PAGE FOUR —— Will Return from Corvallii LOCAL MAN RETURNS AFTER I W here norm al credit channel* are Cream shortening until it may be Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Badger are CHAUTAUQUA TOUR, DIRECTOR broken down abroad, but there ex­ beaten with a spoon, add sugar grad­ expected home soon, after having ists an excellent prospect th a t be-1 powdered sugar, ually and continue to cream. Add (Continued from Page 1) spent the sum m er in Corvallis w ith Local and Personal fore long credit arrangem ents will Layer Cake eggs one at a time and beat the mix­ their son who is a member of the local cotnmittee. >e revived, th e w ar finance corpora- One-half cup shortening 1 1-3 ture thoroughly each time Then .......... . ■- Side L ights--------- O. A. C. faculty. Tb oh interview today, Mr. Reed cion is stepping in promptly to re- cups sugar, 2 cups flour sifted with "dd flour and liquid alternately; said: “This is great work and I love lieve financial distress. 2 teaspoons baking powder, 3 eggs, add flavoring. Bake in three well R eturn from C’alifo ritte — ’ Improves Property— Campers R eturn— to do it, but I think I shall give it Som e $ 3 0 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 Advanced cup milk or w ater, l teaspoon greased layer cake pans in a mod- Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Cochran and H. H. Palm er has become quite Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Jennings have up soon as it breaks up my home to F in an ce C otton Exports. each of vanila and lemon extract. erate oven about 20 minutes. -ion, Pied, .have return ed from a proficient in m anipulating th e steer- returned _______ ____ after „ a „„ camping trip of life and takes me most of the time Both in those export advances al- very pleasant trip in California and ing- gear of a brand new Studebaker several day* duration away from my best friends.’’ ready made and the application for are now looking for a new location, six touring car which he purchased _______ _ Mrs. Reed has been directing in ¡loans now form ing the basis of ne- having sold their home on Avery recently. He also enhanced the M otor to Medford_ the Five Day circuit this season, I gotiation, cotton is the chief com- street. value of his property on Allison The ’ Misses Mary Spencer Ruth where she was very successful and »nodity. COMPLETE KITCHEN street, by the erection of a new gar- The Misses Mary Spencer Ruth was urged to go on ■with her work More than $30,000,000 is involved OUTFITS Ai Lake O’ W o o d s - age for the same. Medford yesterday afternoon to call during the w inter, but preferred toj cotton loans to finance exports, Mr. and Mrs. Penlon, of Talent, ; * upon Liberta Gore, who was injured come home for the present. you can obtain a t this store— ¡L arge advances are to be made soon and Mrs. Fitxw’a ter left this m orn­ I'iis t showing ol Fall and W inter In an auto accident some tim e ago. everything tin/ m odel cook or ------------ — —45------------ on wheat for export. These Initial ; ing for Lake O ' Woods for an ou t­ Millinery at Mrs. Simons, Septem- They were also to confer with Med* housekeeper could . desire in ASHLAND EDITOR ' CHARGED advances will be about $10,000,000. ing trip. They; will pick huckleber­ her 3d. 26 So. Pioneer. 307-3 ford young people about the com- pots, pans and preserving ket­ WITH ATTACK IN R O W Large advances also have been made ♦ ries as a side issue ing C. E. convention September 10 tles. A little journey through .' to support exports of condensed milk ♦ . — L eaves tor ( rater Lake — and 11. our establishm ent will give you HEARTS OF GOLD CANTALOUPES and meat products. In these two (Continued Oom .Page One) Louis Elmore, mail clerk running, —------ ------- _____________________________ many suggestions as to things are such delicious flavor the supply groups the advances have amounted between here and Gerber, Calif., left C hristian Endeavorers A ttention— i springs m atter, saying I have graft- you should have. is inadequate. A fresh load will be to about $5,000,000. O ther sub­ All members of the C hristian En- ed $40,000 and th a t you could prove this morning for C rater Lake w h ere’ 411 m“’nhor” n t tha --- in from Pleasant View Farm T hurs­ stan tial advances have been scat­ deavor should register now for the jit, but in all these years you have day morning. Get them at your he will spend a week’s vacation. tered over a wide range of such com­ Medford rally, a week from S atu r-jm ad e uo attem pt to do it. I guess grocers. 