5 Tuesday, August SO, l M i THE ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS PA G E TW O KENNEDY CASE AT LOS Ashland Tidings Established 187 6 H ig h w a y C om m ission Reports Published Every Evening Except Sunday THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. o n J a ck so n Co. R oad W ork CITY AND COUNTY PA PER TELEPHONE 39 OFFICIAI of the m etal consisting of newly supplies from Africa, com­ ing by way of Loudon; of gold yielded up by India,"also coming by London; and of m etal thought to have originated from Russian sources, eventually coming to Amer­ ica through various European coun­ tries. E urope’s centralized reserves were built up subsequent to the outbreak of the great war far above prew ar figures, and were fu rth er increased since the arm istice, by concentrat­ ing in them as far afT^possible all gold privately held. WEiTe these re­ serves have been, by continued gov­ ernm ent impoundage, kept rigidly stabilized a t the points attained as resu lt of those extraordinary war aqd postw ar m easures, iu the face of the recent trem endous suction to­ ward America, neverthless th e three great stream s have flowed through ANGELES PL E A D NOT- GUILTY mined LOS ANGELES, Calif., Aug. 30.— M adalyun. Obsnchaiu and A rthur Burch, h eld -in connection with the recent m urder of Beltop Kennedy, pleaded not guilty today to a charge of m urdering the man. Burch was composed and made his plea in a firm voice. Mrs. Oben- chain was visibly affected and ju st managed • to whisper the •v o rd s. Ralph Obenchain, her divorced hus­ band, was at her side during the proceedings. The trial is set for No­ vember 1. Roy ail paid from state funds. (Continued Prom Y esterday.) Dne month ................................. .66 Nunn was resident engineer in Three months .............................. Gold R ill-Josephine County Line charge of the work. Six months .................................. 3.76; Paving Ashland Hill Paving One y e a r ........................................ 7.60 Mail and R ural Route*. Contract No. 116. for the paving This work was completed at date One month .................................. 3 of thig report, with expenditures of of this section of the Pacific high­ Three months ........................... 1.96 Six months .................................. 3.60 way, was aw arded on May 6, 1919, 115,908,03 having been made. During present biennium, dealyed One year ....................................... 6.60 to S. S. Schell & J. L. Calvert, G rants the Pass. Oregon. This work is 12.2 charges have been paid to the ex­ EL R O PE’S GOLD R E SE R V E S ADVERTISING RATES: miles in length aud follows the tent of $432.22, bringing the total D isplay A dvertising Single insertion, each in ch ........... 30c Rogue river from Gold Hill to the cost of the work to the state to While Europe sent to the United YEARLY CONTRACTS $16,346.25. Josephine county line. Display Advertising States more than $250,000,000 In The original contract called for One time a w eek.................... 27%cj gold during the first six m onths of I'wo tim es a w eek.................... 25c a 2-inch bitulithic pavement on a the cu rren t year above receipts from Every other d a y .........................20c crushed rock, or a crushed gravel this country, nevertheless, a slight Local R eaders. Each line, each tim e .................... 10c base. This was later changed to an i gain occurred in th a t period in the inch-aud-a-hair to three-inch bitum i-' To run every other day for on« total gold reserves of Europe held month, each line, each tim e . . . 7c nous base, the thickness varying, de­ by cen tral banks or governm ent To m n every issue for on<> month pending on the conditions of the; or more, each line, each tim e. . . . 5c agents. subgrade. C lassified Colum n. Only three of the fourteen chief One of the co n tracto r’s paving One cent the word each time. European gold holding countries To ru n every issue for one month or, piants prOved to be unsuited for this Marshall Neilan produces the will do your plowing right now more, %c the word each time. work after it had been brought o n ! masterpiece of his career. “Go and showed a dim inution in th eir gold L egal R ate: stocks from January 1 to July 1, and in your hard, sticky soil. F irst Time, per 8 point line . . . . 10c the ground, and could not be used. Get It” is the biggest sm ashing hit these losses were relatively slight, Bargain in used sew in g m achine; Each subsequent time, per 8 point The quarry first opened produced an Picturedom has offered in recent th eir combined to ta l am ounting to a lso a new- carload o f W hite sew ­ H n® .............................................. ” c excellent rock in the beginning, but years. It is a th rillin g tale of the o S u a ^ i e s ^ T ^ ’cenU ^the line. as the Quarrying progressed the ma- mysterious inner workings of a great less than $12,000,000. This loss was ing m achines ju st in, at more than offset by gains among F raternal Orders and S ocieties, i teria! became so soft th a t this quar-| daily newspaper, hinged on the