r w shland climate without the aid A ot Medicine, cures nine cases out of ten of Asthma. fact. This Is a proven " A shland D aily T idings (Successor to the Semi- Weekly Tidings. VOLUME 2 Voi. 48.) n A.LARIA Germs cannot survive three months In the rich osone at Ashland. The pure domestic water helps. ASHLAND. OREGON1, TUESDAY, ALGLST ;¡n, 19?>. No. 306 W—S B ! CROWN FORCES QUELL SINN FEIN RIOTS DANGER TELLS : CARUSO’S DEATH FIGHT Borah Refuses to ! Supersede Lodge in Party Leadership ---------- i * WASHINGTON, D. C.. Aug. * | > 30.— Senator Borah has de- ; T din ed President H arding’s in- <*> • <•> vitation to become one of the <§> • * adm inistration leaders lu thq-<$ • ?> senate. H arding desired th a t <$> ! Borah assume the role of as- <$> NOTED DANCER. WHO ATTEND ___ ;•» sistant to Senator Lodge, with- <*> E l) I-1 NERAL, TELLS OF LAST' -•> out meaning any reflection on HOI KS OF WORLD’S ’ FAMOUS SINGER. ______ i $ Harding' Refuses Conféré Of Miners and Operators Ra™ By FOUR KILLED Six to One Vote —-- - •» CHICAGO. 111., Aug. 30.— •* Railroad workers continued • their vote today on the ques- • tion of accepting the new wage • scale. The only two im portant developments in the situation •> today was as follows: St. Paul, • Minn., the vote was six to one •• in favor of a strike and walk- I <• <$> ♦! <£ ’ <£•! A ÏJE LF A S Ï <$> POLICE FIRE IN MORS OF SINN 4> FE1NERS AND NATIONALIST o u t. o ffic ia ls of th e fo u r big •$> <»> brotherhoods announced, com- •>> the most influential of the <* £ progressive and Independent 1 senators. The president desired > '> th a t he take the leadership in «$> NEW YORK, Aug 30.— "Caruso ■ unanim ously reject the twelve an effort to harmonize the did not want to die. He believed per cent wage cut, union offic- i forces within the republican BELFAST, A ug. 3 0 .— The tlglu* it was the Supreme Will th at he ials announced. Officials stat- <•> f party, fc. should continue to sing. He was •> ed, however, that the strike or- 4 ing that has raged in the city for ■$» -» '4 > tets. has been called fo r next Thursday 'p; tw een the crown forces and the : John L. Lewis, president of the <î> . ¿v was a t hand.” , and it is said tliey will consider the United Mine W orkers of America, Sinn Fein ami national loyalists, This was the inform ation brought •S r lias asked for a conference between cases of Jam es (Shine) Edw ards and w as stopperl Miortly after Mo<* by Rosina Galii, prem iere dancer of the mine w orkers and ¡operators John Goodwin, taxicab drivers, and itxlay. Three m ore wounded have the M etropolitan Opera company, I ¡from the West Virginia coal fields,, W ilbur (W ig) Jacks, of Eagle Point, lieen added to d ie casualty list, who lias ju st ar-j 1 and that an effort he m ade to end bound over by Justice of the Peace j rived ' from Italy, 1 m aking a to ta l o f thirteen wounded I the trouble there. President Hard- Glenn O. Taylor last week, ou the i Mme. Gall! joined anti four k illed. i ing has refused the request. charge of selling intoxicating liquor. r. Mrs. Caruso imined- President H arding and the war If I should go to a m an’s place This action will insure the trio a lately a fte r th e j departm ent are expected to act if of business, early in th e morning, BELFAST, Aug. 30.— Police were speedy trial, and before th e October death of the tenor. • the threatened hostilities in th<) in­ before he came down, and leave •need to poor volley after volley term of the circuit court. It is also "■ and rem ained with* dustrial area are resum ed. More word th a t I would be back to see from th eir guns into the opposing said some loose ends of the Bank of her and the baby, bloodshed will bring federal inter­ him. .and then, later, came back By LLOYD ALLEN | :obs of Sinn Feiners and national Jacksonville failure will be probed. Gloria, until after vention, it is believed here. Reports with a big, open knife in my hand, LONDON, Aug. 30.— Under com­ loyalists when fierce fighting broke , Jam es Rock and Isaac- Coffman, the funeral. Mme. from the m iners’ w ar district indi* in a threatening m anner, and be­ mand of the veteran polar navigator, out again today, when the mobs clut­ Applegate farm ers, and Bernard Du­ ;:> Galii continued: : cate th at fu rth er trouble is brew- GOLD HILL, Or., Aug. 30.