PAGE TWO TH E ASHLAND DA1LX TIDINGS Ashland Tidings Established 1876 Published Every Evening ____ Sunday TH E ASHLAND OFFICIAL ’ Wednesday, August 31, lOfil Except PRINTING CO. CITY AND PAPER COVNTY Highway Commission Reports on Jackson Co. Road Work Jne month .................................. $ .85 Three months .............................. 1.95 Six months .................................. 3 75 One year ....................................... 7.&0 Mull .111,1 R ural Routes. One mouth .................................. $ .65 Three m o n t h s ......... * ................. 1.95 Six months .................................. 3.50 One year ....................................... 6.50 T est in Baidjug by L ight Touch__ If in doubt as to w hether th e cake should be taken from the oven, test it by touching lightly in the center. If baked, the m ixture will spring back, but if not auite baked it w in TELEPHONE 3» Subscription Price D elivered m City in the third q u arter the top of the cake should be uniformly browned, and in the last q u arter the cake should shrink from the sides of the pan and it should be baked. (Continued From Y esterday.)’ a ir when heated in the oven. F or this reason, there should be no stir­ ring after the sugar has been beaten into the yolks; stirrin g would com­ pletely break down the bubbles of air; the ingredients should be care­ fully folded in when mixing. These cakes should be baked in a slow oven, and the oven door should not be opened during the first twen­ ty m inutes of baking. A tube cake n is best for thia type of cake, and if possible pans should be kept only for these cakes and should never be ied. A true sponge cake— one w ith­ out baking powder— should always ><* baked In an ungreased pan so that the cake may cling to the pan as it rises and bakes. Also invert the pan as soon as the cake is taken from the oven, so th a t it may sus­ pend from th e pan and fully dry out and expand the a ir cells. By thia method the cake will retain Its full lightness. The time for baking will vary a little for different ovens, but the Single insertion, each in c h ........... 30, average time for a medium-sized YEARLY CONTRACTS layer cake is from fiften to twenty Display Advertising Loaf cakes three inches One time a w eek.....................27V&< 10 me c an to rn ia line was awarded minutes. Two tim es a w eek.................... 25c thick will require about forty min­ to Oskar H uber. Portland, Or., on Fvery other d a y .........................20c utes; sheet cakes and cup cakes May S, 1919, This is a continua­ Local Readers. Cakes tion of the work let ou the same about twenty-five m inutes. Each line, each tim e .................... 10c baked in a brick-shaped pan will re ­ To run every other day for on® date from Ashland south to the Green month, each line, each time . . 7c quire an hour or longer. A m oderate A ngel Cake Springs M ountain road. The pro­ To inn every issue for on.» month oven will give the best results for ject extends over the Siskiyou m oun­ Three-quarters cup whites of eggs, or more, each line, each tim e. . . . 5c nearly all cakes. Classified Column. tains to the C alifornia line, a dis­ % teaspoon.cream of ta rta r; % cup A shland-G reen Springs .Mountain If the b atter rises in a cone in sugar; one teaspoon each of almond One cent the word each time. tance of 14.8 miles. The sum m it of Road P aving To run every issue for one month or the center you are using too hot an more, %e the word each time. Paving of this section of the P a ­ tlie pass over these m ountains is at oven, and a crust has formed before and lemon; % cup flour. Beat egg whites until foamy, us­ L egal R ate: cific highway was awarded to Oskar an elevation of 4,515 feet and has First Time, .per 8 point line . . . ,10c ! Huber, Portland, Or., on May 16, been impassable in past years d ur­ the m ixture has had tim e to rise. ing a whip egg-beater. Add cream Each subsequent time, per 8 point When the cake is baked, it should I of ta rta r, then beat eggs until very ing the w inter season on, account of l i n e .............................................. r,c ! 