Ashland Tidings Established 1876 Published Every Evening Except Sunday THE ASHLAND PRINTING 0 0 . . af» Zl--------> ■ ..x OFFICIAL CITY . AND T O U N T l PAPER TELEPHONE 39 Friday, Septem ber 2, 1921 TH E ASHLAND DA ILT TIDINGS PAGE TWO ■M M HBR BM M K i Ashland Posi, No. Í4 ASHLAND, OREGON Glenn E. Simpson, Post Commander. H. G. Wolcott, Yice-Commander. Ralph Hadfield, Historian. \Vni. H olm es, T reasurer. I or registered for the d ra ft In another vice In computing the am ount of against the resident of another coun­ state. but application claims actual cash bonus applicant is entitled to ty for the collection of delinquent residence in Oregon at the tim e of ! receive, taxes. It is the suit of Jackson such registration or entry into the (To be continued) i county against J. C. H enry, of Eu- service, in addition to the affidavits --------------------------- • gene, Lane county, an automobile incorporated in the application, ap- JACKSON COUNTY FILES dealer, to collect taxes assessed in plicant must * furnish such other UNIQUE SUIT FOR TAXES 1919 against personal property in proofs of residence as may be rt- For the first time in the history of this city. Th e suit was filed last j quired by the commission. Oregon a county has started suit Saturday. vubscriptiou Price Delivered in City Donald Spencer, Adjutaot and Legión Editor, D eductions Jne month .................................. I .06 12. W here answers to questions Three m onths .............................. 1.96 Six months .................................. 3,76 in the initial application indicate One y e a r ....................................... Application forms have been Aberdeen, — S. Rural Route« 7.60 nppniau.uu ----- - r - e - ‘ around --------- --------------. . the, the rem ainder of the year. The ex- th a t the applicant has received edu- n 'jh 11 J , J Wa 5U $ .6 6 ; ceived by Ashland Post No. 14 4 o offA ff American Legion posts estab lish ed ! ecutive committee as a whole will | cational aid from the state of Ore- l One Three months .............................. 1.95 ¡ the American Legion for all ex -ser- ti­ ue employment bureaus for th e i have direct charge of handling t h e 1 gon, the am ount so received will be fili months .................................. 3.50 ¡ vice persons in this community who 'fa rm e rs and th e harvest was com-1 state aid applications. This is a very verified from the records in the of­ One year will make claim for either the bonus pleted w ithout serious difficulties im portant proposition to all ex-ser- fice of the secretary of state, and ADVERTISING RATES: ln the three weeks th at the b u re a u , vice men, w hether they are members deducted from the am ount of cash or loan. Display A dvertising The application forms are known was active they gave 1017 free j of the Legion or not. Their cases bonus or loan the applicant is en­ Single insertion, each in c h ............30c as initial application blanks, and mealS, found jobs tor 617 men are to be handled by this Legion titled to receive ¡provided, th a t if YEARLY CONTRACTS any such money has been refunded Display A dvertising m ust be filed with the commission gave beds to 304 men, a n d '373 free committee. One time a w eek .................... 2714 c at Salem before May 31, 1922. The baths, and treatm ent by post phys- a com m ittee was appointed to by the applicant to the state or Ore­ Two tim es a w eek....................25c handle the lyceum course Jiroposi- gon, the am ount so refunded will applicant will determ ine by this form ician for twelve cases. Every other d a y ........................ 20c • * • tion. This very interesting and edu- be credited to the applicant before Whether he will take the cash or Local Readers. Our insurance departm ent has j cational course will be started in Oc- the deduction is made. Each line, each tim e .................... 10c the loan. If he elects to take the To run every other day fbr on* * 13. If the applicant desires the cash, the commission will prepare a just received news th a t the tim e ' tober. The committee appointed are month, each line, each time . . . 7c cash bonus and the answ ers to the limit for reinstatem ent for your fed- as follows: Chairm an, W alter L. claim and send it to the applicant To i nn every issue for oc.