306tf modities as tobacco, copper, sheet Ladies, bring your ten cents war day and Sunday. The fees are, s e n - jl have let you alone b etter th an steel, sugar, mill m achinery, can­ w- w w • lors 50c, interm ediate 25c, juniors ¡you have me.” tax to the Bungalow dance tonight. Pastor on Vacation— 15c. Register with your own treas-j At th a t Enders said: "You are a ned fruits and vegetables. Out o ' Rev. Harry Billings, pastor of the the advances of the corporation, urer. Also all who are ready for (prefacing with scurrllious epithets Pentecostal church, leaves this ev­ R eturns from Crater i^tko— Miss G ertrude T routfether has re- first or second degrees should it/- not fit to print) liar. You ju st come $22,000,000 has been loaned to ening for a three weeks trip to Los banking institutions for the benefit Angeles and San Diego, for a much turned from C rater Lake where she Port to th eir society president a t out ou the stre et and I will settle of their export connections. has been camping for the past week once. The requirem ents a re : F irst it with you." , needed rest. ______ i" company with a party of Medford degree, C. E. expert. 10 points. Sec- Mr. G reer accepted th e invitation Fine music and good floor at th e ,young wo™en. * ond degree, special com m ittee work; and the scrap started. DOMESTIC SCIENCE DEPT. Bungalow tonight. 5 points. E ith er (1) a paper ou During the whole controvery there Albert Taxi. Phone 183. 3 0 7 -lm so m e committee, 3000 words, or (2 ) SOME CAKE RECIPES was not a word said about Enders a scrap book of plans and method«, advertising; th ere was not a word Bonanza \ isitor Robinson Property Sold— (Continued from page 2 .1 j or (3 ) one y ear’s satisfactory work said about any other new spaper; the Mrs. P. Grisez and her teu r young- Frank H. Robinson has sold his I on some committee, or (4) Bible er children arrived last evening from , five acre tract at Holley and H arri- whole controversy arose over the un- powder require greased pans, and study or mission study, 10 points; Bonanza. They are the guests of 9on streets to Barney A. Deyo a t'ouned charges Enders had made are baked in a hotter oven than Now is tin* time to paint before the rains s ta rt total, 15 required. Get ready this against Mr. G reer’s honesty and in-' Die tru e sponge cake. Mrs. S. T. Thornton. Mrs. Grisez new arrlval froni N orth Dakota week to .m ake a fine showing for teg rity - ______ came after a load of fruit. Five egg yolks, 1 cup sugar, 1 We have reduced our Your fall suit is here. Paulser- Union 10. • Paul Brown will be pres­ ----------- — 1 "--------— jcup flour, 5 egg whites, Vz tea-. Visitor from Morley, C alif.— ent from the New York convention, ud’s. EXPORT DECLINE REACTS ! spoon cream of ta rta r, 1 teaspoon1 307tf Mrs. W. A. Gray, from Morley, SH ER W IN -W ILLIA M S PAINTS also from the state conference. a t ON U. 8. HOME M ARKETS lemon extract, 1 teaspoon vanilla < alif., is in the city for a week’s M o to ris ts R e tu r n — Columbia Beach,— Mrs. C. F. Koeh­ extract. 50c per gallon visit with her sister, Mrs. C. A. Cot­ (Continutd Frena Page One) Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barnhouse have ler. Beat the yolks of eggs until thick; ter. ou Harrison street. Mrs. Cot­ returned to their home on the Boule- ing from government funds. add sugar gradually, beating with ter will accompany her home and vard alter a two weeks motoring WILL HOLD 1920 EXPOSITION Also, I HI Lras »Superior-, White and the Famous ( ’emeut It is expected th a t several hun­ the egg-beater; add flavoring. Beat | spend the balance of the vacation trip to northern points as far as the CONFERENCE SEPTEMBER to dred million dollars will be advanced whites of eggs as for angel cakei paint, “ Teereeo” redneed. until school begins, together with Canadian border. until stiff and firm, using a whip | by the corporation, now th a t it be­ (Continued from Page 1) her sons, Albert and Raymond, who ______ comes evident th a t heavier w itl­ egg-beater; fold carefully into the preceded her to Ashland a week Exquisitely tailored suits at Paul- loan commitetées of th eir respective; draw als on the expert credit account ( all ou us and let us figure on what yon need yolk mixture, then gradually fold in a £°- ! seru d ’s. 307tf counties. will be justified. the flour. Pour into an ungrated | i lu addition to the above list of j Most of the corporation’s loans tube cake pan and bake in a slow Usual big dance at the Bungalow I Returns from Klamath