1919, under contract No. 117. This be allowed to cool before being tu rn ­ Card of Thanks, $1.00. | contract, extending south from the the heavy snowfall and the impos­ ed from the pan, and it should co o l' stiff and dry. This Is most im port­ Obituaries, 2% cents the line. 1 city lim its of Ashland, is 5.85 miles sibility of keeping anything but a 011 a wire cake rack, so th a t there F raternal Orders and Societies. paved surface open to traffic. The Advertising for fratern al orders 1 in length and covers the grading or contract as aw arded called for a will be a circulation of a ir about it nr societies charging a regular initi­ the section and the construction of to prevent the steam from condensing ation fee and dues, np discount. R e­ i a two-inch biluthic wearing surface two-inch biluthic wearing surface ou ligious and benevolent orders will be on a crushed gravel base. Owing a crushed rock base. The section and giving a moist surface to the* charged the regular rate tor all ad ¡constructed during 1919 was built cake. vertlsing when an admission or other to the large num ber of heavy trucks ot this type, but owing to the desirr There is another variety of cake, which are being ued on the high­ charge is made. which is made w ithout shortening, ways throughout the state and in or­ ability of providing for heavier tra f­ and the method of mixing is q u ite' der to take care of the heavy tra f­ fic, the w earing surface laid this different from th e method used for J fic to which the roads are bejng sub­ year has been on eith er a two-inch b u tter cakes. jected. the commission ordered the! or three-inch bitum inous base, ac­ The true sponge cake and angel use of a three-inch bitum inous base: cording to th e varying conditions food are the best examples of cakes shortly after the work was started. of subgrade encountered. L lading of this section was orig­ belonging to this class. TOP HAVE HEARD Except for a distance of approxi-! Besides being made w ithout short- : inally done by .Jackson county, but mately tw o-thirds of a mile where ening, tru e sponge cake requires no • of men who could hardly a new g ra d e is bein g c o n s tru c te d m in order 3 0 provide sufficient and leavening agent such as baking pow -' w rite th eir own name— adequate drainage, it was found ne­ but w ho SA V ED cessary to widen the cuts and deep­ der or soda. These cakes depend f o r ' MONEY! en the ditches over much of th e dis­ lightness entirely upon th e a m o u n t' tance. The to tal estim ated cost of of a ir which has been beaten into Are you, who can read, the work from sta te funds is $550,- th e eggs, and the expansion of th at w rite and earn money 000, of which am ount $388,596.44 willing to be outdone by men less intelligent than has been expended to date. F. H. ./ourself? We make a»- quotations on W alker is resident engineer on the EARL OIL (kerosene) JOB WORK construction. is dean-burning. For from Think it over, and start use inoil heaters, cook- a Savings Account ir THE FRANKLIN PRICE LIST, (To b e 'c o n tin u e d ) stove* and lamp*. Ask your this strong bank today Same prices— Reasonable Price deal*r for Pearl Oil. to all. AD VERTIS1NG R A T E S: D isplay A dvertising THE^> » C IT IZ E N S » f BANK " OFASHLAND ant, otherwise the cake will be J in tough and leathery. Add sugar ut gradually, carefully folding it in; Y< then add flavoring and lastly the flour, folding it in gradually. Bake — These engine troubles fol­ low th e destructive effect of engine heat on oils con­ ta in in g " s u l p h o " - c o m ­ pounds. P r e v e n t these troubles in your engine. -Loose Bearings Sticking and pitted valves -Clogged Oil Passages -W o rn P iston Rings U ndue Oil Consum ption - U ndue Gasoline x-x Consum ption g 1 - Excessive Friction y / Scored Cylinders «2^- - Faulty Ignition Loss of Pow er x u CZ l O verheating / M O T O R O IL FREE FROM DESTRUCTIVE SULPHO' C O M PO U N D S Produced undo the new HEXEON S . Process A /h y Oil Breaks Down Under Engine Heat Motor oils containing “sulpho” compounds de­ compose rapidly when exposed to the terrific tem­ peratures of the engine ranging from 100 to 3000 degrees Fahrenheit. The thin oil film between moving parts is impaired. Trouble, and plenty of it follow*. 