Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, September 02, 1921, Image 1

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    climate without the aid
of Medicine, caret nine caaee out
of ten of Asthma.
This Is a proven
A shland D aily T idings
(Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Voi. 43)
International News Wire Service
ILARIA G em e cannot »arrive
three month» In the rich oaone
at Ashland.
The pure domestic
water helps.
Women’s Civic
Club To Start
Building Soon
Fifty Million Dollar Film
Merger for ‘Better Movies’
Money has begun to travel up Í
G ranite street to Mrs. Mary W ilsh ire.,
1 Miss Nelson sent a check from the
G ranite City hospital, and Mi.. Geo.
Tavener sent his check yesterday.
STATE COMMISSION DISTRIBUT­ We cannot thank each individual *
giver personally, but we want to ¡
print the nam e of everybody who
CATION BLANKS FOR OREGON contributes to the club house fund,
even though we make an entire city
directory in the newspaper. The
club will meet Tuesday, September!
6, at 2:30 in the C hautauqua Pio­
D. W. Kincaid and Redmond Bil-
SALEM, Or., Sept. 2.— (Special) neer hall. Come, and bring your
der. of this city, narrowly escaped
“ —Fifty thousand application blanks friends and hear what various pub­
for making application for the Ore- lic spirited people have to say a b o u t: death yesterday afternoon, when the
light oar in which the two were driv ­
gon stdte loan and bonus, which was the pew club house.
voted to Oregon’s ex-service men
ing tow ard Ashland, was overturned
by the people last June, are now
and badly damaged in a collision,
being distributed to every part of
CHICAGO, 111., Sept. 2.— A
with an autom obile trailer attached
the state. These blank forms, upon
dollar motion picture
to a machine bearing a California li­
which the applicants must establish
cense 412965, and headed south*.
heralded as the harbinger of
their eligibility for the bonus, are
The accident happened five miles “ better films, lower movie prices.”
being sent to American Legion posts
south of Ashland on the Part««»''
ine raclllL was consummated here today at a
of which there are 104 in the state,
highway. The trailer was wrecked '
with the request th at the posts give
The top and windshield and three COnier6Uce •*
picture mag-
them to all eligible ex-service men.
wheels of the Kincaid machine werei 11‘1^®8*
This action was taken by the state
smashed. Although the California j Tbe combination was effected be-
bonus commission in order to save
car returned to Ashland for repairs, I ^weeni $be Association F irst National
considerable time in getting the
the auto and its drivers have not! exbibitors circuit and Associated
bonus and loan into the hands of
been apprehended.
J Producers.
the ex-service men. The initial bond
The m erger involves „ the five
Ashland babies, bouncing, sm il­
issue of $5,000,000 already is being
and most prom inent produc-
floated. Bids are to be opened Oc­ ing babies, will literally hold a con­ preceding car and unable to do s o b e rs in th e film industry. Thomas-
tober io , and the commission ex­ vention at the M ethodist church was forced to drop back again, mak- Ince, Mack Sennett. Maurice Tour
15, when the Public .
-------- -
— ---------- . -------—®
pects to have money ready by No­ September
H ealth association will hold a b a b y 'î” 8,,*1 Sh° rt tUrD tb at wbIPPed th e ln e u r, J. P a rk e r Reed Jr. and H. O
vember 1. By having the applica­
¡tra ile r into the path of the Kincaid Davis.
tions come in early the commission clinic in charge of the Ashland com-*
Among a c to r, who»« fortunvs are
hopes to have a large num ber of m ittee and under the supervision of
m orning
M, k T„ c d
7 * thls '
Charlie Chaplin, Norma
checks ready for distribution the
Z ' J
d rl''ln e' Talm a»ke an« Buater Keaton.
Miss Falldine will be assisted by w
moment the funds are realized from
A eitner man was injured.
the sale juf bonds. Stops have boon Miss Florence Pool. The clinic will
b eh in d from 1:30 to 5 o ’clock In the
taken by the commission to interest
Boys Nearly Drown—
v ■< ■
the bond-buying m arket of the en­
Paul and Lawrence W agner had
The clinic is planned to recur with
tire United States. The bonds are
a narrow escape from drw ning while L
to be sold at par or above and not increasing frequency throughout the swimming in Lake O’ Woods during
to exceed six per cent interest, and year, the last one Having been held th eir recent camping excursion, ac­
t i e commission expects to sell at in December of last year. The ba­ cording to word reaching here sta t­
an interest rate of about five and bies will be m easured, weighed, te st­ ing th a t the boys had sunk twice be-1
WASHINGTON, D. C., Sept. 2.—
ed and given a general examination
one-half per cent.
