PAGE FOUR A8HLÁJTD DAILY TIDING«. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. J u r Ashland N ew s in Paragraphs FOR SALE—Five room house turn-! Ished or unfurnished, will take automobile as part payment. See I owner, 283 B St. - 306« Local and Personal . side Lights — — ------------- ---- ----- Tuesday. August 80, 1081 WANTED—Large Silk Hosiery Mills - has opening for neat appearing,1 house-to-house demonstrator — . steady position and good pay. Op­ portunity for rapid advancement. Address J. Hudson, District Man­ ager, Medford, Ore., Gqnl Dei. 306-1* FOR SALE—One dozen Barred Rock pullets, March hatch. Yockey* strain. Also seven pure bred Reds. Or will trade for White Leghorns. 153 Granite St. phone 411-R. 306-1 Visitors from Tracy, C a lif .- County Nurse Gives Report — Mr, and Mrs. Max Kath, of Tracy, The nurse committee held a meet- Doris May’s fust for Robertson- Calif., were recent ■guests at the ing in the library building yesterdav ’ £°ie J ici u’^ s ia tentatively titled i r> i • i " Foolish Age.’ And that’s any- home of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Oskar, 83 •»ffornr.r.n afterhoon. Miss Faldiue, county where between fifteen and ninety- Morton street. Mrs. Oskar and Mrs. nurse, was present and gave an in- five, A»i thinkin’! Kath' are cousins. They were accom­ teresting report of her work s i n c e ------------- Gi-nier will make also for R.-C. panied by Miss Agnes Kath a'nd two February. •» Arrangements were com- girl friends. The entire party mot­ ba», cUn.c to be be.d ored to Medford Saturday nigftt. August 15. -Special announcements brought ubout by a long blonde hair w heri they attended a dSnee in that I concerning tne »clinic will be given on hubby’s mt. city. Ral;>ii Connor’s engrossing novel G RAVENSTEIN APPLES — Wind­ le Foreigner” has been picturized falls, 50 lb. box, 75c delivered. A splendid five room me renamed. As “God’s Crucible” Phoue 10-F-3 or 9-F-ll. will soon reach the screen—via bungalow, fine lot, splendid ikinson. FOR SALE—Beautiful building lot tiou, 100 feet from paved st on Granite, near Nutley, overlook­ completely furnished, piano ii onstance Talmadge has completed ing park. Ideal location for a ed. Offered for a few days at 8 >od For Nothing” for First Na- home. Inquire, at Barber’s, 153 lal release. No, Pansy, her lead- Staples Realty. Granite St. - 306-1 man was not Grover C. Bergdoll! FOR SALE—Tent, 12x16 with 5- Etna Mill*, Calif., Visitor^— rene Castle’s first picture for Hod- rst pic foot wall, shiplap flooring, 2-foot nson has been officially titled at board wall. Inquire 231 Gres­ Mrs. Epsy Hftwell, a form •t. It will be called “French ham. 306-3* land resident, and son 1fTom els.” But it isn’t dedicated to the Etna Mills, Calif., are visit gal Shoe Company or anything FOR SALE— Good range, a bargain. ;e that. arrived 137 First St. 306-3* Walter Herndon family, 155 Seattle, Wash., where she died street. RENT—Three room apart­ August 25 at the home of her moth- , Charlie Chaplin’s next, made un- FOR ment, newly furnished. 137 First be heM , r„„. tbe Stock X S g g St. HEARTS GE GOLD CANTALOUPES er-io,«». 306-3* “The Idle Class,” Do you suppose are such delicious flavor the supply undertaking parlors at 2 o’clock to- SWEET CIDER—40c gallon deliver­ is inadequate. A fresh load will be morrow afternoon. Besides her hus-l ®ur r,,a,'1‘e ljlays a bartender? ed. Phone 10-F-3 or 9-F-ll. in from Pleasant View Farm Thurs­ band, Mrs. H. E. Specht, formerly Famous Players-Lasky have the day morning. Get them at your Miss- Fern Keeton, is survived by title-changing fever, too. They’ve grocers. 