7 Cycol Motor Oil is free from destructive “sulpho” compounds. They are removed by the new Hexeon Process, used only by The Associated Oil Com­ pany. Cycol retain* its lubricating qualities under engine heat—maintain* the oil film between mov­ ing part*—prevent* many motor disabilities. Cycol-ise you motor today. Clean out the crank case—not with kerosene—and refill it with the cor­ rect grade of Cycol as shown by the Cycol Recom­ mendation Chart. The price of Cycol is 25c to 35c P E ntered at the Ashland, Oregon, Postoffice as Second Class Mall Matter. Domestic Science Department C o f id u c M b y Read the ads. There Is much of human interest in them. They are real news and keep one informed as to prices, styles and so forth. And it is worth a good deal, in dollars and cents, to keep up on advertising M r s ./te /J e D e dom estic S c ie n c e b /r e c ta r S p e r r y f l e u r Co. . (KEROSENE» STV.'UAR? GIL COMPANY »luce cake comes ou the list of . J luxuries, the utmost care should be t taken both in the method of prepara- light j non and in the quality of m aterial Cak( used, it is not difficult to m ake a | m ix‘d good cake if good m aterials are used proper and care in m easuring and combin-j assure ; ing ingredients is exercised. How- , ever, the baking requires more study f and care than the mixing, for no m atter how well you have put the I cake b atter together, if the oven is not right the cake will be a failure. J it is said th a t Captain, Kidd was In the first place, choose a reliablo not such a repellent figure as is , recipe, then assemble all necessary painted. Perhaps not, if he be com­ m aterials and utensils. Pans should be prepared and oven heated before pared with the profiteers of today. mixing the cake batter. F o r suc­ Boost the community in which you cess care m ust be taken in m easur­ live. It has m erits, or you would ing. all m easurem ents being' level. not live in it. Help to make those F01 b u tter cakes th ere are two ways CHOCOLATE m erits known. to add the shortening; for inexpen­ VANILLA sive cakes containing a sm all quan­ STRAWBERRY tity of shortening the result will be MAPLE NET WHO OWNS IT, ANYW AY In the Medford Daily Clarion of found satisfactory if the fa t is m elt­ yesterday. Mr. Enders is quoted as ed and added to the b atter a fte r the saying: “ A short tim e ago Mr. En­ cake is all mixed. For the richer ders started a weekly paper of HIS cakes, where one-half cup or more OWN and it is said to be cutting of shortening is used, the shortening into G reer’s newspaper business to is beaten to a cream, or until smooth« and waxy. This can be accomplished considerable extent.” We bav© wondered for some tim e easily if the mixing bowl is rinsed who would finally fath er the sheet. with hot water, then wiped dry be­ W inburn disclaimed it; Moses fore the shortening is placed in i t ' Add the sugar gradually to the cream ed,shortening and continue to! beat jin til the m ixture resembles, whipped cream. AVINGS MOTOR OIL FRO FROM DESTRUCTIVE “SULPHO”COMPOUNDS They Arc Arriving Mirroring the Latest Fall Modes, as they ivill appear on Fashions .Avenues We sell Brick Ice Cream New and 1 altogether different in stylings are the togs arriving daily lrom the fashion centers so charmingly and authentically correct , and individualized by their exclusive treatments, These cleverly styled garments are right up to the minute as you will note on inspection. Ashland Creamery you to come in, and allow us to show them to 1 ices are about 25 to 30 per cent lower than last season. 5 glad to share this good uews with our customers and Canvas Our line of stouts should he of especial interest. ance prices are still on all over have room for our new E g g s May Then B e Added W hole The eggs may then be added whole one at a time, and beating the mix­ ture thoroughly each time, or the eggs -may be separated, beating the yolks until thick and lemon colored and the w hites until stiff. Add the beaten yolks to the creamed b u tter and sugar m ixture; add the sifted dry ingredients alternately with the milk, beating the m ixture well. I flavor and fold in the stiffly beaten! egg whites. The more the cake is beaten be- WOOL TRICOTINES AND SERGES A LINE SECOND TO NONE Our New Fal^Style Quarterlies Are Here—Pictorial Review and Ladies Home Journal Fashion says laces and wool embroidered M e carry several w ith will do your plow ing right now in your hard, sticky soil. Rubber, kinds. M ade C om position leath er soles. Bargain in used sew in g m achine; a lso a new carload o f W hite sew ­ ing m achines ju st in, at P e il’s Corner for all kinds of wear— Canton Crepe afternoon or evening Crepe Satin . . . Fairy Spun . A big line of fringes have also come S k inner’s T affeta handings The Beider Tractor and P.&0. Disc Plow here they are trimmings Now so much in demand, comprising the newest weaves, the softness of which lend* itself* to any style of drapery. ASHLAND .O fíC C O M or on net and . . . Satin ....