Root announced today th a t he
The adm inistrative force to han­ free of charge for th e purpose of a d ­ who went to their assistance vffi „ i would be unable to serve as a mem-
dle this big task of passing upon vising m others of the proper diet for rowboat.
It seems £hat Paul be- her of tbe Pr°P °sed court of inter-
applications has already been created th eir babies. Ashland medical spec­ came exhausted, requiring aid from national Justice. He said, due to
in the United States National Bank ialists will conduct the examinations his brother. Lawrence. The result his advanced age, ho would not be
at the clinic.
building, at Salem, headed by Har
The clinic is part of a county cam­ ; was th a t both boys were exhausted assured he could sit a t every ses­
ry C. Brumbaugh, an overseas vet­
paign for b etter babies. There will I and about to sink in plain sight of sion of the court.
eran. The necessary funds for an
watched from a nearby
be no contests, scoring or c o m p e ti- : a i crowd
Cr° Wd who watcbed
energetic adm instration of the law tion for prizes of any kind. The aDk w itbout realizing the boys’ dif-
FOREST HILLS, Sept. 2.— Araer-
have also been provided. Commis purpose is to give each baby indi- f,Culty’ before being rescued. They ica went »»to the lead today in the
sioners say that the loan feature, vidual attention and outline a pro- Uere in a weahened condition when; play fo r tbe defense of th e Davis cup
which appeals to a m ajority of the per diet.
brought in.
when Johnston defeated Kumage
ex-service men, necessarily will be
Mothers who desire to bring their
, — —----
I 6' 2’ 6' 4, 6-2 in first 8in&,es match
a slower process, but th at the com­ hnhlu, to th e clinic m ua, rig late r a, ' Mr " d
“T T i l
iot '" e
mission will continue to follow its
.h e »bran- not later than September chi.druu yom," «
past policy of avoiding any and all
LONDON, Sept: 2.— Holland and
13, Miss Falldine states.
avoidable delays.
recent arrivals irom Eugene, an*d G erm an-m inistries here and the Lon-
Only an unexpected suit to test
have the intention of m aking their don new spapers are w ithout any con­
the constitutionality of the law will
home here. Mr. W ilmot, who is re­ firm ation tonight of the Paris re­
now prevent payment of several
covering from a long illness, came port th a t the ex-kaiser had escaped
thousand claims in November. Such
to Ashland following his doctor’s in­ from H olland. The report is con­
a suit has not been launched by the
sidered to be false.
commissioners because of th eir be­
lief in the constitutionality of the
law, and failure of the bonds to sell
alone might make such a suit ne­
PORTLAND, Or., Sept. 2.— Squir­
rels in twenty-one Oregon counties
F u rth er explanation of the bonus have this year been exposed to more
as It affects local men will be found than 70,000 pounds of poisoned
in a special article from the Ash­ grain prepared in accordance with
land post of the American Legion the form ula recommepided by the
in another part of this issue of the I nited States hiologlical survey. It
THAT don ’ t 5EEM TO
Tidings. The Tidings has received is a safe bet th a t a m ajority of these
literatu re from
the same squirrels yielded to tem ptation
accomplishing much
W orld W ar V eterans State Aid com and loaded up hSTr pouches with
mission at Salem relative to the sol­ this poisoned grain. The grain is dis­
d iers’ bonus. Owing to the length tributed by county agents and Farm
of the article it will be run in in­ Bureau community committeemen
stallm ents beginning, in this issue. in connection with squirrel poison-i
ing campaigns waged by county farm
bureaus in co-operation with I»a N.
Gabrielson who represents the Unit-1
ERRING HUSBANDS ed States biological survey in ro d e n t'
control work in Oregon and works
KANSAS CITY. Bo.. Sept. 2— under the direction of the college ex-
The husband who forgets to mall tension service.
"friend wife’s” letters can now
Mr. Gabrielson states th a t the
b re a th , eauier Even peat ottlce ef-j campaign,, th l.
a a iim a ^
flc,»l. forge, th at im portant m arital | thosc
pref|ous years
e n a ,, iTe_
“ y'
»ess owing to the fact th a t’th e work
W. N. Collins, assistant postj^Rs-
has been more thorough in the coun­
te r of Kansas City, found a letter
ties concerned.
