his special car yesterday on an inspection -tour, i o i l Report Received^— He left this morning. a report by the Oregon bureau of mines and jfeology has been received; Automobile insurance—Yeo, of at the Tidings office, the book glv-i course. 299-tf lug the results of an investigation' recently completed as to the oil and i George N. K ram er R eturns— gas possibilities of the state. The i George N. Kramer, local agent of ., o ... r. ... , survey covered over half of the state, the Southern Pacific company, r e - . u . . ,, . . . . , ! the eastern half having been inves- turned yesterday morning with his , ♦ . . . . i tlgated. As to prospects lor oil in family, after an extended vacation -, , , commercial quantities, the report trip spent in a tour of Canada and says that eastern Oregon cannot be Alaska. The genial agent is today regarded as impossible territory, but regaling his friends with tales of it is rather improbable territory. polar bears, Alaskan gold mines and The possibility of a commercial gas Eskimos. supply is somewhat better, ¿he On­ Good food, cooked right, served tario-Vale regions affording the best at reasonable prices. Hotel Ashland chanceB. The liklihood of develop­ Grill. 297tf ing a large output does not seem very good, however. ; THE BAZAAR, on the Plaza. CH<>< ’«IL ATE VANILLA STRAWBERRY MAPLE NET Ashland Creamery 2-1 t ' Store Closed Monday Labor Day This Weather .Medford V isitor— Pure pasteurized milk, ?.0c the Jesse Houch, of Medford, was an quart at Rose Bros. 243-tf Ashland business visitor yesterday H. R. Adams, the Plumber, sells N ew Crater Lake Ixxlge M anager— The Crater Lake lodge is under a plumbing fixtures and supplies. new manager, who is William A. Phone 166-J, shop at 248 Fifth St. Kamps, assistant manager of the 287-tf Multnomah hotel at Portland, fol­ R eturn From Lake O’W o o d s - lowing the resignation of Carl Y. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Poley returned Tengwald. the Medford man who has Wednesday in company with Vernon held that important position all sea­ McGee from Lake O’Woods where son. Mr. and Mrs. Tengwald ar­ they have been spending the summer. rived in Medford Wednesday from the lake, and Mr. Tengwald an­ Watch Yeo's window. 299-tf nounces no plans for the future ex­ cept that he will take a much needed North Kernl V isitors— rest for the present. Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Johnson, mot­ oring to their home in North Bend Something new In Yeo*a window. from Los Angeles, Calif., made a 299-tf short visit with J. H. McGee. The _____ __ r two men are old time friends. Cannery Opens— Ice Cream - NEW YORK, Sept. 2— Mlle. An- dree Peyree, chic, French and twen- ty-four, claims to be the only avia- trix who does wing-walking, strut walking and looping the loop. She looped the loop so many times over Paris that the authorities Kindly asked her to go elsewhere to per- form her stunts. And so she select- td America. She owns two biplanes, which are housed at Pompton Lake N j For pleating see Orres. I -¡ Her friends call her the aerial Mile. Peyree is dressed in her j aviation uniform. It looks cool, but, tomboy” and the most daring avi ? dear reader> it is dog day8, und M ator— trix, we mean— in the world. She obtained a pilot’s license when may be referred, hot. She keeps she .was seven years old and is the cool, even when accidents .occur. She youngers French girl over to gain! foil <>00 feet the other day when t h e ' a license. She was taught to fly engine “went dead” and the mech- by Poulet, at the Issy les Muolenoux anics ran out, fearing she had been ! field in France. crushed to bits. But she got up and Mile. Peyree said she does not in- powdered her nose. Not even a tend to be worried by the warm 1 j (scratch. Only some bruises. Lucky! weather. 3 0 3 tf M otor to L ake O’ W ood»— TED THYE LARS OLSEN — - ................................ »■ Whether you buy them ready-made or buy the goods for the making, you should find it at Denver A rrivals— Henry Enders and son Jack mot-| Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Beucler, of ored out to Lake O’ Woods yester-! Denver, Colo., have taken apart­ Leave for Oakland— ments with Mrs. G. H. Way w h ile! Tyler M. Bashelder and» wife left'd ay to spend the week-end. they are looking for a housf, w ith!" for their home in Oakland, Calif.,, ---------- The Rogue River Canning com­ yesterday morning, after a couple of Giveaway F estival a t P errines— I the intention of making their home Cool off in Rose Bros’ Ice cream pany started the canning of pears months sojourn in Ashland. AU the “live wire'’ youngsters of I here. parlor where quality ice creams and last Monday, and are installing a ______ Ashland gathered at C. J. Perrine’s sherbets are served. 264tf new table to handle the crop, which Cliff Payne makes apple presses clotting store this morning for a Albert Taxi. Phone 183. 