1 Local and Personal ■ Leave for Lake O' Woods Cool o ff in Rose Bros* ice cream R eturn from L ake O’ W ood»— The M acLaln brother» and Fred Mr. and Mrs. I. R. Batem an, their parlor where quality ice creams and 264tt i daughter, .Jaunita, and Mrs. Bate- and P aul K oeh ler le ft Saturday for a sherbets are served. - . „ . •*> . r m an’s m other, Mrs. J. B. Saunders, horseback trip to Lake O’ Wood» T ro u se rs 'a t $3.50. A few left at Newlywed* Leave for San D i e g o - who have been taking an outing a t and Mount McLaughlin Orres Tailor Shop. 303tf Mr. and Mrs. H arvey W atts, new-1 th e several lake resorts iq K lam ath iyweds, left Sunday m ornibg for San county, returned yesterday. They Cam pers R eturn With -Deer — Salat y Increase Given Pastor»— Mr. and Mrs. A rth u r Webber, re­ Diego, Calif., where they will make were joined' at Lake O’ Woods by The C hristian church people have th eir home. A large num ber of Mr. and Mrs. Chet W alters, of Talent. turned recently from th eir camping given Mrs. Josephine Chample an friends saw the couple off a t the trip bringing a fine deer. Mrs. Web­ increase of salary for the rem ainder train. ber killed the d e e r’’and “A rt” has To Correct an Error— of the year, beginning the first of In reporting the afternoon party gone back to try his hand again, June, 1921. Mrs. Champie has Order your Fall Suit now from given by Mrs. Dill Sunday, we inad­ thinking perhaps th a t he’d stand a given splendid satisfaction to her Paulserud’s. 299-tf vertantly left out the names of Mr. b etter show if his wife sTayk a t church people and on Sunday, Aug­ and Mrs. R. P. Cornelius, who also! home, ust 28, the Bible school was the larg­ Leave* for L ake O’ W oods— were guests of Mrs. Dill. R eturn from Cam ping Trip— J. D. Taylor left this morning for est it has been in many years. F. D. Swingle and son. A rtro, with Lake O’ Woods where he will spend Week End Visitors atL ak e O’ Woods Dr. Buchanan and son, Bon, " la v e Save money by buying your Fall a few days vacation. Mrs. Mary Neville, son, Alvin, and returned home from several weeks Suit at P aulserud’s. 299-tf Mrs. Brown and daughter. Miss Al­ Pure pasteurized milk, I6c the ice, composed a party who spent the spent in a camping trip.. A uto T ou rists R eturn— quart at Rose Bros. 243-tf week end a t Lake O’ Woods. l ’ayne F am ily H ave V isitors— Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Dennis, of the t « m , », W agner C r e e k - j The And>- * '« '“» tam ily' »“ “ ,e Ashland Feed store, returned yes­ Salem V isitor Leav terday evening from an auto tour Mrs. Bertha Benton and her 8ls. i Boulevard, are e n jo ,In s a visit from H. A. Stearns, father of F. G. n, r having u > Mrs Duncan and son, of Kirby, of several weel^ to various points in Stearns, proprietor "of the Plaz£ ter, Mrs. Clara Borah, a fte a. m erits of vanous . i i Mrs Duncan is a sister of Mr. Payne, the northw est, returning by way of M arket, has returned to Salem after tested the pleasure- Salt Lake City. visiting his son here. resorts, are now camping in W agner R eturn from Portland— creek territo ry , accompanied by We specialize on Taney brick ice Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Simpson Fall woolens and fashions are now cream. Rose Bros. 264tl in at Orres tailor shop. Save $5 to ' children. and son, Harold, returned Sunday from a business and pleasure trip $15 by ordering your suit now. 303tf ; M edford Visitor— W indow B u llet H ole Mystery— to Portland. They made the trip The m ystery of th e bullet hole in Delbert Fehl, editor of a Medford K lam ath Falls Visitor»— by auto. newspaper, was a recent buisneas Miss G ertrude Cox, of K lam ath the north window of the Citizens visitor in the city. Falls, has been a business visitor in bank rem ains unsolved. The glass Medford Visitors is thought to have been pierced by Rev. E. P . L aw rence, w ife and the For pleating see Orres. 