He has compiled 1
reposing in his pocket. Investiga-
figures th a t show the’ extent of the
tion proved hi» wife ha dgivep it ,„ work done , h |„
AlmoeV pine
him wo week» before to mail apd th o u .,n d farmer» have co-operated
Local Men Have
Narrow Escape
In Auto Wreck
Telegraph Briefs
Oregon Squirrels
-Are Hard Hit By
Poison Program
CRATER LAKE, Or., Sept. 2.—
The bureau of mines and geology
has placed a plaster of paris relief
uiap in the lobby of the lodge a t
. C rater Lake national park, and, also
the contem plated new addition that
includes Diamond lake and Mt.
Thielsen. The map has a table of Its
own and is about three by six feet.
The 'scale is 2000 feet to the inch.
All points are named, the roads,
creek«, peaks, lakes and all points
arouiul C rater Lake itself and this
i map will prove of great interest to — BLAIR .MT. STORM CENTER. •
everyone coming to crater Lake.
Captain Oliver Applegate, the Ore-
•'OGAN, W. Va., Sepi. 2 ,— Ma-
, gou pioneer, is giving a series of
I talks on early C rater Lake h is to ry ! ’’bin«, guns and high poweivM) rifle«
I and also the Modoc Indian wars, in are pouring lead into the m iners
; the lobby of the lodge each evening. <‘«rup at Blair luounijdn.
, It adds greatly to the pleasure of the
< olonel Arnold, com m ander of file
evening’s entertainm ent.
at B lair m ountain, re(H>rfe<l
— ------------------------ -----
Haz Kik
After paying my profits tax, my
income tax, my excess profits tax,
my soda pop tax, my gum tax,
my pancake tax, my tobacco tax,
my am usem ent tax and my medi­
cine tax. and getting fined tweu-
tv-fivp dollars for not reporting
my tax on the right sort of blank,
and another twenty-five dollars
for not paying taxes on my tax, I
got a damend the other day fro^Ii
W ashington for a more clear ex­
planation of my 1917 tax. The
next day I got a statem ent from
Jackson county
wherein the valuation on my prop­
erty had been doubled and the
rate raised on th a t,.a n d the next
day one from the city calling at
tetition to my sewer tax and my
paving tax. and just as I was
pasting a bunch of war tax
stam ps on a deed for property
that 1 had sold at cost, one of my
Suspenders broke. The next day
I picked up seven tax in a per­
fectly new cord auto tire, and
then a fellow met live and said I
looked like a bolshevik. The next
morning 1 got a bill for my wa­
ter tax and my light tax and a
dodger notifying me to restrict on
the use of water, and th a t night
I attended the council meeting
and heard the boss tell for the
steenth time how much money he
was saving me on my local tax.
Then I went home and dreamed
that I was an engine th a t had left
the track and was heading for a
thousand foot em bankm ent.
jumped out of bed and darned
near broke my back.
G iv e H i m th e P r o p e r G u n
. . .
’n tbe campaigns and 71,147 pounds
W “ T h at’s " ^ ! n.
of po,son were distributed. The cost
T h a ts not the worst. Collins Of the poison was $14.030.
I once had three postcards most extensive cam paigns were wag-
announcing we were coming on a ed in W allowa, Wasco. Crook. Doug-
visi and forget to stam p them. We las, Benton. Polk. Lake. Josephine.
beat the cards to our destination ” , Un,on and M alheur c o u p les
Relief Map of
C. Lake Park Is
Placed in Lodge
I’ ’
that there had been a “num ber of
»tenths and many w ounded” am ong
• he miner*. t'am iaitie* are retrnri-
ed am ong th e defen d in g troop«.
The fig h tin g to ineiouaing in its
inteiiNity a ll alon g a tw en ty-five m ile
front. The m iners are m aking re-
peered attack.*. < aKnalties on both
.s id e s are carefully guarded but are
- b elieved to be heavy.
It fe eati-
m ated that 10,000 m en are engaged
------------------in the fig h tin g near the vicinity of
Blair m ountain.
IlfllN lir r t
Robert W arner, well-kn-own and
jovial mail clerk, was serious this
LOGAN, W. Va.. Sept. 2.— Furious
morning over the loss of his sporty,
lighting is ¡u progress at Blair
wire wheeled Nash car, which was
mountain and Crooked creek
taken yesterday evening from a lb- „ . i n . i
** creeK* Cas
f halites have occurred at both points.
i cal garage* by a Eugene banker who
Six prisoners have been captured by
claims to bold a m ortgage against
7 ' ---- 77"
tbe machine fof a loan made by th e, Th
bank to the Eugene auto dealer the i
-'«vaulting the
¡car was purchased from. “ Bob” was au("
’’ 7 ®T®ry poin:
not aw are th a t the car was encum- > the ..R d v *
® iea*test since
b e re d w ith a m o rtg a g e a t th e t i m e , L
f Z
of purchase about three months ago.-
Mr, W arner could not be reached
' n y- ve mile half circle
this morning.