^ month Rigg, W ilbur C. questions in the initial application Evans, John O. eral insurance has been extended to or more, each line, each tim e. . . . 5c for completion and signature. The Classified Column. ,claim will then be returned to the January 1, 1922. If your insurance Holmes, Henry Pace, Donald P. indicate that applicant zhas applied One cent the word each time. has lapsed, it can be reinstated by Dickerson and Dr. Gordon Mac- for or received a bonus or gratuity To run every issue for one month or commission, who in tu rn will pre­ from another state or country o r : sent the completed claim to the sec­ the payment of two months premium Cracken. more, %c the word each time. • » We plan to have a small celebra­ extra conipensaton from any source L ‘gul Rate: retary of state for payment. If he for the am ount for which you wish f Irst Time, per 8 point line . . . . 10c elects to take a loan he shall so des­ te reinstate. Your insurance c a n ; tion on next A rm istice day, and a for service in the war between the Each subsequent time, per 8 point then be immediately converted into j committee consisting of Jam es M. United States aqd the German em­ l i n e ...............................................Cc ignate. He may decide to take a loan immediately or at any future one of several different kinds of in - ; Spencer, chairm an, George E. Dunne, pire and its allies, the am ount so Card of Thanks, $1.00. surance. Dividends are being paid ' Henry Pace, S. A. Peter Jr., and Dr. received will be verified by the sec­ O bituaries, 2)4 cents the line. /date, tim e limit not specified. Fraternal Orders and Societies. If he has received state education­ by the governm ent on converted in -jR . L. Burdic were appointed to make retary and shall be deducted from A dvertising for fratern al orders or societies charging a regular initi­ al aid or a bonus from any other surance; the second y ear’s dividends ’ all arrangem ents and complete the the am ount of the cash bonus due the applicant. ation fee and dues, np discount. Re­ source, the am ount so received shall will be distributed next month. T ie | plans. ligious and benevolent orders will be be deducted. This includes the $60 ad ju tan t has th » necessary forms 14. W here answers to the ques- It is the hope of Ashland Post to charged the regular .rate for all ad­ and instruction for rein statem e n t.1 take an active part in the celebra- tions in the initial application indi- vertising when an admission or other governm ent bonus. tion and exercises for the Grand Ar- cate th a t a portion of the service of The ORIGINAL discharge m ust Get them — it will pay you. charge is made. • * • my of the Republic during th ei|- the applicant was in 'lh e student ar- accompany the initial application, What Constitutes Advertising! An American doughboy, while convention and reunion next week. my traning corps as a sudent. the In order to allay a misunderstand­ which upon verification by the corn- ing among some as to w hat constl-j mission will be returned to the ap- serving' in the arm y of occupation, The Legion plans to do the enter- period of such service shall be de- met a German girl whom he later j taining next Thursday night for ducted from the total period of ser- tutes news and what advertising,} licant by registered mail. ¿ Ï V . ; 7 p a X , , U ,Î . Æ 4 A committee rron, the iocai p o „ m arried and brought to the United them. S. A. Peters Jr. -has charge atlate between them : “ALL fu tu re; of the American Legion will be ap- States. He bad been through fiv e : of the entertainm ent, and he will ------------------------------------ ------ ------ - events, where an admission charge} pointed to assist all applicants in m ajor battles and had been severely be very ably assisted by Rev. W alter i is made or a collection is taken» completion of their applications wounded, and bad been cited for L. Evans and John O. Rigg. IS ADVERTISING.” This applies t o t ine thom exceptional valor. He became sick All leglonaires are most urgently organizations and societies of every and will e n d ea v o r. to supply th kind as well as to