303tf th e city for the past few days. a bullet fired from a .32 caliber re­ th ree you n gest children, of M edford, Something new In Teo’s window.; volver sometime late Saturday night drove through A shland yesterd ay on W oluie R o a s t - 299-tf' or early Sunday morning. Nearby their return f r o « a w e e k ’s trip to Employes of the Pacific Telephone residents state th a t they failed to Crater L ake and L ak e O* W oods and Telegraph company put their hear any noise during theTTme when R eturn from Lake O’ W oods— heads together and chartered a few Mrs. Louis, Dodge and children tiie glass Is thought to have been W HY IT SUCCEEDS cars to take them to the company "~ have returned from Lake O’ Woods broken. cabin near Siskiyou, where a “ wei- where they have been spending the B ecause I t’s F or One T hing Only, nie roast” was indulged in until the past several weeks.in the new Dodge L ecturer at C hristian C h u r c h - an d A shland P eop le Ap* predate This. “ wee sm a’ hours,” 2 o’clock in the On Thursday even in g, Septem ber log cabin. N oth in g can be good for every­ m orning to be exact. Members of 1, F ran k P atterso n w ilfg iv e an Il­ thing. the party were: Mr. and Mrs. S. F. If you want the best there is, e a t : lustrated lecture a t th e C hristian D oing one th in g w ell brings * 298tf! Kelley and daughter, Misses Gladys at G arnett’s. success. church, showing by magic lantern Doan’s Kidney Pills are for one Inlow, B ertha Smith, Lola Couey, slides th e scenic /beauties on the th in g only. Alice Craig, Mrs. Dora H ubbard, Leave for E u g e n e - Columbia river, ais well as other F o r weak o r disordered kid­ Mr. and Mrs, .Jeff Neil, who have Donald Dickerson and Mr. Phelan. neys. Oregon scenery of interest. been visiting th e Neil family here, H ere is Ashland evidence to G rre s c le a n s a n d rem o d els clo th es. left yesterday for th e ir home 'in E u ­ prove th e ir w orth. V isiting M other He ro Mrs. L. W ertz, 129 5th St., 303« gene. Lena Buston, who has been visit­ says: “D oan ’s K idn ey P ills help­ R etu rn s to Tacom a — J. W. Needham, who has been vis­ iting his sister, Mrs.] M. A. Baldwin, of this city, for the past few weeks, left yesterday tor his home in Ta­ coma, Wash. ing her m other a t Bray, Calif., has We use up-to-date methods of returned to A shland and will stay cleaning and pressing. Satisfaction at the C. W. Fraley home on Moun­ guaranteed. P aulserud’s. 299-tf tain avenue, while attending school this w inter. Spend Week’s Vacation— Misses H attie Hodges and D elia! T alent V isitor— Acklin left this m orning For Tiaket Mr. and. Mrs. Ray Burns, of T ab S u its Made to O r d e r - O’ Woods where they will spend a ent, were recent, visitors a t th e Cleaning and repairing on short week’s vaaction. home of th e ir cousin, Mrs. Orpha notice. K. Nelson, Hotel .Ashland Bldg. 302tf All wool suits a t $25. You can’t Doddridge, who is hefW ffOnU’^ b r t- heat them. See them at Orres Tail­ land visiting relatives. C alled by M other’s Illness— or Shop. 303tf Mrs. W. T. Coburn, of G rants Pass, has been an Ashland visitor R eturn from D eer H u n t - since last week, when Mrs. Coburn Henry Spulake, of th e Army Goods was called to this city by th e illness store, Harold P atterson and G. H. of her m other, Mrs. M. A. Baldw in. Sm art tell a sad story about a deer Mrs. Baldwin--was reported as im­ h u n t on Sunday. TBëÿ returned prov Aig today. minus th e venison a fte r spending all day in the Mount W agner dis­ Automobile insurance— Yeo, of trict. course. 