He is expected to around the Logan court house is
I under terrific machine gun and rifle
leave for Eugene this, evening.
fire. The miners have" been repeat-
V. V. Mills, with whom the car
is insured, states th at the Eugene t e n o r t ^ t i ’"! C
O ntini , e 1 n their
banker is president of the F irst Na- ,
8 ° ‘ ge _tbe LoS«nites
jtional hank of th a t city and th a t he nrtinte
was a r r e te d yesterday evening a t i ^ X a r m,m
P“ 8“ “'
O rants Paaa. but released to proceed
, , nerJ a,’e
to Eugene. The auto dealer in, the *
the (.ghtlug eaa,
northern city ia sold to have been !
** m®tn ®*- ° t the Cogao ar-
1 my was wounded.
in financial difficulties.
Air reconnaissance reports show
th a t^ jh e miners are“ moving up to
the border from all points in .Bdone
county and are planning a heavy a t­
Fords Drop $75
In Price; Record
Low Mark Made
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Sept. 2 —
The F ortieth infantry a t Camp Knox.
Ky., and the N ineteenth Infantry at
Camp Sherman, Ohio, have been nr-
DETRO1T, Mich, Sept. 2.— Anoth- fiorfUi
to entrain immediately for the
— reduction in the price of F old West Vir <Hn i
7 ,
. „ ,
“ wesI Virginia “ trouble zone,” an
. . .
& & v .v .
international News service corres-
br the W M to tho low e,t |londm t |<MrMd M p o |.(
prlco. ever ottered, w a. anoooneed Harrlaoo. .„e h e .d q o .rte n , for the
by the Ford Motor Car company p ,fth a
The new prices are: Runabouts, ' CHARLESTON, W. Va , Sepi 2 —
‘m !
’ 355i ” “ pe’ * Wttl* h’ ,f ■ <*»“ ” ■»»»-•»* » » o b .
. $
aervation machines circling over
charleston, tho capital begun to take
on a. warlike . appearance today.
" ¿ .p d io lt" ." ^
LONDON. Sep, 2 - W o r k h .» h e -' „ “d L ^ L . r T i
mand the federal troops uiam theii
gun al the London airport, C roy-; . . i
arrival, established headquarters in
den. on the task of erecting a 120-..,
„ . . . .
i*1 local office building. The mflitarv
toot airship mooring mast.
authorities have let it be known that
The mast is to stand on concrete __
. ..
i a® half-way measures will be used
foundations, and tests in b ringing!
6 once troops are here.
Peace will
a irs h ip s to a n c h o r a re to be c a rrie d
, a
out with it
1 he re9tored Sn the ’ b° r t * t tim e
A mooring can be made a t the
m a s t - t h e ship, floating in her o w n .
moflt Practicable
*° 3ChieVe th a t TOd ***"«
element and swinging freely head
to w ind by th e use of a h a n d fu l of
WASHINGTON. D. C. Sept 2 __
skilled men.
Ao decision ha« been reached to <le-
The satety of these masts can b e 'cla re m artia, ,aw
Wflet Vlrginj£J
, judged bj the fact that the R-33 has secretary of W ar Weeks announced
rxnf at
«4- Pulham
U,.IL„wwv airdrom
___ e __ at
been out
8 j today a fte r a cabinet meeting. The
m ast since February and has auf
proclam ation now depends on the
lered no ill effects.
____________________ recommendations of General Band
holtz. the secretary said. The tech-
K etnni from ('ra te r Lake—
„„„ ..
1 ne iecn
Mrs. H E. Scharf apd ”^ h .
ic h lld r« ,. of Dunsmuir; Burt Sullo-,
„T 2 - ^
tway. of San Francisco, and Mildred j th e d e l.,
y reMponBlble for
i Cole of th i. rftp. ail returned t . A r t.
broel.lm .ug ,«. „
„X m . p ,“ ,
land yesterday from C rater LaMe
__ _______ ___
where they spent the last week!
PARIS, Sept. 2.— The newspaper
Mrs. Scharf and family rL ’Intranaigeant printed an nncon-
will leave for home some tim e during firm ed rum or today th a t th e ex-
the la tte r p art of the week, after kaiaer had escaped from Holland in
visiting friends hers.
an airplane.