individuals. ¡w ith all the necessary inform ation and died, leaving bis widow prac­ requested to be present and a s s is t! The American in every way possible. w ill do >your p low ing right now All reports of Such activities after 'concerning them. Ju st at resent all tically penniless. ♦ » * they have occurred is news j instructions will be Legion in New York City took up a in your hard, stick y soil. All coming social or organization I ‘ The ad ju ta n t and his family are I subscription among th eir own mem­ B argain fn used sew in g m achine; meetings of societies where no money handled by the ad ju ta n t and Millard contribution is solicited, initiation W. Grubb, assistant postm aster, who bers and sent her back to her fam­ getting out of town for a very brief a lso a new carload of W hite sew ­ vacation. He feels like he was g o -1 charged, or collection taken is NBWS. h as made a thorough study of the ily in Germany. ing m achines ju st in, at * * * ing to get out of some hard work, i 'provisions of the law. We make aii quotations on At a meeting of the executive maybe, if he don’t have to lead his JOB WORK committee on August 26, plans were Lizzy wagon up the m ountain, by The I. W. W.’s attem pted to cause from a general strike in the harvest fields outlined for the Legion calendar for a rope. THE FRANKLIN PRICE LIST. Same prices—Reasonable Price— in the state of Oregon a t tim e of en­ to «U. tering service, and th a t enlistm ent, induction, w arrant or commission Enterod at the Ashland, Oregon, Postoffice as Second Class Mall occurred within th e state of Oregon, j Matter. and th a t applicant received travel pay to some place in Oregon a t the I tim e of discharge, completion of the Oregon's Higher institution of ♦ affidavits incorporated in the appli­ # Are not our laws alike for cation will be deemed sufficient proof <$> high and low? EDITOR’S NOTE The Tidings is of service, residence and proper de­ of such residence at time of en ter­ «■ Or shall we bind th e poor in receipt of complete data relative ductions. ing service. Eight Schools; Seventy Departments »> man in his fetters, Proof of Service and Residence to the Oregon bonus act from the FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. 19. 1921 11. In cases where a verification -•» And let the rich go revel in 9. Applicant’s original discharge W orld W ar V eterans State Aid com­ For infurmilion »rile lo the Registrar of the answers to the questions con­ <♦> his crimes? mission. Owing to the lengthy na­ or “certificate in lieu of lost dis­ tained in the initial application show Oregon Agricultural College — Charles West Thomson. charge,” issued by th e war or navy C O R V A L L IS tu re of the articles they m ust by ♦ th a t th e applicant was enlisted, in­ departm ent, or original order of dis­ necessity be ru n in installm ents «?■ <• -et» w ♦ e- ♦ ♦ ducted, w arranted or commissioned, which will be found every day In charge containing all indorsem ents, the Tidings until a complete ex­ or order placing applicant on inac­ tive duty, must e attached to the in- j planation Is made. SSSS5SS3S2 itial application. In addition to dis- , charge or order of discharge, p e r-1 Rlank Forum sons who served as commission o l - 1 4. Blank forms necessary for the ficers shall furnish a certificate of i adm inistration of the act shall be service from the w ar or navj^, de­ prepared in the office of the com­ partm ents. These documents will be, mission, and distributed by the sec­ returned by registered mail as soon e claim is disposed of by the Louise Fazenda has been engaged retary to such individuals as are as th I by Cosmopolitan Productions to ap­ commission. pear with Raymond Hitchcock la entitled thereto, and through such 10. In cases where a verification: *The Beauty Shop.” The Fairbanks agencies as may be authorized by of the answ ers to th e questions con-j twins—late of the “Foiltes” — will also be in the picture. But Polly the commission. ’ Such forms, to ­ tained in the initial application shows Moran won’t! gether with the instructions printed actual residence of applicant as w ith -1 Hugo Balim has made “Jane Eyre” thereon, shall have the same force for Hodkinson with