299-tf J a ck so n v ille Visitors — Col. and Mrs. H. H. Sargent, of Jacksonville, were recent visitors in Ashland a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Peil. W hile here they visited the old Dollarhide toll road a t Siskiyou where the Sargents used to live in the early days. Schoolmates Meet— W atch Yeo’s window. PAG» T U B O ■■■■»■■■■■ h THE ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS Tuesday, August 80, IMI Cliff Payne makes apple presses 299-tf K Former Resident Returns — Raymond G. Jones, form erly of th e Army Goods store, and one tim e night clerk at the HofeT "Ashland, has retu rn ed to Ashland from Sac­ ram ento, after a trip of two months duration in eastern states. 299-tf Returns from Business Trip— N. Dix, of the S tar garage, re ­ Miss Alma Timm, oTT.os Angeles, turned yesterday evening from a ras a recent visitor of Miss E thel Toutfether, of this city. Misses w eek's trip on business. 'tram and T routfether are old choolmates. Good food, cooked right, served at reasonable priees. Hotel Ashland Grill. 2>7tf Vill T each a t Phoenix, Aria.— Mr. and Mrs. H eine' Heidenrich eft yesterday for Los Angeles, Calif. W IT H M Y S A F E , S U R E . IN E X P E N ­ S IV E D R U G L E S S 'M E T H O O R esults G U A R A N T E E D OR M O N ^ Y R E F U N D E D . W R IT E T O D A Y FOR F R E E IN F O R M A T IO N »»-»--W PHYSICIANS. MONDAY, SEPT. 5 e»turns from Lake O’ W oods— fill Teach a t Bly— Miss Pauline Clift will leave Ash- ,nd Thursday of this week for Bly, r., where she will teach this win- One cent th e w ord eac — ■» — ■» — «■ «■ - ■ * - Also i t ’s a cold fact that unless you say “Post Toasties** to your grocer you’re liable to get ordinary Corn Flakes. BCAUTin* W hat is a vacation w ithout m u­ sic? Buy a small V ictrola and take it along. Rose Bros. 247-tf H. R. Adams, the Plum ber, sells dum bing fixtures and supplies, ’ hone 166-J, shop a t 248 Fifth St. 287-tf ed m e w h en m y kidneys w ere out of order and I am g la d ito recom ­ m end th em to others. I had dull aching pains across th e sm all of m y b ack th a t m ade it hard for m e to do m y w ork. My kidneys acted irregu larly, too. D oan’s K idney P ills soon freed m e from th e back ach es and pnt m y k id ­ n eys in good order.” P rice 60c, a t a ll dealers. D on’t sim p ly ask fo r a kid n ey rem edy— get D oan’s K idney P ills— the same th at Mrs. W ertz had. Foster-M il­ burn Co., M frs.. B u ffalo, N. Y. B U S IN E S S A N D P R O F E S S IO N A L I HL We have a new stock just .in at greatly reduced prices for you to make a selec­ tion from. v Now is the time to paper, before fall house-cleaning and while the folks are on vacation. New prices on Paint are effective today, which makes first-grade paint in the reach of evervone. D i k l J f n » L t IM H rtjb M . *>ONi.y ìh o w o r - iT J O KIND IN TUE WORLD PRICES KRACHINO THE OOAl Your goal may be a small thing, or a large; it may involve much cash or a small amount. W hatever It is, saving will bring it closer’ In fact, a savings account at the First National means taking advan­ tage of all sorts of opportunities. It means a bigger, broader life, free from annnoylng cares and anxieties. Let us take care of your financial problems for you. 55c and $ 1 .1 0 (Tax Included) SEATS ON SALK PAINTS, PAPERS, OILS, GLASS, ETC »‘• « ’CARTBRk.PQes Cf 1VAUPCU VICtFpt J tv M*COV. C ashiw *