Peil's Corner A dvertising for fratern al orders! ry had to be abandoned. Graveli friendly rivalry of two star report­ the other eleven countries, th e n et working on one of the most increase of the fourteen combined cr societies charging a regular initi-1 from p oots creek was then used, ers working on one ation fee and dues, no discount. Re-1. t t . . . . . am ounting to $1,199,000. Uglous and benevolent orders will be but t bis bad t0 be washed before it amazing and fascinating stories ev­ Yet between Jan u ary 1 and July charged the regular rate for all ad ! could be used as paving m aterial, er chronicled. It is the positive sen­ vertislng when an admission or o th e r| an(j after a washer had been in­ sation of the picture world. There 1, the gold stock held by the federal charge is made. stalled,' Foots creek went dry owing are as many thrills iu it as th ere reserve banks K th e United States What Constitutes Advertising! to au unusual drought. Due to these •are in an aeroplane ride. The pic­ increased by $4O2,6O1,O0’O, or near­ In order to allay a m isunderstand­ adverse conditions this work has ture opens a t the Vining today, and ly 20 per cent, of the $2,059,330,- ing among some as to w hat consti­ been delayed and will not be com-¡every man, woman and child in Ash- 000 they held the first of th e year, tutes news aud w hat advertising, alom st tw o-thirds of "The Increase land should try to see it. we print this very simple rule whicn pleted until next year. being made up by th e gold from is used by, newspapers to differin- Roy Nunn is resident engineer on --------------------------- Eureopean shipping points, th e rest atiate between them : “ ALL future the work, for which th e total e sti-’ H events, where an admission charge ta i noon coming from non-European and is made or a collection is taken | mate<1 findl cost 1S $410,000. domestic sources. IS ADVERTISING.” This applies to! entire project is to be paid for from An analysis of th is gold mov»> organizations and societies of every state funds, th e expeditures to date ment shows th a t present European kind as well aa to individuals. being $191,181.07. All reports of such activities after gold reserves a re n o t being drained Central Point-Gold HUI P avin g they have occurred is news. to swell A m erica’s holdings, b u t th a t On April^ 15, 1919, contract No. All coming so d ai o r organization th e increm ents to this country’s meetings of societies where uo money 100 was awarded to the Clark & contribution is solicited, initiation Henerey Construction company, of hoard since fhe first of th e year, In WASHINGTON, D. C., Aug. 30.— charged, or collection taken is NEWS. Stockton, Calif., for laying 8.9 miles Thomas W. Miller, alien property so fa r as shipm ents from European We make all quotations on of pavement between C entral Point custodian, declared today th a t un- points are concerned, are chiefly ac JOB WORK and Gold Hill on th e Pacific h ig h -'d e r the term s of the new German­ counted fo r by th re e great stream s from way. This pavement was a two-inch i American treaty, Germany agrees to THE FRANKLIN PR IC E LIST. bitulithic and was laid on a three- pay for th e American lives lost on* Same prices— Reasonable P rice- inch bitum inous base. The bitum i­ the L usititania and satisfy all other nous base was laid upon the ground claims caused by the ex-kaiser’s gov­ ernment. Germany m ust take such Entered at the Ashland, Oregon, except in a few places where crushed action before the property form erly gravel was rolled in before the base Postoffioe as Second Class ’ Mall was placed. Ih addition to the owned by German interests in the M atter. _______ ! Oregon’s Higher Institution of three-legged roller, a tandem roller United States and now held by this ROOM FOR MORE PA PERS was used to iron ouC the top, which government, will be returned to its gave an exceptionally smooth, even owners. Medford is a pretty good town surface. This pavement has been Eight Schools; Seventy Departments and looked to some folks, including laid over a year and not a single Three hundred and ninety home­ A ttorney Phipps, as if it would sup­ break has occurred as yet. FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. 19. 1921 steads have been filed in Alaska. For inlornttion write to the Hecitlrtr port two dailies. So Phipps tried The building of the fills, or ap­ Oregon Agricultural College it, with his Daily Clarion. I t costs proaches to the Tolo overcrossinf Wood carving by means of a sand C O R V A L L IS him about eighty dollars a day to was included in this contract, and blast is giving satisfactory results. produce his four-page daily, and the the charges later transferred to the past week it has averaged less than stru ctu re construction. These fills twenty-five dollars a day in gross were allowed to settle during the advertising business. These good, w inter of 1919-1920, and in the fol­ new, newspaper fields do not always lowing spring these fills and the i Gasoline prove as good as they look. Besides overcrossing were paved. W ork was, l-ii th a t it