— Con­ gan to vilify and threaten him, 1 Captain Otto Sverdrup, a $5,000,000 tered the streets and broke out in fur. of the K ane's Creek district, “Caruso wanted would not bawl like a calf and I ing, th a t straggling miners a re col­ siderable importance has been at- riots. 1 flotilla of specially equipped ships sentenced to term s in the county so much to get well ihe police a re m aking desperate Ou his deathbed h ê 'is ready tO 8 tart from England> Ger-. jail for possession of stills and il- ru n like a Seer ana go off and lecting under arm s and th a t forces lache(, to the Corporal G group of ! of citizens are assembling to repel try to have him arrested, if he many and Sweden into /h e danger­ efforts to prevent a resumption of licit liquors, are working on county gold mines since the Lucky Bart I v called c a t ic r u L U his J to wife: invasion of the district. tried to knock the kn ife out of K o i i n o G ali» . .Don>| you ous all-hut-uncharted w ater of the work, a t an allowance of a dollar a an«l Blossom groups have been taken, yesterday’s interfactional warfare, think I | ---------- my hand. ; Arctic ocean, carrying,cargoes of es­ ’ourteen casualties were reported to ­ day, the same being tu rn ed oyer to will recover?’ He MADISON, W. Va., Aug. 30.— over by the O. L. Willoughby asso­ I wouldn’t go out looking for sential commodities for the people of day at noon, to u r having been killed their families. The pTTsoners all pled was quiet then aud did uot know he, : Miners protesting against th e state ciation of Alaskan miners. The Cor­ trouble unless I could tru s t my a the fighting during the last twen in open court th a t th e ir in c arce ra -, was geing to die. A little later hei aWaj Siberia' of m artial law in Mingo county are poral G group is contiguous to and legs Bhyijfai qourage to st*ind ’ - t v ’ ThU a jb d * - ty-four hours. The “ Black and Tans” felt terrible pains In hfi c h e st • “i****#*1* Is being en gi­ tion would work 3 hardship ou th e ir ! forming ’a battle line n ear Blair, In situated between these two groups and fight It Out, HAZ KIK. neered by the All-Russian Co-opera- are patrolling the streets with af-** families. must have suffered awful agony Logan county, preparatory to m arch -1 »lines, it is o w n e î and operated mored cars. ‘Again he called to Mrs. Caruso tive 3Ociety oi London- b etter known There has been no new develop-• ! ing over the “ ridge” separating them by Dr W Pl c hisholn? of Gold Hill, as Arcos, the purchasing organisa­ raents in the bootlegging s itu a tio n ,' in an agonizing voice “ I am going from where the deputies and police’ and Dr' Cl Smith, formerly a tion of the Russia soviet govern­ except th a t a h u n t is being made for ! to die. She tried to comfort him, I are encamped. More than 3000 <:° ld resident, w’h o 'is now Uv- a couple of well-known men a b o u t' saying the pain would soon pass and ment. j miners are reported as comprising ing at Porest Grove. The work now th at he would be better. But it! George Solomon, a director of Ar town who have been“ conspicious by : the arm ed force. in Progress is a d rift TSTF Feet in a« ___ closed . . . his . . . c cos- o s , in an exclusive interview with th eir absence since 'th e serving of w aa^ -o t so. Hi« eyes There is strong indication here ,ensHi under the old works. the United Press, frankly explained the first w arrant. m oaning ceased. He was dead. Ç f r t i p that federal troops will be sent to Thp 'o rp o ra l G wiïs uncovered ac- undertaking is Special Agent Sandifer and allies ‘The world has , lost a. a voice th a ti th a t th e . hazardous cnan . . . v lv fl J i r f l C ' t h e war-torn district should actual cidenti,lly ,n 19(M hy JosepK R. Mc- will never he not succeed, left for the north last Friday, a n d . be replaced and a man “" exPerim ent— lt W ______ _ ¡open hostilities break out. A u th o ri-: R av’ wbo had had years of experi­ of splendid splendid character.! character! Though every known precaution it is rum ored th a t a new set of In- I ties claim th a t troops can be placed ' ence in this region prospecting for “ Mrs. Caruso told me she will re- * bei” g U ken in ° rder th a t th e vestigators took th e ir places. Upon i BERLIN, Aug. 30. Police here ln Miniro county w ithin Tive to six gold deposits. While hunting tieer Mrs. Beswick, Mrs. Cochran, Mrs. turn to Am Amori,,., .... „ soon as , her a f - ! ! terious n orthern route into G reater a rrlval a t Roseburg, Sandifer gave i are patrolling the streets in the in-? ,nurfl * - » he h-tited no.,,, .v,,, - .... H inthorne, Mr. Gilmore and Miss m rn 10 erica as terests of “safety f i r s t ” The arm v! f * • d ” ear the 8Ulnm,t of the that “thousands o f , 1 terests ot surety first. fairs have been adjusted. 