Falls__ delegates will be three representa-j have been made té assist in finane- oven about 50 minutes. tonight. ’ Mrs. Mabel Clark is a visitor from lives of the Oregon State Chamber ing exports, which a re perm itted to i This formula will make two dozen I " ■ K lam ath Falls for a few days, after of Commerce, the F a rm e r’s Union, remain in American w arehouses for j small cakes. Leaves foj D unsm uir— which she will retu rn to th at city “ In the Heart of Towr.” the State Grange, the Taxpayers' a period of six m onths before actual Plain Baking Powder Sponge Cake Mrs. Henry nTc^erson left for her to remain for the winter. League, and the County Judges’ as­ movement overseas. Three eggs. 1 cup sugar, 3 table­ home in Dunsmuir, Calif., this morn-- ---------- sociation. ' Government Looks for Some spoons water, 1 cup flour, 1 tea­ ing after spending a week with Mrs. Big crowd up from Medford at th e r Julius L. Meier, general chairm an Improvement by Another Ymr. W spoon baking powder, % teaspoon Sanford, on Sixth street. | Bungalow tonight. of the exposition and th e acting I nder this plan the governm ent salt, 1 teaspoon vanila, 1 teaspoon hoard of directors, has requested is giving support to th e producer lemon. One Time R esident Visit«— Will Leave for Rogue River— W. B. Newcombe, formerly ol the. diss G ertrude Mikseh will leave Governor Olcott to preside a t the and exporter, expecting th a t by the •Beat the eggs w ithout separating, W estern I nion office here, and now, for Rogue River the last of this sessions of th e state-w ide com m it­ beginning of another year conditions till light and ereainy, add sugar and TUt TMfATE'l aíAUIlfw. m anager ot the repeating office o f'w e e k to take up her duties as grade tee. Mr. Meier and his associates will have improved, both in domestic heat again till thick and very light the company at G rants Bass, was teacher in the public schools. Miss will entertain the delegates at h and international trade, as a resu lt colored. Add w ater, beat again, add shaking hands with old friends at Ruth York will teach near Rose-1 *u,‘^ eon for which over two hum of adjustm ent of some of th e dlsor- sifted dry ingredients. Beat well, 1 dred covers will be laid. the Elks' club yesterday. He was burg this winter. ders now noted in foreign currency then add flavoring. Pour into a 1 systems. AND SEE on his way to G rants Pass from San greased cake pan, one with a center Francisco, where he has been spend­ Big dance at the Bungalow tonight. The program to finance th e needs tube preferred, and bake about 30 ing a two weeks vacation. He left of fan n ers on products raised this m inutes in a m oderate oven, or bake »love to G resham Streets— for G rants Pass last night. year will call fo r heavy advances in in layers. The (). W. Howard family a r e ' these channels. Officials today .Telly RoU H ili Visitor— moving in the Beach house on Gres­ M arriage Licenses could not estim ate w hat sums may Three eggs, 1 cup sugar. 3 tabtfe- Oscar Gano, of Hilt, Calif., was ham street, which they purchased a * • to fa c ilita te the o p e ra -! sP°ons water, 1 cup flour, I tea­ George B. Holmes and Josephine be needed an Ashland business visitor today. I. Riley. short time ago. Dons of th e farm ets. W th ere is spoon baking powder, % teaspoon i A rthur Ray Willard and Mabel a firm disposition by th e ad m in istra­ salt, 1 teaspoon lemon and vanila. Snyder. tion, through th e medium of th e fi­ 1 tablespoon melted shortening. nance corporation and the federal Separate eggs and beat yolks un­ Probate Court „ .. . . reaerve system, to make credit more til thick and lemon colored; add su­ Estate George Brown Paid vouch- easily available to ag ricu ltu ral gar and beat again, then add w ater The city was shocked and panic stricken ers. Order. 'S U C C E S S O R T O C . H . V A U P E L ! groups and to help them to keep on and sifted dry ingredients and beat by a hair-raising mystery. The police were Estate Mary S. Clendenen. Proof their feet * ijntil business becomesi W®D- Add flavoring and melted of publication. baffled. It was SOME STORY. The city normal. Several hundred million ' shortening. Lastly, fold in the stiff­ E state Jacob F. R itter, Paid dollars In advances Is probable editor told the young reporter to—“ GO ly beaten egg whites. vouchers and order. Have a shallow pan well greased AND GET IT ’’ and after the most astound E state R itter & Dunlap TOU LATE TO CLASSIFY. Paid and lined with greased paper. Pour adventures that ever befell one man—HE voucher, and order. N O T I C E - M .