306tf her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. changed ‘ Peter Ibbetson” to “For­ Keeton, of this city, seven sisters ever.” That’s the picture which YOCKEY * * » >• Beware of flatterers, moral- » izes ancient Aesop in “The Fox • and the Crow.” .-s> » « » • Tis hard to get in soft. .. • ... 4 • That you get more genuine satisfaction ” at less cost when you use this class of tobacco. A small chew lasts so much longer than . . . . a big chew of the ordinary kind. And the full, rich real tobacco taste gives a long lasting chewing satisfaction. An v man who uses the Real Tobacco Chew will tell you that. 1 Two pair of Pants with every Suit Smart is he, or she, who knows when to quit the “game.” W-B C U T is a long fine-cut tobacco R IG H T C U T is a short-cut tobacco Wey.mari-Bru ' * » n 'Ompiiny. (1Q7, .Broadway. |\ Y o r k C it y Johnny Tupants Suits for Boys . • \y 1/ * . , A We have a complete new stock of this famous brand of Boy’s Suits. Guaranteed all wool. Two pair of pants with every suit. If you do not care for the extra trousers we allow $2.50 off from the regular price of the suit’. Prices, including both pair of pants are $12.50, $13.50, $15.00, $18.50, $22.50. Durham hose in black and brown, 15c Boys’ Blouses, light and dark pair, 7 pair ................................... $1.00 colors .................................75c and $1.00 Boys’ Shirts, band neck The Most Astounding, Fascinating, Sensational, Thrilling, Amazing Picture Ever Made! »J: - X. B U T .T . M o n t a n a $1.00 and $1.25 Balbriggan Union Suits, good quality, Boys’ Extra Pants, good quality suit khaki .............................$2.00 and $2.25 $1.25 Khaki Shirts Crompton All-Weather Corduroy $2.50, $2.19, $1.50, $1,19 $1.00 pants ....................................... ......$3.00 Dress Shirts Cotton and Wool Mixed p a n ts ... .$1.79 Heavyweight Wool Pants w A Really Great Story of the Hardships and Heroisms of N ew spaper Life .................. style ................................. 75c and $1.00 Athletic Union Suits, $1.25 value, Pure Silk Shirts, $6.50 value, ea . $5.49 Slidewell Collars, 15c each, 2 for . .. 25c _ A good quality Felt Hat $3.50 SENSATIONAL, MILE A-MINUTB M ELO DRAMA OF NEW SPAPER LIFE Cast PAT O’MALLEY WESLEY BARRY AGNES AVBT.fl NOAH BEERY Boys’ Shirts and Waists, Spdrt $3.48, $2.19, $1.50, $1.19 M arshall N eilan’s “GO AND GET IT - SPECIALS IN BOY’S WEAR ■ A STARTS TODAY 100% PROGRAM PRESENTS ' - i s u i t .......................................................95c ix M A Z M ä jr TME THEATER BEAUTIFUL ' • Fiber Silk Hose, pair ..................... 50c ✓ ’ BROWNING AMUSEMENT 00. STARTS TODAY 100% PROGRAM . SPECIALS IN M EN’S WEAR We thank you one and all for your kindness and good behavior. A trouble hunter usually gets '4 returns aplenty. <4 ♦ • * The more the nois^, the less <4 the poise. M k Merry-Go-Round and Ferris Wheel . llh ïQ À y Two pair of Pants with every Suit Put up m two styles LAST DAY FOR THE A akin game never works. « « Osco’ Judges LEAVING FOR EUGENE FOR LABOR DAY—WEDNESDAY W ILL BE THE » ♦ « ur “ Y o u ’l l A I says the — ........... Y Leather Work Gloves $3.00 and $3.50 Boys Union Suits, no sleeves, knee length ............... 50c, 75c and 98c Medium weight, ankle length, with 75c to $2.75 sleeves .............................................. $1.25 Style Plus and Society Brand Suits for Boys’ Caps and Hats men $25.00 to $50.00. 50c to $1.50 • v ... ■ Lilly A Riot; of Romance And Realism Routed From the Routine of A Reporter’s Adventures Guaranteed Hand Bags and Suit Cases Mann’s Department Store Boss of the THE STORE FOR EVERYBODY MEDFORD, OREGON Overalls Road