1 Rusaia may be °Pened to commerce nt a statement —— ----- --------------------- 1 he army ------------------------- - mountain Casually kicking the pine Caribel Morehouse entertained the “ Mrs. Caruso finds it hard to c o n -;° f the WCSt dollars had been collected in Jack-j barracks parts of th e city «♦I» j in various j.i , 1 j WASHINGTON. D. C„ Aug 30— j needles *“ on the ground 1 uuiiiii he iiv* uncovered micoveroc Juniors ot the Baptist Sunday school vince herself that Enrico is dead. Th* ShipS &re carrying a tb0H8and son county. This is news to th e local are filled with reserves, am m u n i-; President H arding intends sending s n e ^ n e n s of quartz TTeavllv laden with | lawn party at the Morehouse Fines were imposed tion, grenades and rifles. H urried I the new German treaty to the sen- with gold. In a few weeks he mined She told me she expects him to walk and one different articles of every­ authorities. home on Third street, Monday ev­ preparations are being made to co m -late for ratification immediately fol- $20,000 on the spot in shallow die in and greet her a t any m om ent day trade in America and Europe. but none paid. ening. Gaines were played and a But when the stu ff is unloaded in -------- --------- ,-------- hat possible pan-German uprisings I lowing the reconvening of congress, glngs on three small parallel veins And every time Enrico's brother, Gi­ “ weine roast” held in the back yard; SAN FRANCISCO. Calif.. Aug. 30 i a tta in areas of the German capital H arding may present it in person. Alarmed at the pinching of the pay ovanni. comes before her view, hei the ice-clogged deltas of the Obi and other refreshm ents were watermelon Following are today’s m arket quoa- grounds are banned to the general i At any rate he will send a m essage' shoot at a shallow depth he sold the heart almost stops beating, She sal Yenesei rivers— fa r above the Arc- public. Cordons of police ------- surround iovanni I tic cinde— everY article will virtual tations on poutrv products ... kh - --------------------- - askjng ,m m ediate ratlfication diggings to Nina M. Smith now musknielou and peaches. While the to me: W henever I see Giovanni childreu were seatd in a circle on the danger points, and the W irth think it is my Enrico. It te a g o n v * b® W° rth itS W*ight g° ,d ‘ b Every miue had been idle for a num ber of bojwes a t 9 o'clock, all agreeing that • - . . . * , and so forth. middle of September. «r $> $> <8> 4 4 <§> <$> '«> ^ <«> are in the army. body thought it was w onderful, bet-j 1 years until Dr. Chisholm, an exten­ their respective teachers were jolly R eturning ter than ever Caruso « confident! ."’ '„T“— the ships will T . " bring " " “ ” out °‘ sive operator in the gold, copper good entertainers. Those present Of that. That was his m istake H e : valuable Sn>OT,an th “ ‘ are ”ow and quicksilver mines in th is re­ 'were: Wilma Gyger, Lola Gilmore. being shipped to the Obi and Yone- did not pay attention to his lungs, gion, recently acquired an interest Erm ina Selby, Clara A tterbury, Iris sei deltas by agents of the soviet which had become affected. He l)ad in the property and reopened it. A tterbury, Frances Hardy. Dorothy government a t Moscow. not the power there. The mine is six miles out of Gold Sherard, Frances Philpott, Jane: “ Prom the tim e the boats start, V olum e L acking j Hill on the left fork of Sardine Wilson, Gladys Groves. Janey W alk­ we shall be in daily touch with ev- THTBE GOES UP "The voice retained the old rich-i j creek, at an elevation of 2600 feet er, Lucille Beswick. Evelyn Finch. , 50/1E PUMPKIN ness nf tcTio - . e ry one Hi«™ by wireless, said JHE BALLOON,1 YEP.’ WE ARE W V E COT THERE, ■ . A .?* he .