Mabel Ballin— his wife—in the title role, support«* and effect as these regulations. >hy Norman Trevor. Twill be released 5. All claims for benefits under Byre long’ the act shall be made on tho proper Vera Gordon—“The G r e a t e s t blank forms furnished by the com­ Mother of Them AH”—(with the nec­ mission, and shall be supported by : essary apologies to the Red Cross)— has begun work on a picture thus far such evidence as may be required by ■ unnamed. And if she s even half as the commission. wonderful in it as she was in 6. The following basic forms < “Humoresque”----- ’Nuf ced! shall be furnished each person who Chas. Horan will direct Gram claims to be eligible for the bene- j « Davison in a new production tenta­ fits of th e act: 5 3 *D tively titled “The Girl Who Came Form SAC-1. Application for 5FASON Back.” Hope she has better luck ttian Bob Fitzsimmons;—he tried to cash bonus or loan (for veterans and couldn’t! only). Form SAC-6. Relatives applica­ Hodkioson will issue “Cameron W the Royal Mounted,” the screen w e- tion for bonus (for relatives of de­ sion of Ralph Connor’s famous novel. ceased veterans only). There’s an all-star cast in it that These forms, hereinafter referred i ceatC like a benefit performance! to as the “ Initial Application Blank” “ Out of the Shadows,” directed by are for the purpose of establishing Roy Sheldon, will see the tight (!) shortly. W alter Milter, Paul Panzer the eligibility of the applicant, proof —who, by the way, is one of the , of service and residence, and the screen’s deepest-dved villains—a man furnishing of other data for the in- j whose “dirty work” has been going form ation of the commission. on since long before ‘T h e Perils or 7. The appropriate form from the a m o u s Pauline”—Hazel Flint and Norwm L’herer are in the cast. the following shall be furnished to Ethel. Clayton’s next picture for each person who has established el­ TYmous Players-Iaisky will be “The igibility and who has indicated his Cnutle” by Eugene Brieux. Too bad desire for a loan under the provi­ she couldn't make it for Rockett Brothers! Cradle—Rockett—get it? sions of the act: Form SAC-2. Application for loan The clothes th at 'Thomas Jefferson on city or town property. wears in “ Rip Van Winkle,” his first and rchcstpa Form SAC-3. Application for loan picture for Hodkinsun, were worn by WATCH F03 THE SIC SÇCEI.WIW two generations of Jeîïersoos—in- on farm property. eluding the famous “Joe”—before o O n uy 5 h cw of- itj \> Virificatton him. T hat’s one way to whip the 8. Initial applications shall be KIND tRTHE WORLD' H. C. of L. carefully checked under the super­ B utter Keaton has completed T h e vision of the secretary with all avail- ; PRICES 35c and $1.10 Playhouse” for F irst National and (Tax Included) will soon sta rt “The Blacksmith.” I able records, to .verify th e tru th and suppose he’ll make it under a spread­ accuracy of the statem ents made SEATS ON SALE ing chestnut tseu. therein, and to determ ine th e appli­ —6 JL W- can t’s eligibility, length and quality The Heidcr Tractor and P.&O. Disc Plow F is k Red Top 7500 M ile G uarantee O versize B elter Than Cords 30x3 30 x 31 z 2 Non S k id .......................... $22.00 V u lc an izin g a n d R e tre a d in g A ll W o rk G u a ra n te e d KRUGGEL BROS. VULCANIZING Co. 91 O A K S T R E E T White House GROCERTERIA Peil's Corner Distribution of State Bonus To Veterans of World War OAC Non Skid ........................ $17.00 N ow is the, tim e to s ta r t ta k in g a d v a n ta g e of o u r 5 P E R C E N T D IS C O U N T on all c ash p u rc h a se s. S E P T . 15th w hen th e W h ite lim ise will change over t o the G rocerteria p la n buying- a n d se llin g fo r c a sh o n ly at prices th a t w ill mean a real saving to you. TECHNOLOGY O U R F R E E D E L IV E R Y W IL L C O N T IN U E Y o u r P a tro n a g e Is In v ite d J. C. K A E G I, P ro p . RECOGNIZED , ¡ííi'í"'1,; MONDAY, SEPT. 5 NightPeriormanceOnly A research recently con­ d u cted has sh o w n .th a t H ills B r o s. R e d C a n C o ffe e F B SO T h is c o n tin u e s u n til lead s a ll o th e r b ra n d s in volum e o f sales. <*> *> P ro o f th a t th e public is a ju d g e o f g o o d coffee.