takes more than a good w rit­ started May 15, 1919. antFcompleted er and reform er to make a good December 20, 1919, except for the newspaper man. The m atter of cost work at th e Tolo overcrossing. The in relation to income has more to en tire section was completed Julv do with newspaper success. Looks 20, 1920, th e final cost of this pro­ as though wise Medford business ject being $223,062.72, which w as1 men had tum bled to th e fact th a t two newspapers doubles th e ir ad­ vertising expense w ithout increasing LADIES their business, and refuse to en­ Have your suit or coat tailor- courage Phipps’ otherw ise very good made. Come in and see the little newspaper. latest woolens and the new models. Our prices are lower than ready-mades. Medford, •è> ♦ G rants Pass aud Roseburg la­ SUGAR-COATED PILLS OF 't> 'WC, dies are w earing our suits and L? f e i « WISDOM -9 coats— why not you? Subscription P rice D elivered to City Big Production This Evening at Vining Theatre these countries to the United States with little Impediment during the last six months. No m aterial ef­ fort has been made in Europe to divert the gold from them for the purpose of building up- fu r th e r 'th e reserves there. The gold has served to reduce European indebtedness in • erica rather than to aft! in re- storing the gold standard in Europe, -— ------------- ------ *-------------- — The Beider Tractor and P.&0. Disc Plow N ELD A CAFE TECHNOLOGY Suitable lor Hunting and Fishing A b solutely sanitary and up-to- date. Buys only th e best food? and carries all fru its and vege­ tables in season. Makes a Specialty of Coffee and Home Made Pastries We carry several kinds. E veryone is invited to try leather soles. our with Rubber, Made Com position or service eith er «lay or night. Open Until Midnight R. A. AVERY, Prop. ASHLAND ORCCON. Ashland 297 E ast Main Germany Agrees To Payment For Lusitania, Claim OAC Canvas Shoes ih '" a . \ \\ \ , Vbüve Sti-uck’Ti RigEt ' when you Light a CAMEL Your taste will tell you that! For Cam^s have the flavor and fragrance of choicest tobaccos, perfectly .blended. They’re smooth and mellow- mild. And th ere's NO C IG A R E T T Y A F T E R ­ T A ST E . We put the utmost quality into this one brand. Camels are as good as it’s possible for skill, money aud lifelong knowledge of flne tobaccos to make a cigarette. T h a t’s why Camels are TH E Q U A L IT Y C IG A R E T T E . O R R ES — TAILORS From “ Aesop’s Film Fables” — By Aesop, J r.— * THE DONKEY IN THE LION’S <9 SKIN ♦ ♦ ♦ H £ ♦ “Skinners” are often skinned« * * • ■ <». A banana peel isn’t the only ® skin th a t causes falls. ♦ * * * «9 ♦ If you can’t fly your tru e ♦ He who stum bles twice >9 against the same “skin” de- <9 ♦ serves to be “ skinned.” <9 ♦ ♦ • * ♦ “ Hold thy tongue lest it be- > tray ye,” is the m oral message ♦ of Aesop's “The Donkey in the ♦ Lion’s Skin.” ♦ • • * ♦ <9 <9 <8> > «• F at headed people are gen- <» erally thin skinned. <9 ,8» * * * <$ *> A donkey in a lion’s skin is <9 <«► just as useful as steam heat in * Hades. 9 # ♦ > $> -t> «> « * • ♦ ♦ Sometimes a good bluff is more effective than a bad act. • • • A nother’s skin may cover your bonehead but It won’t im- prove your mental machinery. — "Aesop’s Film Fables. ,>,$> <9 YOU HAVE HEARD of men who could hardly w rite th eir own name— hut w ho SA V ED MONEY! Are you, who can read, w rite and earn money willing to be outdone by men less intelligent than /o u rself? Think it over, and start a Savings Account in this strong bank today. tors in the development of motor tn tation; the perfecting of the motor comfort and dependability; the consti of smooth durable highways; the production of a motor fuel—Red Crown gasoline-— which meets every test of power and mile­ age; and finally, the Standard Oil Service Stations at convenient locations, making Red Crown gasoline readily available to motorists. Look for Standard Oil Service Stations and for the Red Crown sign at garages, service stations, and other dealers. There yon will be able to get good service with Red Crown gasoline. ST A N D A R D OIL C O M PA N Y Red Crown the Gasoline o f Quality <9 > < ¿the development o f Jiotor Transportation i There have been many contributing fbo- 4% on DEPOSITS -sAvj*sa X. J. REYNOLDS Taka«« C . W.-utaa-SU««. M. Ç. m W h ile GROCERTERIA Now is the time to start taking advantage o f our 5 PER CENT DISCOUNT on all cash purchases. This continues until I CAM ERAS Keep the Doors of Memory Open with an Ansco No. 2 Box Camera ..............$ 2.60 No. 2A Box Camera . . . . . $ 3.50 Vest Pocket Junior ......... $12.00 1A Folding Camera . . . . $18.00 2C Jr. Folding Camera . . .$20.00 3A Folding Camera $22.00, $27.00 A Full A ssortm ent o f A nsco and E astm an Film s SEPT. 15th Bring Us Your Developing and Printing when the White House will change over to the Grocerteria plan buying and selling for cash only at prices that will mean a real saving to you. Quicker Service Better • Work * OUR FREE DELIVERY WILL CONTINUE Your Patronage Is Invited J. C. KAEGI, Prop. I ANSCO -v Ansco Cam eras Make Perfect Pictu res McNair Bros. VAa Star