« ., M iddleton, a pu'r’e in cake m ixture and bake in a hot DID! G urdlanship Kaleen Reane Swin-; bred registered Clydesdale stal- oven between 10 and 12 minutes. son. Proof of publication; order of! ,ion> >8*located at 1165 Main St., COME AND SHARE IN THE OPPORTUNITIES SENSATIONAL PHOTOPLAY OF ROMANCE, sale. Ashland. 307-6 Turn at once on to a cloth which has beeii sprinkled with powdered OFFERED HERE—A REAL SAVING FOR YOU Estate V. A. Dunlap, 1< inal ac-j FOR SALE— Real leather davenport, EXCITEMENT, THRILLS AND DANGER .sugar, remove paper, cut off the count and order. rocker. Singer machine, chiffon crusts, spread with jelly and roll i«r, bed springs, m attress, new E state F. p. Swinson. Proof of washer, library table, fruit jars. Curtain Scrim 18c yfl publication and finaj order. Crash Toweling 22c yd. 885 B St. 307-3 G uardianship John H. Bogue. 3« inches wide with fancy hem­ 18 inches wide, part linen WANTED TO BUY— Piano, m ust be stitched border, comes in white brown crash toweling, fine Proof of publication and order. and ecru. quality for kitchen use. bargain. 109 Church. 307-3* G uardianship Lee A. Stevers. Ad­ m itted to probate. 1 WANTED— A good milch cow. J. V. All Wool Serge $1.98 yd Romper Cloth 25c yd. W right, 263 Mountain Ave. Phone 54 inches wide in navy bine 251-J. 32 iuches wide, conies in light Circuit Court 307-2* only, extra good quality for and dark patterns, both plain W. H. Hamlin vs. S. T. Howard dresses, h OR TRADE— Violin, good condi­ and fancy. A splendid cloth for Middy sk irts and Jr., et al. To recover money. sponged and shrunk ready for tion and tone, also acetylene out- children’s dresses and rompers use. tit consisting of table lamp with Dora Taylor vs. Marion Taylor. shade, generator and about three Summons. Outing Flannel 18c yd. months supply carbide. Good for Bedspreads $2.25 each H attie Carrqll vs. Fred Lee Car- study or p arlo r lamp. W ill trad e 2. inches wide in fancy checks Good quality crocheted bed roll. Affidavit and order. and stripes, good quality for eith er violin, o r acetylene outfit spreads, large enough for dou­ , gowns and pajamas. for 303 Savage or. 30 cal. array Edith Jones vs. Edward J. Jones. ble bed.. A good opportunity rifle of good field glass. W. H. R., Motion. for you. Siskiyou, Ore. 307-1 Corsets $1.98 pair Ashland News in Paragraphs SIMPSON’S HARDWARE Great Reductions Paint Carson-Fowler Lbr. Co. GO AND GET IT" COURT NEWS E . R . IS A A C & THE CO. Q U A L IT Y S T O R E Thursday—Opportunity Day Dafice Real E state T ransfers Miller Bros, corsets, sold reg­ ularly at $3.00 a pair, made of good quality coutil brocaded. Colors, pink and white. WAISTS AND BLOUSES $5.4« Made of Georgette Crepe trim ­ med with lace and embroidery, some with fancy beading and tie backs. Values to $7.48. f. Huck Towels 6 for $1 Good size for family use, sold regularly at 20c each. Made with tape selvage to stand the wear. Waists and Blouses $3.89 Made of Georgette Crepe in th e ’ new and wanted colors, trim ­ med with lace and embroidery. Values to $5.00. Dresses $2.48 each Middy Blouses $1.79 each Values to $4.00 In this lot. Made of best quality Zephyr gingham trim m ed with large pearl buttons. Paul Jones Middy blouses, made of good quality Middy twin Sizes 14 to 22. CREPE GOWNS $1.19 Ladies' Crepe gowns, sold reg­ ularly at $1.50. Come in both white and pink, sizes 1G and 17 Have your Picoting a n d The Store W here Your Pantelette Dresses $1.98 M. M. Scott et al to Alice Pickert et al., NE*4 o h S W ii, NW% of SE sec. 22. twp. 35 S., R. 4 W., $500. Jackson couuty to Maggie Butch­ er, lot 10, block 1, Oak Gfove addi­ tion to Medford, $1. R. C. W ashburn et ux to S. M. T uttle et ux, land in sec. I l , twp. 36 R. 2 W„ $100« F. E. Conway et ux to Julio Endel- man, lot la Coolidge addition to Ash­ land, $2050. M argaret Thompson et ux to Mary Anu Pryce et al., land in sec. 14, 15. 23, 26 and 27, twp. 36 R. 3 iW „ $1. __________ Bungalow Wednesday Night LOST— $15 hat on railroad track south. Reward. Cook, 29 Pioneer 307-4* W’ANTED — . General Telephone 474-J. • LOST— Pink cameo pli^ in Lithia park. F inder b rin g .to 133 North Pioneer. Reward. ’307tf FOR SALE— A fresh cow. J. F. Ar­ nold one mile north of town on highway. 30TL3eod í • < - ” • 3 / • f v < ? homework. 307-3* TRINITY GUILD will hold Its first m eeting or - the. season tomorrow (T h ursday( aft f Snyder’s Royal Jazz Orchestra Best Floor The Coolest Place m the Valley Biggest Crowds 1 Best Music