307-lm will be in operation in a couple of 299-tf! “big handout” consisting of straw H unter a t Lam b’s - ! hats and other articles of apparel A nim al H usbandry C lass Grow'»— Raymond K. Jones left yesterday days. The bean and tomato crops C. D. Thompson, the Smith-Hughes j that make up the wardrobe of Young for Lamb’s Mine where be will hunt are practically cleaned up. The can­ R eturn to D unsm uir— agricultural teacher at the’ local high . ning of apples will begin In a month . Mrs. G. W. Williams has returned America. deer. school, is expecting twelve or more ' or six weeks. to Dunsmuir, Calif., after a visit' —-------- of the pupils who finished their stu -‘ with Mrs. Jack Dunn, on Allison I Keturo from Lake O’ Wood« — Fall woolens and fashions are now All wool suits at $25. You can’t street. • T E. C. Payne, Charles Rose and! dies of animal husbandry last year. in nt Orres tailor shop. Save $5 to ______ two sons returned last evening from to join the class of advanced plant $15 by ordering your suit now. 3O3tf beat them. See them at Orres Tail­ or Shop. 303tf We specialize on fancy brick ice several days spent at Lake O’ Woods, husbandry this year. The students M ove to B aker County— 264tf and vicinity. They didn’t mention are collecting samples of grains. cream. Rose Bros. U rges Oregon C aves Convenlem Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Wheeler are what kind of game they were look­ grasses and other plants. Mr. Thomp­ Dr. Carrie L. Norvall, of Red Leave» for H er School— moving from their ranch near Phoe­ ing for, but they did say got “lots” son will use samples from O. A. C. Miss Bessie Walker left this morn-) of huckleberries. nix to Halfway in Baker county Bluff, Calif., who is visiting at the in instructing the class. where Mr. Wheeler has accepted a home of Dr. and Mrs. George J. Kinz, ing by train for Merrill, where she position as teacher of agriculture in returned yesterday from the Oregon will teach the coming school year, j the public schools. Mr. Wheeler is Caves in company with Mrs. Ada W. She was accompanied by Miss P aul-! Dr. Norvall expresses an Ine Clift as far as Bly, where the! well known in Ashlaq^f and Is a grad­ Jones. opinion that more conveniences later will also “teach Young Amer-I uate of the local high school and should be placed in the caves to e n ­ ica.” O. A. C. hance its value.as a tourist attrac­ OF PORTLAND, ORE. First showing of Fall and Winter H EARTS OF GOLD CANTALOUPES tion. Mrs. Kinz did not accompany Millinery at Mrs. Simons, Septem­ At Pleasant View Farm, Talent. the party. ■AND ■ ■ ber 3d. 26 So. Pioneer. 307-3! Best ever grown. Get them at your grocer’s. 2tfi A “Special” dance at Eagle Point TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. Saturday, September 3. Majestic R eturn to Oregon City— orchestra. 2-2* FOR SALE— Full blooded Poland China pigs, either sex. W. L. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Bankus, w ho' ----------- OF ATH ENS, OHIO Moore. 2-6 C; i . have been visiting Mrs. Bankus’ Ashland Description O b so le te - r 5 i 1 1 ” ” parents. Mr. and Mrs. I. N. L. Shrln- With the prospective issuance of FOR RENT— Large first floor front W ILL W RESTLE A FIN ISH MATCH room, gas for cooking. 153 Granr er. on Scenic Drive, left this morn- 15,000 booklets describing the ad- AT THE ite street, or phone 411-R. 2-1 ing for their home in Oregon City, vantages of Jackson county, comes by way of Crater Lake and Hood the news that a 1912 description oT FOR SALE— At a bargain. 16 acre! ranch, all fenced, no buildings,' River. Mr. Bankus is manager of Ashland is to be used. The descrip­ two building sites, telephone, elec-' the Crown Paper Mill company at tion is said to be obsolete, failing trlcity and R. F. D. If interested, j In its proper mission. John H. Ful­ Oregon City. write P. O. Box 231, Ashland.! ler, secretary of the Chamber of 300-tu-fri-2 AT 8 : 8 0 P. M. What is a vacation without mu- Commerce, stated that he had sub- FOR SALE— At real values: Magni- sic? Buy a small Viet rol a and take mitted new material for the book­ Two F alls out o f Three— No Tim e Lim it. cient large two story and basement It. along. Rose Bros. 247-tf let. It is expected .that the new They are tw o o f th e best 160-pounrf w restlers In Am erica. This residence rooming house, close In 'on' paved street, corner: money materiali will be used, according to is a good, clean »port, and la d ie s are w elcom e. W om en’s A uxiliary A m erican Legion Mr/ Fuller. maker, $6000, good terms; small-) RESER VED SEATS ............. ................................................................$ 2 .00 er one. some furniture. $3500; two' M eets T on igh t— G ENERA L ADMISSION . . ...................................... ........................... $ 1 .0 0 desirable homes on Boulevard, The Women’s Auxiliary of the Business training pays. One term $4000 each; further out I have CHILDREN ........ ........................................................,................ .............30c American Legion will meet this ev­ with us and one year a good sal­ large two story house and grounds (P lu s W ar Tax> ening at the parish house at 7:30 ary in a business office makes the at $2650; ordinary 8 room htfuse, Ticket» on sa le a t Irw in's Cigar Store, A shland; Brow n & Brown, 4 level lots, great bargain at o’clock. All members of the organi­ Best two-year course. Winter term $1700. Level alfalfa acreage near M edford; R oss B ros., Central P oin t; Bow ers D rug Store, Gold H ill zation are requested to he present as begins Sept. 15. Medford Business town. Call forenoons at 399 Important business is to be taken up. College, Medford, Ore. 1-11 Beach street, Ashland. 2-3* — makes you think of Fall Clothes ASHLAND ARMORY Monday Evening, Sept. 5 and the right kind at the right prices Friday-Saturday Mystery ! Suspense ! Action ! Starring Catherine Calvert A production that will live after other films are forgotten SUNDAY Douglas MacLean